《Tyny Tales》Rowa's Distrust


Rowa was livid. To think that today of all days she'd find herself greeting a new traveler. She had planned on doing nothing all day, lazing the day away as she basked in the sun. It was a rather productive day of doing nothing.

Yet she was forced to leave the comfort of her bed hours earlier than she wanted to, all to meet a stranger. He should, for his own sake, hope that he was handsome or he may find himself turned into a toad. It had happened once before during an… accident. It just so happened that accidents may occur more often when you can cast spells.

She trudged through the street, but quickly found herself full of the smugness of a caster, and so was walking short and proud.

The villagers had gathered around the stranger and had swarmed him like ants around their queen. How ridiculous! She was already their queen, there didn't need to be another.

Finally the others began to depart, allowing the elders and the other trusted tribesmen to come and greet the stranger to assess them. Rowa threw a casual glance in his direction to see what he looked like. He was certainly tall, that was for sure. He looked strong with his armour. How face, however, was as average as could be. The disappointment set in right away.

"This is Rowa, our Firedancer." The elder said, motioning a hand her way.

"Ah well ah do enjoy my way around a dance about fire." Bob nodded.

Rowas face was blank with the obvious lack of emotion. She couldn't even get mad at how stupid he was, he was just so normal…

Rowa sighed. "I suppose, if I must… welcome to our humble village, traveller. I do hope you never trip into the flames, and your food doesn't get burnt." It was certainly not the best blessing one could give. She then turned and left, though did hear Bob as he spoke to the elder.


"Well, gosh, ah must say that yer Firedancer is warm on the eyes."

She smiled to herself. Perhaps he wasn't so stupid after all.

Then Rowa found herself on her bed, a pile of furs, but before she could wrap them around her there was a knock at her door.

Uh oh.

"Rowa…" Called the voice.

Oh no… her day of doing nothing was going to be rui-

"Would you please take care to guide Bob here around?" The elder asked.

However, if the elder ever asked a question, one could safely assume that he meant it as a statement. She groaned quietly to herself as she stood up and then shambled her way to the door before opening it.

"Let us…" She said to Bob, not even looking at him as she stepped passed and beyond him.

She walked around the village, taking him to each tent and hut, speaking about who lived there. She made special note of the valued crafters, the powerful warriors, and the trusted family members.

Bob seemed to be quiet, other than a few statements of interest. They approached one of the older women, who had just finished baking some bread. She offered it to the stranger who had just arrived, and then to Rowa. Bob tried to pay the woman, but she refused, instead talking to him to learn more about this tall stranger that has arrived in their small village. Rowa’s forehead twitched, and she narrowed her eyes before accepting the bread. To think that she’d be given the bread second! Do none of these people know of loyalty or respect?

She bit into the bread. It was soft, pillowy almost, and the inside wasn’t too dry or too moist. It was just the way she liked it, so her thoughts went more to forgiving the woman, and then finally to the stranger.


She could see why her family, the tribe that had raised her and placed her upon a pedestal, and rightly so, would take so quickly to this man. His hands were rough, no doubt from working labour. He looked average, but took care of himself at the very least. Even under his armour, she could catch glimpses of his neck, which was as thick as an ox, and his forearms, which seemed so thick that they probably could stop a blade within it. He was as sweet as honey and seemed unassuming.

Then she paused. Someone so strong and that hardworking… Why would they come out here in the middle of nowhere?

This man was too nice at the moment. He even tried to pay for the bread when it was obviously a gift. This stranger… he definitely had something to hide. He couldn’t fool her! No! She was far too smart for that. She just had to catch him slipping.

This man would rue the day he deceived Rowa and her family!

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