《Vacuous Void》Prologue- An new world and the knight


Arc- An new dimension and the battle of Vilirous Prologue-An new world and the knight

Time is just an perspective to life and our knowledge of the world will be and forever be little, there are no limits.

This is the story of an hybrid of human and an existence known as an rift-sovereign's adventure.

Life is truly a mystery, why do we exist, are we real, is this just all a dream... well none shall be answered 😝 (for our time that is)

Hi, my name is Forima Riftvoid, just call me Void for short.

I am an 24 year old man, well I look like one, I'm actually an existence that have lived for hundreds of years. I have black hair, 160cm tall, fairly girly face, long hair that seems like they connect with shadows. I'm wearing an hooded robe which seem like an character of darkness would wear in games.

Well, I can change my appearance to anyway I want, because I'm not fully human, so some stuff might change in the future.

I'm part rift-sovereign, which is an creature that can travel through dimensions and has abilities that are overpowered, in my opinion. It even has the word sovereign in it, you know it's strong just by hearing that.

I've travel through millions of dimensions, right now I'm in the dimension your in, and now I shall travel to a new one to start an new journey.

In front of Void's eyes space seem twist and break and then he got sucked into an purple and black glowing crack in space.

The sky was as blue as an untainted ocean and clouds seem to be nowhere to be found. Void was standing in the middle of the woods, looking up to the heavens, as if he was deep in thought. This was an new dimension, there are some differences between each one, and for this one Void will have to venture to find out.


Now, let's do some explaining about the main character shall we. Void was born into this reality with only him to fend for himself. [ah.. don't remind me it's sad] Shut up! Void, it's time for explaining! Not wall breaking! So shall we continue, he found out about his race of Rift-Sovereign from an early age and manage to find himself here now. The only known Rift-Sovereign is him, maybe as of now, we never know. Now I'll let him do the explaining, I'm gonna go to sleep.

What do you even need sleep for!? your just an narrator!

Well I guess I'll do the explaining then. I travel for adventure and excitement, I've already told you the information on my travel numbers. I'm a character that does not want anything holding me back. I will not hesitate to slaughter those who do me wrong.

Those who I call friends are none, I always come and go. Feelings are a weakness I shall stifle for the rest of my life (that's why you're dull). I have strength and technique that of the top, no one of all dimensions can match me even an percent. Now time for my new journey to begin.

The reason I went to another dimension is because I learned everything, that I could from Earth. I was an big character within society, but I did things behind the scenes. I had power close to an ruler and I got hunted for it. I knew the world like my own body and mind, especially what's on your browser history.

After everything happened Void walked to find civilization, till the sun set, and on his way met an female wearing armor and looks like an knight. The women looks very beautiful, had smooth white flowing hair, and a feminine face, but she had wounds all over her body and her armor was full of holes, like she got attacked by a bear, with diamonds for claws.


"Help me, please help me." (female knight)

"what happened, why are you so badly wounded?" (Void)

This lady is so badly wounded that it makes death seem like heaven.

"we got ambushed and I'm the only one who managed to get away!" (FK)

I'm not gonna help with revenge but I guess I'll heal her wounds for her.

The women looked terrified when she looked up and saw Void's figure but managed to speak. Void reached out his hand and light came from nowhere and the wound on the lady was now gone.

"your an healer!? Thank goodness you saved me, how will I ever repay you." (FK)

The lady was still scared inside, but decided to trust him until she gets help.

"No need, will you tell me if there's a town nearby, I'm a traveler you see." (V)

I have to keep Rift-Sovereign an secret that I shall protect until my flames burn out. So, an traveler sounds reasonable.

"If that's the case then I'll take you there, as thanks and I need to tell the organization about this, I haven't introduce myself my name is Driana Vlad." (DV)

Good I managed to get an guide. Now, can I trust her?

"Just call me Void." (V)

Whatever, my name is too hard to say, even the author forgot how to spell it. Stupid author!

"Okay, Void should we get going then." (DV)

-Somewhere in the voids of dimensions-

"Void... where are you.... your life shall be mine." (??)

-somebody's thought-

'Void shall be mine and mine alone, nobody can have him but me.'

-above the skies-

An battle of the ages was happening, weapons clashed to together like crazy.

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