《Vacuous Void》Chapter 2


Chapter 2- Everyday life and the system

It's been a whole week since Void has come to this world and he has been living with Driana this whole time. I didn't get an lady narrator! I'm sad. Day and night Void has been studying this world and sometimes he would go out or play with Driana. He learned a lot through skills and just by going around, on how this world works.

This is mine, Void's perspective now. And stupid narrator! You want me to go really crazy with two voices in my head!

So, let's explain this world, this world is like an game, medieval times, modern, fantasy, and setting to make the 97367th most chaotic of most dimensions, I've been in list, I've been to too many dimensions, sigh. At least it doesn't have an futuristic setting or I'll be seeing robots with swords shooting magic, while space invaders is playing out somewhere in the battlefield.

This is one of the towns where it is mostly medieval setting for buildings but the technology still consists of the same thing close to Earth. This world also plays like a game to most civilians and they use status and skills to check the capabilities of people.

“status!” (V)

Nothing happened

Status! Void thought in his head and then an window showed up in front of him. This dumbass how many dimensions he's been through and still do dumb shit.

[race: human/rift-sovereign]

[age: 27,193]

[gender: male]

[level: just run...]

[class: Void-Omega](run, I say, run!)

[Strength: were doomed]

[Agility: our ends gonna be quick]

[Intelligence: 99999..](pretty stupid, even more doomed)

[Techniques: were totally dead]

{Title} [everything you can think of, from hero to lolicon, even panty licker]

{skills} [everything, too. From destroyer of dimensions the sword Ragnarok to stripping skills]

What... what's with this and why is my intelligence the only thing displayed in numbers! And hero to lolicon, panty licker, stripping skills? Ah, come on! And when the fuck!? Did I get that old!


Wow, they got you totally... right. I've come to love this system! Only if it was an lady narrator.

Oh, shut up! Now let's look at somebody else status.

[race: human]

[age: 21]

[gender: female]

[level: 44]

[class: knight]

[Strength: 20]

[Agility: 18]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Techniques: 14]


[One who is a coward but brave]

[The caring]

[Beauty that none can match, not even goddesses]

[An stupid one, too]

[One who doesn't know their own charm]


[Swordsmanship- lvl.6/10]

[Shielding- lvl.4/10]

[Double slash- lvl.8/10]

[Charge- lvl.7/10]

[Cooking- lvl.10/10]

[Inter-space item box]

The status of soldiers seems to be like this. Normal people could be in the one digit zone. This world is pretty weak, but I why did I get call dumb for having 99999.. intelligence, ahhhhhh..... seems I could destroy this world with a flip of a finger. I also have my status concealed, so the world might underestimate me.

This town was called Tranus and was a mix of modern and medieval. The world had guns and vehicles, but this town doesn't use them. There are many other countries and towns out there, too.

We don't need the towns because they follow mostly what the country does.

This country, I'm in now was called Unerus, it was an country where freedom was known and people choose what they do. This country was known as an strong power but the people who lived in it knew, only their outside was strong. The inside was full of gangs, criminals, and greed. The government was ruled like a democracy people and people choose their leader but it doesn't mean a group doesn't do things behind the scenes. They were neutral but still got into battles of the others and that was one of their downfall.

There were 8 countries in total, including Unerus. They were, hyker, an country were technology was leading and they made futuristic stuff; lyland, an country where production was their key and people got their occupation chosen by higher ups; Rejur, an fallen high power and the ones who were in an non-warfare battle against Unerus; thyler, an allied country with Unerus and known as Unerus ancestor. Julier; one of Unerus enemies and was in wartime right now; Xeir, known as an demon country and no humans lived there; lueter, an sky island kind of country, where where people known as hybrids of humans and animals called beastman lived; and the last Dranar, country of elves and dragons, they were true neutrals that never got in wars, it was an cold and snowy country due to that most people only live down south.


This planet in the was called Rime. The Unerus language was also like an global language where most people not from or born in Unerus,

use it for business.

After going through the information, Void walked out the room he was staying in. The first thing that came to sight was an lady, walking around with a towel on her head and totally naked. The only thing Void could do was stare, and watch the scene play out.

Her white hair was like ice that was smooth as possible, she was slender but had big breast, and skin as white as the moon at night.

“ah!......wah.” (DV)

And then Driana ran away to her room and shut the door with a boom. And then she came out with clothes on and blushing, such a disappointment.

“sorry, I'm still not used to having someone living with me.” (DV)

“I get it, but you better get used to it. It's been a week and you keep doing this.” (V)

For an week Void had to put up with this. What an lucky bastard, I wish he could just die.

“well, I gotta go to work, so take care.” (DV)

Everyday in the afternoon Driana had to go to work as an member of Valorios.

“oh, and remember tomorrow you have to come with me. They want to meet you because you saved me.” (DV)

After she said that, she left through the window because apparently someone decided to see what happens if he teleported into the door and messed up the mechanics of physics so it wouldn't even move an inch.

Void thought the meeting tomorrow might be troublesome and wanted to go and hide like an rabbit. But he still decided to go and today he was going to look at the center of town.

Void walked on the streets and headed towards the center. He saw kids playing and the streets were lively with many people walking around. He walked into the center and only saw concrete or buildings made of marble but the streets were still lively.

What he was here for was just for exploration and he needed something to do. He walked into an store for electronics and bought himself an computer and a phone. How he got the money? Of course he teleported into an bank vault and stole the money. What did you expect, no one can catch him.

He came back home and started setting things up and the next moment he started playing games. He started doing a bunch of stuff on the computer and the last page he was on was his browser history and he clicked {clear all}.

“ah.. that was refreshing.” (V)

Refreshing, my ass! I had to watch that shit! Why am I the narrator!? Well, see you next time reader, good for you, you only read that scene.

“oh.. shit you guys saw nothing!” (V)

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