《The Aligned Path》2. Eventide
Adventurers are a force borne for the need to explore and discover. They solve problems more creatively and directly than most regular military force or guardsmen! A good adventurer understands they are trained for situations most cannot imagine.
-Part of the introduction in the Adventuring League Handbook
Hardlight lamps lining the street began to emit a soft glow as the sun steadily moved toward the horizon, casting a soft glow around them. Alric walked down the cobblestone street of Eventide. Despite mentally preparing himself to rejoin society from his hermitage within the forest, he found himself feeling slightly overwhelmed at the drastic change in setting. The surrounding city atmosphere was energetic and vastly different from the stillness of nature. A vast change to my previous company of trees and forest animals. He thought with some amusement. Though he was nervous, both the new and familiar still excited him.
Most of the structures he walked past appeared to be made of stone blocks, smooth and polished by time and steady touch of nature’s hand. From a few glances into windows, Alric identified that most of the buildings were housing. He glimpsed that the citizenry lived well within modest homes. The wide cobblestone street he walked on was also well-maintained and clean. A few individuals he passed were busying themselves with sweeping away any of the day’s accumulated trash. As he moved past an alley, Alric saw that even within their dim light they were kept just as maintained. One of them he looked down was well-lit and had a small courtyard filled with potted plants. What a peaceful place. Why do I find that so odd? He thought, feeling vaguely confused by the cities’ orderly and clean appearance.
Continuing down the street, he marveled at the cities’ natural look. He mused on how Eventide seemed to somewhat mirror the outside forest within its walls. To Alric, the very structures of the city looked to mingle with the many trees and plants within it. Plants entwined around the stone of Eventide, as if embodying a harmony between the two. From where he stood, Alric was at the edge of the looming green giant’s shaded reach. A wind sighed across the city moving the large tree and from its green mass drifted a gentle rain of green blanketing the city.
As he walked through the street, Alric saw that various species made up the population of the city. Within the crowds wandering the street Alric saw numerous humans and aetharr, he knew that both were a common sight within Aebros. Those that were surprising to see mixed into the crowds were hellions and magonon. Hellions were reptilian in nature. They had bright colored scales with lean figures, and a hellion was shorter than an average human. A magonon was easily identified with how they towered above many, regal creatures with thick carapaces and crystalline wings. He recognized both of these unique creatures, but felt surprised by their presence nonetheless.
It was a city alive with activity, a place which thrummed with a vibrant energy that he could feel coursing through it. The sound of conversation drifted throughout the air, it was a constant hum. A few residents busied themselves with what tasks they had before the day ended. Many strode past him without giving him much of a glance, the receding daylight still allowed for him to be shrouded in shadow. From an alley beside him emerged a group of three boisterous children, a girl, boy, and young aetharr. They were excitedly playing with each other, pretending to enact some grand quest as adventurers. Alric chuckled when the group ran into two patrolling guardsmen. The three loudly claimed themselves as renowned individuals then promptly asked the two guards to aid them on their journey. Both grinned at the request but declined with flair, stating that they had their own quest to attend to. After some giggling the children raced off to continue the game of pretend.
Among the crowded street Alric noticed figures that noticeable moved with confidence and pride. These were individuals that more than likely operated under the banner of the Adventuring League, adventurers. Upon the armor and clothing of a few he saw the presence of different insignias, each indicating that they belonged to a particular guild within the League. How many are present within these walls? This is a sizable city. He mused as a group of adventurers closely passed him, moving deeper into Eventide. They casually spoke amongst each other about a job they just completed. He saw the grime and wear of the road on their equipment. Despite just returning they looked just as ready to take on another request at a moment’s notice. The camaraderie shown amid them invoked emotions within Alric that he could not fully identify. A mixture of longing and bittersweet feelings welled within him at the display of companionship, they felt distantly familiar.
Alric decided to stop for moment and focus his senses on the city. The methodical sound of feet walking across the cobblestone along with the wooden creak a cart was almost hypnotic to him. Then breathing in deeply, he could smell the tantalizing aroma of several meals being cooked for the evening, the fresh scent of trees carried by the soft breeze, and the sweat of those moving around him. All of it felt recognizable, eliciting both a calm and discomfort within him. I must have lived in a large city like this. Was it larger? As peaceful? Reopening his eyes Alric continued walking down the street.
After walking for a bit more he came to a crossroads within the street. At the center of it stood a sign that dictated, in golden lettering, what seemed to be two differing districts. The left was marked as the guild district, evidenced by the steady of flow of adventurers going into and out of that area. To the right was the market district, in that direction he could vaguely see the appearance of something red poking out from above the rooftops. Another part of the sign pointed behind it and read Southern Garden. He examined the wooden signpost for a moment, deliberating on his next course of action. A deep voice suddenly echoed through his mind, calling out to Alric and shaking him free of his thoughts.
“Hail there!” The voice boomed within his head once more. The mental exclamation was followed by a rapid series of different clicking and whistling noises from behind him. Turning to face the source, he was surprised to meet with a magonon looming over him. Alric composed himself, suddenly remembering the unique manner magonon used to communicate with those outside of their own kin. This realization did not lessen the strange sensation of having a foreign voice mingle with your inner thoughts. Looking down at him the creature stood a few heads taller than him. The magonon had a rigid and thick carapace that was colored a reddish brown like that of rust. A variety of patterns were carved into its exposed arms and elongated head. Engraved upon its cranium looked to be a sword with wings. Even with its tough hide the magonon wore plate armor. It was shone with a light gray sheen. Blue accents adorned a few pieces while an image of a golden tree inlaid the breastplate. From its back hung a dark blue cloak embroidered with a similar design. Despite the combination of both the heavy armor and it carapace the creature still managed to maintain a lean appearance.
Before him was an individual who exuded an aura of authority. With two left arms it swiftly gave Alric a light salute. Its two sets of mandibles once more moved in unison to produce various clicking sounds, and again a voice resonated throughout his mind. “Hello there! New to the city? I almost did not see you, but then I noticed you examining the signage and just assumed. I am of the city guard. Do you need guidance?” The magonon produced a slight hum after each sound it made with its mandibles. Its eyes seemed to be scrutinizing Alric likely taking notice of his enigmatic appearance.
He examined the creature and marveled at how nobly it presented itself.
Following the creature’s words and the tickling sensations that lingered within his head, Alric nodded. “I am a traveler entirely new to the city, and would like directions to the nearest tavern.” Alric paused feeling the magonon’s gaze upon him as if the creature was trying to discern ulterior motives behind his shrouded face. It crossed both sets of arms and thought for a moment.“Well, Eventide has a few of varying class.” Struck with a sudden revelation its wings briefly vibrated with excitement, “I’ll point you to an establishment well visited by adventurers and wandering sorts. The place is known as the Drunken Crow.” A deep laugh left the magonon. It was a guttural and rough sound, “It also happens to be a personal favorite.”
Alric could not help but form a smile, he chuckled, “The name itself has caught my interest, and what are the directions to this fine establishment?” Despite any apprehension Alric felt at its inspection of him, the magonon’s energetic demeanor lightened the mood and removed some of the tension.
“Well, my patrol route is taking me within that direction, allow me to guide you there!” He stood straighter after the proclamation, and Alric saw the visible wing tips, peeking from beneath the cloak, vibrate once more.
“I am called Melthor Varn of House Endurance, and yourself?” He said slowly bowing, and with an upper arm jutting forward, touched single claw touched to its forehead.
The gesture Melthor had just performed looked graceful and foreign to Alric. He knew little of his kind but understood the odd act as a respectful form of greeting.
Alric returned a slight bow, but with some flourish also added the gesture Melthor’s gave by touching a finger to his forehead, “Alric, a traveler, of no house but the world itself.”
Melthor tilted its head and then chuckled deeply, “Alric you have an odd way of presenting yourself and speaking, but then again you seem overall quite strange.” With its two long legs, it began striding forward.
“We will be passing through parts of the guild district as the Drunken Crow is within the Western Garden.” The two began walking to the left of the sign with the magonon leading the way. Scenery quickly began changing from the tightly built housing structures to an area that was much more open with larger and elaborate buildings. Many structures within the area were designated with a diverse sign showing the guild occupying it. A much larger building stood out among the surrounding ones with a street seeming to lead to it.
Alric noticed a feature of this district’s inhabitants that seemed prominent and that was their appearance. Much of the groups and individuals did not wear simple clothing but were garbed in armor ranging from steel plate, leather, or other various materials. Large packs, weapons, and varying gear added to their fearless image as adventurers.
Still enamored by the district’s scenery, Alric saw signs of the festival Dreyfus mentioned. Some of the adventurers the duo walked by were earnestly decorating buildings and streets in brightly colored strings of hardlight or setting up various stalls represented by their guild.
“What brings you to Eventide Alric?” Melthor said looking back at him. His dark blue eyes seeming to continue appraising him.
Alric was absorbed with the surrounding scenery of the district. His eyes sweeping across the sights and activities occurring around him. The sight of the guild buildings with different themes and their various members interacting with each other stirred, once more, the vague feelings of familiarity within him. Realizing Melthor had spoked Alric focused back onto the magonon who was glancing back at him, “Sorry, I lost myself in observation. The district is impressive and the guilds here look lively. I am overall amazed at everything here.” He paused himself, “What was your question?”
A throaty chuckle left Melthor, “From your admiration of the adventurers and guilds, I am going to make an educated guess to your reason for being in Eventide. Are you here to participate in the festival by registering as an adventurer or joining a guild?” Melthor gave Alric another sweeping look. “I was going to assume more suspicious motives because of your appearance, but I doubt you would be openly walking with a guard if you were scheming something.” The magonon nodded his head, “That and most adventuring type individuals have their own eccentricities.” Its wings vibrated beneath its cloak seeming pleased with his deductions.
With a with a clawed hand, Melthor waved to the surroundings. “I am sure you noticed, but all of Eventide is more vibrant in preparing for the week-long festivities. And all those things I listed can be achieved during this festival. Now is the best time to seek some type of glory as this event gathers all sorts to this city.”
“I am a wayfarer who happened to be traveling this direction. I had no idea the festival was happening until I arrived, but I am pleasantly surprised.” Alric paused for a moment. The feeling of comfort still lingering within him. A thought occurring to him, the quest given to him was grand and daunting, but the idea of achieving that goal as an adventurer felt right. “Though I am seeking more fulfillment than empty roads and the thought of becoming a registered adventurer has been enticing me.” He held his hands out gesturing to his surroundings, “I think seeing all of this may have helped me come to a decision.” He felt another smile cross his visage, “With all that said, you managed to guess some of my intentions.”
The sun was now close creeping over the horizon. The sky transferring between shades of shades of red to the deep blue of night. The city began to illuminate itself with the onset of night. Hardlight lamps to the sides of the street began fully brightening, and the massive tree itself glowed with various lights located within its outreaching wooden limbs. Melthor paused his long gait to examine him once more. The magonon was likely noticing the effect of his condition as the sun lowered. Its curious gaze made him squirm.
“For some reason, your appearance seems …” He paused before the next word. Its four mandibles flexed as Melthor seemed to search for it. “Strange,” Melthor said with some emphasis while examining him a bit longer.
“It could be I am seeing things. This day has been busy.” He shook his head, appearing slightly confused.
They both walked a bit farther until they stood at the edge of another large forested area called “The Western Garden”. Melthor led Alric to a dirt path proceeding deeper into the garden from the stone street. Within the green confines, residents of Eventide mingled amongst the colorful array of plants. Upon entering the large garden, dusk transitioned into the dark of night, and he felt more conscious of the glow cast by his own peculiar aura.
As he followed Melthor, Alric saw several circular wide-open wooden structures throughout the garden and located in small open grassy areas.
They passed one with a large crowd surrounding what appeared to be an ongoing theatrical performance. The booming voice of the actor speaking reached Alric, and his words made him pause his stride. Glimpsing the stage from past a few of its viewers Alric saw three actors standing upon it.
This point of the performance was focused on one of the actors who stood beneath a bright light, a man dressed in a bright white tunic and gray vest. His was voice ominous as he addressed the audience whose attention he held captive.
“By iron and blood, I brought peace. Through my will, I bring a lifeless harmony!” His words stirred the crowd, a wave of murmurs passing through them. From the man’s right emerged another figure, from the stage’s shadow, resplendent in bright yellow clothing. The actor looked younger and his demeanor shone with confidence and bravado. He looked to the man in white with a defiant expression. Then swept his hands out to the audience and spoke passionately.
“A dictator who rose to power beneath a more powerful tyrant! Look at the land which they both preside, lo! Stagnation! Stagnation!” Alric felt Melthor move to his side, he too looked upon the unfolding scene. After the younger man ’s impassioned delivery the man in white shook his head sadly. With an outstretched hand, the actor clad in white pointed to his accuser.
“I bring about true peace! The path to my reign may have been slick with blood, but behold a nation united!” He said sounding satisfied. The other actor shook his slowly and gave his colleague a sharp glare.
“You wish for a world to be controlled and subdued with false ideals. In order to unshackle this world, I shall destroy the Tyrant’s proxy. You.” He then held a palm upward. The air around it becoming hazy as the lights flickered for a moment. Above the palm, a hardlight sword formed and the actor grasped it with the raised hand. He pointed it at the other man, and then quickly lunged forward slashing the white-hot blade across his chest. With a cry, the man in white fell to his knees. Words seeming to form upon his lips and then crumpled to the floor. All around the crowd cheered as the fallen man rose and both actors bowed.
Ah, to see the condemnation so soon. This should not be surprising. Alric thought feeling a touch of sadness. If they knew the whole truth would it change anything?
“The play Reign of the Stagnant Tyrant, is popular within the kingdom of Thyniron. Especially those faithful to the Church of Radiance,” Melthor said from beside Alric.
He motioned for them to continue walking, “We are not far from the tavern.” Then followed the statement with a chuckle, “The patrons of it are a rowdy bunch, but I think you will stand out.” Both of them continued down the dirt path down the garden.
The hardlight lampposts, along with the lanterns hanging in the trees, lit the garden as night enveloped the city. To Alric, the mixture of glowing hardlight and nighttime air gave the surrounding gardens a mystic feel. They both emerged into a larger clearing within the garden’s trees. A well-lit building occupied the space with many congregated around it., and a few paces from where they stood was a sign depicting a blackbird emerging from a mug.
Boisterous energy filled the area as they walked past crowds sitting at long tables. All around Alric the clamor of laughter, the regaling of a specific tale, a heated debate could be heard. He spotted individuals moving among the tables carrying trays of food or sloshing around mugs of drink. The buzz of voices and tavern’s activity felt familiar. This environment seemed to invoke a feeling of belonging within him, and it was bolstered by the camaraderie surrounding him. A woman with short red hair carrying two mugs in each hand rushed past Alric to a table. Before reaching it she turned and called out to him.
“If you are wanting a drink go ahead and order at the bar.” She nodded her head toward the wooden structure.
Alric pausing his stride gave her a slight bow. From the tavern itself, he could hear the faint sound of a melody drifting out from its walls. He turned to the magonon who stopped and was waving to another group, a bulky hellion with blue-green scales and an older man, that sat a few paces away. They called out to Melthor to join him, but the magonon jovially refused, stating he shouldn’t indulge while still on duty. Melthor turned back to him.
And once more Alric saw the creature’s wings buzz. At this point, he deduced the physical reaction as either happiness or excitement.
“A few off-duty guards. Enjoying some free time before the city gets too busy.” He turned to face Alric and nodded, waving his left hands to the surroundings, “We have arrived! As you requested I have shown you the way.” He gave a bow to Alric, “I would stay and partake in food and drink, but I must get back to patrolling.”
“I appreciate you taking the time to lead me here Melthor. You have my thanks.” Alric bowed in return, he felt a smile. “I think we shall see each other again, and when we do let me buy you a few drinks.” The magonon’s wings vibrated as he nodded.
“Fair enough, I may very well take you up on that offer. I feel as though you would be an interesting individual to share a drink with.” With that, the tall red giant turned began walking back to the entrance they came through. Alric looked toward the brightly lit tavern and proceeded to walk through the wooden double doors engraved with wing designs. He opened them and entered the warm light of the Drunken Crow.
The inside of the tavern was brimming with an array of patrons. Through the crowded room, he glimpsed the bar at its center. He maneuvered towards it and arrived at the smooth square countertop, and found an empty stool at one of the corners. Alric then sat between a white-scaled hellion in leather armor and a large burly man. The larger man gave him a grunt and continued to nurse his drink while the hellion preoccupied itself with watching the packed room. After sitting down Alric was soon approached by the barkeep, a short portly man. The balding individual walked over still cleaning a metal mug with a rag.
He gave Alric a warm smile, “Welcome! So, what will you be having?”
“An ale would be wonderful,” Alric said somewhat feeling excited. Similar to when he first tried eating food again. It was an experience that thrilled him, as everything to some extent felt new. To Alric's understanding, the idea of something was no substitute to actually experiencing it. Especially since he remembered much of the world. He believed that this was only knowledge he previously knew, but many details were lost and hazy. Like the taste of ale.
The short man placed the mug in front of Alric and smiled, “That will be two one ring gray coins.”
Reaching into his cloak he pulled two coins from a pouch at his belt. As he handed them to the barkeep they glowed showing a single ring around the exterior of the coin. The barkeep examined both coins for a moment. Seeming satisfied he then nodded in gratitude walking back down to another patron. Briefly feeling a pang of guilt at using the stolen coin, Alric reminded himself that he would pay back what he stole. Well, here is to possibly reliving an experience. He shook his head slightly. It’s new now. Moving a few bandages aside, Alric took a drink from the metal container. He enjoyed the taste of the warm and bitter liquid, and wondered if his past-self enjoyed drinking.
A few drunken yells broke his thoughts as the resounding crack of a fist rang through the air. This was immediately followed with something being shoved onto Alric which sent him careening onto the tavern floor.
- In Serial47 Chapters
Phantasmic Light
The world is corrupt.Nobles and royalty step on the common people. The common people have no choice but to join the military or live a life of poverty. The military is brainwashed to only obey orders, even if it's to conquer and pillage innocents. When living a life of poverty, you're treated as livestock, killed after deemed useless. When a boy summons the power damned by the gods, will he destroy the entire world like they say? Or will he end the current regime and bring about a new era of peace? AN: This is the first time I'm writing a story like this. If you don't mind my poor grammar, weird name choices, and sloppy mistakes feel free to stick around (and correct me please.) Constructive critism is welcome! However please do not just bash my story as I do put a lot of effort into it. I want to make an enjoyable story for myself as well as all of you. Ps: It's time to come back and rewrite the entire thing, since it kind of went off the rails and then I abandonded it a couple years ago. Thanks to my friend for drawing the cover art for me.
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