《The Wyrm King》CHAPTER VI: All Hail the King of Wyrms
Many months later the city was finally cleaned and had begun to rebuild from the devastation the Orcs attack had brought them. Wrecker used most of his time to meditate, and all the while he saw a very disturbing image in his head of a beast. This beast had scales of iron, large wings, large enough to carry its massive weight, and its breath was that of fire. He snapped out of his meditation suddenly and looked around quickly. He felt an awkward feeling about the beast he kept seeing, like he was supposed to find this beast, or create this beast. He approached Votaar and explained to him the description of the beast and Votaar replied, “Be weary of future visions, they leave great detail out. Of this beast you described there is nothing I have heard of like it. Be very careful where you go from here on, it may be a sign of something to come.” Wrecker nodded and said, “I will accompany Gornik back to his home I think and then I will seek adventure elsewhere, I did not think this far ahead….” He paused and then thought of Annor in his temple, and the curse of the sword, he could die and be with his family. Votaar noticed this pause and asked, “What is it?” Wrecker said, “It is something about the curse of this blade. When it is destroyed I am allowed to die, but I cannot otherwise.” Votaar asked, “Why did you not tell of this earlier?” Wrecker said, “I did not know earlier. I learned much in the Temple of Annor, more than I thought possible.”
Votaar exclaimed, “The Temple of Annor!? How did you enter it?” Wrecker, knowing he messed up explained the entire thing to Votaar, excluding Annor and the events after he approached Annor’s tomb. When he finished Votaar asked, “So you learned of this from the same hooded figure as from where you first claimed the sword?” Wrecker said, “Yes. I did not think it was as pressing a matter as you have made it.” Votaar was bewildered and said, “Not a pressing matter? This may yet be the long lost Breath of Annor, it would answer why it commanded such power with such little effort, because it is power. Annor locked away all of his power into the blade, causing it to become the most powerful artifact that our Order has ever recorded. It also explains how elementals are able to be absorbed into it and make it stronger. It is a good thing however that you betrayed Shraag, he is vile and would never stay true to his word. I just wish you would have mentioned him sooner, I could’ve saved you the trouble of taking his life force and making it your own, also a less dangerous way. Tread carefully Wrecker, and watch where you point that blade, I think it still has more secrets left to uncover.”
Wrecker and Gornik set out back towards King Barik’s realm. As they rode they laughed and sang merrily for the war had been won and their spirits were high. They rode through small towns, children ran along them laughing and smiling, Wrecker was reminded of his village. His village used to be like this, used to be happy, used to have life. He shook off the terrible thoughts and continued to enjoy the ride with Gornik. They arrived at Barik’s realm within two weeks, they took a much slower pace then when they first rode towards revenge. Upon their return the horns bellowed and they were greeted by a mourning party. Gornik jumped off his horse and rushed over to where his second in command stood with a sodden look on his face. Gornik asked, “What has happened to Barik? Where is my brother?” The dwarf leaned in close and whispered something in Gornik’s ear that Wrecker could not hear. Gornik took a step back, faltered, and he dropped to his knees and sobbed. Wrecker jumped off of his horse and went to his side. Wrecker asked, “What happened Gornik?” Gornik barely managed to get the words out, “Barik is dead.” Wrecker stood up and went over to the dwarf who told Gornik the terrible news and asked in dwarvish, “How did this happen?” The dwarf, confused that Wrecker knew dwarvish answered, “He was marching with our allies to the South and North to battle against the vile beasts in the Western forests, trying to reclaim them. The battle was lost, and with it, our King.”
Wrecker asked, “How about the other's, the allies?” The dwarf answered, “They had heavy losses, but their leaders stayed far behind, King Barik was a fierce fighter, and he led his armies to battle. He did not hide behind them.” Wrecker said, “Let us get Gornik somewhere less cold, and let us talk about where to go next.” After he and the other dwarf who’s name was Halmer, got Gornik inside and begun debating what would happen with the throne. Halmer explained that Barik did not have children yet, and Gornik was unable to become King on account of his past choices, as it turned out Gornik was the first born. Gornik however did not choose his path well, and disqualified himself from the rule of King. Wrecker said, “Gornik is the only one who should choose the next King, he seems the best to do so unless you have a system for doing so?” Halmer said, “We do not have a system, our King names his successor. Which is the problem.” Wrecker asked, “What?” Halmer answered, “King Barik did not name a successor.” Wrecker said, “Let us get Gornik in this conversation, his insight will be helpful.” Halmer retrieved Gornik and filled him in on the current dilemma. Gornik began by saying, “Had I not made a certain choice, I would offer my service as King, but I cannot. I do not know any others that fit Kingship either. My brother was a superb King, and he cannot be replaced by any dwarf.” Halmer and Wrecker agreed.
Wrecker said, “Gornik, I think you should become King.” Halmer and Gornik looked at him weirdly. Wrecker continued, “...You are the head of the elite force of the Kingdom, you and King Barik were brothers, and you knew him well as he did you. I might say this is one exception, let Gornik become King. He, I feel, is the only one qualified enough to do so. He will be a good king for your peoples.” Halmer and Gornik held their doubts about the possibility of the people accepting Gornik as their King with the past in consideration. When the people however were told of the circumstances, they overlooked the past and allowed Gornik to become King. in the time of Gornik’s rule he would grow the Darven people into one of the largest in the land, and he would lead them into many glorious findings. He would erect a statue of his brother, King Barik within his capital, and he would always remember him. Were you to visit Gornik’s kingdom you would be treated as one of his kin, he was always kind to newcomers and travelers. Gornik was loved and remembered by his allies and kin. He was feared and hated by his enemies. He had never lost a battle which he charged into, hundreds of battles, none lost.
Wrecker arrived at the site of the beginning of his quest. He arrived at the skeletal ruins of what once was his village. He looked around the rubble and burnt remnants of the houses, memories flowing. He arrived at where his house laid. He thought of an idea, and he searched around for a shovel which he found soon enough. He gathered all of the ashes of the town, working for weeks to clean up where the village once lay. He gathered all the tools he would need, and he made a memorium. He pulled a large boulder over from the woods to the West, and he lugged it into where the center of the town used to lay. He took his sword and carved into the rock, “Here lies the ashes of the birth of a phoenix, the ashes of a town and a people. None who lived here survived the hostile attack, but one was reborn. Here lies the final resting place of the great warrior Wrecker and his people. Here lies the birthplace, of the King of Wyrms.
Wrecker turned and said aloud, casting a spell over the area where the village was, “This land shall never be touched, never be raked, never be moved. This area shall remain until the end of time, a monument, and a memorium. I cast away the name Wrecker, and adorn the name of my fate, I….I am become the King of Wyrms.” He walked over to the massive pile of ashes he collected with the shovel, the image of the beast flashed through his head, rapidly followed by more of the beast. He looked at the blade in his hands, and he said, “Give me the power to make these beasts a reality, I shall call them Wyrms as I will be their King.” He stuck the blade within the pile of ash. The pile glowed and shook, plumes of smoke shot out in nearly all directions, a massive wing emerged, followed by a large scaled body and a large powerful tail. Out of the ashes sprang the first of the Wyrms. The King named his first, Krathen.
Krathen burst from the pile of ash and let loose a roar that shattered the silence that held the land sending many of the denizens of the forest scattering for their lives. The King shouted to Krathen, “Out of the ashes of my sorrow my firstborn, Krathen, you are born. I am your King, and you are the first of your kind, you are the first of the fire breathing Wyrms which this land will learn to fear. Now step aside, so I may rise your kin.” Krathen lumbered aside, fumbling like an infant deer, as it never walked before. The King stuck the blade within the ashes again, and out came another, very different looking Wyrm. This one was named Draaken, after a story Hevaar had told him of a fire wizard of the order many centuries before. The King said much the same to Draaken as he had to Krathen but that he was second born and second of the Wyrms. He stopped here for now and sent Draaken to the skies, and to instill fear on any he should come across, always leaving one left. Should all be killed it leaves a problem, dead men tell no tales.
The King climbed onto Krathen’s back and he said, “We must search for a more permanent home, I suggest the mountains in the West, no one shall bother us there.” Krathen lurched up into the sky, stretching her wings for the first time. Krathen let loose another roar which echoed across the horizon and reached the ears of many different things, one of which just happened to be a wizard of the order on a casual trip helping protect traveling merchants. The wizard looked up and saw Krathen flying high, and he thought it was a low flying eagle that he saw but he was very wrong. Krathen was a very large beast and she chose to fly very high in the sky, where the wind really rushed. The King on her back did not care for the wind, but nor did it bother him. He was only worried with finding a place to build his kingdom, and he had found it soon enough. After a mere hour of searching the King found a system of mountains the wound tightly around and opened into an immensely large valley that spanned many miles. The King said, “Krathen, land over there, I feel this is where our new home shall be.” Krathen growled in acceptance of the valley and tucked her wings and dove. The King clung onto her back with ease, although his stomach turned and growled in dismay.
Krathen slammed into the ground on all fours creating four small craters where she landed. Screams could be heard and the King dismounted and found they had landed in the middle of a village. He said, “Krathen, scout the land ahead, We need an uninhabited place, try farther North.” Krathen let loose a roar as she took to the skies and she bellowed flames and flew Northward in search of more suitable land. The King spoke with the villagers and told them he was not there to harm them when he saw someone he recognized. He approached him and said, “Gilliam?” The man turned and jumped a little at the site of him. The King said, “I did not mean to startle you, it has been a long time old friend.” Gilliam looked at the King and exclaimed when he realized who it was, “Wrecker? It has been a long time friend, what brings you out this way?” The King said, “I have become a King, I no longer go by the name of Wrecker but you may call me that if you wish. My village was attacked a full year back and I once again picked up my sword and shield to fight, and must I tell you I miss it. I am searching for a place to build my kingdom and this valley would be perfect, I have help in searching as well, she should be back soon to inform me. I should also tell you, if you were startled by me, you will be startled by her.” Gilliam asked, “Why is that?” just as he had finished asking that question Krathen slammed down behind the King, causing Gilliam to scream and fall over in fear. The King said, “This is Krathen, the one who is helping find sufficient land for my kingdom. Have you found anything yet?” Krathen growled and nodded, to which the King replied, “I have allowed you to speak, you just have to try, and no flames.” Krathen tried again, her throat grew red and the King held out a hand. The glow dulled in her throat and she spoke forced words, “To the North, good land.” The King replied, “Good, good. You should work on talking while flying so you can work on not bathing your bystanders in flames, I won’t always help you stop it either, only way to learn is the hard way.”
Gilliam slowly stood up and he was shaking. Gilliam asked, “What is that?” Krathen growled and the King said, “Be careful the words you chose, she is my spawn, she is a beast created by pain and anger from the ashes of my village, she also has a brother, Draken. Draken is busy spreading our arrival across the lands, he is to destroy many things on his way, he will only return twice more to me, then I shall never see him again.” Gilliam was far too confused to have anything explained to him and the King changed the subject. The King asked, “Would you like to be part of my new kingdom, and if you would convince some other's, I need a people to start and continue living. The castle and keep can be left to me, I can handle that but I need a village to appear like I have a kingdom. I am simply a keeper of chaos in a balanced world, and these are my tools to do so. He motioned towards Karthen who was sticking her head down a well. The King said, “Hey, get your head out of there, people drink from that.” Krathen pulled her head out and puffed smoke from her nostrils in defiance and growled a little. The King said, “Try me Wyrm. I brought you into this world, and I can take you out of it, now go find your brother, I will make my way North to this place to look it over.” Krathen took flight and soared across the skies in search of her brother Draken.
The King asked, “Do you know the place she speaks of Gilliam? This mountainous area to the North?” Gilliam said, “Yes, but you cannot go there, it is filled with Orcs and foul beasts.” The King scoffed and laughed and said, “Did you not just see a fire breathing lizard the size of a small mountain? I will take care of these Orcs, foul beasts or not.” Gilliam said, “Not without an army you won’t.” The King turned, and drew his sword and said, “I have killed three armies single handedly, I should make a fourth easily.” Gilliam stared at the blade in the Kings hand, scorching with flames, and he saw runes start to appear on them and he asked, “What is happening to it?” The King answered, “It is a cursed blade, the fire is part of it.” Gilliam said, “No not that, those runes appearing.” The King inspected the blade and saw the runes. He read them aloud, “Annor hath blessed this blade, chaos is with you.” Gilliam asked, “Who is Annor?” The King answered, “The one who cursed the blade and myself with it. He is also the one who made this sword, as it was his. Then I found it on my quest and I was cursed by it. This is a message that my fate has been started, and that I finally am following the path I am meant to. I want you to follow me to the North, I will tell you when to stop following and when you should wait for it.” Gilliam asked, “What do you mean by it?” The King answered, “You will know it when you see it. It involves Draken and Krathen so you will know when they approach. Now let us start on our way shall we?”
Gilliam and the King marched through the valley for several hours. The King asked at one point, “How far off are we now?” Gilliam answered, “We are another couple hours away, the trees will break to a field where it is a straight shot to the Orcs stronghold. It is about an hour in the field until the stronghold as well.” The King said, “When we reach the field, that is where you stop, I will continue on along and I will show you the good part about this sword.” A couple more hours passed and they reached the edge of the trees. Gilliam said, “This is the edge of the trees, I hope you have a good plan, these are nasty Orcs.” The King replied, “I do have a plan, and it is called Wyrms. You will see in about an hour what I mean.” The King walked out of the forest's edge and towards the Orc stronghold, ready for a battle.
Krathen soared the skies and followed trails of flame and destruction. She soon found her brother Draken landed and chasing deer trying to get food. Krathen roared to show her presence and Draken looked up saw her roared back and soared up to meet her. Krathen said, “Come, we found home.” Draken roared in acceptance and the two beasts soared off back towards the King. Draken spotted one man and raced down to him, slamming into the ground knocking the man back. The man stood up and brandished a staff, he was a wizard. Draken growled and spat out words, flame following. He said, “I am Draken. Tell of me.” Draken shot off back into the sky, the wizard still clenching his staff waiting for an attack that would not come. The wizard would later go on to spread the tale of Draken, the fire breathing Wyrm who brought much destruction. This would also later be known as the origin of Dragon, but time is the only skewer to the truth. Draken and Krathen raced back, reaching the valley very quickly.
The King approached an outer wall of the Orc stronghold and he stopped a few hundred feet away and he was spotted immediately. He reached out in his mind, reaching towards Draken and Krathen. He let them know where he was and what he wanted them to do. He instructed them to fly very high above, to appear like eagles, and when he started his attack they would crash down and each take a part of the stronghold to destroy. The two Wyrms growled in excitement and began to climb in altitude. The King walked towards the Orc stronghold and he could clearly hear them arming and preparing to attack him. The King drew his sword and charged as soon as the gates flew open. He ran headfirst into a swarm of Orcs, Krathen and Draken saw this as their que to attack and they did so. Krathen hit the ground first, dead center of the swarm coming to attack the King. She crushed most of the advancing force and the other's were stopped dead in fear. She turned to the gate and let loose a torrent of flames that melted the Orcs, bone and all. Seconds after that Draken slammed into the ground just on the other side of the gate.
Draken swiped his tail and cleared a very large area out, Krathen burst through the wall leaving a massive hole. The Orcs were left in fear and they were fleeing for their lives. Krathen once through the wall went to take the left side of the stronghold, Draken took the right, and the King took the middle. The battle was more of a slaughter, the Orcs standing no chance against the mountains of scales and the King. The King finished cutting several Orcs down when he looked to his left at Krathen who was wrecking absolute havoc and then he looked to the right where Draken was doing much the same. This caused him to adorn a sly smile, he turned back forward and approached several more Orcs who stood in front of the strongholds keep door. The King cut them down and repeatedly slammed into the door until it fell. He looked upon the final remnants of the Orc hordes stationed at the stronghold. The King started to laugh loudly, Krathen and Draken landed behind him and began roaring, and the trio once again went to work.
Once they had finished with the Orc stronghold the King said, “You both turn all to ash, and pile them up. It is time for more of your brethren to rise, I will collect Gilliam.” The two Wyrms proceeded to engulf the entire stronghold in flame and slowly turned it to ash. The King walked back to Gilliam and reached him just as the sun sank below the horizon. Gilliam first said, “That was a battle of the ages.” The King replied, “All of mine are. Now how far past here is the area?” Gilliam answered, “It is only a half hour past and ends nicely in the mountains on three sides, with only one way in, a great place for a fortress. Those beasts are unstoppable, and why have they not stopped burning, are there surviving Orcs?” The King said, “No, the Orcs are all dead, I require the ash for more of them, I am making an army of them who only follow my command.” Gilliam asked, “You really need more of them? Two are already so overwhelming.” The King laughed and said, “There is no kill, like overkill my friend. I want to be feared, not just known.” Gilliam laughed and said, “You are already known, and fear is exactly what you will get.”
Over the next few years the King built his kingdom. The King called his kingdom, the Kingdom of Annoria in memory of Annor who allowed him this power. The King raised his army of Wyrms, but not to the numbers those around him thought he would. He created only fourteen of them and they are as follows, Krathen the First, Draken the Destructive, Carreon the Knowing, Kalduur the Terrible, Apoph the Snake, Graahm the Greedy, Fenaar the Fleet, Borak and Karnac Twins of Chaos, Wulfric the Howler, Travaar the Conquering, Estan the Exquisite, Prahven the Annihilator, and Kalnuar the Last. These are the Army of Wyrms the King had created, each having strengths that covered the other's weaknesses. The King built his keep alone, with non helping him and it is how he wanted it to be. He created a massive Castle and stronghold, many times the size of the City of Perithius and the Dwarven capitol combined. After all he had to fit fourteen massive beasts into it and they had to be comfortable, or at least somewhat. He created a massive front gate to his keep, where three of his largest could walk four abreast and still have room to walk. Most of the Kings Wyrms obeyed, other's were not so much, as their nature was supposed to be. The most of these would be Graahm the Greedy. Graahm earned his name by being the originator of the Dragon’s Curse, which is a covetous love of gold so strong you would die for every last piece. Graahm was always in fear that his gold was being stolen, and he often attacked those who simply wanted to admire his gold. He was the second smallest and was naught larger than a one room hut.
Graahm had a terrible temper and was fast, not the fastest of the Wyrms however. The fastest of the Wyrms would also be the smallest of them, Fenaar the Fleet. Fenaar was very small but he was blindingly fast and the King used him as a scout to see enemy advances and enemy movements to plan his attacks or counterattacks. The names of the thirteen Wyrms explains the most for themselves except for Borak and Karnac the Twins of Chaos. The Twins of Chaos are as they seem, twins. This was a mistake on the King’s part when he created them but he eventually settled with it after much deliberation and when he found out they were the strongest of his Wyrms. These twins when separate are around the middle in terms of power when compared to the other Wyrms. When they are together however, even the King has a hard time claiming he has more power than them. He both loves and fears it.
After a total of forty-three years, the Kingdom of Annoria had finished being built. This kingdom’s name was spread throughout the entire land within days and all knew of the power Annoria had. Many dark entities tried to sway Annoria, as did many light. They remained neutral however for a very long time until the King took on a court wizard. This wizards name was Kronen, and he was not part of the Order of Wizards. This wizard was merely just to add more backbone to the Kingdom title and the King wanted one to confide in with war secrets as his old friend Gilliam had died only a few years before. Gilliam was a mortal, and the King was not. Kronen asked on day, “Dear King, what has happened to your arms?” The King looked down and saw his arms appeared black like ash, the tips of his fingers appeared a dull ember burning. The King said, “This is my curse, the more I use the power of Chaos, the more one with it I become.” Kronen asked, “Is there no way to end this curse?” The King said, “Yes but I would die within days as time would catch up with me very quickly. I am granted a terrible power, with an equally terrible price. The only cure, is a choice which I am not willing to make just yet. Now send for a council, I feel a war on the horizon.” Kronen said, “Right away my liege, whom would you like to accompany you to this one?” The King said, “Hmmmm. Get me Krathen, she has not been to a council in ages.” Kronen said, “Krathen, right away my liege.”
The King stood up and walked to the war council chambers which was in the main hall of the Keep. The room was massive, thrice as large as Annor’s temple’s main room. The King sat upon his throne and waited for the council members to pour in. Once all the members were there the meeting was convened. Krathen was curled around the Kings throne during the entirety of the meeting. The council had discussed the recent advances of the Orcs, and even those of the Dwarves, Elves, and even the other's of the race of Man. The King said during deliberations, “Any movement should be seen as a possible attack, we have power, and there are those who do not like it. I have seen war many times. Back when I was called Wrecker and before I came to be gifted this power. I know the movements of the armies of Man, and these are war movements….” The King now yelled to Krathen, “Krathen. Get your brother Fenaar and tell him to scout the movements of the armies and to come back to tell us.” Krathen replied in a smooth voice, “At once.” She stretched out and raced out of the hall, shaking the Keep. Krathen did as she was told and returned to the council chamber and continued her nap. The King said as she returned, “Good, let us hope Fenaar does not try something foolish but it is in his nature. Now to deal with the Orcs.” One of the council members said, “What about Borak and Karnac? They should be sufficient to deal with the Orc hordes.” The King said, “That may be but they are not ready for a battle like this, send Draken, Kalduur, Prahven, and Kalnuar. They will be sufficient to deal with that. Split the remaining six in half, tell them not to attack unless attacked upon and don't send Wulfric and Graahm in the same group, We don’t need another one of those incidents now do we. On second thought, I will accompany the Twins to fight the Orcs. Split those four up to deal with the other armies along with the other six. See it be done, council dismissed.”
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