《The Aligned Path》7. Duskrun
Below the surface lay a city ruled by those with coin and power. If you are a merchant chances are you have heard of this place. Enveloped in a dark like blackest night and as dangerous as a den of dark-touched wolves, welcome to Duskrun.
-Sixth chapter of A Viewing of Aebros
A soft breeze rolled across Tarnos as he walked the rocky desert terrain. The white sand crunched beneath his boots as the evening sun bore down on him. He could feel the sweat causing the shirt beneath his tunic to stick to him.
Tarnos glanced down from the slope of the dune he stood on to the young woman following behind. Linna was a few paces behind. She moved slowly only because of a behavior Tarnos had observed from traveling with her for the past few days. Constantly she would examine anything that caught her interest, she had a voracious curiosity. Despite having a face that seemed blank, the girl’s eyes shone with her fascination of the world around her.
Since leaving the more civilized confines of Kithoral territory, Tarnos noticed that she seemed to view most everything as a great discovery. The world outside of civilization was foreign and interesting. He would not have cared about her curiosity if the two of them did not have other priorities, and as such found the trait within the youth slightly irritating. Now she seemed to slow her pace so she could examine the red and blue flowers blooming on the large prickly bushes dotting the rocky landscape. Tarnos sighed and ran a hand over the black stubble on his face.
“Linna, we do not have the time to be examining the environment.” He shook his head, “We must cross this terrain to Duskrun within the next two nights. We also must make sure to find shelter for the evening. Unless we mean to be food for the desert’s dangerous inhabitants.” She looked back at him and nodded, her face remaining stoic. Her tendency to show a lack of facial expression was an odd feature for Tarnos. He could not understand what the girl was thinking most of the time, and he found it to be slightly disconcerting.
“They are so beautiful that I wanted to commit the flowers to memory, Tarnos. They are beautiful and I want to remember their vibrant colors.” She said this impassively. Linna glanced back to the flowers once more and then jogged up to his position. Tarnos waited as she climbed the white sand to reach his side. He gave her a curt nod. Retrieving the water flask at his waist, he took a sip and then handed it to her. Tarnos pointed to the bushes she examined.
“I have seen those flowers before. On other missions within the Ivory Dunes, it was discovered that the red flower is poisonous while the blue counterpart produces a sweet tasting fruit.” As he said that, his eyes caught the glint of metal from the longsword sheathed at her waist. He grunted in annoyance at recalling the memory linked to his statements, especially since it included someone long gone.
She looked back at him. The light gray eyes, beneath her tousled dark brown hair, alight with curiosity. Linna drank from the flask and upon handing it back asked, “How did you find that out?”
“Mistakes made while training for the Blades. But enough of that. Let’s move Linna.” Tarnos said brusquely as he began walking once more. Within their path was a large white rock formation. With a hand he gestured towards it, “We should reach that by nightfall. Find an alcove and make camp.” She nodded and followed in silence.
His eyes focused on the formation. As he walked Tarnos’ mind wandered back to a few days earlier. Specifically to the events that occurred after his partner selection.
Both Tarnos and his new partner had been immediately summoned to receive the assignment by the High Blade Mazon and Lask. Both of them were opposites of one another in appearance. Unlike Mazon, Lask appeared to look younger and more expressive. Lask had a leaner body in contrast to Mazon’s stockier form.
As he trudged through the white sand he remembered meeting them and other teams within the Halls of Preparation. He recalled his anticipation at returning to service as a bladesman once more.
Among many of the rooms that the hall contained, they had all met within a large space meant for planning missions.
Before discussing the task to be assigned both the High Blades waited for all five teams to gather. Once everyone arrived another individual entered into the room, almost without anyone noticing them.
Shadows within the room deepened and the present hardlight dimmed as the new arrival moved to stand behind the High Blades. It was a man that wore clothing dipped in a deep black that appeared to drip from him. He was wearing a cloth vest over a thin shirt that looked to be made of a fine fabric. Over his face was a hood that shrouded any features. All around him the darkness would contort and twist like it was alive.
That all felt wrong. But yet the High Blades accepted it. Tarnos thought as he attempted to again recall every detail.
When the man spoke his voice was like the whispering of a breeze blowing through the nighttime air, cold and distant. “Now that we are all here. Let us discuss the business we must attend to within Duskrun.” Waving a hand towards the gathered bladesman, a dark mist trailed behind the motion, he spoke again, “And the gifts I shall impart to see the task done. We have much to do.” He spoke as if he was talking to children with sharp condescending words.
He continued to muse on what happened that day. The orders they were all provided were simple, arrive within the city of Duskrun and more instructions would follow from an informant there.
Above the burning light of the sun began to fade as it moved across the sky.
Looking back to his companion he noticed that she was now focused on keeping pace with Tarnos. Good.
Breaking himself from his contemplations Tarnos realized that they were a few paces away from the rock formation. The sky was now fading into an orange color mixed with light red. A faint outline of the moon hovered above, slowly revealing itself with the oncoming of its companion, night.
“I see an alcove up there.” He pointed to an opening within the stark white rock. It was about as high up as the roof of his barracks within Red Stone. “ The opening is far enough off the ground that it should keep us safe from any aberrations that stalk the night, and the climb should be easy.”
Linna nodded then began securing her gear to begin climbing.
After adjusting his own equipment he moved to begin the climb. Pausing when he heard heavy footfalls of something running on the sand. It sounded heavy and closing in fast.
Turning away from the wall he began to unsheathe his blade. Glancing to Linna he nodded his head to the alcove.
She nodded and silently moved toward the rock wall to begin climbing. At this moment a figure leaped from a dune to their left, landing within their midst and loudly snarling.
A large and muscular creature stared at them with intense feral eyes. It was a hulking creature, about the size of a large ox, covered in thick scales with a fierce narrow face resembling a canine, and a pair of thick bone crests above each brow. Four clawed arms flexed with lean muscle as it paced back and forth, they were about as thick as a tree’s trunk. On the ground behind it slid a long tail.
Raising its head slightly the creature let out a high-pitched booming noise and from the distance, a similar cry responded. Leveling its head at them the creature growled and began advancing slowly.
At this point, Tarnos had already drawn his blade and pointed at the aberration. He gripped the hilt with both hands. Deep Edge’s gray steel gleamed within the moonlight. From its sharp edges encroached a blackness as if feeding on the metal itself.
A sand crawler who already called for its pack, how unfortunate. He focused on the creature slowly moving towards them.
From the soft whisper of metal against scabbard, he knew Linna was drawing her own blade, Sun Shard.
“This is an aberration that travels in packs. We need to deal with it quickly.” He said quietly while tightening his hold on Deep Edge. “ After we do so we then climb up before the rest of its pack arrives.”
With the same impassive expression, she nodded and shuffled towards Tarnos.
Feeling confident the sand crawler surged forward at both of them. Its two burly arms were outstretched and mouth agape revealing razor-sharp fangs.
Pulling what light the moon cast Tarnos began to channel luminescence throughout his body. He could feel the energies familiar heat radiated throughout him, and his body felt lighter as its muscles tightened.
This will not last long for me. The night’s mantle already strains my body. Tarnos thought as the burning pain he felt inside swell as if responding to his inner dialog.
Trailing a faint golden glow he rushed forward and, after lowering himself, slammed his shoulder into the beast’s torso, and as he connected a loud crunch reverberated outward from the impact. He could feel the ribs snapping beneath the creature’s thick hide.
With a yelp, it tumbled a few paces away. Staggering back up it snarled at them and prepared to charge once more when it noticed Linna was missing.
Leaping upward from the ground was the misty form of Linna. Swiftly she reformed herself in mid-air, sword drawn and raised to strike downward on the sand crawler’s neck.
Sensing danger the creature’s bone crests glowed and then flashed the surrounding area with a searing white light, a loud thud followed the sudden illumination.
He managed to cover his eyes just as the creature reacted, still the light blurred his vision for a moment. Tarnos could still hear the scuffle ongoing, with the grunts of the girl mixing with the snarling of their opponent. By those beyond, how could I forget that tactic these things use? The veil lifted from his eyes as he looked for Linna.
She was weaving around the savage strikes from the creature that now appeared enraged. Its arm muscles faintly glowing with the same white light, and each strike that missed her caused sand and dirt to erupt into the air.
Linna’s face was contorted in pain as she clutched her waist with a hand.
From the distance, the piercing calls of its pack filled the air. Radiance burn me, we have no time. Taking a deep breath he absorbed as much light as he could. He gasped from the pain he suddenly felt, almost going unconscious. From within himself the pain surged and escalated. It felt like he stood within an open flame that was passing through his entire being.
Wincing he pushed himself to run toward the creature, Tarnos bellowed at it with as much strength as he could muster.
Instantly the creature snapped its head in his direction. With a guttural howl, it bounded to meet him.
As they neared it raised two of its hands and brutally brought them down onto the ground
Sliding on the sand he avoided the blow. The torso of the sand crawler now loomed over him, exposed and without the protection of its scales. Around him, the sand billowed fiercely. Tarnos stabbed his blade into the crawler’s torso then slashed downward into its abdomen. Deep Edge eagerly sliced through the flesh as dark black blood sprayed out from the wound.
A surprised cry escaped the aberration as its arms began to buckle.
Jabbing the sword deeper Tarnos pushed the creature away without resistance. It toppled backward onto its back and squired as organs splayed out onto the desert with blood continuing to pour from the gaping cut.
From within the night, he could hear the sound of the oncoming pack, they were nearly upon them.
He was covered in a sheen of the crawler’s blood and could feel it soaking into his garb. The pain was now causing his vision to flicker, a red mist now was beginning to drift off of him. With ragged breaths, he looked for his partner.
She was moving towards where he stood, still holding her sides with one arm. “I apologize Tarnos the light caught me off guard. How are we going to climb up in…”
Having sheathed Deep Edge he rushed to Linna, grabbing her by the waist before she could finish speaking and flipped the girl onto his shoulder, causing her to visibly flinch and grunt loudly in response. Running to the rock wall he began to climb, using one hand to grip each visible handhold as he propelled the two of them up.
Clambering into the opening within the rock he threw Linna onto the ground. Tarnos released the luminescence stored within him, his vision going dark as he did so.
Slowly awakening within the cave he could hear the slow crackling and feel the warmth of a fire. He lay upon the cold stone, his cloak draped over him. His whole body felt heavy and stiff. Slowly he raised himself into a sitting position and looked around.
Beside where he lay his jerkin matted with black blood. It smelled foul like rotting meat. Looking at the fire he noticed her.
Linna was sitting opposite of the fire located in the middle of the cave room. Her jerkin was off and she wore a simple white shirt. She was staring intently at the flames.
Well, I am not dead. Carefully he stretched then moved to sit by the fire. From across the flames licking the air he looked at Linna, “How long have I been unconsciousness?”
Her eyes moved from looking at the fire to looking at him, “Not very long. The sun has yet to rise over the desert.”
“What happened after we got up here?” He said looking out from the opening, the moon’s silver light still covered the sands.
Once more her eyes were upon the fire, “The pack arrived shortly after you lost consciousness. It was quite noisy. They left after seeing their pack mate gutted on the sands.” She said with a soft voice then spoke again, “You had to exert yourself because of me. I was unable to deliver the blow as I should have.”
After examining her for a moment he sighed heavily then Tarnos spoke, “None of that was your fault. I failed to remember the creatures ability to channel luminescence.” He pointed to his head, “They can flash their prey or any predators with intense light.” Gesturing to her he said, “We are also a new pair of bladesman. Both of us are still figuring out to work together. Do not blame yourself for what happened.”
“This experience should reinforce the dangers of aberrations. Learn from this that they are unpredictable and adaptive. Most of what was present for your trials were weaker than what is actually present within the wilds.” He said pointing to the opening of the cave. “On this journey thus far we have been lucky to not run into anything more deadly than sand crawlers.”
For a moment she thought on his words then said, “You have good control of your duality energies.” Her eyes were on Tarnos again. “But I can tell you were reaching your limits. Thank you for saving me.”
Replying with a grunt he raised himself and hobbled to his pack. After rummaging through it he pulled out a pouch filled with dried meats. Moving back to the fire he began chewing on a piece of rock worm meat, he tossed a few pieces to Linna. “Rations courtesy of Ralnes. She gave me a mix of rock worm and taurin meat.” He took a bite from the piece he held, “Get accustomed to dried meat rations when out on duty.”
Long nights where this meager food source can save a starving belly. He mused as he regarded the pouch of rations.
She slightly nodded and bit into her piece. Chewing on it for a bit she looked at it curiously, “This has a good flavor for simply being a ration.”
Tarnos chuckled then winced from the pain that resulted from it, “The quartermaster of Red Stone is notorious for her culinary skill. You have not been able to fully experience her cooking especially since we left so soon after your trials.” He nodded his head in her direction, “Try some of her special dishes and you will see.”
Rising once more he stowed the rations back into his pack, he grimaced from the pain as he moved. “We should get rest. One of us should stand watch. I’ll take the first shift.”
Nodding her head in response she huddled herself nearby the fire, drawing her cloak in closely to herself.
Left to his own thoughts he stared into the fire enjoying the gentle warmth it provided, listening for sounds in the desert as it continued onward within the embrace of night.
Both of them awoke once the early morning light began to roll over the dunes of the Ivory Desert and continued their journey to Duskrun.
Despite wanting us to arrive as soon as possible they should have given us transport. Why exactly are they having us be so discreet about our movements? Tarnos pondered as they walked beneath the sun’s oppressive heat.
Soon he noticed the terrain slowly change to include more dirt and rock. He was leaving familiar territory. After examining a map he believed that they were not too far from their destination.
They spent one more night within the desert, it was uneventful. By the middle of the next day, they arrived at the gate leading into the subterranean city. Before it was a line of wagons and groups of people.
A pair of guards walked around speaking to those within the line while a group of them vigilantly stood at the gates waving people through. The paired guards steadily walked down the line. Tarnos made sure to gauge them by observing them from his place within the line. He could hear that one would ask for a stated reason for entry and names. This guard looked to be a middle-aged human, he carried a thick book that he wrote in after each response and seemed inclined to only ask questions than answering any. His partner an aetharr with oily black skin would carefully check on the belongings or goods then relay what he found. They moved with ease, their shoulders back and chests out.
It appeared that a guard's standard garb included long gray sleeveless coats, small pauldrons on either shoulder with chain mail covering half of the arm, they all also wore open helmets, and a cuirass that was partially hidden by their coat. An insignia was displayed on the chest armor’s metal surface, a pickax with a ringed circle behind it. Judging from what he could see their equipment was in good condition. Any wear on armor he could see was minimal. They also looked to be well armed. Most of them carried an intricate bow he could not recognize strapped to their backs and a variety of other weaponry. Walking along the gates he could see guards with bow drawn, they watched from above.
The two walking down the line finally reached them. Tarnos automatically took note that the young male carried a longsword while his aetharr companion had a broadsword on the back.
“Your reason for entry into Duskrun?” The young guard asked stiffly, swiftly opening his book. He regarded both Tarnos and Linna with a quick glance. He took notice of the scabbards at their waists and narrowed his eyes at the black stain on Tarnos' jerkin. "Blood?"
"Sand crawlers in the Dunes," Tarnos replied touching the matted blood.
Nodding in recognition the guard then tapped his writing shard against the paper, reinforcing his query. His companion who was a few heads taller loomed behind him.
Clearing his throat Tarnos spoke, “Yes, we both are hired blades to be in the employ of Lord Merchant Kirsk.”
“Hired by a Lord Merchant? You are the second pair to come in today that has come for work under Kirsk.” Said the aetharr motioning to them both. Its opaque eyes carefully over them both.
Scratching an edge of the shard against the stubble on his face the young man sighed, “Do you also have papers regarding this employment mercenary?”
Reaching into a pouch at his waist he pulled out a rolled up parchment. Holding it out and Tarnos nodded his head.
Taking it from him the aetharr guard unfurled the roll and read its contents. Rolling it back up he nodded to the other guard.
With a practiced motion, he etched an entry into the book, “From this letter I have your names as Arin…” The guard pointed to Tarnos with his writing shard then to Linna, “…and Sava?”
“That is correct. Pardon my companion she does not speak much. Are we allowed entry then?” Tarnos said motioning to the gate with a hand.
Eyes still slightly narrowed the guard nodded then tilted his head in the direction, “No signal was made that you could not. Remember we have your names and a description of you. Abide by city law and you shall not run afoul of us.”
Without any further word, the two guards moved onto the next few in the line continuing their routine.
The line moved forward quickly as the guards at the gates did one more inspection. When they both reached the gates Tarnos inquired about the need for such security, and the guard replied simply with “politics”. They were instructed that a short distance down the tunnel they would reach a chasm with a series of lifts surrounding it. Guards would be there to show them which ones to take.
Walking into the tunnel, dim light from the hardlight lamps that hung on the walls enveloped them. Echoing through the air he could hear the voices of those ahead.
Shifting around uncomfortably as they walked Tarnos could not help but feel unnerved by the notion of being far beneath the ground. Being outside in the open arid desert suddenly felt more appealing.
Linna was visually absorbing everything she was seeing, not appearing to be unmoved at all by the circumstances.
As the guard at the gate said, they soon reached a gaping chasm. Over the void was a series of ropes and pulleys secured by a thick lattice of wood. A nearby guard directed them into a structure with a wooden floor surrounded by a railing. Metal beams at each corner intersected at the ceiling above and on top of that a pulley connected to a web of rope above.
Why does this feel like a cage? He thought to himself grimly while looking at it.
Once they stepped inside the guard pulled a lever and the structure slowly began to lower with a squeak from the pulley.
A lamp hung above them providing light to the darkness surrounding them. Others could be seen going up or down from the faint glow coming from them.
They looked like candles to Tarnos, lights wavering in the dark.
A gasp from Linna broke him from his thoughts, eyes instantly moved to her form standing by the railing.
She was pointing to something over the railing.
Moving to her side he cautiously looked.
Numerous glimmering lights like that of those within a night sky greeted his view, the city of Duskrun.
- In Serial40 Chapters
Reincarnated, Crete finds himself not in some overpowered human body with the basic kill the demon lord cliche. No, he is reincarnated as a weak, powerless, and quite frankly worthless existence. Maybe his was a mistake, as he wasn't even reincarnated as a human but instead a humble and meek existence, A termite. Follow Crete as he adventures, without the memories of his previous life intact, in this New World, Honera. He trudges on endlessly with his indomitable willpower and journeys as a meek termite who is fraught with trials and tribulations; as he seeks for the power to just live in peace and without the prejudice everyone seems to have against his kind. Upload Schedule: M-W-F Hey guys this is my first attempt at a novel, based on the type of fiction I enjoy, it'll be mostly slow-paced at the start as I try to work out the kinks and learn more about "Isopterans". However, if y'all enjoy it leave a few nice reviews, or if you don't, leave some constructive criticism. Both would be appreciated. I also would be setting up a Patreon if any are interested in donating to help fund the story or you can send a donation through PayPal directly. I want to create something that we as RRoaders can enjoy together. You can also access the Discord here [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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