《The Wyrm King》CHAPTER VII: Conquest of the Wyrms
The battles that had followed during the next century placed the Kingdom of Annoria as the most feared in the land. During this time the King built a foot army of many of the races combined, Orcs, Men, Dwarves, and Elves. They all fought side by side flying the Banner of Annoria. This banner was oriented with fourteen symbols, each representing a Dragon. The King started to use this term as it sounded better than saying Wyrm all the time and it was basically Draken’s name spelled out differently. In the center of the fourteen symbols there was a single flame which represented the King. The King designed the banner himself and he was very proud of it. Each of the symbols were the symbols of the sources of Chaos’s power, which were also inscribed on his blade and scabbard. These symbols are the last remaining remnants of the before age, the age of Annor and before. Annor’s temple after long searching was found to be buried in ash, and the other temples befell much the same fate but with a different element at their disposal. The temples were protected but they were lost. Also over the century the King’s arms grew more ashlike, this time his entire arm to the shoulder was ash ridden and his hands and wrists were embers. He often looked at his hands and arms in wonder, Chaos is a beautiful thing after all.
His court wizard was let in on the powers of immortality by claiming an ancient artifact acquired from conquests of the King. Kronen was starting to get drunk with power and the King warned him many times what power can do to you should you not be careful with it. War after war was fought, war after war was won. The King of Wyrms became the most feared King in the history of the land. Often was he visited by members of the Order of Wizards, and more often than not he started to not recognize them. Until one fateful day however when he was visited by a wizard whom he knew very well. He was visited by none other than Hevaar. The King threw a feast in honor of Hevaar, who when the King saw him was far older and much less strong but all the wiser than what he used to be. Hevaar began, “This feast is glorious old friend, how goes the conquest?” The King answered, “Very good thanks for asking. How long has it been old friend, how many years?” Hevaar replied, “Too many for my taste. I feel the pull of death on my doorstep. I can feel it everywhere I am, like he is haunting me, like he is waiting.” The King said, “You have lived a magnificent life, do not be afraid for it to end my friend. After all you are a wizard are you not? You should welcome death as your job has been upheld, your oath has been followed, and your debt has been paid.” Hevaar replied, “That is easy for you to say but you are immortal, and you have not aged a day since last we spoke. Might I say I am very jealous of it as well, I used to be handsome, now I’m just an old fart waiting to die.” The King laughed a bit and said, “You may be an old fart but you still have your younger looks to you. You at least have kin to pass on the wizard title to do you not?” Hevaar said, “No sadly, I have had four girls and they do not allow girls into the Order, I fear my bloodline stops here with my bad luck.”
The King answered, “Nonsense my friend, I will speak with them and get your eldest daughter accepted.” Hevaar asked, “How? It is full of young arrogant wizards, Kraan died many decades ago and Votaar is nearer to death than I. How will you sway their mind to change the rules that existed for millenia?” The King smirked and said, “I am the King of Wyrms Hevaar. None can withstand my power, nor the power of Chaos. I will take care of it and I will let you know. In the meantime stay here for as long as you wish, I will be on my way to the Order at dawn.” Hevaar said, “Thank you old friend, this means a great deal to me. Even with your ruthless wars raged across the land you still have a noble heart within you.” Hevaar went back to enjoy the festivities of the feast and the King went to acquire the Twins.
He found the Twins in the middle of combat, fighting with each other. The King watched and clearly saw that this battle would last forever, they had equal strength and neither could best the other. He waited until they started to endanger those that were near to break up the fight. The King began, “That is enough you two, I have a mission that involves the both of you and myself. Shall we get going?” The Twins growled in anticipation and followed the King to the council chambers to tell of his departure. He did so and he went to fill the Twins in on his plan. His plan was simple and very easy for the Twins to understand. The King said, “We are going to attack an army of Orcs, and I want to utterly destroy them, with only a single survivor as we always have done. Am I clear you two?” Each of the Twins agreed and the King climbed onto Borak and all three of them took off towards the Orcs.
As the three approached, the King saw clearly that the Orcs were moving to war, their ranks littered with trolls and giants. They were noticed within seconds of coming into view and they sent the Orcs scattering and most fled for their lives. The King could not tell who were the smarter of the Orcs, the ones running, or the ones accepting their deaths. He cared little either way however and let loose the twins on the Orc hordes. The battle was a massacre for the Orcs and was over quickly. The King and the Twins swiftly obliterated the Orc hordes and soon hunted down the survivors, all but one however. The King was the one to find the last of the Orcs and relayed to him a message for whoever kept spawning the Orcs. The King said, “I am the Wyrm King, and with all the power I have, the next death by my blade will be you.” The King and the Twins watched the Orc scramble off to carry the message to his leader. He told the Twins, “Return home my Twins, your job is done. I will walk to the Wizard Order, I have some business to deal with, send Fenaar at tomorrows first sunrise to come and get me, and tell him to make haste.” The Twins roared in acknowledgement and soared off back towards Annoria while the King walked towards the Wizard Order.
The King arrived at the Wizard Order’s tower several hours before sunset, while there was still plenty of daylight left. He entered the massive crystalline tower and quickly was confronted by two guards. The guards demanded, “Who are you and what do you want?” The King said, “I am the Wyrm King, and I wish to speak with the council on an important matter.” The Guards replied, “None shall see the council without permission, important or not.” Just then Hevaar came into the main entrance hall where the King and the guards were. Hevaar exclaimed, “Ah, Wrecker, long time no see my friend, let him pass.” The guards shuffled out of the way, the King said, “Does that count as permission?” as he passed. The guards scoffed at him and went back to their posts while Hevaar and the King caught up a bit and went to approach the council. The two walked and approached a large set of stairs. The King sighed and asked, “Is this the only way up?” Hevaar said, “Sadly yes, only the head can teleport in and out of the tower, and even with that only limited places. Each floor is a wizards, mine is the lowest, where we are going however, is the highest. You best get ready for the climb, it is not nice on the knees, especially at my age.” They laughed and started the climb which took them nearly a half hour to reach the top of the tower.
Hevaar stopped the King before he entered the councils chambers and said, “Be wary, the new head is a bit hot headed, he is the son of Kraan, and he is very young and new to this responsibility.” The King said, “Not to worry, I am terrific with children.” Hevaar gave a slight smirk but said, “That is not funny, this order has changed from what it once was, you are known but not respected by the young ones here.” The King replied, “The fault is theirs then should a conflict arise, remember Hevaar, I do not give respect when I do not get it. Now let us get on with it, I will not leave until your daughter is allowed to be your successor, by any means necessary.” Hevaar chuckled and said “I thank you but do not do anything rash, then again you always have been good at that, let us go.”
Hevaar and the King entered the council chamber, Hevaar said aloud, “I call for council, we have a visitor from afar with a request.” Hevaar said to the King, “Stand in the middle of the room and wait until the head arrives.” The King walked to the center of the room and stood waiting. Hevaar took his seat and soon the other wizards of the council entered. The King saw Votaar enter second to last and he nodded to him. Votaar nodded back and took his seat after slowly trudging his way across the room to his chair. He said as he passed the King, “Good to see you old friend, time has aged me terribly, you on the other hand don’t look a day older. What a curse eh?” They laughed and the room soon went quiet again. Minutes passed as they waited and the King looked around the room, impatient with the seemingly slow response speed of the head of the council. He scanned the seats that went around the room in a circle and only one of them was empty. He cursed under his breath and crossed his arms, the wizards could tell he was annoyed.
Just then a crackle of energy was seen and the head teleported in, he walked to his chair, in no form of hurry and he sat down. As soon as he did he asked, “Who might you be now stranger and what do you want?” The King said, “I am the Wyrm King, and I have a request to make of your court.” The younger wizards talked amongst themselves and were drowned out by the head saying, “You are the Wyrm King? From the tales I’ve heard you possess a great power with a terrible curse.” The King said, “That is right.” The head asked, “What is your request?” The King said, “I request that Hevaar’s daughter be allowed to succeed him, I will allow little argument but know, I will not leave until it has been done.” The head laughed and said, “My guards will throw you from this tower then, we have rules, and daughters cannot be chosen.” The King replied, “I figured you might say that, so that's why I brought this.”
The King pulled an ancient document out of a small bag at his side and he tossed it to the head. The head caught it and looked it over and asked, “Where did you get this document?” The King replied, “From your father, Kraan. He also said this will serve as a debt payment, for I saved his life.” The head laughed and said, “It was my father’s debt not mine, why should I honor it?” The King started to grow angry and said, “A parents debts are passed to their children, no matter their level of importance or lack thereof.” The head said, “I am Kraagor the Keeper, son of Kraan the Keeper, I am in debt to no one. It takes one with children to pass a debt on, and my father may have been indebted to you but that has long since been payed, he ruined his life trying to keep you in check, that is payment enough. You don't even have children though do you? Oh, that's right, your family is dead, guess there’s no debts that can be passed now are there?”
The King became very angry at that comment, the other wizards sat and the King fumed with anger. Heat began to race around the room and Kraagor looked at Hevaar and said, “Stop this infernal heat Hevaar, have you gone mad?” Hevaar replied, “It is not me doing that, try the only person in this room which you should not disrespect like what you just did, you are messing with powers above you young one, do not go too far, you may already have I fear.” The King looked at Kraagor and said, “I feel your life force boy. I feel your power, want to feel mine?” The room began to heat up, choking the air out and causing the wizards to barely be able to breath. The King said, “You have shown the utmost disrespect for me. You are a disgrace to your father and the title of Keeper. You are nothing but a boy playing as King, only in age do you gain knowledge and power. I have both knowledge and power, which would you rather be bombarded with?”
Small fires started to crop up, Votaar yelled, “Wrecker! Halt this nonsense. You’ll kill us all you hot headed fool!” The King snarled, and the heat started to die down, the wizards caught their breath and Kraagor said, “That is an attack against the order, you are deemed an enemy of the court and you are banished from this tower. GUARDS!” The King replied, “So be it. You want me as an enemy, you got it.” Several guards entered and Kraagor said, “Remove this filth from the tower at once.” The guards moved towards the King and he said, “I said I wasn’t leaving until Hevaar’s daughter is allowed to succeed him, a couple vermin will not change that.” The first guard to grab the King was thrown across the room causing the other guards to draw their weapons. The King laughed and burst his arms into flames and he said as he did, “Blades are too easy for this, I will show you what great power I hold.” Votaar shouted, “Kraagor this is madness, put a stop to this immediately. Your father was in debt to him, as are both Hevaar and myself. As were the rest of your parents, this order and this world is in his debt. Pride goeth before the fall, so get off your high horse Kraagor, before Wrecker knocks you off of it. None of us have the power to stop him, neither do all of us combined. Learn control young one, it is the most important.”
“No.” replied Kraagor. “I have enough power to deal with him, Guards go back to your posts, I will handle this.” The guards left the council chamber leaving only the wizards and the King in the room. Kraagor stood and walked near to the center of the room and said, “I win I get to control your Dragons and I get your power on a leash.” The King said, “I win, Hevaar’s daughter succeeds him, and any deviation will result in the most terrible death you can imagine, death by the infernal spores of the eastern swamps. I do not plan on losing my Wyrms either. This will be easy boy, you are not your father.” The two clashed for no longer that two minutes. The King easily defeated Kraagor, and forced him to surrender. The King said, “Listen to Votaar. Learn control boy, it is the first thing I learned from my power, otherwise the world would be fire and destruction now, I am capable of it believe me. Now see Hevaar’s daughter succeeds him, do not make me come back here to do it myself either….” The King said to the remaining council, “Make this be a warning young ones. Control yourself and respect all, especially those older and wiser, also those stronger than you. Hevaar and Votaar have great knowledge, learn from them, and keep an eye on this one.”
The King left the council room and began the slow climb down the tower. He passed Hevaar’s floor and saw several people running around, he was approached by a young girl who asked, “Are you a friend of my father?” The King asked, “Is your father Hevaar?” The girl replied, “Yes he is, I’m going to be a wizard too one day, if the council let's me.” The King said, “I am a friend of your fathers, and that is why I am here actually, you are going to succeed him. I just spoke with the council and they have allowed it, good luck young one, next time I see you will probably be many years from now, take care of your father now you hear.” The girl said, “I will don’t worry.” They laughed and the King continued on his way out, back past the two guards who confronted him earlier, one of which actually was the one he threw across the room. The King said as he passed, “Bet that felt good eh?” He laughed and as soon as he left the tower Fenaar crashed down to take him home.
The King climbed onto Fenaar and they sped off towards Annoria. Fenaar asked, “How did it go? Will Hevaar’s daughter be given his place when he dies?” The King replied, “Yes she will, she has power within, I spoke with her a little actually, she is very young, a child still, she will not disappoint I am sure of that. Now let us make haste home, I must find out the progress on the armies.” The two raced across the lands, the King occasionally looked down on them, seeing many look up in fear, and many looking up in wonder. Fenaar the Fleet was the fastest of his Wyrms by far, and he covered ground extremely quickly. The trip from Annoria to the Order took around five hours when Krathen carried him. Within two hours already with Fenaar Annoria came into view, and the sun was now beginning to set, touching the tops of the mountains around his kingdom.
The King took a deep breath and took in the sight of his kingdom. He said to himself, ‘I wish they were here to see what I have built, they would love it.’ Fenaar let loose a roar which signaled their arrival, and for being the smallest of his Wyrms, Fenaar was by far the loudest of them all. Fenaar’s roar could be heard for miles around and even through a storm. Fenaar landed in the large courtyard at the rear of the main castle, also the highest point of the entire castle. This was the personal memoriam for all of the Kings fallen friends, and by use of his power, with each death he carves a name into the cliffside, every name of every ally that has died, no matter how known, or unknown. He took pride in this wall, as it was very large, and was nowhere near complete. It was however dedicated to only those who fell in combat or from the result of combat.
He had a very large and ornate column carved out of the same mountain the wall was and it was placed in the center of the courtyard. In the column lies the melted down and due to the power of the King, shrank down, armour of the names on the wall, or any metallic possessions. He ran his hand over the column and remembered his fallen comrades, and he knew that this column would not be large enough. He knew that immortality would deem this column useless after thousands of deaths, and he was not sure what he would do when the time came that the wall and column were filled. He soon decided that he would bury the remaining in places of their choosing, and he would let all know as many times as he needed that both the column and the wall are for all to be remembered, not just the names and armour of those on them. He said to Fenaar, “You can go now, have fun for a bit, we will have a council tomorrow to decide what to do with the armies that have resurfaced after our efforts, I know that is not all of them.” Fenaar snarled and raced off into the sky and within seconds was out of sight.
The King walked into the castle from the courtyard and walked down a very long hallway. At the end of the hallway was a staircase that delved very far down, on level with the rest of the keep and he proceeded to his throne room, which was also the council room. He called for his court wizard to come and within the hour, Kronen had arrived, with a very new looking staff and set of rings. The King asked, “Where did you get such items Kronen? They are rather exquisite and very old looking.” Kronen said, “I was on my way to the old Elven city of Lith’ Oreanas, you may remember the city, and I was attacked by trolls. I killed them and searched about for their nearby home and I found it, I found many weapons but I took only what I saw as fit for me, there were many swords there however, not sure how the trolls found them though. I took them and polished them, and they became this good looking.” The King said, “Well now it definitely looks like they are old and are very useful. Do not let your power overcome your senses Kronen, with great power comes great responsibility.” Kronen said, “I will try not to my liege, but it is hard as you may know.”
“I know all too well Kronen, all too well.” The King replied. Kronen asked, “How was your journey, and were you successful in your task?” The King answered, “The flight both ways was liberating as always, and the task was completed, Hevaar’s eldest daughter will succeed him.” Kronen answered, “Good, good. Keeping it in the family is a good thing, keeping to tradition.” The King answered, “I did not do that for tradition because it breaks it, I did it for Hevaar as he had borne no son. I broke tradition today, and allowed women to be part of the order so those elders on the court with no viable heirs do not need to worry, unless they have no heirs. That is another problem altogether.” Kronen asked, “So what have you summoned me for?” The King said, “Ah yes, before I forget. I want you to travel to each of the capitals, of the Dwarves, Elves, and Men. I want you to give them a choice, stay out of our way, or feel our wrath.” Kronen asked, “What of the Orcs?” The King said, “They will crawl in the holes as they always have until they have the numbers, or what they think as comfortable numbers for war. The Orcs can be dealt with easily, but the other's shall pose a somewhat larger threat. So go and tell them the choice I offer them, and stress no exception.” Kronen replied, “Yes my liege, at once. I will make haste.”
Kronen left the hall leaving the King alone in his throne and staring down the massive hall. All the while he watched Kronen leave, he had a suspicion about Kronen for some reason, he felt something was off about him. He shook that off and soon brought his mind to other thoughts. He thought of the many battles he would fight, the many centuries that will pass, he began to think of when he might choose to return the sword and power, and finally end. This thought was interrupted by a young scribe barging in and racing towards the King. The King did not move until the scribe came very close and he asked, “What has happened?” The young scribe said, “The wizard Votaar has died, your presence is requested by Hevaar and the council.” The King looked down at the floor and was stricken with grief. He said to the scribe, “Take water and rest that horse, I will leave for the order immediately.” The scribe said, “Thank you sir, they bid you make haste as well, his son is to be given his spot as well.” The King replied, “Thank you for telling me this news, although terrible it is. I will send out now.”
The King nearly ran out of the castle, he was moving at a very fast pace. Once he was outside he looked around for one of his Wyrms but none were in sight and he remembered, it was their hunting season. They would all be out hunting and slaying beasts. He decided to attempt to teleport there, he was not sure if he would be able to however on account of the limits on the powers able to be used within and around the tower. He remembered back however to Annor, who had helped build the tower originally, and how his power was within the blade that the King carried at his side. This made him confident he could in fact do it, and so he tried it. He did not use the normal means of teleportation however, he instead used more chaotic means. He surrounded himself in a swirling ball of flame, and he concentrated on where he wanted to go, the front door of the tower. He closed his eyes and released his power outward.
The two guards at the door didn’t get to see much action, the age was somewhat peaceful and not entirely filled with a large war as it usually had been in years past. They were deep in conversation when a ball of flame appeared and erupted outwards. They drew their weapons and shortly thereafter they lowered their guard as it was the Wyrm King. one of the guards demanded, “How have you done that? None can teleport in or out unless you are the Keeper.” The King walked past them and said, “I am a keeper, the keeper of Wyrms. There is nowhere I cannot go.” The King was soon greeted by Hevaar and the rest of the council, except for Votaar of course who was dead. Hevaar said, “He wanted you here after he died, said that you would know why after it. It is a shame he is gone, he was an admirable friend and a powerful wizard.” The King said, “He saved my life as well, and he helped me gain my revenge. I cannot repay him for that, but I have tried many times over the years, doing all I can, helping as much as possible. I have done the job of this order for a while lately, keeping the land in check. I will no longer after this next couple of days however Hevaar.” Hevaar asked, “What do you mean?”
The King said, “I have sent Kronen to inform the different races of the land they can either stay out of my way with the things I am doing and will do in the future, or I will destroy them outright.” Hevaar said, “If you do this, we will have to respond.” The King said, “Just hope it is after your time then, I would hate to have to kill you old friend, or any of those on the court for that matter. I knew all of their parents and they respected me, at least from what I saw. Votaar might have cared a little too much, but it is in his nature to be like that, I hope his son can do as much as he did for this land and care just the same. Where is his son now that I think of it?” Hevaar looked around and said, “Not sure at the moment, but I would advise not going to war with the land, nothing good ever comes out of war, both you and I know that.” The King laughed and said, “This is not because I want to go to war, this is about respect and fear. I want the land to see me as the punishment for any misdeeds they commit, but first I must instill that fear by savage means. I have been busy solving the problems of the races ever since my kingdoms walls first rose and my standard fluttered proudly overhead. My Wyrms were devices of destruction, they would be the things that carried out the fear inducing actions, and should one be killed, my vengeance will be swift and horrible. Keep that in mind should we be unlucky enough for war to arise within ample time.”
Hevaar asked, “What about this Kronen seems familiar to me? The name is just on the edge of my mind but I cannot place it. You said he was a wizard?” The King said, “Well not a wizard of course but a user of magic. He was going to replace Votaar but I had already influenced him and given him immortality which I may live to regret but, that's not important. He is my personal magic thrower, and he makes fancy parties much more fun. He is a bit of an entertainer when it comes to crowds. He studied as a bard for nearly a decade and he is very good, his instruments are strung by magic and the melodies they play soothe even the most savage of my Wyrms. I would fear that but I do not feel he is a threat to me. Lately however I have been getting an odd feeling from him, I cannot quite place what it is. It is a presence that is with him that he recently acquired, I find he travels in the East for long amounts of time, maybe too long. I do not question him though, I placed him in charge of keeping an eye on the Orcs which is where I learned of a group of Elvish outcasts that reside in the East in the Ashlands.” Hevaar asked, “Elves? In the Ashlands? I wonder what they are doing there.” The King replied, “They are breeding Orcs.” Just as he had finished that sentence the ceremony had started, the King knew Hevaar had many questions but they would have to wait for now. They must first bury a fallen friend.
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