《The Aligned Path》1. Alric
Adventurer guilds are the main source of keeping the lands safe as every nation’s influence to protect is limited. Those who wear the mantle of adventurer are also more relatable to the common folk, as many start as one.
-The second page in An Overview of Guilds
Dawn began to slowly unveil itself over the land. Its tendrils of light touching the tips of the forest trees surrounding Alric. A damp smell clung to the air from the early dew that covered the forest. All around him, the song of various birds rang throughout the chill air of the forest. They seemed to act as the heralds for the oncoming start of the day, providing a pleasant background to his thoughts.
Within a simple campsite, Alric sat leaned against a tree. A small fire pit from the previous night still shed warmth. It lightly crackled as the flames began to wane, lazy wisps of smoke trailed upward. He stared into the fire’s fading embers as his mind wandered.
Alric reflected on the past cycle’s events while also contemplating the task he ultimately decided to undertake.
It had been a full cycle since his return from an encounter he had some difficulty understanding. What he had seen and heard seemed to be like a hazy dream. Lifting a hand towards his hooded visage, Alric touched the cloth wraps that covered it. His fingers ran across their rough texture. The motion caused him to remember his awakening within the depths of this forest. He had awoken in an unfamiliar place, utterly naked and confused. Having muddled memories of recently speaking with someone, whose words at that moment felt like distant whispers to Alric. Within his head were no recollections at all of who he was, or what exactly he was.
But one name had stood out within his mind, Alric. With it came a feeling of pain, regret. Without having much at that time he clung to it, and eventually took it as his name.
Those following days helped him somewhat reconstruct the mission he was given and allowed him to realize that his situation was indeed reality. Sifting through what memories he had available, he was able to recall the one who provided him with a new purpose, a god. Adding to that Alric realized that he had been someone else, but now was a clean slate. Even now he still grappled with the implications of it. Why was I chosen? It was a thought that often revisited him.
Light filtered through the canopy of the forest onto the campsite and began illuminating the surrounding forest. Alric lowered his hand and watched as the very presence of the sun’s light darkened his aura. The energies of duality interestingly interacted with him, shifting when the day changed. After his awakening he spent many days experimenting with his new talents, some felt familiar whiles others were foreign. Though he mostly became accustomed to this unique trait about himself, it still fascinated him.
Despite the enormity of his situation, Alric understood that he was given a chance and shown a direction, a future. His motivations were difficult to articulate along with what he needed to accomplish. A strong and constant feeling of purpose did follow those thoughts. This journey is far bigger than I, a ridiculous task, but what else am I going to do? At the thought, he snorted and shook his head.
Slowly he stood, with a grunt, he stretched out in the gradually warming air, then quickly stomped out the last vestiges of the fire. He took a moment to assess his meager supplies. Throughout the cycle, Alric had simply lived off of the land. Gathering berries he knew were edible, hunting small game, and fishing at the pond he discovered. Being out in the wilderness provided a vague feeling of familiarity, it was comforting. Within his pack were a few dried fish, vibrantly yellow berries that had a sour taste, and a hardlight dagger he managed to conjure and solidify. Shouldering the pack he began walking to the forest’s edge, following a pattern of small marks carved into the trees.
It was a few nights ago that Alric settled on his decision to leave the forest. His destination would be the large city that he glimpsed a few nights after awakening. As he moved, Alric remembered the night of that discovery and chuckled.
It had been a day he spent exploring the forest. At this time Alric had mostly accepted his circumstances. When the blanket of night fell, Alric had arrived at the edge of it. He was greeted with lights of a small rural town surrounded by farmland. Having wandered into the vicinity of this populated area, Alric realized that being naked with his unique appearance would likely not be ideal for socializing, anyone seeing him would be more than surprised. After a few days, Alric did have an idea of what he was, and he understood that those who saw his exposed form would have him either detained or outright killed. And so that night he decided that procuring some supplies and clothes would be an acceptable course of action.
Alric determined any conventional means of acquiring what he wanted, as mostly impossible. His option that night was to steal or in his mind, borrow. The ease at which he was able to settle on the idea and formulate a plan, he wondered if his former self was a thief or street-rat. Planning for the heist and performing it felt natural to him, the process made sense.
The daring act was not entirely successful. For his attempts at stealth were made difficult due to his new abilities. His slightly illuminated figure did not blend well with the surrounding nighttime scenery, but he had decided that this was an obstacle to overcome and proceeded. His movements were soon spotted by some local guardsmen who could not help but take notice of his incandescence.
As he ran from the baffled guards, Alric saw that the forest continued into a valley. It was then that he saw the city. Far off in the distance, it stood brilliantly against the black backdrop. From what he had seen, at its center was a titanic tree. The sight was magnificent.
Thoughts returning to the present, he walked beneath the trees filtering down the warmth of the sun. Reaching a small stream, he drank from it enjoying the cold feel of the water.
He looked down at the jerkin and clothing beneath it. Whoever he stole from had clothing and a few armor pieces, over the cycle they helped warm and protect him. Everything he took from the house he robbed was out of personal necessity, and they happened to get caught up in his circumstance. Alric felt a smile upon his face, he would pay them back and do it discreetly. For he doubted they would want further troubles from the glowing thief.
Resuming his trek, Alric continued to follow the path shown by the smooth cuts on the trees.
Once more his thoughts wandered to the large task before him, he reflected on his current plan. The plan was not grandiose nor at all fully thought out, but he did have a step outlined. It followed a similar intuition he felt from his thoughts regarding theft.
Running from the guards that night provided him with the initial idea. Alric remembered seeing a small countryside tavern when looked back at them during his escape. From the short look, he saw boisterous patrons entering the lively space and engaging in revelry. A scene that invoked a familiar feeling within him, one of belonging. A yearning to belong welled within him, and he then knew where his journey would start, the city. It would be a resource and an opportunity, and Alric strongly believed he could use it to his benefit. Despite having no memories of having lived in one, he innately knew that the flow of information and supplies would be helpful. Even with scattered memories everything still felt foreign, but in a manner that was exciting to him. He needed to figure out where he was and once again understand the world. The unknown city would be a good starting point.
After some walking through woodland, Alric emerged into a less forested region. A large area of farmland and small buildings. It was the town where he made his acquisitions. He stopped for a moment to take in the landscape. Against the early morning light, some fields shone with a golden sheen while others were arrayed in various hues of green. A light breeze blew over the land carrying with it the smell of wood smoke and manure. Despite the trees in this particular part of the forest likely being used for lumber, they were still quite plentiful. It seemed to Alric that the forest did not seem keen on relinquishing its presence entirely. He focused on the feature further down the valley, past the farmland, the large walled city was a dominant part of the scenery. It appeared to stand as a bastion among the wide expanse of wilderness surrounding it. Ensuring his bandages and hood were secure over his face, Alric proceeded down to the nearest path toward civilization.
Alric passed townsfolk already busying themselves within the early hours of the morning, beginning their routines for the day. The sound of domesticated animals resonated through the air, they seemed to awaken alongside their masters. Within some of the fields were farmers checking on their crops or feeding livestock. A few carts were rolling down the road in the direction of the city, filled with fresh goods likely to be sold at a marketplace.
With his features covered up, he likely looked suspicious to anyone who saw him. An enigmatic individual clad in cloth wrappings and a hood. Someone would have good reason to call guards to question me, I look like a vagabond. If they took the time to notice. Alric thought slightly amused at the notion. His features were lightly masked by a veil of shadow, so no one gave his appearance much attention.
The few individuals who did notice him on the road, as he moved past, reacted with surprise from suddenly seeing him. A few waved regardless of their bewilderment while most gave him confused looks. Alric responded with a curt nod as he passed them. He walked by an older man with a graying beard, who was caring for some plants closer to the road. The man noticed Alric and watched him with scrutinizing eyes as he moved away. Shifting his small rucksack uncomfortably, feeling those man’s eyes on his back, he continued down the path. Alric felt more conscious of his appearance.
He took the well-maintained dirt roads until the stone walls of the city looked more defined from where he was. Continuing down the road he noticed a cart up ahead stopped to the side, and it seemed a bit odd. As he walked past it he noticed it was somewhat tilted to one side. Though the oddity lay in what the cart seemed to contain. Various boxes, sacks, and other containers were stored within. The brown horse was saddled to it looked bored as it nibbled on grass poking up from the road. A man was on the other side of the cart muttering under his breath and too occupied with his predicament. Alric walked a few paces away from the situation before sighing and turning back, “Hello there! Seems as though you need help.” His conscious deemed it necessary to help a stranger, and that feeling felt right.
A pause in the exasperated noises, “Hail there! By the Radiance, my wagon wheel worked free of its axle, and I could use help getting it back on!” The voice had a cheery tone which sounded relieved at his arrival and offer of aid.
Alric jogged over to that side of the cart and was met with the sight of a man wearing a sleek black dress suit. The man was crouched with the wagon wheel in both hands and looking at it with some contempt. The disgruntled individual seemed to exude an air of sophistication that caught Alric’s attention. The chiseled face with well-trimmed facial hair looked up from the wheel and smiled at him. Alric gave a wave of a hand and motioned to the tilted cart, “I can lift it while you get the wheel positioned.” Some slight hesitation was in his voice. This would be his first true social interaction since his awakening within the forest.
The man’s jovial expression paused for a moment as he squinted at Alric, seeming somewhat puzzled. He then shook his head as if shaking off a dazed sensation, “Well met! To have this happen not far from Eventide, I think it some crude joke played by fate.” Placing the wheel aside he stood up and brushed himself off. With a slight bow, he introduced himself, “Though I think fate is making it up to me by having a compassionate traveler happen by! The name is Dreyfus, Dreyfus Harken.”
He returned the bow with some flourish, “Alric. Known by most as Alric, and that isn’t many.” He motioned to the cart once more, “Shall we attempt a fix then?”
Dreyfus chuckled, “You have interesting presence Alric.” His eyes seemed to glint at that statement. Stooping down he picked the wheel up, “But we can save my curiosity for later. The sooner we fix this the better!” Dreyfus positioned himself by the axle, “If you can lift it just enough I shall try and slip it back on.”
Positioning himself beside Dreyfus, Alric began lifting the underside of the cart. The weight was great and his muscles began burning from the strain as it went up. Since his reintroduction to the world, he had a difficult time feeling as though he was truly a part of it, just an empty shell. But the current strain on his body that accompanied helping this stranger, though uncomfortable, brought Alric a sense of being. Alric grunted, “I can only hold this up for a bit more. Whatever is in your cart does weigh a lot.”
A strained unintelligible noise met Alric’s words. After what seemed a long moment Dreyfus yelled in elation, “Success! The old hulk is not yet finished!” He stood up from the ground and surveyed the wheel, “I’ll make sure to get it looked at once we are in Eventide.” Dreyfus turned to Alric with a smile, “Seeing as you were headed that way, why not join me for the remaining distance?” Dreyfus motioned to the cart with a hand, “It is the least I could do to thank you for helping me.”
Alric took a moment to contemplate the offer, “Well, my feet were beginning to hurt. And some company would not be bad either.” He nodded, “I’ll take you up on the offer.” Alric mused to himself, other than being quite an enigmatic personality, this man did not seem to be any trouble.
Dreyfus beamed and turned to climb onto the seating at the front of the cart, “Well, let us be off then!”
Continuing down the road with Dreyfus, to the now identified city, Alric’s new traveling companion seemed to enjoy engaging in conversation. It was a change of pace for Alric from the silence he had as a for the past month.
The man animatedly informed Alric about who he was, a traveling merchant who operated as a cook, selling his dishes along with a variety of other goods. His dishes revolved around the exotic flavors rare beasts or aberrations provided. He talked about how he hunted his ingredients himself or traded for them with other adventurers that knew to seek him out. It seemed as though he often interacted with them, many were usually his customers. Dreyfus noted that those who came to him usually had unique tastes, and as a result were interesting folk, often sharing stories and good conversation over his dishes.
Alric watched the approaching city and his eyes locked on the tree at its center. A magnificent display made it seem like Eventide’s guardian. The ancient giant’s branches stretched over a lot of the city as if shielding the buildings and inhabitants beneath them. Dreyfus spoke up, “I did not ask, but have you ever been to Eventide?”
Shaking his head Alric said, “No, this will be my first time.” It was somewhat true, but Alric could not be sure if it was or not. Nothing seemed to stand out in particular, no feeling of familiarity came to him. Alric motioned to the tree and looked to Dreyfus, “What is the story behind the tree? It is very difficult to miss.”
With a distant look, Dreyfus’ eyes examined the tree. He then glanced at Alric, “According to someone of the origin stories is that this region was the place where the three Awoken did battle. Scattering energies to the surrounding forest.” Dreyfus waved at the woodland around them, “but one spot concentrated most of the conflict’s energies” He motioned with a nod of his head to the city’s center, “The Tree of Duality is what it was named. For its shade manifests the obscuros and its large expanse of branches absorb luminescence.” Dreyfus made a slight shrugging motion, “But that is just one of the many stories involving its creation.” Dreyfus smiled, “A story for another. Why do you cover yourself up? I noticed when we met but didn’t say anything. Have something to hide?”
Alric didn’t respond immediately, allowing for the creaking of the cart and sounds of the forest occupy the lapse in conversation. His silence was not because he did not have an answer nor due to reluctance. He felt that this situation demanded some dramatic flair. It was to ensure not only his safety but also to keep Dreyfus’ continued company, the jovial merchant was pleasant. A sigh escaped from Alric, “Some scars are too much for the world to see, and I would rather people judge me for my character as opposed to things on the surface.” To continue with the dramatics Alric tugged his hood over his face furtively, “An adventure went wrong long ago, and memories too painful to recall.”
Looking at Alric with a somber expression Dreyfus said, “Well, I too can attest to what a rough life can do to you. I can understand the need to not want to scare people off, and how pain remains after the wound.” His eyes on the road ahead he nodded his head affirmatively, “I shall not push the matter friend, thank you for telling me.” He smiled once more, “Well, it just adds to your charm, eh?” A grin crossed his face and he laughed lightly.
Staring ahead Alric responded, “I appreciate your understanding Dreyfus.” He felt a smile and chuckled, “Yes, my strange appearance is simply a means of adding to my overflowing charisma.” Eventide’s walls were now looming overhead. Alric noticed up the road two armed men strolling in their direction. From their uniforms, recognizing them from his previous venture the other night, Alric identified them as guardsmen. One of them looked to be a human while his companion seemed to be an aetharr, the opaque grayish skin and glowing blue eyes gave it away. His mind raced at seeing them approach down the road, and they were getting closer. Alric grunted, “Dreyfus could you stop for a moment?” He said rubbing his abdominal area, “An old wound is acting up and I need to stretch. Most likely the bouncing of the cart.”
Dreyfus tilted his head and frowned in concern, “Surely, are you going to be okay?”
He nodded slowly, “I should be fine once I stretch out this mangled body of mine.” He felt a grimace on his face. The light felt heavy on his tongue despite its necessity.
Dreyfus urged the horse to pull the cart to a stop at the side of the road. The guards were a few paces off and taking notice of the cart pulling over. Dreyfus waved to them, “Seems like we have company on the road. Some guardsmen from the city by the look of it. They are a good sort, care about the people.”
Climbing down from the cart Alric mimicked cautious movements. “That is good to know that the city guard cares about its people.” He said moving towards the back of the cart, pretending to groan as he stretched out his body. Under his breath, Alric muttered, “Thank you, Dreyfus, I do owe for all this, but I do not want to get you caught up in any trouble that may involve me.” As he finished the sentence Alric could hear the crunch of boots on the dirt road, the guards had reached the cart. Alric began climbing into the back of the cart quietly, using the approaching guards and oncoming exchange to mask his subterfuge.
Dreyfus happily called out to the guards, “Hail! Out patrolling for troublemakers are we?”
Alric heard a response, the voice was smooth and soft, “Vigilant. Always. We both noticed you pull over. Is everything okay?”
He began to huddle down into the cart. Hiding within the shadows of crates, boxes, and various sacks of goods. Pulling on energies within the shadows and himself he shrouded himself further in darkness. Attempting to fully mask his presence from all those around him. To ensure that no complications arose, Alric decided that getting into Eventide under the cover of stealth would be the best way of avoiding any unpleasantness.
“Of course! My acquaintance stepped away to stretch some sore muscles from traveling.” Dreyfus responded with a whimsical tone.
A gruff voice spoke up, “You seem familiar.” A brief moment passed before the voice spoke again, “Are you a wandering cook?”
Speaking with pride in his voice Dreyfus said, “That I am! Traveling around cooking for the hungry adventurers out there, and of course those willing to taste the fruits of my travels.”
The gruff voice spoke again with a light-hearted tone, “Ah, you do look familiar. I remember seeing you when you passed through once. Your cooking was good.”
Dreyfus thanked him and the softer voice spoke with an edge of authority, “Welcome back to Eventide traveler. I should warn you. A suspicious individual was spotted out in the farmland. The incident spooked the guard duo patrolling at the time, and as such patrols have increased.” Alric hugged the shadows he hid in a little tighter as he could only assume the “incident” in question was his adventures to acquire clothes.
“And what was the incident?” Dreyfus asked.
“Curious. Not much can be said except that a strange individual was caught on one of the farms, and it was glowing”, the smooth voice explained.
Alric heard the creak of wood, Dreyfus repositioning himself as he called to him, “Hear that Alric?” Dreyfus said somewhat jokingly, “Seems as though we have to watch out for strange glowing things.” Silence followed his question as Alric made no motion to answer. “Alric?”
The ensuing search for the mysterious companion by Dreyfus and the two guards took several moments. All the while Alric waited in shadow. Dreyfus’ voice emanating concern and confusion at his disappearance. The two guards admitted to not seeing anyone accompanying Dreyfus. Only further adding to the confusion of the situation. The guards said they would keep an eye out for me after Dreyfus provided a description. The two of them posed the idea that maybe his companion wandered into the forest and got lost, and prefacing the thought with the notion that the Emerald Woodland was dense and getting lost was easy. The cart soon began rumbling in the direction of Eventide once Dreyfus was assured the guards would search for Alric.
After a little time passed, Alric peeked from within the confines of the cart to see the walls of the city. A large thick wooden gate, currently raised, was at the entrance to the city. Smooth stone walls stretched out from either side of it, the stone surrounding the gate looked to be chiseled with designs resembling tree branches. Raising himself slightly more from the cart, Alric noticed the guardhouse located just within the entrance gate. Two aetharr guards stood at attention on both sides, one had an inky black skin while the other was gray. Their brightly lit eyes scrutinized the cart. Alric lowered himself slightly, checking to ensure energies hiding him were still in place.
The black aetharr hailed Dreyfus with an airy-like voice, “Calm. Hail traveler, welcome to Eventide. May I ask what your business is today?”
Dreyfus with an exaggerated tone said, “Well my fine aetharr friend am here to participate in the guild festival to mingle among the adventurers and sell good food.” Dreyfus followed his response with a bow.
No visible reaction came from the aetharr guard, “I see, once more welcome to the city of Eventide.” He motioned into the city with a gauntleted hand.
The cart surged forward and began rumbling as it clattered onto a stone road. Looking back, he made sure the gate was a few paces away before pulling himself from the cart and rolling onto the cobblestone. Picking himself up he began walking into the city, his destination the biggest tavern he could find. And to his luck a festival was also abound, all the better. Alric had successfully begun to take the first steps to his quest, “It’s a start.” He muttered.
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