《KAL BLADE》Heaven -- Part 3


Half an hour later, She runs down the stairs accompanied by two of her associates to examine Sara. The baby did not make it. Enraged, she tightens restrictions on the pregnant slaves. Current events forced Roxanne to have a second special event involving Richard.

“Prepare Richard, we shall do him tonight.” said Roxanne as she orders Oliver over the phone.

It is Sunset and by a hill not too distanced from the docks in sight, was Quade keeping track of the community through a sniper scope.

“Something happened. They seem to be in a rush.” said Lauren as she looked through her binoculars.

“Richard might have been exposed or wait—” said Quade as he saw, an icon on the screen representing Richard’s current positions started flickering.

“He’s moving” said Quade.

“I see him, He’s entering the vehicle with Oliver. Let’s Go.” said Lauren as the two enter the car and start tailing Oliver.

It was a 10 minute drive before they reached a private lake house with direct access to the sea. They parked a distance around the area. It was Nightfall, Which was an advantage for them to sneak in without being detected. Lauren removes her bow and arrow from the trunk and follows him. They saw a big cabin where several people entered. Richard walks in, accompanied by Oliver who unexpectedly lowers him to the ground and ties his hands together.

“is the ropes really necessary?” asked Richard.

Roxanne Stood on the stage and gave a speech to the crowd.

“Tonight I bring you sadden news. Unfortunately Sara got sick and died in the cell, along with the unborn child.” she said as the crowd mutters in sadness.

“But at the same time, Richard volunteered to exchange his life for a newborn where we will recoup what we lost." she continued.

Oliver opens a floor hatch and a deep one emerges from the water once again.

“Your bravery is acknowledged Richard. The end of your life which will benefit ours.” said Roxanne as she hugs him.

“Yeah I don’t think that’s a good idea” he advised.

The Deep One smells Richard and opens it’s terrifying Mouth filled with sharp teeth, closing in on his prey and eat him alive.

“Oof, man your breath stinks.” said Richard visibly disgusted.

The Deep one bites Richard’s shoulder and froze. It quickly jumped away from him as the blood in his mouth was burning it’s way through the throat. It screamed with pain and echo’s a war cry. Eventually it went silent. Roxanne checks in on the dead deep one, trying to wake it up.

“What did you do!” she screamed.

Noises could be heard coming from the ocean as several deep ones, came to the surface. In a few seconds, The Cabin was filled with Deep Ones who surrounded Richard but before they could do something, a flash bang rolled it’s way down the aisle. It explodes and stuns everyone in the room. Within that moment, Quade & Lauren enter the cabin armed and starts shooting the deep ones, killing them off one by one.

Roxanne escapes through the Back door while they were occupied fighting. Quade frees Richard and orders him to back Lauren up as he chased Roxanne outside into the forest. He catches up, brings her to a standstill and screams ,“Where is she?” as he pointed his gun at her.

“Where is what?” she replied.

“No, Don’t play fucking games me, Where is she?” he asked as he chambers a round.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” she insisted as she walked back.


Quade shoots her in the shoulder. Before he could interrogate her, Oliver jumps him from the back and drops his gun. The two grapple on the ground which Oliver was slightly larger, stronger and headlocks Quade. Pinned to the ground, he struggles to free himself while suffocating.

He reaches his arm out to his gun but was picked up by Roxanne as she pointed it towards him, and with quick thinking, he picks up the closest stone and throws it at her, right in the face, causing her to fall off balance and twist her ankle. She drops the gun on impact.

Quade rolls to the side to leave some space for him to continuously elbow Oliver’s Rib-cage with precision, forcing him to break off. Quade jumps on him and limits Oliver's movements, punches him in the throat. Out of rage, He continuesly punches Oliver's face non-stop, causing a broken nose, loss of sight and a broken jaw. Oliver was unable to move, as Quade backed-off and stood there.

“Quade!” screamed Lauren from a distance. He looks at her and sees them running towards him being chased by a group of deep ones.

“We need to go!” she screamed as she shot her arrows while Richard covered her.

“You can either save your friends or abandoned them.” said Roxanne as she drags Oliver.

Clouded by his anger, as he looked back and forth, deciding his next move, Lauren shouts “Watch Out!” before realizing a Deep one launched at him from behind. Several of the creatures went to Roxanne’s defense as she runs to her car with Oliver and leaves the scene.

Overwhelmed, Quade gets overrun with Deep Ones as Lauren & Richard try their best reaching to his rescue. He screams with agony as he resists their vicious bites and sharp nails. The pain was far too great for him to endure and within that moment, time slowed down as looked into the sky, taking one last look at the stars shining across the never-ending universe. All the sounds fade out except his breathing.

“Is this it?” he asked himself before hearing a soft voice saying one word, “Fight!”.

The voice gets louder and louder, evidently he screams and spirals into a rampage, with his whole body bursting into a wild, uncontrollable fire, incinerating anything that touched him. The tables has turned and the Deep One’s gets ripped apart, burned to ashes and beaten to death one by one, until the remaining few fled out of fear.

Mindless Quade, charges towards Lauren as she calls to him.

“Oh shit” said Richard as he dives Lauren out of the way, where Quade grabs a deep one that sneaked up behind her in time and decapitates it.

Richard & Lauren take a few steps back from him as he was not himself. He twitches, smacking his own face, holding his head as he hears another voice screaming through his mind.

"Kal? Did you forget who you are, What is it that person said on the talking box, ah yes, get your shit together man. She's getting away!" shouted Richard.

He momentarily stopped and looked around. On the main road back to Newfound valley, Roxanne called her associates to kill the kidnapped girls.

"Take the children away. Kill the girls. The police will be all over this and it can not lead back to us--" she said as she looked in her rear view mirror, sees a bright light rising into the air and out of sight. Within a few seconds, Quade flew across the sky like a supersonic Rocket and strikes down directly on the front section of her vehicle, like lightning.


The impact caused the car to flip off the ground into the air, tilting forward and back onto the ground, rolling until it came to a stop.

Quade pulls out Roxanne, and with a fear striking voice shouted, "WHERE-- IS -- SHE!".

Roxanne gave up the location, they were in a barn on a private farm not too far from where they were. On the outskirts of the lake house, the remaining deep one's were about to swim out into the ocean, unexpectedly three moving objects, bodies stretched out as a whale but the aggression of a shark came from every direction, eating them all and leaving none alive. One of the mysterious-whale like creatures came to the surface as a humanoid being awaited it on the shore. From the nape of the whale-like creature, the upper part of a humanoid being with no eyes and slimy skin, white as milk emerges while its bottom half still connected to the massive body.

"It's Done!" It said.

"And so it begins." replied the mysterious humanoid.

The police arrive at the lake house and Sergeant Baker took over the arrests of every member that was involved. Richard dragged the dead deep ones corpse’s into the lake house before the police arrived. Lauren briefed Baker about the situation as the inside of the lake house was off limits for anyone including the officers attending.

"Let's go." said Lauren as she and Richard entered Quade’s car and followed the direction he jumped off to.

Eventually they found him down the road, back to normal wearing only Oliver’s pants. Roxanne and Oliver was laying face down on the floor, tied up. He enters the car and gives Lauren the address. They arrive at the farm, confronted by more hybrids, adults that are half human and half deep one, and was taken down by the trio with ease.

They enter the Barn and find the locked hatch leading to the cells down below. As they walked down the stairs, they found Patty hanging from the cell bars.They cut the rope, as they rush to her body within the cell, looking for vital signs. Lauren tried her best to do CPR. Richard checked on the other victims, saddening, he found none responsive. He gently hovers his hand over the victim's face and closes the eyelids.

Lauren continuously compresses Patty's chest but still no response from her.

"Move aside" said Quade as he rushes to compress.

"Come on Patty, Come on. Don't Go", he pleaded as Lauren breathed air into her mouth.

With desperation, Quade runs to his car, brings out a med kit, and rushes back to the cell to inject Patty with a dose of adrenaline, restarting her heart, causing her body to flow her blood cells to the muscles, letting in more oxygen. He continues to compresses her chest and with a sense of hope, Patty regains her conscious and struggles to breath.

"It’s okay, breath Patty, breath." said Lauren as she gently held Patty's head.

Quade sighs with some relieve.

"Lauren?? " she said as she felt overwhelmed with emotions.

"hey hey I'm here, you're alright." she replied.

Patty started breaking down into tears.

After a while, Sergeant Baker along with the Ambulance and the coroners finally arrived at the farm. Patty gets loaded onto the ambulance accompanied by Lauren and transported to the hospital.

"Do you have them all?" asked Quade.

"Yes, but that's not all, We found infants inside the house, about seven of them, this has been going on for a while. There is a chance that there were other victims that wasn't reported missing. This enough charges to put Roxanne and her associates away for life. In all my life, I've never seen anything this sickening taking place in town." said Baker as he holds his mouth.

"Don't let this get out to the media." said Quade.

"-but this is too large to keep it on the low, this is a shit show of a mess. The fucking forest is on fire. On the way here, the whole front side of a car was destroyed, how they manage to survive that I wonder, what the fuck even happened?" he asked visibly confused.

"You just keep them quarantined, I'll deal with it tomorrow." said Quade as he entered his car.

"Where are you going?" asked Baker.

Quade did not reply as he drove off with full speed.

Sergeant Baker sighs before looking to his left, seeing Richard jogging and stopping beside him.

"Oh he left." said Richard as his shoulder bleeds from a deep openly exposed wound.

"Bloody hell, are you alright?" asked Baker concerned.

"Huh, oh this, don't sweat. It'll heal soon enough." he replied with a smile.

He hears honking and sees Quade returning.

"Oh wait here he comes back" as he jogs to the car.

"I thought you forgot about me." said Richard.

"I did. Get in." replied Quade.

They drove off. Sergeant Baker took a moment and absorbed the events that just unfolded.

"This town just gets weirder and fucking weirder." he said before attending the officers who were interrogating the hybrid men.

Along the way back to the bunker, the trip was silent.

"So, how did you do that? Turning your whole body into fire?" asked Richard.

"I don't know." he replied.

"What did that feel like?" he asked.

"It felt like-- an endless rage." he replied.

"Well Those things definitely felt that rage. I know what it's—" said Richard before he was interrupted.

"Enough Richard, please." said Quade.

"Okay, so what are you going to do now?" he asked.

"What I should've done a long time ago." replied Quade with a serious tone as he changes to a higher gear and steps on the pedal, speeding while violating traffic laws.

They finally arrive at the bunker and Quade walks over to his work desk. He brings out some Tranquilizers, taser stick, night-vision goggles, some zip-ties, body bags along with a regular plastic bag and wears a custom-made hazmat suit.

"So What's the plan here exactly?" asked Richard.

"Don't worry, I appreciate your help today but you can take some time off, rest and heal. I'm going to be gone for a while." he replied.

"Okay." said Richard as he went and sat down on the couch watching the TV, drinking some soda while Quade went down to the basement and made his way to the creature's cell, shooting it with Tranquilizers. After struggling to fight off the drug, it falls on the ground and Quade enters the cell, zip-ties the hands and feet. He puts it in a body bag with some holes for ventilation. He continues walking to Henri's cell and watched him through the glass as the two calmly stared at each other for a brief moment.

Seconds later, he switched the lights off and puts on his night vision goggles. Zombie Henri stood still as he could not see anything nor hear as Quade enters the cell silently, sneaking up on him from behind. He grapples Henri to the floor and seals his head with the plastic bag, preventing it from seeing anything after lights were restored. Quade continues to cautiously zip-tie Henri and make sure he is not exposed to the contagion. He continues to seal Henri in a body bag, drags it out to the car and loads it into the back seat. Richard watches with bewilderment as Quade go back to fetch the creature and load it into the boot of the vehicle.

"I’ll be gone for a while, just don’t-- you know what, feel free to do whatever you want man." said Quade as he drove off. Richard looks around, wondering what to do.

"Food, I want some food." he said as walks over to the fridge.

Down at the station, Sergeant Baker interrogates Roxanne who refuses to answer any of the questions.

"You understand the charges that are being brought upon you, you will be send away for life. Kidnapping, sex trafficking, murder-- so I recommend you come clean and tell us if there were others and where you hid their bodies." said Baker as he drops the files on the table.

Roxanne continues to ignore his questioning and stares directly into the ceiling light. He sighs and walks out of the room frustrated. A member of the Forensics team walks up to Sergeant Baker and hands him more results about the victims that were killed. "Three of the infants belong to the known victims. The others are unidentified. None of them were registered so without DNA samples, we are at a dead end." said the forensic analyst. Baker holds his face in disgust and could not comprehend what this case was turning into.

"48 perpetrators, 8 infants, 3 or more victims...dear lord. Uh thank you." he said as the forensic investigator leaves.

He walks over to his office and sits down on the desk. He brings out a bottle of scotch from the desk and pours some in his cup. He gulps it all in one sip and leans back on his chair. He continues to call an emergency meeting for all the officers that attended the crime scene and ordered them to prevent any information regarding the crime scene leaking to the news, using "a crucial ongoing investigation." as a cover. On the outskirts of the town, Quade makes his way to Odessa's residence. He pulls up in front of her door, gets out of the vehicle and drags the two bodies into the hut.

"Do it." he said calmly.

"When I told you that option, I didn't think you were actually going to go with it. Mixing two species have unpredictable results, chances of surviving are low. This process can kill him for good and-- " she said before she was interrupted.

"I'm not asking." he said as he gave her a cold look.

Odessa gave him a displeasing smirk as she prepares the ritual by mixing potions and some natural resources. Using Dark magic, she mutters words that sound gibberish to human linguistics. During the Ritual, Henri screams in great agony as his body merges with the creature. She restrains him and lowers his body into a grave-sized pool filled with slimy liquid and left him there for the rest of the body to finish mutating.

She continued to mix her potions into the pool and slowly waves her hands over it, back and forth as she whispers the spells.

"The Ritual is complete, now we wait". She said.

"How long?" he asked.

"Depends, can be minutes, hours, days." she replied.

He nods, leaves the hut and sits down, inhales for two seconds and calmly exhales. He looks up to the stars one last time before falling into a slumber.

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