《Tyny Tales》Tribute


Bob had spent many years on the battlefield. He had marched from one place to another, places where death soon visited and sorrow took to the people who managed to leave. He had become sick of it all quickly, but due to the duty he had to his King, he remained a stalwart defender of the realm.

Bob had gained many fancy titles for doing such things, but that didn't mean he enjoyed it all the same. One of the things he was sick of was bread. One of the essential items a soldier had to keep on them was a sack of flour. A single sack of flour could keep a man going for several weeks, which was useful for those that had to march hundreds of miles sometimes.

Bob had become effective at baking bread quickly that was soft enough to scoff. However, his bread was always soulless.

He had accepted the bread easily from the woman, his mother had always taught him never to refuse such kindness for no reason. When he bit into the bread he was pleasantly surprised.

It was soft, yet as he chewed the bread, it didn't feel as though he was tired of the taste and texture. This wasn't like the bread he had created, no not at all, this was a bread filled with warm feelings. He savoured the taste of it, keeping the woman ahead of him company. He almost forgot Rowa there beside him, but she had soon excused herself for another important task. He still felt her gaze upon him, but paid it no mind.

He spoke with the older woman, Showa, who actually wasn't directly related to Rowa, but held a similar name. Still, that didn't mean Showa treated Rowa any less like family. This entire tribe was one big family it seemed. Just as he was about to ask her how she made the delicious bread, the elder accosted him.


"I have finished the tea. Would you care to continue our previous discussion whilst we drink under the sun?" The elder asked. The woman smiled and then left the pair alone, allowing the elder to guide Bob towards the outskirts of the village, towards the top of a hill where a few younger folk lazed around. There was already a blanket and some cushions for them, and a small little table with a pot of tea that was still steamy, and two rather miniscule cups.

The elder offered the guest the first seat, which Bob graciously accepted, before sitting. "Mighty comfy seatin', thank yous."

The elder smiled and then sat opposite him. The elder was a thinly build man, with wrinkles that painted his skin from head to toe. His skin stretched a little, which was accentuated whenever he smiled. He poured them both some tea, taking the first sip after a little prayer, and then bowed his head.

"It is safe." He said finally, giving Bob permission to drink his own tea.

Bob reached down and picked the cup up between his finger and thumb. He brought the steamy liquid to his mouth and then slowly slipped it, noisily for a moment before he managed to find the right rhythm. The tea was certainly strong, but there was a herbiness to it. It wasn't fancy, which he greatly appreciated. Though it was near scalding hot, he didn't seem to even flinch. The elder had to blow between sips.

"You said you had wished to find a place to settle down." The elder stated, sipping onto his tea. "I hope you find our village satisfactory." He smiled, though it looked like he had more to say.

"I'd say, never met a more lovely bunch'a people in my life." Bob bowed his head cartoonishly low.


"Well, I do appreciate that, however before one may join the village, there must be a tribute. The same is expected of anyone coming of age within our tribe, so I hope you don't take it personally."

"Ah course not, sir, ain't nothing like that. Paying tribute and respects is the least I could do for yourselfs."

The elder nodded and then continued to sip.

"Though you may pick the way you give tribute, I do have something to offer if you haven't yet decided and what you wish to do." The elder said and then sipped his tea. "You have met our Rowa, she is a powerful mage who comes from an ancient line of magi. She could be classed as a princess, if we were in another kingdom."

"I did think she was something like that. She is a mighty precious woman, I reckon."

The elder couldn't help but to let out a soft chuckle, probably making a joke to himself before he continued. "You see… she has not seen much of the world. Admittedly it is our fault for coddling her so. You see… her parents had died rather young. Her birth had left her weak and crippled for the first few years of her life. Her parents made a deal with the spirits, to transfer their lives so that she may live her own life with no worries of ailments." The elder rubbed his thumb against his forehead. "I was very close to her parents. They had… they had saved my life countless times. I treated her exactly as a child of my saviours, and… well, enough of that." He continued to sip his tea.

"I would ask of you for a tall order. One that would require Rowa's assistance. I'm sure she will accompany you with it."

Bob nodded and waited to see what the elder wanted from him. He was more than eager to start.

"I would request from you… the heart of a dragon."

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