《KAL BLADE》Heaven -- Part 2


The following morning, Lauren goes to her apartment, accompanied by Quade.

"Just take what you need." he said as he waited outside.

Lauren enters the apartment, hoping to find Patty but found her note instead.

"I found some people who offered me an opportunity, one I cannot pass, I have a new place to stay so you can keep the apartment. Sorry about the other night, also not telling you about moving out face to face. I feel happy there. I'll visit you guys sometime, so Bye. Sincere Patty :P" was written on the note. Lauren's calls couldn't reach Patty so she called her friends which they didn't hear from her the past few days.

"This doesn't feel right. You don't just disappear without telling anyone where you are heading, leaving a note. No, that is suspicious. We need to check up on her." said Lauren as she informed Quade.

"We are time sensitive--" said Quade as he was interrupted.

"No, I need hear it from her myself. Her phone- do that triangulate signal stuff to find her phone." ordered Lauren.

Quade sighs and calls the Sergeant at the station to track Patty's phone.

"Let me see, her last location was down at the port, it's still active." said Baker.

"Alright thank you. She's down at the docks." he said as they entered the car.

They drove off to the docks and as they arrived there, Quade notices a non-profit organization office.

“‘We-Are-One foundation’ huh.” he said as he parked across it.

They enter the office, and was approached by Oliver.

"Hi how may I help you." he asked politely.

"Does a woman by the name Patty work here?" asked Lauren.

“what did you say? I don’t know anyone named patty.” said Oliver nervously.

Roxanne approached them and told Oliver to ‘leave and help the fishermen’. He walks over across the street and secretly told a group of fisherman about Quade and Lauren. They waited for Roxanne’s signal in case drastic measures were needed to eliminate them.

" I'm sorry, we don't have anyone working here by that name." replied Roxanne.

"Are you sure, I'm certain she told us she works around here." said Lauren.

Roxanne continues to deny any involvement of Patty in the organization.

"I told you, Patty left town. Being her usual self, she's probably just drove off to Capital City, getting wasted at some celebrity party right now, you know how she is." said Quade as he grabs Lauren by the arm and gently presses it, hinting her to quit asking questions.

"So you do charities for the fisherman. Underrated workers who deserve more. You're good people, I would like to make a donation." he continued.

"That would be fantastic." replied Roxanne as she hand him her business card along with the banking details.


"Great, I'll get to it immediately after my stop at the bank."he said as they walked out.

"We are grateful for your kindness. Good day to you sir & ma'am" said Roxanne as she walked them out.

"And a wonderful day to you too." replied Quade with a positive attitude.

Roxanne signals her men to stand down. They enter the car and drive off.

"You can't possibly believe Patty would leave everything behind." she said pissed.

"No I don't-" he replied.

"I mean she wouldn't-- wait you don't?" she said visibly confused.

"Something was off with that woman and her whole organization, she was lying." he said.

"I knew something was wrong. Alright let’s force them for answers." said Lauren.

"I don’t have that authority, Right now we can't interrogate them without evidence, this case is different than dealing with monsters and aliens” he said.

“So what’s the plan then?” she asked.

“It’s simple, we do some reconnaissance.” he said as they made a quick stop at the Police station.

Quade introduces Lauren to Sergeant Baker.

“Baker is my inside man, he’s the very few people aware about the mythical world. He worked alongside Henri.” he whispered to Lauren.

“Who is this?” asked Baker.

“This is Lauren, my associate, you know how it goes Sergeant, I need a favor. I have some people of interest I need to identify” said Quade as he hands him the business card.

“You do realize it’s illegal to abuse my power and investigate people for personal reasons.” said Baker as he stared at Quade intensely before the two started laughing.

“Yeah right.” said Quade as he sat down right next to baker.

“Caucasian, late forties or early fifties, brunette hair.” said Quade.

Baker identifies Roxanne along with her background info.

“She arrived four years ago from a town in the US, called Innsmouth.” said Baker.

"What about her acquaintances in the organization?" asked Quade.

"The same, all of them from the US. That’s weird. The organization isn’t registered." said Baker.

"So these people show up the same time your missing persons case started. That can't be a coincidence." said Quade.

"Human trafficking?" asked Lauren.

"More or less, could be worse. If I can get evidence, I can rely on your support? Things might get messy, legally speaking." said Quade as he stood up.

"That is if you do find evidence, but if you're wrong, this will be a massive lawsuit. How do you plan to play this out?" asked Sergeant Baker.

“Infiltration. Patty is a kind person who is vague and lost, which at the right moment can be exploited by others. Chances are she just walked herself into a cult.” he said.

“a cult? But they are a charity organization.” said Lauren distressed.


Quade grabs his keys and said,“a front to mislead, now in order for this to work, we can’t infiltrate since we exposed ourselves already. This people feed on victims with low self-esteem, lucky for us we got the perfect guy.”.

At the bunker, Richard was being prepped with his mission while Quade was transplanting a tracking bug into his arm.

"So let me get this this straight, you think your friend was kidnapped by a cult and you want me to find her by joining them. Sure." said Richard.

"Now look, this is a bug, it transmits radio waves to-- forget it. You get her out and we will be right outside. This might be quick or it can take days.” said Quade as he finishes the transplant.

"This is how it's going to go, you need to be sad enough for them to comfort you. I'm sorry for this but use your wife's death to get them to pity you. Once they let you in, just keep them distracted until the time is right. If she questions you about your past, Call this number, Lauren will handle it." he continued.

Lauren shows him a picture and said, "this is her, if you recognize her, let her know that we know."

The following events went down as explained by Quade. Richard approached closely to the organization office, intoxicated.

"You alright man." said Oliver who aided the clumsy Richard.

“I’m so alone, I lost everything. My wife died, she was all I had left.” he broke down while taking gulps of alcohol.

Oliver briefly looks around, acting concerned but secretly overwhelmed with joy.

“Come, I know someone who can help you.” he said.

Oliver delivers Richard to Roxanne, where she has a private conversation with him.

“what is this?” asked Roxanne.

“I found him vulnerable down the street. I don't anyone will come looking for him” replied Oliver.

“Let’s see”. She approaches Richard and gently tries to comfort him. “Hi there, I’m Roxanne. I see you’re in pain and I want to help you, is okay if you tell me what your name is?” she asked.

“It’s Richard.” he replied drunk.

“Come with me Richard, we can talk in a private room. It has a cushion you can lay on and I can make you some tea.” she said.

“I’d like that.” he said as he trips himself across the floor.

Roxanne looks at Oliver and acknowledges him for bringing Richard in.

“Good work” she said as she left to the room and continued questioning Richard about his background.

"Tell me what happen." she said.

"I had a good job, I made new friends. One night there was an accident, I was the only survivor. I was alone, then I found love, and she also was taken away from me. I have nothing left. Sometimes I just want to end it-- but I can't." said Richard with hopelessness.

"Don't worry, we are here for you. I believe you have a purpose, Everything you experience has a reason which led you to us. You will fit right in." said Roxanne as she smiled with a smirk.

Oliver gets called in and requested to clean Richard up and give him fresh clothes to wear. While the team were busy infiltrating, Patty was coping with her new unwilling environment.

She was crying until a voice from across her chamber shouted ,"seriously can you stop crying".

Patty froze.

"There's no need to bring her down, you cry on new girl." said the second woman who came close to her cell bars.

"She cries ugly, I can see it from here and its disturbing." said the first woman.

"What is this place?" asked Patty,

"what do you think it is." said Catrin, the first woman. The second woman, Hilda came into the light, currently four months pregnant, shocking Patty.

"A living hellhole." she said.

"How did you get trapped here?" asked Patty.

Both mentioned Oliver as their trap.

"Fucking Oliver and that bitch Roxanne." said Catrin.

The third woman, Sara, hardly said anything and was silently picking her lock for months, using one of the springs she removed from the bed.

"Hey Sara, you still there?" asked Hilda.

She doesn't respond and continues to pick the lock.

"Sara has been the longest here, she gave birth to her first child which was taken away. This is what happens when you refuse to accept their terms, now we're just slaves in a rape camp" said Hilda.

Suddenly the sound of a chain unlocking echoed through the passage.

"Holy shit she did it" said Catrin as Sara got up and started tearing her bed removing the coils with sharp ends. She threw one of it over to Catrin.

"What is she doing?" asked Patty distressed.

"I won't live like this no longer" said Sara as she slices her wrist and bleeds out on the bed.

"No-- wait no!" Cried out Patty.

“keep it down! Trust me new girl, You’ll be here for a very long time unless you’ll enjoy being used as fucking venting machine. You should be happy, at least she found a way out of this hell." shouted catrin silently.

Patty shocked, just stared at Sara bleeding out to death.

Catrin tied to the bed, tries to reach the coil using her feet, stretching as far as she could and was able to get it. Eventually the guards heard the commotion and came down too late, informing Roxanne of the situation.

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