《The Wyrm King》CHAPTER VIII: Betrayal
In the decades that passed the relationship between the King and the Wizard Order took a turn for the worst. The Wizards tried to claim that the King was warmongering and falsely planting information in order to have reasons to attack others. The King knew these accusations were false so he largely ignored them. Roughly fifty years had passed since the death of Votaar the Wandering and the King was nearing the end of his patience with the Order. Just as he was walking through one of his corridors several soldiers dragging an unconscious body behind them approached him. One of the soldiers said, “My liege we have caught a spy, he was sulking in the shadows within your library and he was smelled out by Krathen.” The King said, “Good, take him to the council chamber and collect my Wyrms, I will question him there.” The soldiers replied, “At once my liege.” They then dragged the body off in the direction of the council chamber and two soldiers broke off from the group to gather the Wyrms from around the Kingdom. The King walked to where his couriers had gathered, wanting to hear the news from the land. Most of the news was the same old garbage that usually flowed through and were of no interest to him when he was hit with a hard blow. The courier said, “....Finally news has come from the Order. The wizard Hevaar has passed on, and his daughter has been chosen as his replacement. For the first time a woman has become a wizard of the Order!” The King spoke up and said, “Not the first, the second time. You have forgotten of the first four wizards, one was a woman. Celebrate as you may, but I will mourn the loss of a good friend, Hevaar the Chaotic, as he was so aptly named. Continue on with your day.”
The King left the couriers square and quickly paced his way back towards the throne room and he was met with his fourteen Wyrms, all present. In the center of the room laid the still unconscious body of the spy. The King sat in his throne and waited for the spy to come around and wake up. He waited for a little over an hour and soon enough the spy started to regain consciousness. The King said as he awoke, “Nice nap? Death will be permanent so I suggest you talk.” The spy looked up towards the King, then when Graahm snarled behind him did he notice where he was. He jumped and started to shake in fear and soon said, “I am a spy working for the race of man.” The King asked, “Why were you sent here?” The spy replied, “To see what your efforts were, and how you might attack us.” The King said, “The way I would attack you is currently surrounding you now, all you need to do is look. Make eye contact with Graahm however and you will not live to tomorrow.” The spy slowly looked around at the Wyrms that surrounded him and snapped their jaws at him. He did not make eye contact with any of them however and looked back at the King.
The King said, “You will go back to your leaders and tell them that spies will not be tolerated, from any race. Next time one is sent, they will not return alive. Tell them they all have a weeks time to surrender to me, or be destroyed. Make sure it reaches all of the races. Begone!” The spy stood up and ran out of the hall and away from Annoria with great haste. The King said, “Fenaar, follow him, and make sure he doesn’t try anything stupid, also keep an eye on the armies, they move we must know.” Fenaar replied, “Yes, I will not lose him.” Fenaar raced out the all and shot up into the air, and was above the clouds within seconds. The King continued, “Tomorrow a council will be held, war may be on the horizon, let us hope that is not the case however. For now return to what you had been doing, except you Graahm, you need to be doing something more honorable than stealing children. Go keep the Orcs in line for a while, make them remember who we are.” Graahm growled and left the hall followed by the rest of the Wyrms. The King walked to the hall door and watched his Wyrm's soar off in different directions. He knew that one day they would no longer be the scariest things in the land, but that time was a long ways away.
A man entered the camp shrouded in a long black cloak which covered his face as well. He made his way through the camp catching glances from many soldiers on his way through it. He made his way to the commander's tent which was located within the center of the camp. Once he made it to the camp he removed his hood and said, “The spy was caught. He will no doubt tell of your location, you must move the camp immediately, the spy must not be allowed to return to us, our positions will be in the eyes of a Wyrm if we do. The King is smart, he will have sent Fenaar to follow the spy.” One of the commanders asked, “Which one is Fenaar?” The cloaked figure said, “His fastest, and his quietest. There will be no catching him.” The same commander asked, “Is there a way to kill one of these Wyrms?” The figure said, “Not unless you want to be erased from existence within hours you fool. I must get my part done before any of the Wyrms shall die.” Another commander asked, “What is your plan exactly? We still do not even know who you are or even why you are helping us.” The figure said, “Who I am does not matter, what matters is my plan. I am going to trap the King within time, and I will bind a curse on him, trappin his power within. He will never be able to escape from it. This will give us the edge we need. After he is dealt with the Wyrms will be killed one by one. It is a foolproof plan.” A third commander asked, “What if he finds out about your plan?” The figure slowly removed his hood and revealed himself to the commanders and said, “I am Kronen, his court wizard. He trusts only the Wyrms above me and nothing else. He is curious however so we will have to move quickly and not falter of fail at any part of it.”
The first commander which spoke asked, “What about the Wizard Order?” Kronen laughed and said, “He has angered them enough, and now he has no allies on it to help him. They will no doubt aid in our ploy. I will speak with them on that matter however, I will disguise it as something else as well, so I have a reason to be there. I can find a way for him to send me there I am sure of it.” The second commander said, “Leave us for now, we must move the camp, we will begin shortly.” Kronen said, “At once Commander, you have prepared a fine looking army, let us hope they are up to the task.” Kronen put his hood up and left the commanders in the tent to attend to moving their camp, Kronen would intercept the spy, and lead him the long way to the camp as to avoid the Orc sentries that had arrived. This of course would be a lie, as it was intended to be.
Kronen disguised himself as a soldier of the camp and intercepted the spy many miles away from the camp. Kronen said, “Ah, you have returned. What news do you bring?” The spy said, “I have to get a message to the commanders at once.” Kronen replied, “Take the long way to the camp, the Orcs are in the area and it is much safer, but make haste, they are preparing to set out on their quest soon, run with haste.” The spy said, “I will, and thank you for warning me.” The spy took off towards the long road to the camp. Kronen looked up into the sky and saw the dark silhouette of Fenaar soaring above the clouds, he was sure the camp was moved by now, it had been hours since he left. He started his way back to Annoria, to continue with his plan. The fate of the spy was an unfortunate one, but Kronen was on a thin line, the King was smart, and the King would figure out his treachery soon.
Hours passed, the spy was nearing the location of the camp and he was still scared out of his mind, and he was very tired from his nonstop journey from Annoria to the camp. The Spy burst into the small clearing to see nothing but extinguished fires and evidence of a long since abandoned camp. He cursed under his breath and looked around in panic, not sure of what he was to do. He walked further towards the center of the clearing when Fenaar crashed down behind him and roared, “What treachery is this? There is no camp is there? How dare you lie to the King of Wyrms you snake? Feel his wrath….” Fenaar sent a roar throughout the land, and the King heard it. The King teleported instantly to Fenaar, appearing in a torrent of flames which soon died down. The King stood in front of the spy and asked, “What was here is no longer, you did well Fenaar….” The King laughed and said, “Drop him.” And teleported back to Annoria.
Fenaar gripped the spy in one of his claws and flew straight up into the air. Once Fenaar had a sufficient height he said, “I hope you enjoy your fall, better grow wings!.” Fenaar threw the spy, and laughed as he fell screaming towards the ground. Fenaar looked back towards the clearing and he knew the spy was telling the truth, he just wanted to have some fun. Fenaar looked and soon found the signs of an army on the move. He followed this trail, in high hopes of some more fun. Within an hour Fenaar saw a marching army moving steadily towards the Elven lands. He laughed and growled and got an idea. Fenaar dropped the height at which he flew very low, where he barely cleared the trees and he picked up speed racing extremely fast breaking trees just by the wind he was giving off.
On the march, the sun was high in the sky, almost midday. The army was marching to their secondary camp location on command of Kronen. The wind started to pick up and howl, the army still marched on. A strange noise rang out across the lands they were marching, a whistling noise of something moving very fast. The soldiers looked around up in the sky fearing a Wyrm was flying overhead but they had no idea. After several seconds of panic Fenaar ripped right over the marching army and drug his tail through them. Nearly the entire army was destroyed by the intense blow given by Fenaar. The Wyrm soared high and spouted fire, then let loose a terrible roar which shook the survivors. He did the same thing once more but at a much slower speed leaving only a handful alive which he delivered a message. Fenaar said, “I bring a message from my King, and you will do well to listen. You have a choice to make, stay out of our way, or be destroyed. Your answer will not be made with words, your actions from here out will decide your fate.” Fenaar roared again and soared off towards Annoria to tell the King of what happened.
Kronen arrived near sunset and went on his normal route throughout the keep at this time of day as to keep everything seem as normal as possible. The King walked past him and asked, “Where have you been all day Kronen? There was a council today that you missed.” Kronen said, “I traveled to the Order and found out what their plans are. They will interfere if you attack the armies, but they cannot defy you. You are too powerful for that insipid Order to stand a chance, we will crush them like insects beneath our boots.” The King came close and got a serious tone and said, “Do not let your hate for the Order cloud your mind. They shall live, and nothing more, I will keep them at bay. Just because you were denied entry does not mean you must hate them.” Kronen replied, “What about your conquest of the Orcs then eh? You sought vengeance on them.” The King answered, “I did and now look at how I treat them, they are a part of my council, I have soldiers that are Orcs. Only the devils that hurt me were hurt, and they still have not been fully removed from this land. I will not tolerate another missed meeting, regardless of where you have been. Am I clear Kronen?” Kronen answered, “Yes my liege, crystal.”
Kronen continued his route and the King watched him and felt the same odd feeling he had days earlier, one of unease. A roar was heard and the King knew Fenaar had returned. He rushed out into the courtyard to question him. Fenaar began, “The spy is dead, I found the trail where the army had moved camp. They were trying to enter the Elven lands, I dropped in for a visit and passed on our message. It will be received within hours. I also saw something very disturbing when I was following the spy.” The King asked, “What was it?” Fenaar said, “I saw a hooded figure, who wore a black cloak, transform into the disguise of one of the soldiers and avert the spy along a much longer path. I think they have someone from the Order helping them.” The King thought on what Fenaar had told of. The King said, “Gather your kin, I will drop by the Order and figure out what is going on soon enough. Go on a hunt like we normally will, I will ride out like normal but will soon depart and seek the Order for answers, sleep for now, we hunt at sunrise.” Fenaar soared off towards the mountains and told the other Wyrms of a hunt at sunrise. Roars could be heard let loose throughout the Kingdom bringing a smile to the King’s face.
At sunrise the King had gathered his hunting gear and waited for his Wyrms to arrive. The King was approached by Kronen who asked, “Going on a hunt at a time like this?” The King said, “The Wyrms need a break from diplomacy, they need to do what they were made to do, destroy. I will return near sundown I suspect, expect a large yield today.” Kronen said, “Good hunting my liege, I will ready the butchers for your return, so that the hunt may be processed within good time.” The King rode off, all of his Wyrms following and ready to hunt. Kronen hurried back to the keep and into the throne room. He closed off the council chamber and went to work on his plan. Kronen meddled with the spells placed on the throne, which prevented it from decaying over time. Kronen place a stone spell on the chair that was hidden by the ones already on it. This spell would freeze any who would sit in it and block all of their power, trapping them, and no longer allowing them to move. It would put whoever sat in the chair into a deep state with no return, and the King was the intended target. He inscribed within the spell a phrase, “All power will be locked away and none released. Only when the breaking of the power comes shall whoever sits in this throne be released, but that time may never come.” He added this as security, knowing that all the King’s power was within him and his blade, so he would never escape.
Kronen rushed from the throne room and hurried off away towards the Elven lands to pass on the message that the time was soon and the armies should be gathered and the weapons begin to be forged. This happened while the King confronted the Order. He arrived in a torrent of flame given by his teleportation in the middle of a council they had, speaking of possible war. They all were startled by his arrival, Kraagor the Keeper said, “You are no longer welcome here warmonger, begone from here.” The King asked Hevaar’s daughter, “Was Kronen here?” She replied, “Who?” The King said, “Kronen is my court wizard. Was he here?” Kraagor said, “You mean that pathetic excuse of a magic user? No he was not, why did he tell you he was. You made a mistake thinking you could trust that maniac, if he had his way the Order would be in flames. You are an enemy of this Order now, tread lightly Wyrm King, I feel your time is near.” The King said, “I will not hurt this Order as it is necessary, Those who oppose me however, and threaten my Kingdom will not be forgiven so lightly. Stay out of my way, or I will force you to.” The King teleported back to his horse and continued on the hunt.
Sunset came too soon for Kronen, who was weary that his plan would work, but he was sure it would, she told him it would after all. She was far stronger and wiser than the King would ever be, and she knows what is best for this land. Kronen kept her existence secret to the King, because he knew the King would try to attain her, or destroy her. But time has passed and has allowed her to grow stronger, much stronger, and free of the tyranny of a curse that had long since been placed. Kronen was near the Elven lands and he began to pick up pace, he could not outrun Fenaar on foot, but he could kill him. He would need to hurry and gather the armies, then hurry back and make sure the King sat in his throne, to trap him. Kronen wanted to destroy everything the King had built, as she told him to. She was his true master, and she was not happy with what the King had done. Kronen stopped worrying about her and raced into the Elven lands where he was greeted by an armored convoy that would lead him to the capital, they were expecting him. They rushed him and his urgent message into the capital to spread the word, and to gather the amries.
The King arrived and the butchers were not prepared to harvest the yield that he and the Wyrms had brought. This was when he knew Kronen was plotting something, he knew that there was something else wrong with him. The King said, “Twins. Find Kronen, and bring him to me, alive preferably.” The Twins growled and took off to the skies and started their search for the wizard. The King told his Wyrms to surround the Kingdoms outer wall and watch for an oncoming attack which might loom on the horizon. The King walked to his council and called them in. They all arrived within the hour and talks had begun as to what would happen. The King said after much arguing went by, “Evacuate the villages, move them to my old lands. There are places there where they can continue their lives. Take with them five-thousand soldiers, a thousand of that being cavalry. Have them take three years provisions. A war is coming and they do not need to be in the middle of it. I must ready my defenses, you may leave with them as well. If I should lose, you would all die.”
The King, still standing walked by his throne. He looked at the chair and felt something different, something odd about it that he could not place. He gained the same feeling that he had when Kronen was last around and he suspected treachery. He turned to the council and said, “Call the soldiers to arms, war is on the horizon.” He left the room as the council members rushed to gather his army and some rushed to leave the Kingdom before the fighting started which was wise. The King walked to the memorial courtyard and meditated by the wall inscribed with the names of his fallen allies. He was interrupted when he felt an immense pain within himself and he knew something was wrong. He stood and looked around and saw the twins returning, one carrying the other.
The King rushed out of the castle to where Karnac placed Borak who was impaled by a large arrow imbued with magic. The King asked, “What happened?” Karnac said, “The Order fights us, they have more of these weapons, they created them with the power to kill us.” The King said, “It would have happened eventually but this is different, this is a deeper magic placed within this weapon. This is the power of an old wizard, a very old wizard. Annor was right, she lives. Care for your brother Karnac, and let us hope he can make it through. I will travel to Annor and find out where she is, and I will kill her.” Borak whimpered as Karnac lifted him and carried him to a place better suited for treating him while the King, full of anger and rage teleported far away.”
Annor turned to see the King appear in a fiery apparition and he greeted him. The King demanded, “Where is she?” Annor asked, “Who are you talking about?” The King said, “You know damn well who I am talking about Annor. Tell me where she is.” Annor said, “You cannot reach her anymore, she is dead, I watched her die myself.” The King said, “I’ll be back.” He teleported to Borak, removed the magic arrow and teleported with it back to Annor where he slammed it down onto the ground and said, “What is this then?” Annor looked at the arrow and a serious look took him over. He picked up the arrow and when he did it glowed bright blue. Annor said something under his breath and the King asked, “What did you say?” Annor said, “Il vinni artour. It is a saying that I heard long ago, inscribed into the blade. This is not possible, she should be dead, she must be dead.” He rushed over to the globe and searched but could not find her.
The King said, “Maybe because she is in your position, but in another temple Annor. Kronen, my court wizard found her and was corrupted by her, she thinks I am you. She is helping try to kill my Wyrms and she will die, I will cut off her head and return it to you here laughing merrily all the way.” Annor said, “I was not told where the other temples are King of Wyrms, I cannot help you.” He started to walk away when the King yelled, “LIES.” Annor was knocked down and had a blade pressed against his throat and the King said, “You forget I am willing to destroy this world. Now tell me where.” Annor said, “Fine. If you must.” Annor walked to the globe, the King in tow and he pointed to a spot in the ocean which was another temple. Annor said, “This was my friend once, I had the utmost respect for her.” The King said, “You were also in love with her Annor, I know the stories. I will return with her head.”
The King teleported out leaving Annor alone, barely able to grasp what he had done. He sank down to his knees and reached out, ignoring his role. He reached out through the globe device to the temple and said projected from within his head, ‘I will forgive you, if you can forgive me. My feelings have not changed all this time, I am glad you live. The Wyrm King is on his way and for that I am sorry. I wish things could have been different but fate is a funny thing. If you can hear this, Calentra, I am sorry.’ He could feel a presence, and he knew that she heard him. The presence was familiar but it was much different than what it had been. The only thing he heard was silence until the presence faded and disappeared. Annor walked to his chair and sat in it, deep in thought with a war raging in his mind.
The King arrived in a flurry of flame within a deep blue temple that was very cold, almost ice cold, his skin gave off steam as the heat from within poured out filling the room. He drew his blade and looked around the room, then he sent a shockwave of flame through the room, filling it with a bright flash revealing many ornate sculptures and carvings that were similar to the templa Annor was in. This action was responded by a wave of water rushing in and knocking the King off of his feet. The King was swirled about on the floor and slammed around the room. He managed to stand and his armour started to glow red with heat. He slammed the edge of his blade into the floor sending an immensely large wave of white hot fire through the room which instantly evaporated the water and threw a figure out of hiding. This figure was wearing a blue robe and had nothing else. The King approached the figure lying on the ground and picked them up by the throat, it was a woman.
She said, “Annor told me you were coming King of Wyrms. I know of your prophecy, and your fate.” The King said, “Hold your tongue. I knew Annor would warn you, he still cares, I on the other hand do not care for those who plot to kill me using trickery. What have you given Kronen that makes him think he can beat me?” She said, “I am Calentra the Aquyatic, I do not answer to you.” The King brought his blade up to her gut and pushed in a bit and stopped, any farther and she would be impaled on his blade. He said, “Do not tempt me wizardess, I have no mercy when it comes to my creations being hurt. You gave Kronen and the other's the power to kill my Wyrms, which they were meant to find on their own. You will take that power, or I will kill you and do it myself.” Calentra laughed and said, “You kill me? You cannot kill me with the weapon of a wizard. That is Annor’s sword, and it cannot pierce my skin.” The King laughed and said, “I guess its option two then?” He drove the blade through her gut and engulfed her in flame, taking her power and putting it into the blade. Calentra’s screams filled the small temple and echoes throughout the lands. The waters of the lands rumbled and shifted, causing large waves on the coasts. The temple started to crack and water slowly leaked in.
The King looked into her eyes and said, “This is no longer the blade of a wizard, old one. Your price has come.” Calentra said before she was fully absorbed into the blade, “You have been betrayed already, your fate is set in stone as you will be for the rest of eternity.” The King said, “We will see now won’t we.” Calentra was fully absorbed into the blade and the King was hit with a large onrush of water as the walls collapsed. He teleported out before he was trapped, directly to where Borak laid, his wound mending. He took the arrow in his hands and concentrated on destroying it, but he could not. No matter what he did he could not break the spell on the weapon. He cursed under his breath and went to Fenaar.
The King said to Fenaar, “Fly as fast as you can and scout, do not come anywhere near their camps no matter what, Borak is mending, I would hate to lose any of you to an end, I must know where they are keeping the arrows. I must take them all and get rid of them for good, so they must rely on fate to give them the weapons capable for destroying you all, they must learn for themselves or they will have not learned anything. Fly fast and strong, do not get too close.” Fenaar raced off towards where Borak and Karnac had encountered an army. The King went to the wall where his Wyrms were at watch. He asked, “How has the evacuation been going?” Krathen replied, “Very steadily, there is no panic either, the soldiers have been setting up all morning and they have nearly all defenses in place.” The King replied, “Good, very good. Borak is still recovering slowly but I implore you all to take extra care, they have weapons that can kill you all, each is a special arrow designed just for you by Kronen. Yes Kronen betrayed us, but that's what getting drunk on power gets you. If an army appears pull back and defend the keep and Borak, do not fight the army, that I will do. I do not want to lose any of you any time soon.” Krathen and the other Wyrms roared in agreeance and the King walked back to the Keep to attempt to help Borak’s wound heal faster.
The King arrived to see Borak trying to get up. The King said, “Rest twin, you cannot move with that large of a wound, trust me, it makes things worse. I will do the best I can to help you ease the pain and heal the wound, I learned this technique from Votaar many years ago, hope it works.” The King used the same healing process that Votaar had done to him after the Orcs attacked his village. This process involved isolating small sections of the wound and slowly healing it part by part, rebuildin what was lost and damaged, while strengthening what was still there. The process is a very long process and takes very good care. The King was halfway through the wound when Fenaar came soaring back in, several cuts lined his belly but other than that he was unharmed. The King asked, “What happened?” Fenaar said, “I got too low to the ground on a near fly and scraped myself up a bit. The army is moving on us now, shall I alert the soldiers?” The King said, “Immediately if you would, I must finish here.” Fenaar soared off and called the Kings army to arms and the Wyrms to fall back out of the suspected range of the arrows. The King finished closing Boraks wounds and he said, “Do not try to fight with this, you will still need to heal as it is very tender and can still break open. You will still hurt when you move but you will no longer bleed out. I must go take on this army now, and destroy those blasted arrows somehow.” Borak snarled and nodded off into a sleep where the King hoped he would wake up from, the wound was large and much blood had been lost.
He teleported out to the front gate, his army was at the ready. He yelled to his army, “Kronen had betrayed us and he leads this attack, we will show them the mistake they have done. Fight long, die hard! LET’S SHOW THEM WHO WE ARE! CHARGE!.” The portcullis opened and the King along with his army charged the onrushing forces gathered by Kronen. The King slammed into the front of Kronen’s forces and plowed through them, sending both soldiers and flames spraying in all directions. The King ran faster than his army and was the first to contact the enemy forces, which was his plan. He would stun them and allow his army to finish them off with ease. He plowed his way through the army straight for the commanders. Their Commanders were made of two each of Elves, Men, and Dwarves. Each of them had a reputation as a fierce warrior and the King wanted to show them that they were wrong.
He made it to the elite guards of the army, who were the last line of defense between the Commanders and the rest of the army. The King blasted them away with ease and was met with all six Commanders, with weapons drawn. One of the Elves said, “We must take him together, he cannot fight all of us at once.” The King laughed and put his sword in a reverse grip and said, “That is you second mistake.” A Dwarf yelled, “And what was our first?” The King tightened his grip on the sword and said, “You tried to kill one of my Wyrms.” The King dashed forward and beheaded the first Dwarf, all the other Commanders swung at him but could not hit him. The King fought off the six Commanders for a long while, until he felt the presence again. He yelled, “I grow weary of this fight, you will die now!” He slammed the blade into the ground sending a large wave of fire which engulfed the Commanders. He turned to face this presence, he turned to face Kronen.
The King said, “I knew something was off about you after you got that staff, you got it from Calentra didn’t you.” Kronen said, “I did, and we will destroy your army and you along with it.” The King laughed and said, “Calentra is dead, and you are next traitor.” Kronen became angry and rushd the King wielding the staff only. The King blocked his flurry of blows and struck back, and to his surprise Kronen blocked it. He soon figured out that the arrows power is the staffs power, he must destroy the blade, also why Kronen is able to defy him like this. As he fought he thought back on his first visit to Annor, and the forge where his sword was made, there must be a way to find the one used by Calentra, but her temple is destroyed so it would not be easy.
Kronen sent out a large blast of air, causing the King to slide back along the ground while still on his feet. Kronen yelled, “CAN YOU NOT BEST ME? SHOW ME YOUR POWER!” The King became angry, not like he had been in years past, but a chaotic angry which made the air around him hiss and steam. The ashen look to his arms crawled up and up, eventually devouring his whole body, Kronen watched the entire time as it appeared the King was being engulfed into flame. The King pulsed with power and the soldiers near turned to see the haunting sight of what was happening. The King laughed and in a deep thunderous voice said, “I will show you true power boy.” The King slammed the ground and sent flames in all directions. Kronen teleported out and the King cursed, he did not think Kronen would learn this soon but he would find him easily. The King turned to look at his forces and laughed. He raised his sword and charged through the ranks of soldiers laughing maniacally all the while. He left a blazing trail of flame, and he cut off Kronens forces from their backups and he cut out all escape routes. The King then focused on finding the arrows. The King fairly quickly leveled the enemy forces trapped between his wall of flame and the wall protecting Annoria. He did not find the arrows with the forces trapped inside but he did not think they would be so stupid as to launch a full scale attack and bring their best weapons just to lose them. He rushed through the wall of flame and slaughtered the army, sending many fleeing for their lives, the battle was won.
Kronen arrived in a flash outside the Oder and he rushed in. the guards were thrown aside by him as he climbed the stairs and barged into the council room at the very top. He said, “The King of Wyrms has provoked an attack and has destroyed much of their forces.” Kraagor said, “Why should we care? He did not actively seek war.” Kronen said, “But he did, I was at his councils and he planted spies to cause war, he must be stopped.” Kraagor asked, “You are betraying your King Kronen? That is very dishonorable and seems like you want his power for your own.” Kronen said, “Don’t be stupid, I wish to help this world not see it burn, I did try to enter this order did I not?” Kraagor said, “Yes and you nearly killed you teacher on several occasions.” Kronen said, “If the King is not stopped he will have bathed the whole world in fire, and you will have watched it happen. You will be called cowards and you will have broken your oaths to protect this land and its inhabitants.” Kraagor stood and yelled, “DO NOT SPEAK TO ME LIKE I DO NOT KNOW MY OATH. I know very well what this entails and I know the situation. You are a foul snake and are not to be trusted. I will not risk the life of my order for you selfish needs Kronen, find other's to do it. We will act when the land is in trouble. Now leave before I do what I should have done many years ago.”
Kronen stood where he was and said, “I will not leave. I call a vote, a majority vote. Save this land, or watch it burn.” Kraagor said, “You do not have the authority to command this council Kronen, now BE GONE.” Kronen pulled the staff out of his robes and all the wizards shuddered when he did. One of the wizards asked, “Where did you get that? That is the staff of Calentra the Aquyatic, that should not be in his hands.” Kraagor asked, “How came you by this artifact?” Kronen said, “The King stole it and killed the guardians of the temple, he also destroyed it and turned into ruins. Now is it a problem of yours?” Kraagor sighed and said, “Fine Kronen, we will help you, when will we be needed?” Kronen said, “I will call when I need you, and I will need all of you to hold back his power long enough for my plan to happen.”
- In Serial19 Chapters
The Deepest Dive
The world changed when the first portal to another reality was opened. Then it changed again when magic became codified in the laws of our universe. Now humanity fights the dungeons which spring up around the world, killing their cores and sealing the breaches in the universe. Chris and his team are part of this fight, dungeon divers, and today they're bringing a new diver with them, whether they want to or not.
8 192 - In Serial95 Chapters
The Little Black Book for Girlz: A Book on Healthy Sexuality
Check it out: not just a book about sex, but a look at girl culture by youth themselves. No stuffy school textbook. No nosey adults. Just a diverse group of teen girls from a community youth project who had questions about sexuality. To find answers, they collected stories, poetry, and artwork from other youth. They also interviewed frontline health experts to get solid facts about the stuff young women have to deal with.It’s a great mix of real-life examples and life-saving info. Topics include: • Relationships • Periods • Sex • Birth control • Pregnancy • Sexually Transmitted Infections / AIDS • Sexual assault.Everything has been vetted by doctors, and the book is endorsed by health professionals, so you know you’re getting good info. There’s also a section at the back with places you can contact to find out more.It’s all stuff that youth need to know, and it’s all decked out in a compact, easy-to-browse ’zine style. The Little Black Book for Girlz is a super-important, take-anywhere empowerment guide for girls. Don’t leave your teen years without it.
8 72 - In Serial35 Chapters
memoirs || beomryu
[ completed ]in which, when you suddenly get old memories of your past life.and it leads you to your destiny."do you believe in what they said earlier?" - choi beomgyu"if they were really made for each other, both fate and destiny will surely have its own ways to connect them together once again." - shin ryujinmemoirs:↳ a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources.I would advise you to read the first two books, although this book isn't in the same timeline as those two, they are all still connected, this is just so you wouldn't be confused with the plot.book three of the royalty series.↦ royalty series: royalty || beomryu heiress || beomryu↠ memoirs || beomryumost impressive ranking:#1 memoirs: 01 - 23 - 2021date published: 01 - 12 - 2021date ended: 06 - 03 - 2021© Center_Queen
8 175 - In Serial31 Chapters
Summoner's Pact
Lucas a young man who only wished for the easy life ends up breaking everything when he introduces powers that should never have existed in his universe.
8 83 - In Serial13 Chapters
Discontinued-Harems Are Evil!!
Sorry!, This story as of now is discontinued! I apologize greatly if anyone liked my work! But, if I feel like it I will try to Revamp some of them and make them better!
8 176 - In Serial34 Chapters
White Wolf
I am a pure white wolf. To have my talent is rare. My name is Snow and I never knew my parents. When i was little i ran away from my pack. Only cause we were attacked by another pack. They for one are called "The blood pack."#612 in werewolf 10/27/17#3 in running 5/13/18
8 135