《Vacuous Void》Chapter 1


Chapter 1- The town and a home

The sky was dark, and a view full of light came to their sight. Forima Riftvoid and Driana Vlad had travel far and long to reach the town.

The town was very lit up and the buildings were made of mostly wood, but the in the center buildings were made from marble and concrete. The whole town was surrounded by an wall of metal bars and there was an gate, where there were guards keeping watch.

They went up to the gate and the guards stopped them.

"Hey, why is your armor so messed up, what happened? And if you're going in please show your identification card." (guard a)

The guard was very conscious because one of them had armor full of holes and the other had a weird robe on that seem to output darkness into the atmosphere, he also couldn't see his face.

Driana took out an card from an unknown space and showed it to the guard.

"Oh, you're an valorios and your class is a knight, but what about that guy behind you?" (guard a)

"what could have happened that made that much holes in your armor and how come you don't have any wounds?" (guard b)

The other guard was very astonished that the armor had so many holes but she had no wounds.

"You see me and a few others were out training and we got ambushed, and I'm the only one who got away. And this guy behind me saved me this is why I'm still alive, now." (DV)

"Oh, then is he an healer? Well, you guys can go in then and remember to report what happened to the organization." (guard a)

The two were let in the gate and what came into view was a beautiful sight. The streets glowed with colors of light and there were little to no people outside. The sky was full of stars and the night seemed to flow like a river where time was just perfect.


"Do you know where you're gonna stay tonight?" (DV)

Driana asked a question and Void thought deeply, then said

"No, I've never been here, is there a place like an inn?" (V)

Void was very troubled because he was so excited that he managed forgot about a place to stay.

"then, why not stay with me I live alone, here's the direction to my house." (DV)

Driana thought about it and came to a conclusion that this is how she will repay him. And took out an paper and drew to directions down, from no where, again.

Well, now I got a place to stay but first I have to find out about the way this world works.

"Well, I have to go report this event to the organization, so please wait for me at in my house." (DV)

After saying that Driana ran off into the distance

Now, lets use one of my skill to analyze this world and then go to Driana house.

Void used an skill called {knowledge of the unknown} and information flowed into his head like water flowed in an river.

Well, lets go to the house first and check out the information, Void thought.

When he got to the place he saw an wooden house which was fairly lit and came to the door. But, when he tried to open the door it was locked.

"Uh, what should I do?" (V)

Void thought out loud and came up with an great plan, to climb through the window! This guy is really dumb.

"You're the dumb one." (V)

Stop breaking the wall and who would climb through a window? They'll see you as an thief and can't you just teleport inside!

"Wow! teleportation, that's an great idea!" (V)



And so Void teleported inside the house.

The inside had all the rooms one need for a house and had only one floor and had 3 bed rooms. The house was very clean and it seemed to sparkle in the moon light.

When Driana came back, she looked at him very weirdly then said.

"Sorry, I forgot the door was locked, how did you get in? you didn't climb through the window did you?" (DV)

"No, I just teleported inside." (V)

But, you thought about climbing through the window, you dumbass.

"You! shut up!" (V)

Driana got scared by his sudden outburst and ran to a corner, hugged her knees and tears started coming out from her eyes.

"That wasn't meant for you, sorry it's because I sometimes hear voice in my head." (V)

Void tried to explained things but he didn't expect the outcome.

"You're an crazy person! Whahaha, that's even worst." (DV)

He made things worst

"No, no, I'm not a crazy person!" (V)

"Then, what are you?" (DV)

"I'm an genius, an genius!" (V)

And so the idiot, who calls himself an genius, started to explained things and got the misunderstanding out of the way

Then, Void whispered "I'm gonna get you back for this."

That'll never happen though because I'm an even more OP character then this really OP character! The narrator!

And so, the story goes to a point of man and women living under the same roof. Can I get an lady narrator, too? It's kind of boring just telling stories, author please pay me with an lady narrator! Please!

“hell nah! I don't wanna hear another voice in my head! I'm already being suspected of being crazy!” (V)

Narrator: sad face

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