《The Wyrm King》CHAPTER V: The beginning of the End
Wrecker came to a door that had been sealed shut by magic, Shraag said it was Kraans doing and he undid the spell. The door opened slowly, ash and smoke poured out of the room and Shraag said while two glowing monstrosities approached Wrecker, ‘Behold. The Apex Elementals of Fire.’ The two Elementals burst out of the door and roared, Wrecker tightened his grip on the blade, the flame grew brighter and hotter. Wrecker and the Elementals stood a long ways apart, Wrecker looked at them and they at him. Suddenly one of the Elementals lashed out, hurling a ball of magma at Wrecker who managed to dodge it. Shraag said, ‘You must take their hearts and consume them within the blade as you did before, with the one from the temple.’ Wrecker scoffed and said back, ‘Like its just that easy.’ Shraag chuckled and said, ‘It is with that blade and your skills. Let loose the flames buried within, bring Wrecker back. The true Wrecker oath or not. The revenge on the deaths of you family and your people can only be attained by him.’ Wrecker sighed, he swore to never show that side of him again, but those he swore it to are dead. His mind faltered and he made a decision there and now. He would never love any other, he would never get close enough to get past names, he would make himself distant and alone for the sake of others. He would bring the true Wrecker back, but this time he did not think he would be able to stop at revenge, Wrecker was hungry for war, and war was plenty these days.
He closed his eyes and concentrated on the promise he made, he whispered aloud, “Forgive me for breaking this promise, but I shall have my revenge.” He opened his eyes and he once again felt the lust for blood and death consume him. On the surface he hated the feeling, but deep down, he knew it was who he truly was. Wrecker charged at the Apex's, they swung at him with their massive magma covered arms, spraying it across the room but Wrecker dodged it all. He slid in between the legs of one of them and he cut off the left leg of one of the Elementals. The Elemental clambered around and eventually fell but was not dead. Wrecker ran to it and jumped onto its back, he drove the sword into it time and time again until the once bastion of magic was now only a pile of rubble and cooled magma. Wrecker bashed the heart out of the Elemental which was nearly four times as large as the first one he took out of the other Elemental, showing just how truly different they were. Shraag said, ‘Engulf it in the flames and push it into the sword.’ Wrecker engulfed the gem heart in flames, but he did not channel it into the blade. Something told him Shraag had more secrets about the blade than he let on, so he refused. Shraag cried out when he noticed what Wrecker was doing, ‘You cannot! You must empower the sword or your life will end. No mortal can withstand the power of the heart of an Apex Elemental!’ Wrecker laughed as the gem heart burned in his hand. He said shortly before the gem was fully absorbed by himself, “I am no mere mortal. You forget this blade curses me, I cannot die by means of fire. Looks like you did not think that far ahead now did you wizard. I do not trust you, as now I feel more than just your soul within this blade, I feel your lifeforce and your power.
“You wanted to resurrect yourself and use me as your tool of destruction, but that plan has changed. You are mine now, and once I kill this next Apex, this blade will be my tool, and no longer be my curse.” Shraag cursed under his breath and he tried to resist Wrecker but it was too late for that, Wrecker was too strong. Shraag was lost to the fate he brought himself. Shraag said as Wrecker easily cut down killed the other Apex, ‘I may have lied about my intentions, but I did not lie about your path. Bring them death and destruction Wrecker, for you will soon adorn a new name, one which will be feared for all time.’ Wrecker finished absorbing the power from the second Apex and he ignited the blade of the sword. Wrecker said aloud, “I break the curse on this blade. I will no longer be its servant, rather it shall be mine. All power locked within is mine forever, and mine to use for whatever I choose to use it for. The Wizard Shraag the Forsaken is now mine to command, should he refuse, his eternal damnation will be at hand.” He pumped power through the blade which eventually shattered by too much power within it. Wrecker saw the power escaping from the blade and he took it all, absorbed it all, including Shraag. He then gathered the pieces of the blade and finished looking around the temple when he came back to the tomb of Annor. He walked into the room and up to the place where Annor lies. He opened the sarcophagus and was surprised to see no remains, nothing but a stone inscribed with runes and a single small concave at the very center of the stone.
The runes read, “Here lies the monument to Annor, King in his own time, but not dead. Upon the return of his blade to this temple, it shall be placed by the pommel within the concave, and it will reveal all to him.” Wrecker took the pommel and placed it in the small concave on the tablet. The room shook, and the pommel started to glow. The stone platform he was standing on started to descend slowly. Wrecker had not yet removed his hand from the hilt as he did not know if that would stop the descent or what. He soon saw an enormous cavern the platform was slowly being lowered into. The cavern was massive, circular and had nine lava falls flowing into it. The platform stopped lowering on a central structure, at the far end of which saw a chair. Within the chair sat a man. Wrecker took the broken blade and removed it from the concave. The platform stayed where it was and he walked towards the man. The chair, which overlooked a courtyard in which lied a map of the world, which had no rival. This map showed the current world at all times, and showed every living and every dead thing. Wrecker was near the chair when the man said, “That is far enough wizard. I have watched you for many years but you feel different today, you look different today. What say you?” Wrecker said, “Shraag is dead, I am Wrecker, and I am not a wizard.” The man stood up, he was clad in armour so pristine and glorious it seems as if a god created it. The man went to face Wrecker, and it seemed he was very young and very powerful. “I can hear the truth in your words, but I feel that wizard, where is he?” Wrecker said, “I took his power, he tried to resurrect himself by means of a sword, which I broke in order to end his miserable existence.” The man became intrigued, “You broke the blade? Do you have all the pieces of it with you still?” Wrecker emptied the pieces onto the ground, including the hilt.
The man exclaimed, “Alas! My blade returns to me…...It feels as though its allegiance has changed however, it listens to you now, warrior. What can a broken sword do for you though am I right? Allow me to fix it for you and then I will send you on your way.” Wrecker followed the man back to the chair and the man sat down, Wrecker looked at the map and saw where his home used to lie, and he could see people there. He asked, “What lies does this map show?” The man said, “There are no lies, it shows all living and all dead. Why do you ask?” Wrecker pointed to his village and said, “I am the only living survivor of that village, I see my family, but they are not here anymore.” The man said, “That is not true. Though they may be dead and their physical forms have gone, their minds and their spirits endure to roam their places of death.” Wrecker asked, “Can we talk with them?” The man said, “You can to them, but not they to you, although I would not recommend doing so. It will only bring more pain.” Wrecker asked, “How do their lives go, are they as they normally would be or is it harsh and cold?” The man said, “It is as if they never left, but they know they have died, and they know this is where they will be for eternity, and you may even join them eventually. I cannot as I have been gifted this position by those before me, and I will go no other place. Now how about I fix my old blade?”
The man which was revealed to be Annor, as he was the past wielder of the blade. Annor eyed the blade eagerly and he said, “This blade was first made within this very hall at the forge over yonder…” He pointed to a forge clear on the other side of the cavern and he continued to say, “... I did not use it far too often as I will be the first and last Wizard which you no doubt already know. This blade holds far greater power than it used to. That is your doing I assume?” Wrecker answered, “Yes it is. I am on a quest for vengeance against the Orcs who killed my people and destroyed my village.” Annor replied, “Vengeance is a quest that never ends warrior, you might do so now but you will never rest. I have seen many warriors rise and fall over the course of my life. All with wishes of vengeance eventually become nothing more than what they wanted to destroy in the first place. Think on this warrior, and you may yet see your family again sooner rather than later.” Wrecker watched as Annor coated the blade in magic, and it shone brilliantly throughout the cavern. Annor stood and started to walk towards the other side of the cavern and he said, “Walk with me warrior, the forge calls for the blade once again.”
They arrived at the forge after a far longer walk than Wrecker had anticipated, the cavern was much larger than it seemed, and it seemed massive. They stood near the forge which was an ancient device and Annor said, “This forge made that map, and the other three with them. Those maps are scattered around four temples much like this one, and guarded by the other three wizards at the time as me. I am the only one who does not share the same namesake as the other's for I was not well accepted into my role, other's thought themselves more prevalent for the role but they proved weak at the spines. It was because of them I made this blade within this forge, using the power of the elements, specifically the chaos element as you call fire. The other wizards tried to fight back against me but they too proved to be too weak. Our kind on this world is not meant to be, we are a mistake from the universe and my only wish is to see that map completely full of dead, and none left living. I was called evil, when I saw the truth. Do you see the truth warrior? Have you been called evil?” Wrecker shook his head and said, “No I have not, but the wizards I traveled with fear me like I will become so.” Annor said, “Ah yes, Kraan and Votaar yes? It is in their nature to be paranoid, Hevaar is the one to be truly afraid of for it is him that was initially supposed to wield the blade but I see now you are far more powerful, tell me, what do you remember about you parents?”
Wrecker said, “Nothing, I was left on a doorstep as a child, no name, no anything.” Annor said, “There was to be a child born with a lust for chaos, a child who bore the essence of chaos, a machine to cleanse the problem. But who listens to legends and tales anyway.” Annor placed the pieces of the sword into the forge and fired it up, he imbued the magic into the reforming blade and he said while he did, “This will ensure this blade will never break again, and it will only be destroyed by returning to this very forge. This comes with a terrible curse however, shall you want to hear it?” Wrecker said, “Yes I would.” Annor said, “The curse is simply this, the longer you possess the blade, the power grows, as does the chaos. The chaos will eat away your body and mind, eventually leaving nothing but your inner chaos to reign. You will not feel pain, remorse, sadness, or grief. You will be immortal, and immortality is not for everyone, take it from me who thought it would be fun at on point. You see so many deaths and you start to lose yourself along the way, you become less and less of a being. Do you accept this curse willingly?” Wrecker looked over the cavern and searched his inner mind, he found the answer and he said to Annor, “Yes.”
Wrecker claimed the sword from Annor who muttered a spell and then gave it to Wrecker. Annor said, “That spell will hold you to the curse, and it will also allow you to, should you wish, to return here, give me the sword back, and you may die. Good luck warrior, your vengeance lies ahead.” Wrecker thanked Annor and left the cavern. He stepped out of the temple, no longer able to feel the heat from the volcanic lands, nor could he feel the ash being inhaled. He walked to the South, he would return to Votaar and tell him the job was only halfway over. He walked for several feet when he stopped and thought about teleporting, he wondered if he could do it and he decided he would try. He placed an image within his head, just outside the front gate of the city. He focused there and gathered power, and when he opened his eyes he was thrust forward and onto his knees. He looked up and saw the city was under attack and fires were raging all across it. Wrecker stood up and turned around to see hordes of Orcs advancing, this destruction was only the siege engines. He raced into the city to find Votaar and Gornik which he did within minutes. Votaar asked him, “How did it go?” Wrecker answered, “Great, the battle was won but the forces were lost sadly, I see more pressing matters at hand however, shall I change this?”
Wrecker walked back to the front gate and he yelled to the guards, “Close it behind me!” the guards looked at each other confused but did as he said. Votaar and Gornik made their way to the top of the wall and saw Wrecker approach an army. Guards around said, “He must be mad to think he could win.” Votaar said, “He is mad yes, but it is because he knows.” The guard turned and asked, “Knows what?” Votaar looked at him and said, “That he can't lose. Get your men off the wall and into the keep, hold up there, I will call a friend to help with the flames. Make haste!” The guard called for a full retreat to the keep, all citizens were ushered into the keep which was packed full of every survivor from the city except Votaar, Gornik and the just teleported in Hevaar. Hevaar as he teleported in asked, “What does Wrecker think he’s doing?” Votaar said, “Using his power, we must get off the wall for now, Hevaar, quench the flames of the city while I wall off the keep with magic, Gornik make sure the keep is full.” Gornik grunted and ran off towards the keep and Hevaar raced to fight the flames. Votaar took one more look at Wrecker in between the city and a massive army stop and stand with sword drawn. Votaar rushed off to build a magical barrier to defend from any incoming fire on the keep and to fend off any other form of attack.
Wrecker stood defiantly against the hordes of Orcs. The Orcs halted on a command, and through the ranks Wrecker could see a larger than normal orc pushing through. Once the Orc made it into the open, Wrecker immediately knew this Orc, it was the one from his village. He tightened his grip on his blade, and the fire on it grew hotter and hotter the more angry he became. The Orc smiled and charged towards him. Wrecker stood his ground and did not move until the last second. He easily sliced the Orcs leg off, he turned and with one motion he swiftly beheaded the Orc. He turned to the army, who now was shuffling in fear. Wrecker said to them in Orc tongue while smirking, “My turn.” He charged their ranks, the sword started to spit flames in all directions that Wrecker swung at. He had cut through thousands of Orcs, but there were tens of thousands more left he wanted to destroy utterly and absolutely. He became so angry memories of his happy life flashed to him, and then the memory of his village being attacked flashed and the rage spiked. Suddenly without warning giant wings of flame erupted from Wreckers back. He started to ascend above the army, and Votaar could see him from the city after he climbed up to a great height.
Hevaar just returned from putting the flames out and Votaar yelled to him, “Help strengthen the barrier, Gornik get Kraan out here!” Gornik raced in and brought Kraan who was still wounded but he could walk. Kraan saw Wrecker immediately and said, “This is what I warned about Votaar, this is the beginning of it.” Votaar said, “Not the end for us I hope, help strengthen the barrier Kraan, we must protect the people.” Kraan said, “There is no protection great enough for this, the barrier will not hold.” Votaar yelled to him, “We took and oath as wizards to defend the peoples of this planet, you will not falter in that….” Votaar concentrated and called out over the fields and mountains of the land and he called, “....Wizards gather now, you are needed!” Within seconds the rest of the order gathered, every wizard arrived in one place. Votaar said, “Strengthen the barrier, we must protect the people. The wizards unquestioningly helped Votaar and Hevaar strengthen the barrier while Kraan was still hopeless. Hevaar said, “Kraan please! We need your strength.” Kraan said sullenly, “We cannot hold against it.” Hevaar said to him, “We must try, our oath binds us.” Kraan, due to excessive prompting by the wizards joined in strengthening the barrier. Votaar said, “There is no barrier stronger that we know of, we must give it our all.”
Wrecker looked out over the army which was in utter chaos now, he then looked over to the city where he noticed a barrier was made, the wizards were protecting the city. He thought he could help so he reached out over the fields and added his power to the barrier which started to glow a red. The wizards panicked but then Kraan said, “It is Wrecker, he is with us strengthening the barrier, I would think it will hold now, it seems he plans on a large display of his power…..” He then yelled so all could hear, “.....PREPARE TO BRACE!” Once Wrecker heard that he gathered his power, took a reverse grip on his blade and he dropped from his immense height. The wizards saw him drop and gain much speed and force, the wizards all yelled, “BRACE!” Wrecker hurtled towards the ground, and he landed with so much force the very ground cracked for many miles, sending a shockwave of air, earth, and fire across the lands of the city. Every Orc was caught within the flames and once Wrecker landed he focused his power fully on the barrier to withstand the sheer impact force of what he just had done.
The wizards all watched as the onrush of earth wind and fire assaulted them. The barrier started to grow hot and intense, the Wizards with the help of Wrecker shielded off the blast from Wrecker landing on the ground. Once the dust settled, Wrecker looked around at the raging fires. He concentrated and he quelled them, stopping their advance. He looked around and he stood ankle deep in ash, ash of thousands of Orcs. He looked at the sky and breathed in a sigh of relief, his vengeance was complete. He looked around and did not know what he would do next, but he now realized what Annor said to him, vengeance does not stop. He started to make his way to the city and arrived their in ample time. The city was in complete ruin but the keep stood strong and intact due to the Wizards and Wrecker. Once Wrecker was in the city he was approached by all the wizards, Kraan was being helped along by Gornik. Kraan was the first to speak by saying, “I should say for us all and the people of this city, thank you for your help even if their home is destroyed and their lands scarred.” Wrecker said, “Anytime.” Kraan said, “Now you must follow your promise, rid yourself of that sword, destroy it.” Wrecker looked at the sword and said, “Things have changed, I am cursed by this blade, I cannot destroy it, I am unable to do it. I will try to find a way to do so however.” Kraan felt skeptical about it and then he asked, “What of Shraag?” Wrecker answered, “He is dead for good this time. He tried to resurrect himself with the Apex heart gems but I foiled his plans.”
Kraan said, “Good, his foul hands have been removed from us for good, I thank you for that as well. As do the rest of my order. So you found the temple and killed the Apex's, and their heart gems have been absorbed I assume?” Wrecker said, “Yes but not by the blade, rather, by myself actually.” Kraan and the other wizards were astounded by this, Hevaar asked, “You absorbed the power of two Elementals into yourself?” Wrecker said, “No. I absorbed the power of two Apex Elementals into myself.” Hevaar and the other wizards but Kraan were confused and Hevaar asked, “What is the difference of the two?” Wrecker answered, “They are tenfold more powerful.” Hevaar said, “You killed two of them? That blade must really be strong.” Wrecker laughed and said, “The sword was broken when after did it, it had shattered from the fight but I used my newfound power to fix it and make it unbreakable unless cast into the flames which it was made. Now let's talk about rebuilding shall we?”
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