《Tyny Tales》A Warm Welcome


The first day of travel went by uneventfully. Well… not quite.

Rowa and her mountain of muscle companion had found themselves at the pointy end of several spears. A local tribe had found the pair on their territory, and the pair were currently trying to get out of the situation.

"I dare you to continue to point those pointy sticks at me. In fact, go ahead and stab me, see what good it does to you!" Rowa hissed at them, her voice dripping with such disdain that it could have been deadly venom.

"Now now, there's no need for any of that. Didn't mean to walk by on your lands, accident, sorry. We're just on a-"

Evidently the three men and two women wielding their spears had gotten sick of their talking.

"Enough! Another word and you may speak to the spirit seeker once your spirits have traversed into the other world." They threatened.

"Spirit seeker? What are you, the Bangal tribe?" Rowa snapped at them once more, her fingers taking shape of a claw, eager and ready to transform at a moment's notice.

"Yes." One replied simply.

Rowa stopped her deathly glare for a moment and then suddenly relaxed. "Then I demand to see your spirit seeker."

"Who are you to make such demands?" Called one, who carefully took a step forward.

"Bob." Bob replied with a smile on his face. He seemed completely unperturbed by the exchange, it was as if this was a normal day for him. Well, as a soldier he was under threat all the time. It seemed almost reminiscent of that, though on a much smaller scale.

"Rowa, shaman of Tyny."

"Well I'd say you aren't quite so tiny." Bob said innocently enough.

Rowa's head slowly shifted to turn to face Bob. Cold sweat appeared on his face as he turned his head to ignore the glare. He knew if he turned his face to meet her gaze that he'd be consumed.


"Tyny?" One called. Then quickly the spears were planted firmly within the ground.

"Well… you should have said so." One woman flashed a sweet, innocent smile.

"You didn't ask." Rowa replied, her gaze falling away from Bob for the moment.

Of course she wasn't tiny! He didn't even need to mention it…

Moments passed by and Bob found himself opposite a campfire, sitting beside Rowa with a bowl of hot soup between his hands.

Rowa had a similar soup, though here was filled almost entirely with vegetables. She did eat meat, though she preferred eating it whilst in the form of a predator.

Men and women danced in front of them, their bodies almost entirely exposed to the elements. Bob stared into his soup, trying not to catch a glimpse of anything savoury.

Rowa was looking at Bob, not because she was embarrassed by the prancing of scantily clad people, but rather Bob's embarrassment of it. She smirked to herself. The music of drums and light chanting filled the air. The warmth of the campfire was welcoming.

Then all stopped when he appeared.

The spirit seeker. It was pretty obvious he was the spirit seeker, he just looked like one. He had a flowing white-grey cloak, though he wore no shirt so his lean physique was on display. His skin was darker than Rowa’s, his hair was silver. He was quite handsome, that was for sure.

“I didn’t expect to see the Tyny shaman here, what do I owe the pleasure?” He asked in their language, which was pretty similar to her own.

“I thought you grace you with my presence.” She replied before then continuing. “I’m here with this one.” She motioned with her head to Bob.

Bob nodded.

“Hah. You’re traveling with an outsider? I heard that you preferred to remain within your village. What’s so special about this outsider?” He eyed up Bob, obviously sizing the larger fellow up. “You should let him go. He doesn’t look like he can use any magic.” He said as he sat down beside her and then smiled innocently.


Rowa smiled in response. “I am fine.” She shut him down instantly, going back to eating her food.

He narrowed his eyes and then turned to look at Bob once more. “So what are you doing?” He asked and then glanced between the pair.

“We’re trying to find ourselves a dragon heart, do you have one laying around here?” Rowa asked, still eating her soup.

“A dragon heart? How do you intend to find one?” He asked, evidently surprised.

“We’re going to slay a dragon.”

“Slay a dragon?” His roaring laughter echoed through the village as the music started to play. “You and what army?”

“Oh no, we’re not bringing no army.” Bob said quickly. “I’ve had enough of armies.” He said, looking down.

“Oh? Enough of armies? You some kind of army boy?”

“I was.”

Rowa narrowed her eyes. “Yes. That’s right. He’s already seen more of the world than any of us, and has probably killed more than any of us combined. A real man.”

Bob looked down and then ate his food silently. The silver-haired spirit seeker narrowed his eyes at her and then threw his hair back.

“A savage man, that’s for sure.”

“I think I should head to sleep for the night.” Bob mumbled out and then stood, towering over any man or woman here. “Thank you for the food.” Rowa watched as he feigned a smile and then walked off.

“That’s right, we should head to sleep.” She said as she placed down her food and got up.

“Your tent is set up.” The spirit seeker said.

“There’s no need, I’ll sleep under the guest tent.” She said, following Bob.

When she arrived at the guest tent, which was made of four poles, each connected to the corner of the blanket over it. Otherwise it was open.

“Are you alright?” She asked, seeing the back of the man who was going to sleep within his armour. She sat down behind him and then eyed his back up for some time.

“I’m fine.” He said, though in a voice that said he wasn’t.

“What’s wrong?” She asked.

“Nothing.” Bob replied.

She just stared at his back and then finally fell back and then closed her eyes, falling asleep. He still hadn’t gone to sleep by the time slumber took her, that much she knew.

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