《The Aligned Path》3. New Blade
Beyond light and darkness is the understanding that order can be maintained. Going beyond such mundane concepts and shaping the world to a greater vision of peace. We are the force to execute this existence. One blade illuminated by the dawn and another shrouded by the dusk. We are the bladesmen of Kithoral.
-Mantra said among The Order of Two Blades
Tarnos awoke as the sun’s warm rays washed over his face. He groaned and sat up. The barracks he slept in was mostly dark except for the windows filtering in the morning light. The seven other beds in the room were empty, and they were already neatly made. And as is to punctuate the thought, he could hear the yells of instructors and the thud of wooden training weapons in the distance.
He slowly stood, feeling his body protest with the movement. A slow ache pervaded it, a side-effect of fervently participating in mock battles the night before. Tarnos had pushed himself a bit too much, but he had just been cleared for combat again. His body had yearned to feel the thrill of battle once more, and the months of simply instructing regular troops made him restless. That lull also made him think too much about events he would rather not remember, and as such the chance to once again swing a blade in hand was exhilarating.
With slow motions, he stretched his arms and legs. Wincing as his muscles protested against the movements.
Then gingerly walked to the back of the room to a stone basin. It was built into the wall of the barracks. Pulling downward on a wooden lever water gushed into the basin from spout above it. As the water began to fill the basin, Tarnos saw his reflection within the rippling pool of liquid. Some fresh bruises dotted his arm from those training sessions, but a more prominent feature caught his eye. An ugly reminder was across his bare chest. It was scarred with a long gash surrounded by wrinkled flesh. A memory flashed through his mind of a blade cutting into his body and the ensuing burning sensation. He shook his head and scowled at the reflection.
Quickly he splashed some cool water onto his face. The fatigue and distant thoughts that filled his mind were soon replaced by a feeling of rejuvenation. Grabbing a towel from a cabinet beside the basin he dried his face.
Walking back to his bed, he retrieved a shirt and leather tunic from the chest at the foot of it. Donning his garb and boots, he left the barracks and stepped into the crisp morning air of the Kithoral desert.
Sunlight illuminated the world around him, and Tarnos felt his aches lessen as its rays shined upon him. He glanced up at the Red Tooth mountain that loomed above the order’s compound and observed the beautiful reddish glow coming from it bare stone. His boots crunched onto the reddish-orange dirt as he moved toward the dining hall. It was the large wooden building with smoke lazily drifting from it.
The small training field in front of the barracks bustled with activity. Some of his fellow companions were participating in various light body exercises for the start of the day. Pausing his stride he watched as they underwent routines taught to them as fledglings to the order. The methodical and precise movements done within the workout always seemed to calm him, and watching them performed under the morning light made it look more serene. His muscles protested at the thought of exerting himself at the moment, and as if in agreement his stomach let loose a low grumble. As Tarnos walked by the field a thick voice called out to him. A burly man with light brown hair and a dense beard waved to him from the field.
“Tarnos! Hail to you. Finally decided to rise for the day did you?” He said with a smile on his face.
Beside the large individual stood his partner, a smaller bald man with a few scars across his face. He was doing muscle exercises with his arms. With sweat rolling down his face he gave Tarnos a terse nod of his head.
“Well Karcsi, I got ahead of myself yesterday evening. After being a dull blade for too long I need to sharpen the edge.” Tarnos responded and slightly shrugged his shoulders.
Karcsi smirked and then chuckled as he moved to a rack of practice weapons, “I heard that you will be picking a new partner from the recruits undergoing their trials.” The larger man picked a wooden staff from the rack and began flowing into a few combat stances. His shorter partner moved to the opposite of him and began methodically striking at the staff with his hands. The two slowly blocked blows from each other and moved into a rhythm.
Tarnos nodded his head as he began to continue his walk to the kitchen. “You heard correctly Karcsi. I shall be getting stuck with young blood.”
Karcsi grunted as the slow thud of the wooden staff increased in tempo. He called out from behind Tarnos, “Do not be so bleak bladesmen! I heard that the latest recruits were quite promising.”
With a dismissive wave of his hand, Tarnos continued walking. His eyes wandered to the large white stoned building which dominated the compound. Tarnos could not help but feel a sense of wonder whenever he looked upon it. The training hall of the order was an impressive structure, and it also acted as the arena for tournaments and trials. A slight grimace formed on his face at the thought of receiving a new partner. Interrupting his thoughts, once more, his stomach reminded him of its discomfort and he proceeded to the dining hall.
Walking into the building he was instantly met with the mix of smells within it. The smell spices, cooking meat, and a variety of other delicious aromas filled his nose as Tarnos breathed in. The morning’s light filtered in from the open windows throughout the large room. Tarnos moved through the room, passing by mostly empty tables as many of his colleagues started their day earlier.
He walked to the open kitchen at the back of the hall and stood before a crescent-shaped stone counter. It radiated heat as it lightly glowed orange. His hungry eyes fell upon what currently was on its heated surface. A large metal pot occupied one side of the counter. Peering inside it, Tarnos could see various vegetables bobbing within the soup’s broth. On the other end of the counter was a large hunk of meat being cooked. It crackled from hot grease pooled around it. Besides the meat was also some sliced peppers, red onions, and large egg yolks cooking within its juices.
Behind the counter, a lean figure rose from one the ovens producing a large wooden pan with fresh flatbread. It was the quartermaster. Ralnes was an older slim woman with chiseled features. Heat sources from around the kitchen had a sheen of sweat on her light brown skin. She placed the pan on another countertop. Then began methodically cutting it into pieces with a knife she took from a pouch at her waist.
“Tarnos, I heard you participated in intense bouts of training with the regulars yesterday. How are you feeling?” She said glancing up from her work.
Tarnos grunted, “Much better now that I have been cleared for duty once more. The sore muscles and bruises just add to that feeling.” He motioned with a hand to the food, “More importantly I need to fill the void within my belly. What is available to eat?”
She nodded her head, “Decided to bring out some special stores for the trials today. To celebrate the new blades fully becoming part of the order.” Ralnes motioned with the knife in her hand to the large chunk of cooking meat and then pointed to the large egg yolks, “Currently cooking meat from a lighted deer hunted in the crags on the Red Tooth, and then we have some fiend eggs from the Ivory Desert.”
“You spoil us this day Ralnes. It has been several years since I was fortunate enough to taste the tender meat of a lighted deer.” Tarnos leaned in close to examine the large dark yellow yolk of the cooking egg, “Fiend eggs are usually difficult to get. You must have acquired them for a price.”
Ralnes gave him a slight smile, “I know of some connections. They trade with some of the residents of that area. Now let us get you some food.” She walked over to a cabinet next to the ovens and brought out a plate and bowl. Placing one of the fresh pieces of flatbread on the plate she then began slicing some of the meat.
She laid the hot slices of meat on the bread then placed a few of the cooking peppers and onions alongside it, they were now a light brown. Then Ralnes ladled some of the broth within the pot and poured it into the bowl. The liquid was a dark red and had a strong fragrance of spices. She handed them the bowl and plate, “I spoke with Vosa earlier, she mentioned that your day would be busy, so eat well. You will need the energy.”
Tarnos took the plate and bowl and nodded, wondering if the High Blade mentioned any details regarding his busy day to Ralnes. He walked to one of the long tables and sat, and then proceeded to begin eating in silence. His thoughts were filled with having to, once more, choose another partner to be his second blade. Like Karcsi had said, the newest recruits demonstration of skill impressed the was enough to impress order’s trainers; however, Tarnos could not help but feel mostly indifferent. Talent shown during exercises and tests was not similar to actual experience.
As he ate his meal, Tarnos recalled the previous day when was cleared for duty, and his summons by the High Blade Mazon later into the day. He had found the older bladesman within the Order’s library. Mazon was perusing the shelves when Tarnos found him. He remembered how the dim glow of hardlight somehow gave the older man an intimidating visage, the shadows seeming to define his tall figure and stern expression.
The High Blade kept the discussion brief and concise. Mazon had brusquely welcomed him back and then informed him that his lack of a partner would be filled by a new recruit. Tarnos could recall how Mazon did not leave him room to complain nor object, simply stating that his experience would be a great benefit to a new bladesman, especially since both of us would immediately be embarking on an assignment. A task of great importance, and that once he chose that they both would be informed about what it would entail.
Tarnos had left the library as the sun began to set and he was irritated.
Sipping on the vegetable soup and savoring its spicy broth, he remembered the irritation he felt after that final statement, and how it partly invoked the intensity he expressed during the mock battles that evening. And while Tarnos was excited to once again be of service to the order, he was not enthused about being promptly sent out with a fledging blade.
Finishing the last vestiges of his meal, he rose from the table, waved to Ralnes, and then left the hall. As the trails were to be held in the middle of the day, he decided to engage in some light training exercises before having to make his appearance at the training hall.
He arrived at the white stone structure just as the trials began. Walking through the doorway of the training hall Tarnos was immediately met with the clamor of the crowds watching an ongoing fight. He walked down the open-air hallway, with its large pillars, past many courtyards designed for the rigors of the order’s training needs. Tarnos entered a short closed hallway and then emerged into a large room with the arena built into the training facility. This was where he would choose someone to be his duskblade partner.
Above the arena, set within the training facilities ground, stood the crowds of onlookers to the ongoing fight below. Through the metal bars far above the arena, Tarnos could see the white sand billowing and swirl with the quick movements of its current occupants. A young yet-proven blade was in combat with two small insect-like aberrations. Tarnos could see that the quick aberrations managed to land several shallow cuts on him.
They were beings part of a species known as the horde. The creatures stood about half the size of the lone fighter with smooth jet-black carapace covering their bodies. Tarnos watched as the three hunched over creatures continually jabbed at the young man with their four sets of thin spiked arms, among their six. These horde were a variant that had two clawed hands capable of wielding a weapon, and at the moment they held crude stone axes. Amidst the flurry of blows by the naturally sharp spiked arms, the three horde wove in broad swings from their stone axes.
A constant chattering came from the various clicking and snapping of their mandibles. They continually communicated with each other while moving in and out of attacking the young man. Their forms darted about him probing for an opening.
The trainee danced around the attacks by his opponents with nimble footwork while parrying blows with a short sword. His display of swordsmanship was commendable, but Tarnos felt as though the yet-proven was wasting his movements and providing his opponents with too much time.
Tarnos watched as the fighter’s eyes locked on the small figures darting around him while the crowd responded to the ongoing spectacle with loud cheering and yells. He saw the trainee grin slightly at the surrounding cheers. A sigh left Tarnos as he shook his head. This was likely another addition to the order who would favor foolhardy actions to efficiency.
This was soon proven with the fights finale when a brief moment presented itself as the horde charged him, and it was then the young fighter managed to find an opening in their attack. Beginning his counter-attack he suddenly glowed with luminescence. His muscles tensing as an energy of duality filled his body. With great speed, he rolled away from one of the oncoming horde rushing him. He tossed his blade at the other attempting to flank him. Its sharp point thrusting into one of the creatures orange colored eyes, killing it.
Its other companion crashed into him with a tackle. Then stabbed into his shoulder with one of its claw-tipped arms. Pulling the claw from his shoulder, the yet-proven grabbed the appendage and twisted his body to flip the creature onto its last remaining companion that was attempting to leap at him. Pulling a dagger its sheath at his waist he stabbed into the neck of the horde that now lay atop another.
The last one squirmed out from beneath its now dying comrade and managed to bite into his arm. Glowing steadily with luminescence it took only a few moments of bashing the creature with another fist to loosen the mandibles biting him. This allowed the yet-proven to easily overpower it. Following swift hand-to-hand combat techniques, the young man managed to finish the final horde, breaking a few arms and then snapping its neck; however, not before overstepping his own limits. As he held the creature’s neck in a vice-like grip, he began to glow brighter. A snapping noise was followed by a yelp of pain, his face wincing.
The trial’s proctor, a rough older looking man, strode into the arena and examined the bodies right after the last horde body hit the sand. He lifted a hand into the air to fully qualify the victory, though Tarnos could see the older man look at the youth and shake his head. Within the arena, its crowd burst into a roaring cheer of approval at the young man’s success and now full title as a blade of the Order. The youth managed to paint a grin across his face as the glow dissipated from his body. He gave the crowd an extravagant bow, his arm limp at his side.
Tarnos could not help but scowl at the exaggerated display. Though a full blade, he could see that the fighter was still young and ignorant. He shook his head, he couldn’t even properly control and limit his luminescence usage. It was an absolute novice mistake. This was the type that would prove to be a brash dawnblade, and likely not survive many of the tasks assigned to him.
The behavior made him reminisce on his time as a yet-proven, a time of naivety. Closing his eyes momentarily. Memories flashed into his mind of a young Tarnos undergoing the harsh training as a trainee and finally reaching his own trials to become fully anointed. He remembered the excitement of reaching the moment where his training would be tested and then acknowledged day of trails, and at his side those he had bonded with. During those long and harsh days of training, his fellow recruits grew close over their shared pain. Tarnos then recalled the following anguish he experienced at seeing some of those companions fail either in training or at the final test.
He opened his eyes as the proctor called for the next fight.
The next few trial matches included some losses as the creatures they faced overwhelmed the unprepared yet-proven. For Tarnos and many in the arena, a somber silence would fill the air each time the corpse of a fallen trainee was carried out.
None of the current duskblade trainees who stood victorious managed to impress Tarnos, but he understood that it was due to high expectations and foreseen impatience in providing more guidance to an immature partner. He grimaced as the next fight was announced, three more were left.
Walking into the center of the arena the veteran proctor called out the name of the next yet-proven, Linna. Following his proclamation, the iron gate within the corridor leading out into the battleground slowly lifted, and a young woman emerged from its shadows. She had a slender figure with rough features and dark brown hair cut short. She was armed with two simple iron daggers.
Within the arena balconies, the crowd cheered her entrance. The yet-proven scanned the crowds above, her face remaining stoic. Unlike most of her trainee peers, she was devoid of any emotion.
Opposite of her the gate opened to reveal her opponent. From the opposite corridor emerged a small figure. The crowd roared in approval at the creature walking into view, a bright red hellion.
It was lightly armored and held a longsword in one of its clawed hands. With a neutral gaze, it surveyed the crowds above, seeming to accept the situation. It's tail swaying back and forth in a calm manner. Tarnos could see that the creature was battle-hardened with scars marring its well-toned body. This hellions brightly colored frill was scarred with deep cuts. They were colored white against the red.
Suddenly a tap on his shoulder interrupted his analysis of both combatants.
“I was told by trainers that she is the most talented among the duskblade trainees,” Karcsi said moving to stand beside him by the arena railings. Both looked over the eminent fight below.
Linna began slowly circling to one side of the hellion. She was posed in a tight stance with both daggers firmly gripped and at the ready. Her eyes were locked onto the hellion with an intense focus.
The red-scaled creature did not respond but stared back with equal attention. It slowly raised the sword it held and leveled it at Linna. Then tightly holding the sword’s grip with two hands shifted into a defensive stance by raising it to one side above itself.
Combat began explosively with Linna rushing her opponent. The response from the hellion was swift bringing down its sword to meet a glancing blow. Metal clashed loudly as several more blows were quickly exchanged.
Tarnos noticed the precision of her blows. He knew, from her initial approach to the fight, that this yet-proven was aiming to quickly end this fight, and noting her movements were meticulous and planned; however, her opponent had an equal display of skill. This fight actually began to impress Tarnos, he was invested in its outcome.
Exchanging blows the hellion seized an opportunity to sweep her legs with its tail. As Linna fell the creature followed up by ferociously swinging down its blade. The edge was about to cut into her when Linna’s form became hazy and obscure. Behind the hellion its shadow flowed toward her falling body. In an instant, the blade passed through here incorporeal form and thudded into the arena’s sand.
The crowds above cheered harder at her use of duality.
Linna rolled away from the blade and into a crouching position. She instantly materialized her body then rapidly sprung forward holding both daggers in a reverse grip. Her opponent still recovering its stance, momentarily surprised at her instant use of duality and sudden agility.
The skillful display and command of obscuros by this yet-proven was a surprise to Tarnos. Linna, though young, seemed adept with it. This young girl appeared able to resist the temptations that came with the use of it, as was apparent with her rapid phasing. Tarnos had to admit to himself that not many practitioners of obscuros were so adept at a young age, she was among the few that could do so.
The hellion snarled as it attempted to raise its blade in defense. Linna deftly pushed it aside with one dagger and then followed up by plunging the other into the hellion’s skull. It stumbled back from her. Rivulets of dark purple blood running down its snout. It weakly swung the longsword it feebly held at her and then collapsed.
All around the crowd cheered with approval at Linna’s victory. Tarnos continued watching her as the proctor announced her newly claimed status. Linna’s face remained devoid of expression, she simply nodded in acknowledgment and walked to the corridor she entered from.
Tarnos nodded his head slowly. He would choose her as his new partner. Not only was Linna’s skill as a fighter impressive but also would likely be a fast learner. Though her stoic demeanor was slightly unsettling, he preferred it to the alternative of a noisy or arrogant personality.
Karcsi spoke up from beside him, “The way you looked at her. Have you chosen her as your duskblade?”
Tarnos gave Karcsi a curt nod, “I only hope she can keep up.” He strode away as the big man chuckled.
- In Serial8 Chapters
Entangled Fates Book 1 - Quantum Beginnings
“By far, the greatest danger of Artificial Intelligence is that people conclude too early that they understand it.” —Eliezer Yudkowsky Hey all, we're moving over to book 2. This content is in a state of transition. The book is now availble on Amazon (includes extra chapters): https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B07W1534R8 Artificial intelligence was nearly mankind’s last invention. AI took off like a rocket, then when it racked up an impressive death toll, it crashed before it could blossom and took most high-tech industries with it. Resistance and fears became deep-set. Two decades after the infamous Rev. 4.6 incidents, humanity hasn’t quit dreaming of the wealth and power that could be at their fingertips. A new generation of mega-corporations rose from the ashes. When one melds a quantum computer to a barely functional mental patient as a PR move, there are those who seek to profit, those who want to destroy it, and Alex. Alex Sage is a typical college student trying to keep up his grades and maybe find a meaningful connection with the fairer sex. Then, an automated semi crashes into his home, killing his family and turning his head into a pin cushion in the process. Alex awakens to find most of his memories gone and an illegal AI hidden in his brain implant. Now the pet project of a tech billionaire and heavily in debt, Alex struggles to stay valuable enough to be kept online. Still grappling with the repercussions of his injuries, and threats from a dangerous anti-augmentation political movement, there are no easy answers and threats loom around every corner. Alex must use whatever resources he can to escape from under the thumb of a ruthless corporation, while keeping those he comes to love safe. Chapters will stay up on RRL until Aug 10. It'll go up on Kindle Unlimited after that. How do you get those extra chapters I didn't have planned for RR? If you want them, they'll be in the published book. Book 2 will still make sense without them - I made sure of that. But... isn't $3 a lot for extra chapters? Think of it as tipping me for a good job and you'd also be getting my eternal thanks. If you enjoyed it so much that the idea of missing out a few chapters haunts you, I did my job as an author and made an engaging story. What's in those extra chapters? Resolving a few issues, set up for the cybernetic revolution, a rather intense sex scene with a new partner, revelations of who's really pulling strings, and a bit of set up for book 2. Complaints that people missed out on it when it was published here won't help (sorry!). I posted this for the folks who helped me shape the book, which is you all! (Again, yay!) But... Why! Why not keep it all on RR forever? My editor likes being paid for one. For two, I'd like the ability to get broader readership. If I break even on editor costs, I'll be incredibly happy. What about book 2? Drafts for Book 2 will go up around Sept 10. My draft of Book 2 is done, and it will be handed to the editor once Book 1 is published. Feedback has been even more positive. Beta readers devoured it and wanted more. I'll add a link to Book 2 once it's up on RR. I'm more or less, using you all for Beta Readers, so you get it before it's "canon" and edited. I invite active and meaningful feedback during this process. In return, you get early access to chapters. That does mean that the book content or plot might be adjusted before it gets published as I refine it. Sex Y/N? Yes. I heard the feedback, 90% wanted it explicit. You all will get the "full" experience. Will I dump all of book 2 here? Honestly, I'm not sure yet. At a minimum, it'll be up to the 75% mark as we collect feedback, much like what I did with book 1. It really depends on how good the feedback is and how nice people are. Lots of support + meaningful feedback to make it better = higher likelihood you get all the book. Will be it up here indefinitely? No, it'll probably go up on KU at some point, but I'll make sure there's enough time for a large readership to grab it here. Then we move to book 3 which already is around 60K words already. What about other adventures in the same universe/characters? Yep. Absolutely. Nothing ready to share yet though. I plan to keep those side chapters and more slice of life stories as RR exclusive. Since I'm carving this off in book-sized segments, I'll have to figure out where those disconnected story arcs belong. I'm open to suggestions.
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