《The Pokemon Emissary Among Worlds》Chapter 12: Encounter


Okami felt tired after all the strenuous activities he did today. Yet, he was excited when Hiruzen promised to give him the unappropriated vacant lot he owned. With great expectation, he followed Hiruzen but was dismayed when he noticed that they were walking towards the Academy's direction. Okami spent the remaining time at the Hokage's office and signed some documents to formalize the transfer of lot's ownership. Hiruzen then invited him for dinner and he complied. They chose one of the restaurants located just beside Ramen Ichiraku and went home at exactly 8 pm.

Okami fed the Pokemon and went upstairs. He was about to go inside the bathroom when the Pokemon App appeared on his hand.

Evil chakra from the Legendary Tailed-Beast Detected. Power of the Tailed Beast: Kurama, the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox New Pokemon Variant Added:

Altered Vulpix (10,000 PP)

Type: Fire, Dark

Grade: Legendary

Collect all the Pokemon infected with the Tailed-Beast Chakra.

All Altered Pokemon can be brought to another World.

Benefits come with dangers. Naruto's Vulpix become connected with Kurama. The Tailed Beast can now bypass the seal through Vulpix and leave Naruto's Body.


Okami unsummoned everyone except Abra, and absorbed him. He somehow felt that his Chakra reserve increased but he was not sure. Disregarding it, for now, he then concentrated his mind and thought of Naruto's house and said, "Teleport."

The area surrounding him distorted and he was surrounded by mists of white light. A second had not even passed when he noticed that he was already outside Naruto's house. Suddenly, he felt dizzy and vomited right there and then.

"Oh, for the love of Arceus...I never expected that teleport can affect me this way," Okami muttered to himself as he rubbed his stomach. "Dang! There goes my dinner out of my belly."

Okami calmed himself before knocking against the door. He kept on knocking until the door opened.

Naruto was pleasantly surprised when he saw Okami at the front door. "Okami? Why are you here?"

"Hah! Can't a friend visit you?" Okami grinned as he peeked inside the house. "Are you busy?"

"Sort of. I'm still doing some Math assignments. Iruka-sensei threatened to fail me if I can't submit this tomorrow."

"Oh, then let me help you. I'm good at Math."

"Sweet! Come in, Okami."

Naruto ushered Okami in as he picked up all the clattered cups of Ramen on the table. "Heh! Make yourself comfortable. Got to clean the place for a bit."


Okami noted that there was just a single chair present inside the house. The walls were as bare as the Sahara desert and the bin was filled with trash. He removed his shoes and set it beside the door, and chose to sit on the floor.

Okami chuckled as he heard clattering sounds as Naruto ran all over his place. Naruto probably never expected that he would have a visitor.

Okami wanted to handle the situation without alarming Naruto, so he must be discreet with his actions. When he noticed that Naruto was done, he gave him a thumbs-up. "Hah! That was fast."

"Heh! Sorry to see my messy house. I never had a visitor once."

"Then be prepared to be disturbed a lot. I'm gonna visit you from time to time."

Naruto laughed as he sat on the floor as well. "I don't have extra chairs inside. I hope you don't feel bad sitting on the floor."


"No worries." Okami scanned the room and asked, "Where's Vulpix?"

"Oh, Kyuubi? Wait, I'll summon him," Naruto said as he snapped his finger and Vulpix appeared before them.

Okami summoned the Pokemon App and checked the Pokedex Entry.

Altered Vulpix Male Level 7 Type: Fire, Dark Skill: Tackle, Tail Whip, Dark Ember


Drought - This ability creates harsh sunlight when the ability-bearer enters the battle. Only activates when the Pokemon wills to do so.

Evolution: Subject to certain emotions (Altered Ninetales) Kurama is inside Vulpix's consciousness. EV: Locked IV: Locked

"That's neat. Do you still have other Pokemon App?" Naruto inspected the gadget, which was glowing intermittently.

"I don't have any extra Pokemon App as of the moment, Naruto. But I can let you own one as well, just wait for it."

"That would be great!"

"Uhm, Naruto. Your Vulpix is getting stronger. Wanna let me check how much power he has now?"

"Sure! Please do it."

"Then don't disturb me, okay? Got to do some Jutsu to inspect him."

Naruto nodded.

Okami then stared at Vulpix's eyes and felt as if he was seeing inside a deep abyss. He tried using Pokemon Telepathy to contact Kurama even though Vulpix was not his Pokemon.

'Kurama, are you there? I know you are inside Vulpix right now.'

{...How did you know my name?}

'There are lots of things I know about this world, Kurama. I just want to talk to you.'

{Are you the great Pokemon Emissary?}

Okami was puzzled when Kurama mentioned this. 'Who told you about this?'

{Vulpix was the one who told me about it. Are you the one he was referring to?}

'Yes. I am the Pokemon Emissary.'

{If you want to talk, then come inside. Let us meet face to face if you dare.}

Okami smirked when thought about his current situation. He was familiar with the prison where the Kyuubi was sealed inside Naruto's body. Many times he had seen Naruto conversed with Kurama through the Anime. But he was not sure if there was a seal inside Vulpix. "Of course. Why should I be afraid?"

{Heh! Then I'll be waiting for you.}

Okami felt nervous when he realized he would actually meet the evil fox. He wanted to have some assurance and thought of asking the mysterious God's help but he didn't know how to do it. Without a clue, he tried calling the mysterious God inside his mind just like how he conversed with Kurama.

'One of the Gods...if you hear me. Please help.'

All of a sudden, he fainted.


[Wake up, child.]

Okami knew that he was successful when he heard a familiar voice. "One of the Gods, thank you for listening to my plea."

[You are really brave to face Kurama alone. Don't you know what kind of existence that malevolent being is?]

"Enlighten me, then."

[Kurama's existence overlaps in different worlds. Demon fox, Kyuubi, Tailed-Beast, Vulpix, these are examples of his forms. In many ways and many forms, he traveled from worlds to worlds to collect energy to become a God. Unlike us, he failed to do so and became a fake God. All his bodies in different worlds are just a small part of its whole being.]

"But Kurama inside Naruto is only one half of its existence, right? If the Anime is correct, then the other half is still sealed inside Minato Namikaze as of the present. Zetsu has not yet stolen the one inside Minato."


[You're correct. So what kind of help do you want from me?]

"Keep me safe from Kyuubi when I meet him later. Can you do it?"

[Sure. The price is 270 Dream Points.]

"Wait, when did such a rule exist?"

[I just created it now. It's to let you not abuse us, brat.]

"What are dream points?"

[Wait for the Pokemon App update. 270 Dream Points will be deducted in the future.]

"Ugh! Then how would I be protected?"

[Palkia, the Dragon God of Space will help you. His barriers will nullify all of Kurama's power. You may deal with him the way you wanted to.]

"Will Palkia's protection be a one-time event or could I use this every time I want to?"



[Sorry, I was talking to Palkia a few seconds ago. Palkia said that you could use it as one of your Jutsu. Refer to your Pokemon App for more details. But Dream Points are not yet available so all you can do is wait for the next update.]

"Thank you, one of the Gods."

[Remember, earn lots of Dream Points if you want to meet me again.]

"But I don't know how..."

[Just do your usual thing.]


"Okami! Wake up! Please, wake up!" Naruto panicked as he shook Okami's body, his eyes reddened as he felt like crying. "Okami! Don't die!"

"Fuck! Stop it! I'm not yet dead!" Okami blurted out as he stopped Naruto. "Ugh...it happened again."

Naruto rubbed his eyes as his voice quivered. "Thank God you're okay. I thought you are gone..."

Okami's gaze softened when he heard Naruto's sincere remark. "Heh! I just fainted. It sometimes happens when I am doing my clan's Jutsu."

"I see." Naruto gave him a concerned look and asked, "Are you really okay?"

"Yes. I know my body, Naruto." Okami summoned the Pokemon App and verified the Jutsu that Palkia created.

Palkia blessed you with some of Dragon God powers.

Palkia created a new Jutsu - Spatial Jutsu. Spatial Jutsu - manipulates space and creates barriers of various forms. Palkia's Spacial Rend (Locked)

Palkia's Barrier (Locked)

Palkia's Mass Teleport (Locked) Wait for the Pokemon App's next update.

As for now, you may use Palkia's Barrier to protect yourself from Kurama.

270 DP will be deducted from your accumulated Dream Points when the Update happens.

'I wonder why these Gods are helping me even though I am under an assessment,' Okami thought as he remembered his initial conversation with the mysterious God. 'Wait, one of the Gods told me about my deal with the God who created the High World, casually saying that I forgot about the deal I had with him. Would this be the reason? I wonder what the deal is.'

Okami disregarded it for now and shifted his attention towards Naruto. "Whatever happens, please don't disturb my body, Naruto. I will be fully inspecting Vulpix's body with my Jutsu."

"You don't have to..."

"I insist." Okami gave the final word.

Naruto shrugged his shoulders. "Okay. Just don't put yourself in danger, okay?"

Okami gave him a thumbs-up. "No problem."

Once again, Okami used Telepathy on Vulpix when all of a sudden, he felt his consciousness was drifting towards a strange place.


Okami saw that he was in the middle of a dark, empty dimension. He likened his experience with an astronaut floating through space. Not even a single piece of land could be seen. It was a total vacuum.

"So you are here. Such a brave young fellow." A deep voice reverberated across the place. "Heh. Let me see where your confidence is coming from."

A huge red fox head appeared before Okami. His eyes glowed dark red and opened his mouth, releasing a massive ball of malevolent energy.

"A Tailed-Beast Ball? Such a puny attack." Okami extended his hand and shouted, "Palkia's Barrier."

The ball crashed against the barrier that was formed in front of Okami. A deafening sound echoed inside the dimension as clouds of smoke appeared due to the collision. After it dissipated, everything went still.

Kurama's eyes widened. "Why do you have Palkia's power? Why?!"

"Oh, you know Palkia? At least a puny failure like you know a true God," Okami said lazily as he stared directly at Kurama's eyes. "I am a Pokemon Emissary. Of course, I know Palkia's powers as well."

"Grr. Now I know why I feel as if you are not of this world. You really are one of those kinds. Indeed, you are an emissary of one of the Gods. Is it Arceus?"


"Hah! The Pokemon World, huh? I've been there many times through Vulpix and his variants. I never knew that I'd meet Arceus' emissary."

Okami smiled as he floated towards Kurama. "How about we make a deal, Kurama?"

"How can you help me?"

"You desire to become a God, correct? Then let me help you. In return, be a source of my strength in this world and the worlds to come."

Kurama was tempted by Okami's offer. "I need spiritual power to fill up my original body, which is currently residing at the High World. Help me gather spiritual powers and I will help you with your assessment. I know emissaries are under assessments by the Gods."

"Sure. I'll let you travel with me to different worlds to collect spiritual power. In return, help me with my Chakra reserve. Let me have full access to your Chakra."

"How? I am limited by the seal inside Naruto whenever Vulpix is unsummoned."

Okami flicked his fingers as he grinned. "As long as you make an oath in the name of the High God, then everything will be carried out."

Kurama hesitated for a bit. After a few minutes of rumination, he nodded. "I make an oath, in the name of the High God, to let you have access to my chakra. In return, help me collect spiritual powers until I become a God."

Loud booming sounds filled the dimension like a thundercloud. It lasted for a few minutes before everything went quiet.

Okami laughed boisterously as he felt his connection with Kurama going stronger. He knew that his plan was a big success. "For our happy cooperation."

Kurama revealed a toothy grin. "For our happy cooperation."

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