《The Pokemon Emissary Among Worlds》Chapter 13: The Deal (1)


Naruto knew that Okami was in a special state right now. He did not dare to wake up his friend, afraid that he might cause him some problems. Suddenly, he felt as if there was an unknown connection that formed between him and Okami, for which he did not know why it happened.

The night passed by slowly. Naruto did not waste his time and did his Math assignment as he waited for Okami to open his eyes. His eyes soon began to droop as he stared at the numbers written on his papers. Without knowing, he was already snoring as his head leaned on the table.


"What a great feeling!"

Okami felt as if he was experiencing nirvana. He felt that his stamina increased and his chakra was overflowing with strength. "So this is how it feels when one has chakra similar to that of a Tailed-Beast."

Okami scanned the room and saw Naruto who was sleeping on the table. He shook his head, knowing that Naruto tried doing the assignment but failed to stay awake through the night.

"Naruto, wake up."

Naruto grumbled as he opened his eyes. "Huh?!"

"Have a good sleep?"

"What the?! What time is it?"

"8:45 am."

"I'm gonna be late. Iruka-sensei will skin me alive." Naruto hurried towards the bathroom and took a bath. It took him for about five minutes to fully change into his favorite clothes.

Okami laughed as he saw Naruto in a fast-forward motion. "You still have ten minutes."

"I know. I will go now, Okami. Just lock the door when you leave."

Okami held Naruto's arm. "Wait, Naruto. I could help you go to your class without getting late."



"Bleeergh!" Naruto and Okami both vomited on the street.

Okami rubbed his upset stomach. "I'll never do teleport again."

"That was not good," Naruto agreed.

"Well, at least you're not late. You still have 8 minutes."

"Thank you, Okami. See you later." Naruto ran straight ahead towards his classroom.

"Yeah, see you!" Okami shouted when he saw Naruto suddenly leaving like Sonic the Hedgehog. "Hah! Time to go back to my place. Teleport!"

As soon as he reappeared back inside his room, Okami felt his stomach was lurching. Somehow the uneasiness was less than the previous teleportation. He suspected that his body was getting used to it.

Okami deactivated 'Absorb' mode and summoned all his remaining Pokemon. Soon, everything went back to normal. He inspected if there was any change on his Vulpix but there was none.

Okami knew that he now possessed unlimited Chakra due to Kurama and he was starting to get excited about his upcoming training. Kurama told him earlier that he could put his chakra in 'Locked' mode so that other people would not sense his chakra level. He remembered about the Altered Vulpix and checked on his Pokemon App.

A new variant that never existed in the Anime and Manga was now redeemable with Pokemon Points. He wondered what would happen if he could get the Altered Pokemon of the remaining Tailed-Beast.

Okami's eyes almost popped out when he saw the astronomical amount needed to redeem the Altered Vulpix. But he was able to accept the ridiculous condition considering that it was a new legendary variant. Alolan Vulpix was the newly added Vulpix variant in the Pokemon Sun and Moon.

He was aware that it was still hard for him to earn Pokemon Points since he was just starting his journey. Even then, it gave him a sense of direction as to what to do in the future and made it a long-time quest. 10,000 PP may seem large but if he really wanted, he could earn it slowly. This made him all the more eager to introduce Pokemon to the ninjas.


He checked the levels of his Pokemon and found out that all of them increased their levels. Abra, Rattata and Pidgey were level 2 while Caterpie and Vulpix became level 3. Okami was pleased to see Vulpix learning another new skill, Tail Whip, which lowers the target's defense by one stage.

"Should I open the shop today?" Okami weighed his options and sighed deeply. "Too bad, I still have to. I need to earn money to buy food for me and my Pokemon as well."

He did his morning rituals and teleported towards his old store.

Okami opened the shop and planned to sell cakes and pastries before noon strikes. He intended to spend the afternoon with Pokemon training and other stuff related to his transfer.

The customers were delighted when they saw the cute Pokemon roaming inside the store. Caterpie was busy with producing silks to be used as wrappers. Pidgey was in-charge of grabbing things that were out of reach while Okami took advantage of Abra's sensitivity to danger and made him as a security guard. Rattata acted as the shredder and gnawed on the left-over things while Vulpix was the official mascot of the store, who was well-loved by the women and young girls.

As a result, these attracted more customers and his grin widened as his income tally increased for the day. He did not expect that his cakes and pastries would be sold out before noon.

"Looks like my decision this time is correct. Sell in the morning and practice in the afternoon," Okami muttered to himself as he fed the Pokemon with their favorite foods. After changing his clothes, he proceeded to the Academy's direction and reached the Hokage's quarter. As soon as he reached the office, he saw someone standing at the door while holding a book.

The ninja wore the standard infantry clothing: a flak jacket, dark-blue pants, and a long-sleeve shirt. His hands were covered by fingerless gloves with metal plates on the backhand. What was notable was his forehead protector covering his left eye and mask.

Okami smiled at him and the ninja gave him a slight nod. "Hello."

"You have an appointment with the Hokage?"


The ninja opened the door and gestured Okami to enter with him. They both went inside and saw Hiruzen who was smoking at his table.

"Good afternoon, Hokage-sama." Both of them greeted the old man.

Hiruzen stood up as he hid his pipe. "It's fortunate that you are here together. Kakashi, meet Okami. Okami, meet Kakashi."

"Ah, Hatake Kakashi. The one who informed you in the past, Hokage-sama." Okami replied as he looked at the silver-haired ninja who was busy reading the Icha Icha series. He intended to say this because he wanted to catch the ninja's attention.

Kakashi stopped reading and gave him an inquisitive look while Hiruzen coughed lightly to dissipate the weird atmosphere.

"What's this all about, Hokage-sama?" Kakashi hid the book inside his jacket and waited for the old man's reply.

Since Okami was the one who opened the topic, Hiruzen told Kakashi about the things Okami revealed to him, eliciting a surprised look from the Jounin.

"I just returned and I never knew that there were many things that happened involving this boy," Kakashi helplessly replied as he ruffled his hair. "So, why did you call me, Hokage-sama?"

"You see, Kakashi. I want you to teach Okami about the way of the ninja. He has caught Danzo's attention and I want you to protect him as well, for now."


Okami was happy with the set-up. Considering Kakashi's skills, he knew that he would learn a lot and he needed the best ninja to help him become one and train his body.

Kakashi received the papers given by Hiruzen and read its content. As soon as he was done perusing, he looked at Okami. "This kid has a unique Kekkei Genkai? Pokemon Jutsu and Prophetic Jutsu?"

Okami summoned Abra. "This is a Pokemon, Kakashi-san. Meet Abra."

As soon as he was done talking, Abra vanished and reappeared just beside Kakashi, which shocked Kakashi. If Abra had bad intentions, then maybe the Pokemon could have succeeded in doing a deadly sneak attack.

"You can touch him, Kakashi-san."

Kakashi patted Abra's head as he remembered Shishui Uchiha. "This Pokemon knows Body Flicker Jutsu?"

Okami shook his head. "It is teleportation, Kakashi-san."

"A much greater Jutsu."

Hiruzen nodded and patted Abra on his head as well. "Indeed. Such an amazing Jutsu. Does it require lots of chakra when you are in 'Absorb' mode using Abra, Okami-kun?"

"No, Hokage-sama. But it requires great reflex. I will test the skill more as soon as I transfer, which brings me to the next thing I wanted to verify," Okami explained as he unsummoned Abra. "When will I able to move out?"

"You can do it today, Okami-kun. If you need help in bringing all of your things, just inform me and I will send some people."

Okami bowed his head. "Thank you, Hokage-sama. If it is okay with you, I'd like to go home and prepare right away."

"Sure. Kakashi will accompany you today, Okami-kun. Feel free to ask anything from him. He will be your new tutor."

"That I will, Hokage-sama."

Okami and Kakashi went outside the office and talked with each other on his way home.

"So, Kakashi-san, will you teach me the way of the ninja?"

"I supposed so," Kakashi replied as he read the perverted book while walking. "So, are you planning to enter the Academy?"

"Yes. I wanted to learn as much as I can and become a Genin as soon as possible. This way, I can protect myself and preserve the clan's legacy. After all, I'm the only one left."

Kakashi was reminded of another kid who was left all alone after the tragic massacre: Uchiha Sasuke. He sighed as he hid the book inside his pocket and scratched his head. "Don't worry, Okami-kun. I intend to teach you properly."

Okami talked a lot about Pokemon and the Ketchum clan until they reached his old place. He then went upstairs and packed his clothes inside his bag. He intended to leave everything inside his old house in case he wanted to return back to find solace. After checking that his cabinets were thoroughly secured, he went downstairs and went behind the countertop.

Kakashi saw him unsummoning the Pokemon Duplicator, giving him another shock. He thought that Okami was like a gift box, full of surprises. When he saw the kid approaching him carrying a trolley, Kakashi asked, "Are you done packing up?"

Okami gave a slight bob. "Yes, Kakashi-san...ah, its Kakashi-sensei."

They went outside and Okami locked the door. "Could you wait for me? I want to inform my friend that I am moving out."

"No problem, Okami-kun."

Okami went inside the Sushi store and told Baki about his sudden transfer. The middle-aged man looked sad as he found out the news but was delighted when he heard that Okami would still visit him. This time, he told Baki that he wanted to avail his delivery services and gave him the lists of foods.

After settling everything else, Okami and Kakashi then proceeded to the vacant lot owned by Hiruzen Sarutobi.


They arrived at Hiruzen's place, which was surrounded by walls. Okami saw that the vacant area was wide enough to be turned into a training ground. There was a two-story house situated on the left-most part of the empty place. There was a small clearing behind the house which led to a small forest. A small pond was present at the left side of the house

The inside was just as bare as the outside. The floors were still sturdy but lots of dust covered the place, indicating that it was not used for a long time. They went upstairs and saw two rooms with their bathrooms. Okami was happy with the place he owned right now.

"Seems like you are pleased with this place, Okami."

"Yes, Kakashi-sensei."

"What are you going to do with this house? There are lots of vacant areas that you can use."

Okami set his trolley on the room which had a cabinet and bed. "I want to turn this place into a Pokemon haven, Kakashi-sensei."


"By rebuilding everything that our clan must have inside a village, some of which are Pokemart, Pokemon Breeder and a Pokemon Center. The pond and small forest will become a sanctuary for the Pokemon as well. I want to do the opposite of what my clan wanted me to do."

"And that is?"

"Instead of hiding them, I will give my all in introducing this Jutsu to the rest of Konoha. It is my wished for everyone to have a Pokemon as a partner."

Kakashi smiled when he heard the boy's desire. "That's a good ambition, Okami. Don't worry, I'll teach you the proper way to become a ninja so you can fully utilize your Kekkei Genkai."

"Thank you, Kakashi-sensei."

"Are you okay to start your training the next day? Or would you want to rest for a bit?"

"It's okay, Sensei. Is it possible for me to ask for some help? I want to request it formally as a mission. I am more than willing to pay for it."

"Sure. When do you want to make it done? I can help you process it."

"Tomorrow, Kakashi-sensei."

"Consider it done, Okami. Just make sure to prepare 5000 Ryo."

Okami took out the money and gave it to Kakashi. "Thank you, Sensei."

They both went downstairs and saw three ninjas who were famous in Konoha. The first one had dark hair tied into a spiky ponytail. The next one was a tall, plump man with long, spiky red hair and purple markings on his cheeks. The last one was already familiar with Okami.

As soon as their eyes met, the visitors smiled and approached the duo.

"Good morning, Inoichi-ojisan." Okami greeted him as he bowed towards the trio. "How can I help you?"

Inoichi summoned his Zubat. "I want to have a deal with you, Okami-kun."

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