《Tyny Tales》Spiritless


Morning came slowly to Bob, whose sleep was troubled. He did not shift around as many might, instead he felt something much deeper within his body aching. Then he awoke in a cold sweat, even his armour couldn’t protect him from his nightmares. He sat up quickly, shifting away from Rowa who slept peacefully, and then went on his way for his morning run.

He passed by some of the tribe, motioning with a hand to greet them, but they left him be and he left them be. His armour felt heavier today, no doubt due to his restless sleep. His thoughts came to him slowly, and he felt as though he had marched for an entire day. After a single mile, he stumbled his way back to the town.

“Slaying a dragon?” Called out the spirit seeker in his light accent. Bob had only just stepped back within the bounds of their village. The fences designated that much to him, but most of the time the boundaries confused him when it came to villages.

“Doesn’t have to be the case. Can get a dragon heart another way.” Bob said.

“Another way? What other way is there?” He asked, cocking his head to the side. “What other way is there?”

“A wyvern.”

“A wyvern? You’re going to go out to slay a wyvern?” He almost roared out with laughter. “A wyvern? Right. Of course you are. You’re going to go out there, with Rowa of Tyny, and you’re going to go slay a wyvern.”

“We could buy one.”

“You don’t look like you have much gold on you.”

Bob shrugged. “Just need to get a dragon heart.”

“Just need to get a dragon heart. Do you hear yourself? You are going to get Rowa killed, and I’m not going to just stand here and watch you do it.”


Bob blinked twice in response, but didn’t respond. Evidently, the spirit seeker wanted to start something with him. Yet… Bob could see the strain within their brow. He watched as their vein pulsed.

“Are you alright?” Bob asked, taking a step forward.

The spirit seeker threw out his hand and stumbled back. “Y-you… What are you?” He grunted out in pain. He fell onto his bottom and then lay on his back, still reaching out a hand. Then he collapsed, falling unconscious. His face was as red as a pepper, and Bob was as confused as one.

Bob looked around, looking for someone to come and help him, before he approached the spirit seeker. “Uh, are you alright?” He asked as he reached forward. It was then a shout cut the air and a tribes-member scrambled towards them. They drew their spear, eyeing him up.

Bob paused and then stepped back. “Excuse me, it seems as though he’s passed out.”

The tribe man looked obviously confused as he checked on the spirit seeker.

“Is he alright?” Bob asked, dropping down to a knee.

“What’s going on?” Called Rowa. She had just arrived onto the scene and was currently surveying it.

“I’m not sure. He fell down.”

Rowa raised her brow and then strut closer. She crossed her arms and then glanced down at the slowly stirring spirit seeker.

“Just… what are you?” The spirit seeker said through his teeth. “How is it possible… I couldn’t seek your spirit.”

Bob blinked.

Rowa threw a look towards him. “He couldn’t seek your spirit…”

“What does that mean?”

“It means you don’t have a spirit.”

Bob was taken aback. “I have spirit.”

“Not spirit. A spirit.” Rowa said.

“Spiritless…” The spirit seeker spat onto the floor. “You are not welcome here.”

Bob frowned. “Oh… alright… well…I’ll just go get my pack then.”

“No need.” The spirit seeker finally stood onto his feet. “Wait here.” He then left with the other tribes member.

“I suppose we’re having an early start.” Rowa said.

Bob sheepishly nodded.

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