《The Aligned Path》6. Outrider
An outrider? Out of all the adventurers they are a special breed. Usually more cunning and foolhardy than the others. May not be as deadly as a vanguard in a fight or innovative like an auxiliary, but they make up for it in versatility.
-Excerpt from third chapter in Answering the Call to Adventure
Sitting outside of Dreyfus’ cart, Alric ate a moist and well-seasoned cut of fish. Cooked to a light brown color each bite seemed to melt within his mouth.
He sat at one of the few small tables Dreyfus had set up outside his cart.
Dar’Noth enjoyed a mix of various vegetables and fruit slathered in a thick sauce. Holding the bowl up, the magonon’s mandibles snapped up and pushed its contents toward its small mouth.
Alric could not help but stare at how Dar’Noth ate, curious by the articulated movements his mandibles did just to eat. Looking to his hellion companion, Alric saw that Ghask was eating with a fervor.
Ghask tore into a big piece of charred meat whose pink interior still dripped blood. Every few bites the hellion would down a few gulps of the fermented juices from a fruit Dreyfus called fire tips, an incredible spicy fruit. The hellion seemed to enjoy its mild sweetness and savory heat, exclaiming that it made the meat taste better.
Since his sudden appearance, the merchant had yet to inquire about nor question Alric’s mysterious departure since their last meeting. Instead, he invited the three of them to one of his cooked meals. Stating with a sly smile that he owed Alric. After lightly cleaning his small outside kitchen Dreyfus prepared a tankard of fire tip ale. He then pulled a stool up to Alric’s table, “Has the food been enjoyable?” Dreyfus asked saluting them with the tankard, a wide smile across his face.
Ghask raised his drink in response and firmly nodded his head, “You have impressed me. The meat reminds me of home.”
Dar’Noth nodded, mandibles still munching on the mix of greens as his wings slightly vibrated.
Finishing off the fish on his wooden plate Alric motioned to the plate dramatically, “It could have been better.”
Dreyfus feigned a sullen expression, “You wound me once more Alric. Not only do you leave me by the wayside but also insult my food!” He chuckled and gestured to Alric with his tankard, his eyes glinting, “You likely had your reasons, but why did you suddenly vanish o enigmatic one?”
Perking up at the question Ghask continued to slowly sip on his ale.
Finished with his meal Alric repositioned the wraps around his face. Deliberately pausing for a long moment he then sighed heavily, “I do have my own reasons. As I did tell you, I have scars I do not want showing.” Slightly slumping his shoulders Alric continued in a grave voice, “My shyness is sometimes too much.”
Dreyfus watched Alric for a moment before a smile crept across his face, “You wit is as sharp as a brute’s claws. It is continually entertaining.”
A chirp came from Dar’Noth as he placed his empty bowl on the table. He nodded to Alric, “I was curious as to the reason you hid your face, scars? I cannot help but feel you have an interesting story behind your guise, possibly a secret?”
Ghask huffed and pounded a fist into his chest, “Scars from any fight should be shown with pride Alric not hidden with shame.”
“Whatever may be the case, I would rather save everyone from witnessing my terrifying features at a moment.” Alric motioned to Dar’Noth, “As for any stories or secrets let us save them for another time when the time is right.”
“Though you are odd, you have given me no reason to distrust you.” Dreyfus nodded his head, seeming to be content with the conclusion. Then followed with a sweeping hand motion to the three he asked, “And what brought you three together?” Glancing at Alric he smiled, “For your first visit to Eventide you managed to acquaint yourself with interesting individuals.”
“It seems as though I leave an impression on those I meet,” Alric said with a casual tone. Then began retelling the events of the previous night and how it led to meeting his new acquaintances. This led to an explanation of the group’s grandiose plan of creating a guild.
A low whistle emanated from the merchant, “You three want to found a guild?” Dreyfus looked at each of them with a keen look. Looking off into the distance he appeared lost in thought. A thought seemed to strike Dreyfus, he punctuated this with a vigorous nod, his features quickly reflecting his excitement. “From looking at you I feel as though you three could make for excellent adventurers, but before you can even consider making a guild a few things must be established.”
A sigh escaped from Alric, “Insight would be welcome Dreyfus.” He motioned to the books he had placed on the table, “I was hoping to understand the process with some reading.”
Ghask snorted, “Find those with skill and give ourselves a strong name, what more must be done?”
Dar’Noth shook his head at the hellion, “Though I do not fully understand all the rules involved with guilds, at least I understand more is involved with making one.”
Sliding one of the books toward him, Dreyfus held it up and tapped the name on the cover, “ An Overview of Guilds is an excellent means of telling you of the intricacies of the guild system, but it is not a substitute for the knowledge I can provide regarding what needs to be done. Are any of you registered as adventures by the league?”
Both Alric and Ghask confirmed they did not have one.
Dar’Noth puffed out his chest and pulled out an item from within a square bag at his waist. It was a small metal badge engraved with the image of an elaborate hunting horn. Proudly displaying it he said, “I registered a few cycles ago, though, I have yet to use it. Only because I have been waiting to come across those I deemed would be the most fascinating.”
“That is one out of three. This is a start. Forming a party of registered adventurers would be the first step.” Waving the book in their direction he smirked, “Then comes gaining a reputation, doing jobs, and finally funding the establishment of the guild you want to build.” Dreyfus slid the book back to Alric, “First the two of you need to become registered. With the festival currently underway many seasoned adventurers are now here at the League Hub to help conduct the tests for registration.” Thumping his drink onto the table he stood and looked at them with an amused face, “The fees associated with registration will cost less than normal, and I can assist with that if I can receive a bit of help once you three form an official party.”
Peering at his companions Alric then asked, “A bit of help?” Dreyfus’ offer was kind but he was still a merchant. It felt like such kindness was not without ulterior motive. “Is this a job you want to be done?” He inquired, the question entwined with his curiosity.
“You are correct. I do require some work to be done, and I feel like you three have great potential.” Dreyfus nodded his head deliberately and pointed to them, a smug grin on his face, “So, why not receive help and provide it at the same time?”
Thumping the ground behind him with his tail, Ghask looked at Dreyfus with expectant eyes. From within his long maw emerged a pink tongue, it ran over a bit of his top jaw. He pointed to Dreyfus with a claw, “I am not one to so readily receive help from one that has earned my trust. Though, I do know a favorable shift in the tides of fate when I see it.” Ghask slightly motioned to Alric with his head, “Taking the offer would benefit us, but I shall be cautious for any false tongue.”
Dar’Noth clapped two hands together, his claws clicking against each other, “Then to the guild district?”
Quickly securing his cooking supplies Dreyfus then asked a fellow merchant for help in watching over the cart. Once the matter was settled Dreyfus joined them on their stroll to the guild district.
Across Eventide the bright midday light of the sun blanketed the city. Leaving the market district the group encountered larger crowds now bustling through the cities streets, especially in areas beneath the tree’s shadow. Along the streets lined various entertainers and adventurers each contending for the attention for any passerby. Representatives who appeared to be from The League were dispersed along with different points on the street they walked, calling out for any aspiring adventurers to join the cause.
As they passed the entrance to the Southern Garden Alric felt the abnormal sensation from earlier brush against his mind. Once more it tugged his consciousness in a certain direction. Turning his head to follow the feeling his eyes locked onto a figure amidst a crowd surrounding a storytelling adventurer. They were clad in rusted heavy plate armor and through a shut helmet visor stared at him. Alric paused his stride appeared to be taken in by the story being told. He motioned to the gathering, “That fellow’s story, I would like to take a moment to listen.”
Dar’Noth did not hesitate to agree, he was delighted at the chance to listen to a story and promptly went within the crowd to listen. With a grunt Ghask followed the magonon, his eyes alight with curiosity. Dreyfus was indifferent and found a shaded place to wait away from the busy street.
Pretending to try and find a spot within the crowd Alric slowly moved toward the armored individual. Attempting to disguise himself he siphoned some of the surrounding shadows to darken his appearance. Soft voices began echoing through his mind. For Alric, the whispers sounded like someone speaking into a sighing wind. He determinedly walked past those currently caught in the adventurer’s tale. The feeling within his mind became more prominent as he neared his target. It was a pressure that squeezed his mind in a tight grip.
At the center of the gathering was an older man with a rough appearance. He wore a patchy long coat that looked worn from travel. Iron gray eyes swept from face to face as he told a story about a past adventure, they glinted with vibrant energy. His hands animatedly moved as he described the current scene.
Standing like a metallic statue the being did not move or seem to respond. It did not seem to be looking at Alric directly but now appeared to be focused on the storyteller. No face could be seen from behind the slits within the helmet visor, just the shadows of a dark interior.
A few paces away from the armored hulk Alric released the obscuros energies he took and then whispered to it, “I must be more popular than I originally thought. Are you trying to get my attention?” He felt himself wince as the sensation pounded through his head.
Slowly the helmeted head turned to face Alric. The voice that emerged reverberated like the clashing of metal against each other, “Sensed your presence, feels familiar. Reached out and touched you.” Each word was spoken slowly and sounded deliberate. The helmet creaked as it slightly inclined to a side, scrutinizing Alric. “We are the same but also different. Curious, most curious.” It said flatly.
The same but different? What does that mean? Did this being know about his condition? Within his head, the pain had lessened and disappeared. Alric breathed in deeply and spoke with care, “You know what I am?”
Without moving it spoke again in the same fragmented manner, “No. But you are like me, a vestige. Fragmented but given physical form. Strange.”
Was it referring to his rebirth? How did it know? A chill ran through Alric, “What are you?”
“A fragment lost and wandering. Learned from the realm and adapted. Became an adventurer when I could move and speak properly.” With a grating noise, the helm turned away, “You feel incomplete but have been made whole. Both halves of duality pulse through you, in balance.” It paused for a moment, pondering the thought, and then briskly it began walking away.
Reaching out a hand Alric attempted to grab the armor. A voice whispered into his mind, blowing through like a soft breeze. It stopped him as the words were spoken.
“We will meet again soon son of Balance.”
Retracting his hand Alric watched the rusted armor disappear into a crowded street. His thoughts were thrown into disarray. Though he could not recall anything preceding his awakening, Alric knew the one who had pushed him onto the journey he now undertook, Balance. Whoever was in that armor knew that he was connected to the higher being, but they did not seem interested in exposing his connection. Alric felt much more aware of his surrounding, a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead, he breathed in and exhaled loudly. If the individual had exposed him within this open space he would have been strung up for being associated with The Tyrant.
“Did something more interesting than the story catch your eye?” Dar’Noth’s smooth voice echoed through his head.
Turning around Alric saw the magonon glancing over in his direction. The gruff adventurer was now being peppered with questions from the crowd around him. “I saw someone donning the most peculiar armor actually. It caught my interest.” He said sheepishly, being somewhat honest.
“Understandable! There are many gathered here from across Aebros. You will see many more things you are unfamiliar with.” Dar’Noth said with a chuckle. “But with his story done shall we continue on?”
Continuing down the street the group arrived within the animated guild district. Many of the stalls Alric saw being prepared were not occupied with those attempting to recruit new additions or inspire any wanting to become part of the adventuring profession.
Dreyfus merrily led the group up a wide stone stairway lined with wooden arches every few paces. Informing them that at the top was the hub for the League within Eventide.
Alric still had lingering thoughts of the mysterious figure in armor. Pushing aside his apprehension he allowed for curiosity for the upcoming registration to occupy his mind. Many others were also climbing and descending the steps. He glanced at them seeing a variety of emotions displayed upon faces he passed. Some exuded a nervous excitement while others were either in celebration or had expressions set in a grim visage.
Reaching the top of the stairs the group arrived at an open space that hummed with activity, and presiding over it was a large building.
Alric could see that the large space was divided into two specific areas. One side of the plaza was filled with groups engaging in different physical exercises. This also included a small fenced arena, and within he could see the blur of bodies moving about, the combatants engrossed in a furious dance. On the opposite side was a more serene setting. A large open structure resided within it. Pools of clear water were visible within, circular objects floated in them emanating the soft glow of hardlight. Around the artificial ponds, Alric could see the still and kneeling figures of those in a meditative state. Others were paired and appeared to be conversing and practicing certain movements.
Entering the building they walked into a wide-open room, and immediately greeted with an energetic atmosphere. The chatter of numerous conversations filled the air along with the piercing sound of directions being yelled. Directly opposite of the entrance was a long counter was located at the back of the room. A few lines were formed for each of the eight League clerks behind it. Moving toward the counter they moved past a few individuals staring at the papers tacked onto each of the three wide boards dominating one of the walls. Dreyfus directed them a line and they proceeded to wait behind five individuals before them.
Dreyfus waved a hand at the boards, “Why the League manages to be the proprietors of the guilds they manage. With so many sources at their disposal, they can pull jobs and contracts from all over Aebros, and from a variety of clients too.”
Alric watched the clerks, impressed at the efficiency they conducted themselves with. Quickly assisting and directing each of their visitors. From the awed looks and fidgeting he could see that many within the lines were prospective new adventurers. Each of the novices Alric could identify were handled by the clerks in a professional manner. He watched a few of them noticeably take more time to assist each of the aspiring adventurers, overhearing them firmly provide them with detailed answers to questions and guidance on any inquiries. The surrounding ambiance was vibrant and it excited Alric, deterring any worries he had for the moment.
Ghask flicked back and forth, “I heard we must undergo a test of skill upon becoming an adventurer, is this true?” He eyed both Dreyfus and Dar’Noth.
Dar’Noth nodded his head, “You are tested based on the type of adventurer you choose to be identified as.” With a claw, he tapped the League badge now pinned to a piece of cloth on his armor, “I chose to become part of the Auxiliary group of adventurers. They tested me on my ability to use the forces of duality and song.”
“And how did they feel about your musical ability?” Alric asked playfully, beside him Ghask snorted with a grin curling about his long jaws.
“They said I had an interesting way of expressing my voice,” Dar’Noth said brazenly, his wings slightly flexing outward.
After a few moments, they reached the counter. Behind it was a tall and well-built woman with long black hair tied into a bun, wearing a short-sleeved shirt with a vest embellished with the League’s symbol.
Examining a few papers on her side of the counter she did not look up as they approached, appearing to be absorbed in the paperwork. She spoke suddenly still not looking up, “Welcome to the League. Are you new blood seeking to register?” She said with a stoic voice.
“Ah, Valeria, you really should work on how you greet guests,” Dreyfus said looking intently at the clerk as he leaned against the counter.
Looking up from the papers, a sly grin slowly forming across her lips. “Welcome back to Eventide Dreyfus. Are you just stopping by to see me…” Pausing her speech she looked behind him to the three others present, “or are you here for business?”
“Would you believe me if I said both?” Dreyfus said with a laugh then feigned an innocent smile.
She shrugged, “I’ll still ask we speak over an ale regardless. Always curious to see what you’ve seen on your travels.” Nodding to the group of three standing closely behind Dreyfus she asked, “So, who are they?”
Dreyfus introduced the three of them, explaining that he initially met Alric and then encountered him again in the company of the other two. He emphasized that his meeting with Alric was interesting and that the three greatly interested him. “They want to form a part, but Alric and Ghask need to register.” Reaching into his coat pulled out a pouch. The pouches contents clinked with a metallic sound as he brandished it, “ I’ll be covering the fee.”
Nodding her head she opened a few drawers then produced two sheets of paper. Laying them side by side she beckoned to both Alric and Ghask. “These are for record-keeping as well as giving me an idea the type of adventurer that would best suit you.” Valeria gave them both a writing shard and asked them to fill out the forms.
Ghask’s shorter figure had to reach up slightly to grab his paper. He huffed, “You unscaled sometimes are too big.” He glanced over his paper, “At least these questions are simple.” Using the wall of the counter he began filling it out.
Looking at the form Alric read over the three questions. Both were indeed as Ghask claimed, simple. The first asked to provide his reason for wanting to become an adventurer, the second was to state three aspects that would describe skills he would have as an adventurer, and finally to declare his side of duality than the chosen path associated with it. At the bottom of the page was a short statement, Honesty is a virtue to those seeking to walk the path to adventure. Keep answers short but enough for your character to show. For the first question the answer seemed to come instantly and with swift movements of the shard wrote, To see the world, understand it, help those with what ability I have, and to travel in good company.
“Not a bad answer, broad and somewhat idealistic, but interesting nonetheless,” Dreyfus said peeking over Alric’s shoulder. With a smile, he stepped back.
“It is a good reflection of the adventuring visionary that I am.” He said with pretend seriousness followed by a spirited nod.
Dreyfus chortled from behind him.
Alric took a moment to think of an answer to the second question. After a moment a few words strung together he felt represented him as a potential adventurer: A quick thinker, Resourceful, and Agile. The last question was going to be the most difficult to answer. His shifting allegiance to duality with the day cycle was going to be problematic. As it was the middle of that day, the energies of obscuros were stronger and more prevalent. With an internal sigh, he settled on stating he adhered to obscuros and that he practiced the Path of Mist. Choosing the Path of Mist seemed the smart choice as he did openly practice it the night at The Drunken Crow. Looking up he saw that Valeria was shuffling through papers on the desk below the counter. “All questions have been answered.” He said as he patted the sheet.
Peering up she nodded, “How about the hellion?”
A grunt came from Ghask as he scribbled out a few more words, “Writing in Thynirian is exhausting. Why are the words so many letters curved?” Finishing off a word he slid the paper onto the counter.
Glimpsing the sheet as it slid across the counter, Alric could see that the hellions handwriting looked cramped and words looked crowded together. He could feel a smile cross his face, though appearing to be written by a child it had charm.
Taking the two papers Valeria looked each of them over with consideration, “These are good answers. Some are a bit more detailed and harder to read,” pausing to look at Ghask, “But they tell me what type of title would fit each of you.” She motioned to Alric with the papers, “Outrider.” Then turned to Ghask, “Vanguard.” She placed a hand on her hip and nodded firmly, “At least is what your answers told me, but the following tests will decide if those fit or not.” With a quick hand, she signed both sheets with a few words then gestured to a door leading into another room, “You both will go in there. Show one of the supervisors your papers and they will further direct your respective testing areas.” Valeria looked at Dreyfus who waited with Dar’Noth nearby and beckoned him.
Dreyfus strode over, “And now the testing begins?”
Valeria nodded her head and grinned, “Of course. I now await the generous patron to pay.”
A hand flew to his chest dramatically, “And I thought a simple drink and good company would be enough.” Dreyfus still posing gave both of them a playful smile, “I’ll be awaiting your return and good news.”
Dar’Noth chirped then spoke, “I shall as well. You both have my full confidence.” Shifting the straps of Saila so that it was at his side, Dar’Noth strummed a few notes.
The short tune seemed to resonate within Alric. A calming sensation washed over him. He looked at the magonon who simply tilted his head forward in recognition.
Leaving the others they both walked into an open room with three other doors. Surrounding windows within it were stained with light gray and gold colors, filling the room with a soft glow. They emerged into space with many faces radiating an eagerness for instruction. A few figures moved among the crowds inspecting papers and pointing them in a direction. One approached them, a lean and imposing man whose face was set in a rigid scowl. His short cut hair was blond but now looked to be in the process of fading into a steel gray. Standing before them he scanned them with evident distaste. Without introducing himself he barked out an order for them to hand over their papers. He examined Ghask’s document first, stroking a hand across the graying stubble on his throat as he did so. Handing the paper back he jabbed a thumb to a door at the far end of the room, “For the muscle-headed one your test lies that way. Go.” He said in a deep growling voice.
Ghask gave the man a deadly glare, but nodded to Alric and jogged off.
Looking at the back at Alric’s sheet the man an expression close to a smile crossed his face. A sneer spread across his face as he looked up from it, “Yet another fledgling who thinks they can become an adventurer?” His eyes mocked Alric, “But not only an adventurer, an outrider?” With the sheet he motioned to a doorway nearest them, “How fortunate you, I am the next examiner to issue the outrider trial.”
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