《Tyny Tales》The Bears


A scream pierced through the forest. Rowa darted forward, Bob rushing beside her. Just what was going on ahead?

They had left the small village earlier in the day. It was approaching noon, so they were many miles away from it already. They were about to set up for a quick lunch when they were interrupted by the scream.

They finally burst into the clearing. There was a woman, a man, and a child. An upturned wagon.

Two large bears threatened the family. One was pure black, and even from here she could smell the stench of dark magic. The other had jagged fur, typical of a creature that was frenzied. A frenzied bear was one that had it's mind removed, so it felt no emotion other than destruction. The bears were about to strike at the defenceless family.

Rowa didn't hesitate to jump into the fray. Her hands made motions as she chanted. "Oh spirits of the forest, heed my call, beam of the heavens!" She reached up for the sky and a white bolt of radiant energy blasted from the very heavens she invoked from. The beam struck the bears squarely, flooding them in divine light. They shook under the force of the spell, their furs singed. They let out horrifying screams that chilled Rowa to the core. Yet even after the powerful blast of magic against them, they stumbled but took motion to strike down against their prey.

Rowa cursed to herself and stepped forward before she stopped in her tracks. Both bears fell backwards, their heads removed from their bodies. As they fell, they revealed Bob kneeling towards the family.

Rowa blinked.

She hadn't noticed Bob had pushed through. His armour gleamed and was marked from the divine light. She didn't recall Bob standing there when she cast the spell, had she made a mistake and struck him too? A wave of guilt flowed through her, following quickly by panic. She was about to call out when Bob stood, causing her to step back. He turned to face her.


"Seems like they're fine, thank the gods. A little shaken is all." He nodded and then he walked around, squat down and pulled the wagon upright.

Rowa's jaw grew taut. Not only had he taken the full force of her spell, something that would have killed the average man outright, he dealt with both bears within the blink of an eye, and he lifted and righted a wagon?

Just who was this stranger?

Rowa, after travelling with Bob for some time, still didn't know the first thing about him…

She walked over cautiously and then eyed up the three. They did seem fine, some minor scrapes from a fall, but otherwise safe and sound. They thanked the pair profusely, and the adults offered them their jewellery as payment.

"There's no need." Rowa said. "The forest shall pay us in mind." That was the law of this forest. They had helped strangers in need, and so they would have safe travels.

Rowa walk over to check on the bears. They remained within their unnatural states even after death.

Both had been cursed, but what cursed them? Why these two curses in particular? The black curse was a curse used by demons, so it seemed as though there was a demon in the forest. The mad curse was definitely from a spellcaster of sorts, very few demons used that particular curse so it was her best guess.

She quickly exchanged a glance to Bob. He nodded in return.

"Oh mighty forest lord, hear my plee, summon thy brethren!" She exclaimed and then slammed her staff down. From the earth appeared two large tigers. Twigs and flowers intertwined along their bodies.

"They will help guide you out. They will last until dusk. I suggest you quickly continue along your way. One can pull the cart, the other will defend you."

The family could hear the urgency in her voice, and so thanked her once more before setting off.

"Shall we?" Asked Rowa.

"Yes." Replied Bob.

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