《The Aligned Path》5. Dar'Noth
Getting work as a guild is all about reputation or who can manage to impress the employer. Plenty of jobs are posted on the large boards within League hubs. Swift action, a strong sword-arm, a witty tongue, and a bit of luck are what separate successful adventurers from those with no coin.
-Excerpt from the third chapter of An Overview of Guilds
Alric’s eyes snapped open, visions still vivid within his mind. He moved a hand over his face. Still feeling the familiar feel of the cloth wrapping he relaxed and rose up. Looking over at Ghask he saw the hellion was turned on his side, cloak pulled over him. Up above the sky began to brighten with the emerging sun. Portions of the dream he could recall felt familiar as if he actually experienced what he saw.
Before he could muse further the crisp sound of a few musical notes were played rang through the morning air. Looking into the structure Alric recognized the tall form of a magonon, it sat on a bench. The creature wore armor that was elaborately designed with distinct curves, interconnected with a white cloth. Its carapace had a burnt orange coloring and it was carved with patterns using sharp lines. To Alric, the figure before him exuded a presence of nobility. The creature was hunched over a rectangular object that sat over both its legs. Alric could see that it was engraved with intricate symbols. The magonon looked to be deep in thought as its four hands hovered over the several strings running across the instrument. Then with fast movements, the four hands plucked a few strings in quick succession. The mix of notes sounded precise and clear as running water in a forest brook. Alric cleared his throat loudly.
The magonon’s wings two sets of crystalline wings spread out from its back in surprise. Its hands grabbing the instrument as it slightly slipped from its lap. Articulating its mandibles in agitation for a moment the creature quickly composed itself and folded its wings down. After briefly examining Alric it spoke, “I did not notice you wake up, greetings to you.”
A sophisticated and cultured voice echoed within Alric’s mind. The faint tingling sensation following soon after it finished speaking. “Were you hoping to wake us with a performance?” He said pointing to the object that lay on the creature’s lap.
Placing the instrument to his side the magonon stood up and with some flourish gave an extravagant bow. As the creature bent down Alric noticed a motif carved within the magonon’s cranium, it appeared to be a motif consisting of a sword with wings. Then straightened itself and looked down at Alric, “I am Dar'Noth Varn. A son of House Endurance. I apologize for my sudden appearance, but I want to speak with you both. Waking you with a beautiful melody seemed a good idea.” Dar’Noth pointed a claw at Alric and wagged it, “May I also say that it was bold of you to sleep out in the open. The gardens of Eventide are mostly safe, but this city does have the lingering shadows of darkened guilds.”
He gestured toward himself with a hand, “Alric. I shall remember to not be so careless in the future.” Having only reemerged into society he was aware of his naivety, Alric was too taken in by the peaceful appearance Eventide had initially shown him. At the mention of darkened guilds, Alric tensed up, organizations that operated outside of most law. He felt himself frown at his lapse in judgment and carelessness. Looking at Dar’Noth, it seemed to him that his first few days within civilization so far were eventful and involved encountering intriguing characters. “You wished to speak with us, why?” Alric looked back to Ghask who was still huddled beneath his cloak. The morning sun caused the creature’s small scales to shimmer beneath its light. “And how did you know we both were here?” He recognized that Dar'Noth shared a similar name to Melthor, the magonon city guard who showed him to the Drunken Crow. Both of them could be related, but Alric was unfamiliar with magonon social structure.
Dar'Noth nodded his head, “Yes, I witnessed the bravery you both displayed at the tavern last night and it was inspiring. I glimpsed you sneaking off into the gardens and I followed, but the white-one appeared and you both began speaking so I waited.” The magonon reached down with a hand and strummed a few of the instrument’s strings, “You yourself showed wit and resolve where many would have not gotten involved, the scaly one showed great strength and ferocity. After seeing this I needed to speak with you, an enigma, and the white warrior.”
A rustling noise followed by a yawn from behind Alric told him that Ghask had awoken. He turned to see the hellion sitting up and looking in his direction.
“Are you attempting to sing me awake?” The hellion said with a groggy rasp. Ghask then stood and donned his cloak. He wrinkled his nose, sniffing the morning air and moved toward Alric.
“Not I but an admirer from our performance at the tavern last night.” Alric said nodding to Dar'Noth who once more sat at the bench, “Well, if you wish to speak with us the other has awoken.” He pointed at the object that Dar’Noth once more placed on his lap, “I am unfamiliar with what you are playing, what is it?” Examining the device Alric saw that seven strings were tied at both ends of its wooden body, and beneath each string was a triangular piece at different points on its wooden body. Carved into the wood were designs of what appeared to be clouds and mountains. Among them were unfamiliar lettering and symbols.
Dar'Noth’s wings hummed as they slightly vibrated, “It is a Saila. An instrument of us Wing-kin. Its vibrant sounds often accompany many tales told by magonon storytellers and musicians.”Dar’Noth’s eyes gleamed while he spoke with reverence.
Ghask walked into the structure and stood next to Alric. His red eyes were looking over the magonon, “Admirer of our fight, is that so? Are you writing a song about it?” He snorted, “Why else would you disturb the morning air?”
“I was going to do so, but the reason for my presence is…” Dar’Noth strummed several of the strings. The transparent strings reverberated and filled the air with its refreshing sound. He then attempted to say his next words in a musical manner, “To embark on quest and adventure with brave folk. You captured my interest and now I must know.” Pausing his hands he clicked his mandibles, “May I be in your company?”
Alric could not help but feel himself wincing from the lack of musical talent Dar’Noth possessed. The chirps and whistles from Dar’Noth sounded off and the voice slightly monotone.
Ghask shook his head, “That still is a strange and slightly violating feeling.” He said wriggling his snout then motioned to the saila, “You sound like a scaled warrior trying to read letters. Flat and boring.”
Dar’Noth clicked his mandibles and then said with an indifferent tone, “It simply sounds as though you cannot see art when it is presented.”
“Musical capability aside, you wish to adventure with us? Neither he or I are in a guild, and I am not even a registered adventurer. As such I am a simple novice.” Alric said looking at Ghask, “Though, your timing is interesting.”
The hellion tilted its head and looked at Dar’Noth then turned its attention to Alric, “I would agree, but that would mean that you decided on what you want to do, yes?” Ghask looked at Alric expectedly, his tail swaying back and forth.
Remembering his dream last night Alric understood that what he needed to do required trustworthy companions, and he likely would be less conspicuous starting a guild than joining one already established. The less scrutiny he suffered the better off he would be. Alric nodded his head, “Your words last night swayed me Ghask.” Alric motioned to Dar’Noth, “If you want to adventure with us Dar’Noth, how about helping us found a guild?”
A low hum came from Dar’Noth as his wings vibrated. For a moment he seemed to be in deep thought but then answered, “I was not expecting such a curious proposal, but you both do interest me.” He stood and slung the saila over his shoulder by a strap, “It is decided, I shall accompany you both if not for the adventure but also the stories that may follow.” With a flourish, he held two hands up in a dramatic pose, “This warrior with an artist’s essence shall aid you.”
Ghask thumped his tail onto the floor and gave a toothy smile, “The yells of a fresh scaled after being tossed into grand waters for the first time sound better than you, but you are at least amusing.”
Dar’Noth stared at Ghask in silence then turned to Alric.
Ghask’s tail could be heard scratching against wood as he moved it across the floor, seeming entertained.
The magonon gestured to the surrounding area, “For such a venture you picked a good time to consider it. Today marks the start of the Guild Festival. An excellent time to observe other guilds and find those of similar thought. Might I suggest going through the districts holding the festivities?”
“We have a few cycles to attend the festival, but our minds align, winged one. Finding those willing to join us would be easiest during the festival.” Ghask said in agreement.
Both he and Dar’Noth exchanged brief introductions, Ghask providing a more spirited display which the magonon seemed amused by.
Turning to Alric Ghask grinned, “Though before any of that I require a new iron fang. I left mine left within my den land. And I see you both lack them as well. I was told that this festival would be a place to see many and possibly find one to my liking.”
“An iron fang? Do hellions make a habit of replacing fangs with metal?” Alric asked playfully.
Dar’Noth raised a hand, “I think he refers to a weapon.
“The winged one is right, we scaled have our fangs and claws, but every scaled finds their own iron fang.” Ghask gave Alric a knowing nod, satisfied with his explanation.
Alric felt a smile, “Well, I do need some trusty steel myself. Both of you are going to have to lead me, only been here one day.”
Dar’Noth bent his tall form slightly, giving a small bow. Then flamboyantly swept his hand into the air, “Allow me, new companions, I have lived within these walls for many a cycle. Follow me into adventure!”
Leaving the Western Garden Alric walked with his two new acquaintances to Eventide’s market district. As they moved down one of the main streets, Alric noticed that the city already bustled with activity. Alric walked beside Dar’Noth with Ghask following behind them, he had to walk at a faster pace to keep up the creatures long stride. “I was escorted by a guardsman with a similar name to yours, another Varn. Are you perhaps related to Melthor?” Alric said moving his gaze to Dar’Noth.
A set of his eyes swiveled to look at Alric, “Ah, yes. He is a brood mate of mine. Melthor is akin to an older brother to me, born a clutch earlier than I. Him and I, along with a few other brood mates, came to Eventide several alternations ago.”
Ghask spoke up from behind them, “I always thought you winged ones were born from the skies.”
The magonon gave a hearty laugh to Ghask’s statement, “That is a myth about my kind. A matron birthed me and my brood mates.” He dramatically held his hands to the sky, “From beyond the skies above, we descend to the lands below swathed in light.” Once more Dar’Noth laughed, “It does make for good stories though.”
Alric turned to see Ghask shrug, a somewhat thoughtful expression on his face. He smiled to himself. A few more moments of walking passed before he saw a large red pavilion looming ahead of them. Revealing itself behind some other buildings. As they neared it the crowds became thicker and the air filled with the hum of many conversations. The pavilion Alric saw covered a vast space filled with various stalls, mats covered with various baubles, and carts filled with different wares. Around the tent’s perimeter were buildings that seemed to be more shops, big windows displaying what was sold within. The three of them arrived at Eventide’s market district.
Dar’Noth waved a hand to bustle underneath the red glow of the pavilion, “A space used by traveling merchants passing through the city. It is lively but not to this extent. The Festival of Guilds brings many that usually do not come to Eventide regularly.”
The air was thick and smelled of sweat, Alric felt a bit overwhelmed by the many bodies surrounding him. He could see that Dar’Noth was eager to wade through the crowds. Ghask looked about himself with wide eyes. Alric spoke loudly over the clamor of voices around them, “Where would either of you wish to start? I’ll follow along and see if anything catches my eye.”
Moving through the crowds, the three of them began perusing stalls they came across. All around him Alric could hear the smooth words of merchants hawking their goods and haggling with customers. Alric saw each of his companions meander away, both seeing something worth their attention. He could see Dar’Noth’s figure above the crowds, his wings slightly buzzing as he inspected something on the stall he stood before. Deciding to walk over to Ghask, he saw that the hellion had quickly found an individual selling various weaponry and armor.
On a colorfully worn rug sat the merchant along with his array of wares. He was a brown-skinned man with a stoic expression across a weathered face, and currently was watching Ghask examine an ax. As Alric approached he briefly looked up and gave him a curt nod, then made a sweeping gesture to his merchandise. The goods being displayed ranged from traditional to exotic. Some of the weapons seemed to be made of bone, sharpened stone, or even metal that shimmered. A few of them were covered in sheathes beautifully decorated with feathers or a variety of other materials. A few of the armor pieces he had available to sell looked to also be made of unfamiliar material as well. One of them was a breastplate created from rough red leather and combined with elements of large orange scales.
Ghask was holding an ax with a lengthy bright silver handle and an ax-head that appeared to be made of smooth black glass. He briefly looked up from his examination of the weapon and gave Alric a grin, “This one speaks to me. A fine fang indeed, what do you think?” Holding out the ax, he motioned with it to Alric.
Taking it with both hands, Alric was impressed at the weapons light-weight. Looking at more closely he could see that unfamiliar words were inscribed beneath the ax-head. Its edge seemed to gleam with an energy that felt vicious and seemed to pull Alric into a reverie. Shaking his head he looked to the merchant, “Has this been imbued with obscuros?”
Stroking a graying beard the merchant eyed Alric, “Very little. Forged by Kithoral smiths from a rock that emerges from the fire-rivers of Uldarni.”
“Uldarni? The eastern lands neighboring Aebros?” Alric asked uncertainly about much of his geographical knowledge. He was unfamiliar with the lands beyond Aebros and much of the continent itself.
The older man nodded, “Bought it off adventurers who travel there. Traded with the Xunoa, an ageless people.” He looked at Ghask, “Will you buy it? It was made by the hands of a smith who forges for the Order of Two Blades. The glass was hardened by seeping within the darkness of obscuros then forged, or so I was told.”
Alric handed the weapon back to Ghask and glanced at the merchant, tilting his head, “And the energies within pose no threat? Obscuros is dangerous to those unfamiliar with it.”
A long sigh came from the merchant and he waved a hand lazily in the air as if dismissing the question. He shook his head, “Such ignorance, this is nowhere near imbued with the energies of a sword held by a bladesman. Otherwise, you would be fighting back the voices right now.” The merchant then pointed a finger to the ax, “Are you buying it?”
Ghask thumped his chest with a fist, “This is a worthy fang. How much?”
Looking at the hellion the old merchant held up two fingers, “A three-ring coin and four two-rings.”
“A three-ring? The price is to be expected.” Ghask reached into his cloak and brought forth a small pouch. Reaching into it he brought out several coins that glowed as he held him in his palm. One of them glowed with three bright rings with the faint design of a sun being upheld by a figure. Counting out the four other coins he then handed the payment over.
“Hold them in your palm,” the merchant asked as he examined the five coins. Looking at the three-ring his eyes narrowed and he clicked his tongue and muttered, “Darkened light-lander coin.” He shook his head then took the payment, the coins dimming as he did so. Rising he reached into the rickety cart behind him. He produced a hide sheath for an ax and tossed it in front of Ghask.
Alric noticed a staff leaned against the cart as the merchant returned to sit down. He noticed how smooth and polished, it looked well made. The wood itself was an ivory color with some charcoal colored swirl patterns mixed in. Both ends were carved into braided knots. A light gray cloth wrapping was tightly bound at the middle of it. It invoked a familiar feeling within Alric, almost reassuring.
Beside him, Ghask sheathed the axehead. He thumped the ground with his tail, huffing with satisfaction. He looked up at Alric, “Are you going to get anything?”
Alric glanced at the staff, it was appealing, especially as the only weapon available were those he could manifest with hardlight. He pointed to it, “Is that for sale?”
Glancing behind him to the staff, the merchant nodded, “It is. Though why anyone would want a well-carved stick is beyond me.” He motioned his hands to the variety of blades before him, “These would serve anyone better than it would, but it was given to me by a traveling woodsman of the forests far east of here, excellent wood craftsmen.” Leaning back he pulled the staff and held it out with both hands, “Made from trees deep within the forests he lived in, strong and sturdy wood.”
“How much for this stick?” Alric asking motioning to it, “It is too well made for me to pass it up.”
Narrowing his eyes the merchant said, “This won’t do much against an aberration that wishes to sink its fangs into you.” He then shrugged and held up a finger, “Fine, I was not expecting to sell this. Four two-circle coins.”
Handing over his payment, despairing at the diminishing contents of his coin pouch, Alric gladly took the staff. As he held it the staff Alric thought he felt it vibrate. As the two began to walk away from the merchant Dar’Noth was striding toward them. Within his claws, he held two different colored vials.
“Did you both find something to your liking?” He said as he rolled the vials in-between his claws.
Alric stamped one end of his staff onto the ground, it stood about his height. “Both Ghask and I made purchases.”
Ghask turned his back slightly to showcase the ax strapped on his back.
“And it seems you did so as well. What did you buy?” Alric said pointing to the vials.
Dar’Noth’s bobbed his head quickly, “Indeed! An exciting find. New colors for my writing shard.” Holding out his hand the vials clinked against each other, one was a bright blue and the other a deep green.
Ghask seemed unimpressed the moment Dar’Noth explained their purpose. Turning to look at surrounding stalls.
Alric studied the vibrant colors, “I myself am not too familiar with writing shards, I know of them. Have not had much use for them. A thin piece of hardlight, right?”
Dar’Noth nodded excitedly, “Not too unexpected, most do not need a fully crafted shard for writing unless they partake in the activity. I have too many ideas and …”
Suddenly Alric felt something at the back of his mind. A presence briefly brushed against his own consciousness and seemed to pull in a certain direction. Alric shivered from the strange sensation. The mind he sensed felt somewhat similar to his own, and he did not understand what that meant. Lingering for a just a brief moment it disappeared.
“…as such I must record them. Alric?” Dar’Noth tapped Alric on his shoulder. His mandibles slowly clicking against each other.
Alric jolted back to from his daze, “Sorry, I got caught up in my own thoughts for a moment.” He motioned to the surrounding area, “It is still a lot to take in.” As he spoke his eyes scanned those around him. Nothing seeming out of place. Taking a deep breath Alric calmed himself.
The magonon’s mandibles slowly clicked against each other as he examined Alric, “Well, I can understand that. I gathered that you are unaccustomed to being in a large city from how you have acted.”
Alric forced a laugh, feeling slightly unnerved by what he had just felt, “Actually, Dar’Noth if there a shop within this district that sells books? I have a need to embrace my scholarly tendencies.”
Ghask grunted as he puffed his chest out, “Books? Only good for those who spend time thinking as opposed to acting.”
Dar’Noth seemed to brighten at the question, his wings vibrating briefly, “One such location is nearby Alric, I visit often to scour the shelves .” Looking down at Ghask he shook his head, “Knowledge gifts many with greater understand of this world, O scaly one. Ignoring such opportunities dim the world.” He led the two of them outside the pavilion after navigating the maze of bodies.
Outside of it a few merchants still displayed and hawked their wares. Alric could see that some of them seemed to be set up to sell food. His thoughts wandered to Dreyfus and wondered if he was in the market district, if he did chance upon him Alric would apologize and attempt to provide an explanation.
The three of them arrived at a shop near one of the corners of the pavilion. From the outside, it looked plain, but through small windows, Alric glimpsed bookshelves and tables piled with books.
Dar’Noth opened the door and hunched himself over in order to enter, moving slowly through it.
Alric followed behind into a dimly lit room. Light from the windows trickled in with dust visibly floating through it. Dimly lit hardlight lamps were located at certain points, giving off a comforting glow. A strong musty smell pervaded the room. Bookshelves lined the walls along with a few rows in the middle of the room itself.
From the back of the room, a faint but gentle voice called out, “Excited! I shall be right there.”
Ghask did not enter but stood at the threshold of the doorway. His snout furrowing as he sniffed the air. Thumping his tail onto the ground he said, “I shall await your return. Perhaps even see if anything tasty catches my eye.”
From a row of bookshelves emerged a light gray aetharr dressed in a slim shirt covered in black streaks. It had a smaller figure with curvy features, a female aetharr, reaching them she gave a modest bow. Looking up at Dar’Noth it gleamed, the long appendage flowing down from her head was twirled about the air, “Delighted! Welcome back, Dar. You bring someone new!” She looked Alric over, eyes gleaming with curiously, “How may I help?”
Dar’Noth gave a small bow, “Swift winds carry me here once more Jalina. My friend Alric requires some reading material,” he said motioning to Alric with his hands.
Alric had an idea of what he wanted and what would be helpful to him at this moment. Obtaining a better understanding of Aebros was going to be important, he knew very little about its history and much of its lands. At the moment only two names stood out within his memory, Duskrun, and Thyniron. He nodded his head, “I am looking for any books that can provide a look into the history of Aebros as well as a guide to its lands. Text about guilds would also be welcome.”
“I do believe that I have texts in stock that fit those criteria!” Jalina strode off into the rows of books, periodically muttering titles beneath her breath. The sound of books being shuffled and moved ensued. In the midst of her search she spoke, “Dar, are you still looking for a guild to join?”
Dar’Noth had moved to a table and was examining a few books by their covers. Wiping off the dust on one worn looking book he called back in a jovial tone, “Just recently I do think I have found something.”
Jalina emerged from a row holding three books against her chest, “Most thrilled! Does that mean I shall be hearing tales of your adventure?”
“Many stories shall unfold, I can feel it.” Dar’Noth’s wings vibrated as he dramatically stared off into the distance.
The aetharr laughed, “As do I!” She presented the leather-bound books to Alric, “I think these three will be most helpful. An Overview of Guilds is an excellent look into how guilds and the Adventuring League operates.” It was a think deep red colored book with gold accents. She then held up another, it was thin and had a brown cover with a faint map across it, “A Viewing of Aebros provides a look into the lands of Aebros as of the last ten alternations, well written with some drawn maps.” Jalina held out the final book which appeared shabbier than the other two. It had a dark green covering and upon it, the title, Before and After the Tyrant, “This covers important points in the history of Aebros since the time of the tyrant. An old tome that a few distinguished scholars contributed to.”
Alric looked over the books and nodded in satisfaction, “How much Jalina?”
“Three two-ring coins for the copy of Before and After the Tyrant, and a two-ring for each of the remaining books.” She said after thinking for a moment.
After paying for the books Alric’s coin purse now only contained three coins, he sighed internally feeling its lack of weight. Both of them thanked Jalina and bid her farewell. Dar’Noth made sure to energetically tell her that he would return with more news of his endeavors.
Dar’Noth gave Alric a vigorous nod as they both stood outside the shop, “Though common books you will find them to be informative.”
“Done looking through paper and dust?” Ghask’s voice called out as he approached them. He held a bright red fruit with yellow bumps, it had a bite taken from it revealing an orange pulpy interior. He grinned at them both, “Decided to find a snack. Find what you needed then?”
About to respond Alric when the sensation of earlier touch his mind, but this time the pull was stronger. He was about to look around in the direction Alric felt it was coming from when a hand landed on his shoulder.
“Alric, the disappearing passenger. We meet again.” Dreyfus said with an amused smile across his face.
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