《KAL BLADE》Heaven -- Part 1


While Team Kal were away dealing with the Sumerians, Patty was at work, taking a break from her shift. She smoked outside when a group of people stopped at the diner. Patty, looking lost and depressed was noticed by one of the people, who approached her.

“Hi, I hope you don’t mind if I ask how you are doing?” asked the woman.

Visibly confused replied Patty, “I’m good. You new in town?” .

“No, we actually live down by the docks, normally we don’t come up here unless – we are...” said the woman before she struggled to think of a word.

“site-seeing?” said Patty.

“Yes-- something like that. I’ve been where you are.” she replied.

“I’m sorry?” asked Patty as blows out the smoke.

“the hopelessness, I can see it in your eyes. Took me a long time to understand my purpose. I'm Roxanne. Come visit us sometime, we can help you find what you are looking for.” said Roxanne as she hands Patty a pamphlet regarding her organization.

Patty stores it in one of her pockets and watches the group of people wave at her as they drove off. She stops smoking and goes back to work. Her night shift ends and she returns to her apartment. She starts dialing Lauren, but it went straight to voicemail. Patty would sit there, wondering where she was, bored out of her mind and binge watches. Quade drops Lauren off and she enters the apartment.

"Hey, busy night?" asked Patty.

"Hectic, we just did some-- paper work." replied Lauren.

"I gave you a call earlier but it went to voicemail." she said.

"Oh phone battery is dead, Sorry about that" replied Lauren as she sat down on the couch.

“I’ve been thinking and I thought maybe you could help put a good word in for me, what it is you all are doing. I was kinda getting tired of the diner.” said Patty with excitement.

“Look patty, I know how ambitious one can be, but honestly the decision is not up to me. It’s quite different what were doing-- " she replied before she was interrupted.

“You don’t think I’m capable enough do you.” said Patty visibly displeased.

“No patty I did not say that, it’s just we don’t really need more members right now if you know what I mean.” replied Lauren.

"Years and not once he tells me anything about it, You came and he was quick to let you in. Here I thought you would help me.” she said as she felt disappointed as she left to her room.

“Patty.” said Lauren but was ignored.

She took another look at the pamphlet and thought over about the offer. The following morning, she arrived at the docks, meeting Roxanne. She shows patty around and introduces to people who were happy about everything. Patty felt a sense of home within the community as they made her feel welcomed. She was offered to join a daily group meeting where they would have a good time and help each other understand their lives. The people made her feel wanted and so she felt happy.

"Thank you, I will be back." she said.

"We are happy to hear that. You’re now one of us." replied Roxanne.

At the Police station, Quade dropped off some reports regarding the day confronting Vaeccu.

“I got your reports for the events.” said Quade as puts the files on the table.

“thanks, ‘a Junkie planned to steal items and sell it for cash’ -huh. What was it really?” asked Sergeant Baker.


“Let’s just say this town just keeps getting weirder and weirder.” replied Quade.

“You can say that again” said Baker as he drank a cup of scotch.

Quade noticed the missing persons pages.

“What’s this?” he asked.

“four females went missing over the span of two years. the latest went missing four months ago, although this isn’t the first time she ran away but for the rest, no sign of them at all. Sooner or later they show up, right.” said Baker

“Did Henri look into it?” he asked.

“No, you know how he was, always busy. He just labeled them runaways.” replied Baker.

Quade nods, doesn’t give it much thought and leaves the station. At the bunker, He would use his time remembering about the mysterious woman he encountered back in Sumeria. The Language she used sounded familiar to him. It was more like earth-bound. He hopped on his computer and used google translate to try and find out what language the woman said before she disappeared.

"Come on, give me something." he whispered to himself.

He finally found a lead when he heard a sample phrase in the Icelandic language and kept repeating the sample sound.

“This is similar but not quite it.” he thought to himself.

The clue was not enough to continue on and he moves on to the next task. He walks over to Richard who was playing around with his first smartphone, exposed to social media.

"Richard, look I don't want to poke your past but I need ask, you said something about George using a book with spells? Can you describe the book for me.” he asked.

“It looked like a-- ordinary journal. It was brown-- no black cover with a gold symbol on it. Couldn't make it out what it was though, I was too busy being tortured." he replied.

"And you are sure it was magic" asked Quade visibly confused.

"Maybe, he held his hand out and then I just felt pain." replied Richard.

Quade shoulder taps him and searches the shelves of books, meanwhile Lauren found a match of the unknown symbol they discovered at the Sumerian kingdom, linking it to the Yellow king.

“Not much is told about it on the internet, so it was a dead end.” said Lauren.

"Not quite." replied Quade as he gently grabs Lauren and moves further away from Richard.

"I know a witch." he whispered.

"a Witch, as an actual witch witch?" asked Lauren stunned.

"Yes a witch, but problem is Richard. He might snap if I take him to her, but currently she's our only option in getting more information." he said.

"-or you could just ask him how he feels about it." she replied.

"No no—His wife dies in a witch trial Lauren, him meeting one has unpredictable outcomes." said Quade but Lauren took upon herself to ask him.

"Hey Richard, how would you feel if actual witches exist around us?" she asked.

Richard just stared at Lauren, assuming his subtle reaction, that he was not going to be be friendly, but then smiles. "I wouldn't mind." he replied as the answer confused Quade.

"See, all you have to do is ask." said Lauren as she grabbed her files.

They would enter Quade’s car and drive off to see Odessa in the forest. Down at the docks, Patty fit right into a her new job, an assistant bookkeeper as well as overseeing charitable work which she feels good about helping others. Roxanne approached her and offered her a full-time work at the organization, along with promoting her.


“We like you and you are really smart. Everyone is happy you entered our lives, especially Oliver. Also we opened an apartment close by, so we all could more closer. We have a special opportunity for you Patty. All your wishes can be fulfilled, but only if you decide to fully commit to our community. You won’t have to worry about problems anymore, everyone here will help you, it’s our way of life.” said Roxanne optimistically.

Patty felt mixed emotions but mostly joy and agrees to fully commit. At the Odessa’s residence, the trio would enter the hut.

“Quade, my least hated human, has returned this time with what?” asked Odessa with curiosity.

He puts a fruit basket on the table, which he got along the way.

“Fruits, they’re good for your body. Secondly, It is like you foretold, I found my friends, now I need your help again. This one is an immortal pirate, how? we don't know, as for this page, I want to know more about this symbol." he replied.

Richard pokes around with the witch's belongings.

"Ooh what does this do?" he asked as he picked up a potion.

"liquid that makes your organs explode." replied Odessa.

She gets close to him and started sniffing his torso.

“the timeless pirate, hmm- so refreshing.” she said as she touched him.

Richard, within seconds was calmly aggressive, grabbing her hand, squeezing it and said, “Don’t touch me”.

“Easy.” said Quade as he grabs Richard’s wrist, forcing him to let her go.

“Sorry, sorry.” apologized Richard as he felt positive again.

Lauren shows her the symbol, which at sight, Odessa felt intense.

"You recognize it?" asked Quade.

"He who is not to be named, Hastur. A being of destruction that roamed this world centuries ago, mayhem followed wherever he went." she replied.

“I thought he shouldn’t be named.” said Quade.

“No one really cares." she said as she chuckles.

“Can he be reasoned with?" he asked.

The witch started to laugh thinking it was a joke, until Quade interrupted her.

"I'm not joking, can he be reasoned with?" he asked with a serious tone.

"No he can't, no one can. If you think you're able to convince 'The King in Yellow' to do your bidding, you are dumber than I thought-- but why the sudden interest in a forgotten deity.” she asked.

“We lost a key” replied Lauren.

"Ancient Sumerians were tasked to protect it but some woman took it. One that I told you about, being in my dreams." said Quade.

"She was terrifying." chipped Richard in.

"We are at a dead end and we don't know what to do. If its anyone who knows about this magic and old gods shit, it's you." said Quade.

"How thoughtful. May I?" she replied sarcastically as she closes her eyes, analyzes Richard and tapped his branded mark. Her mind was calm, able to see the yellow king talking with the woman.

"what do you see?" asked Quade.

"A dimmed hall, him standing in the middle, talking down on someone, a woman with black hair wearing a black suit.--” she replied.

“That’s her. What else do you see?” he asked before she was suddenly grabbed from behind by an unknown figure in the vision, burning her neck.

She breaks free from her spell and was in pain. She points to a shelf and Quade knew exactly which potion she needed. He gives it to her and she drinks it, partially healing her.

"What happened?" asked Lauren concerned.

"He's coming, he is coming." Odessa utterd with agony.

"Coming for what, what is he coming for?" asked Quade, fearing for what she is about to say next.

"You" she replied as she points at him.

"Me? Why me?" he replied confused.

"Who do you think sealed him away." she said.

“fuck.” jumped Quade mildly stressed.

“how do we stop him?" asked Lauren.

“What you seek to know lies within the knowledge of Kal Blade.” replied Odessa.

"Let them come. I’ve been itching to kill him for so long. I’ll be free again." said Richard as he gently rubs the branded tattoo on his chest.

They left the hut and headed off towards the diner, to have some brunch. As they were discussing their next move, they noticed patty wasn’t at work. Lauren asked Chef Mickie about her whereabouts.

“She suddenly quit three days ago.” he replied.

“-but she leaves the apartment every morning, although I think she’s mad at me.” said Lauren.

“Why is that?” asked Quade.

“she asked to join us, and I said our work was complicated, and subtly said it was not up to me.” said Lauren.

“Oh thank goodness.” he said with relief.

“Quade!” said Lauren with a low aggressive voice.

“What? she’s not cut out for this line of work. Whether she likes it or not, I’m not endangering her life.” he replied with a serious tone.

“All she wants is to be part of the team.” pressured Lauren.

“No, now please, can we get back to the matter at hand, coming up with a plan where we all don’t get killed.” he said.

“How exactly?” she said as she looked him in the eyes.

Quade froze and replied with a low tone, “I don’t know”.

“What do you mean you don’t know, you are a Kal. Aren’t you supposed to know how to deal with these situations-- unless you don’t really know what you’re doing, do you?” asked Lauren suspiciously.

“what makes you say that?”

“Now that I think of it, how long have you been Kal Blade?” she asked.

Quade was hesitant to respond said, “I was in boot camp for three years, but Kal for only a year. Everything just went sideways when--” .

“when what?” she inclined.

While being hesitant to say, he does a facepalm before responding.

“When Henry was exposed to a contagious disease because of me.” he said.

“What kind?” she asked.

“Zombie-like” he replied.

Lauren chuckles before realizing that he was not lying.

“Are you serious? Zombies are real? But that would mean--” she said before being interrupted.

“Yes he is alive, currently in the bunker cells.” he replied.

“Did you try curing him?” she asked.

“The fuck do I look like Lauren, Will smith from I am Legend? That is beyond my expertise.” he said.

“What about the Odessa? Maybe she can.” she insisted.

“Her method involves a sacrifice, one I’m not considering. There has to be another way.” he said.

“like the black book?” she asked.

“Yes, only we have to find a 300 year old missing book.”.

“Will you eat here or take away?” asked Chef Mickie as he came back with a receipt.

“Takeaway please.” replied Quade.

They agree to search the bunker once more for any information regarding the black book. Lauren tried calling Patty, but she saw the call and declined it.

“She’s not picking up.” said Lauren.

“She is probably blowing off some steam at the bar.” said Quade as they get into the car, unaware Patty moved out her apartment with only what was necessary, left behind her favorable furniture she spend years to get and a note for Lauren. Down at the docks, her promotion granted her a lot of things she wished for her whole life, fame and love from others. A special event was set for Patty, where Roxanne presented her a meeting with Oliver. Tall, Charming man giving her butterfly feelings every time she was around him. The two would spend the whole day together, getting to know each other better.

“Come with me, it’s almost time for your inauguration.” he said.

“You sure I’m ready? Maybe we’re moving a little too fast don’t you think?” she asked and Oliver smiled while holding her hand.

“I believe in you Patty. You will do not only fine, but insanely great. Now, come.” he said as he gently pulls her arm.

It’s late evening, Quade showed Richard and Lauren, Henri’s current state.

“I can’t tell whether he is angry or just murderous towards me.” said Quade as he tilted his head.

Henri hits against the strong glass.

“Maybe both.” said Richard.

“What if you try Richard’s blood.” asked Lauren.

“What” asked Richard visually confused.

“Follow me.” said Quade and walks them over to his work desk, showing the results of mixing Richard’s immortality blood with a lab rat. Within a few seconds of injection, the rat suffocated and internally was burned alive with a yellow substance, leeching from it’s eyes and mouth.

“Oh no-- that was excruciating. I think I’m going to puke. You could’ve just said it will kill it, jeez-” said Lauren as she walked away from the desk.

“As you can see, whatever is in his blood only benefits him. Our only chance is finding that book or we can kiss our ass goodbye.” said Quade as he takes the dead rat, puts it in a black bag and throws it in a trash bin.

For the past few hours, the trio would scroll the entire library within the bunker.

“We’ve been at it for hours? What if the book is not even in here!” said Lauren as she sits down.

“Well, process of finding it would’ve been faster if Richard helped!” shouts Quade sarcastically as Richard was wearing headphones, listening to music and dancing around the lounge.

“I’m burned out and heading out.” she said as the picks up her casual blazer and walks to the door.

“No wait, we can’t be separated right now. We will picked off one by one. Right now we have to assume, since we exposed ourselves to her, she knows who and where we are. Our chance of surviving is better together. You can sleep in the guest bedroom, Richard stays up all night anyway, catching up with the times.” he insisted.

Lauren sighs and decides to stay. She tried once more to contact Patty but it went straight to voice mail.

“Oh come on.” she went to the guest room.

At the special gathering, a small crowd gathered in a dark decorated room with candle lights everywhere. Most of the people attending were wearing a black robe with red highlights over it.

“Tonight we welcome a new member to our society. Welcome her, love her, for she will be one of us, Welcome my child to The Estoric Order of Dagon.” said Roxanne as she opens her arms.

“Welcome.” they said as the people gently touched her while she walked down the aisle, wearing a white dress. She stands before Roxanne visibly confused, who hugs her.

“You make us all proud.” Roxanne nods her head in approval and walks her with Oliver to a wooden decorated room that is situated over the shallow water, which reaches out to the ever-lasting ocean.

“Just be calm and everything should be fine. Remember After this, all your wishes shall be met. We are truly proud of you.” said Roxanne as she exits the room and locks the two inside.

“Why is there a bed here?” asked Patty suspiciously.

Oliver gets physically close to her, holds her chin and comforts her.

“You have nothing to fear, you are a strong woman, Patty.” he replied as he slowly moves her to the bed and sits her down.

“-Oliver, why are we in here.” she asked nervously.

As she was sitting on the bed waiting for him to reply, he started walking towards the other end of the room, crouches and opens a floor hatch. A hideous sea creature climbs out from the water and through the hatch. Patty freaks out.

"Wait what is this!" she screams. Oliver rushes to silence her by placing his his hand over her mouth and tells her to calm down.

"Remember Patty, everything you wish to have, this is your final act of commit to our community." Patty breathes heavily as she fears for what is about to happen.

"No no, let me out now." she pleaded.

"Patty, you will disappoint everyone. You need get it together. You are willing to throw everything we are offering you for only 4 min with the respectable 'Deep one'." said Oliver as he holds her down on the bed.

"I'm not having sex with that fucking thing! Oliver please let me out of here." she pleaded

"I cant do that patty." said Oliver as he steps back, making way for the deep one, a sea creature that is part of an underwater society known as the children of the sea deity, Dagon. It forces itself over Patty and raped her as Oliver just stood there and watched. Patty cries out for it to stop although the deep one just continued, holding down her face and arms against the bed, restricting her movement. It finally finished and left, entering the waters and swimming out to the ocean. Roxanne returns to the room enraged.

"We had high hopes for you. What a disappointment. Take her, lock her down in one of the prison chambers, and make sure she is chained up." she said.

Oliver grabs Patty as she pleaded Roxanne to let her go. Her plead was ignored and Oliver drags her through out the backdoor, to his vehicle and locks her in the boot. Fifteen minutes later, the boot is opened up and he drags her blindfolded to an underground cell where he placed patty into her designated room and chains her up against the bed.

"All you had to do was just let it happen. I was naive to think you would understand." he said.

"Oliver please, I’m sorry, don't leave me here, Oliver, Oliver!" She screamed and cried as he walked out the room and locked the door.

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