《Taotuz's Melody》Knowledge & Lazy Day
With my eyes closed my noses pick up a thick smoke smelling woody and earthy but bits of sweetness. Open my eyes to a room only being lit by incense sticks scattered around a large room. My body is standing and I am not the only one here but I am one of the few who are awake. Looking for a door i see a thin beam of light from a open door and i head towards it. Right before I can fully open the door three people enter.
"Wake up the rest," The figures to the left and right of the man proceeded to slap the other residences. After finishing they walked back and stood behind the figure. "Welcome all to Slaihan. We are the Priests of Xeraoth, as none of you know he is the Reaper Of Souls, The Rule of Souls, GRAND MASTER OF THE RIVER OF REBIRTH..."
I blank out while he calls the many names that his worshippers call Xeraoth. While i wait I whisper, "Check Status"
Notice from the Developers
BattleCry Online wants to focus more on the skill of the player then the stats of a players so we have set up that you can't see your status at all. While they are still there and doing various activates as you know reading, sprint, etc will still increase them. Another thing is that you dont know how many points an activity will give. Want do a hundred push ups that is fine a message will appear once you increase your strength.
Your muscles feel larger then before....
Thank you for playing BattleCry Online!
"...and as such The Great Xeraoth has given you souls another chance for a better life. Now before you leave this door remember it is mandatory to stay in our walls for two weeks. Any questions can be asked to the other priests behind me. Any body who wants to dedicate their new lives to the worship of our Lord you may talk to me in the next room. Good day and May your souls find safe passage on the River of Loki."
"Loki really developers are so lazy. Better then Styx I guess." I start heading toward the door while others are asking questions or trying to see there stats. I head to the Head priest. "Good day sir. May i ask why the River of Loki is named such."
"I did claim to ask the other priest question but since it is a religious location then i will answer it." The priest looks like he is trying to avoid a headache. "Loki means a person place or thing of great chaos. The river that runs through the after life holds a large deal of chaos since under the surface is where souls that are too heavy. Once upon the boat their sins push them overboard causing the other souls to climb over them so they can escape. A sad and terrible existence that I only wish for the worst of any kind."
"Thank you" I bow and leave the temple. Entering the outside the lights shine right into my eyes but the warmth from the sun feels so right on my skin. I stretch like a cat ready for a nap. "Time to go look for Sabrina wonder what her name is."
I place my back on a pillar and look at the villagers as they pass. All of them are interested in what is happening inside the temple but they cant slow down life must go on. Some children start to walk over to me with biggest oh eyes. I smile and dip my head at them in greeting but before either of us can talk their respective mothers grab there hands and usher them forward and avoid my eyes.
"Villages are a problem but I read this is a city maybe its in transition. Well hopefully i dont have to much problems here." Then this city girl walks by. She just looked so different to the regular city folk it was clear as wind. I raise my eyebrow and let out a slight growl towards her. She looks at me and blushes and hurries on back.
Generated New stat: Charm
Potential partners see you in a better light...
'That could be useful. They are coming out of the temple now. What should i do to get her attention. Oh i know.' I start to feel the rhythm in my head. " Rhythm is a dancer, It's a soul companion, You can feel it everywhere...1"
This causes a few stares and a few giggles and a couple people stay around until it dawns on them they have a world to explore and can find another time to enjoy my very sexy voice.
You have acquired a new passive skill: Egotistical
While i keep on singing i put on a huge smile while jamming out. I am just so amazing that the game knew and gave me a passive skill.
Egotistical has level to Beginner Lvl 2
Maybe too much ego.... For now because guess who just walked up. This sexy elf with bronze skin, golden eyes, just a little shorter then me but ohhhh the kicker that hair the perfect shade of purple and to her hips. If this isnt Sabrina Aphrodite help me stay faithful. I stop singing and get to one knee.
"Hey pretty lady wont you give me a sign I'd give you anything to make you mine all mine.2" She gives me that smile with that blush. Thank Aphro.. Cough...Notch it is her. She looks at the top of my head where my username is visible and she visibly relaxes confirming it is me.
"My what a gesture you make sweet boooy." really emphasizes that boy isnt she. The passing players watch us and tried to hide their smiles as what looks to be a rejection in the process. "My name is Melody and if you want my heart you must be my knight even in high noon."
"The bloods oath has been paid now stand my knight we shall seal this oath," She hands me her hand and i get up and we seal our oath the only true way by sealing out lips.
You have made a blood oath to Melody, Notch's Model
Your SubClass has changed from N/A to Guardian
You have gained several skills
~To check skill your new skills speak Skill Set.~
'Stupid messages doing more important things right now. Wrapping my arm around her waist and one grabbing her hand i inhale the air from her lungs. Her eyes open slightly fogged over and she trembles. The group starts cheering slightly. I unlock our lips. Too many people around for my love to be seen around.
"Melody its time to get out of here i think we might have started the wrong type of feast." She blinks a couple of time and her blush goes so red I think somebody could write a book on how beautiful it was maybe name it 50 shades of red. Nodding we head in a random direction holding each other hands.
We both start to look at this new world. The smells of the market just opening is making me hungry. As i look at Melody I can see in her eyes she feels the same. I see a friendly woman selling beaded jewelry. I point her out to Melody, "I think she is good as anybody to ask about a map of the town. I am good at not getting lost in a city but its better to have something to fall back on."
"You don't have to cover it up I know i will get lost in seconds in this city." She starts to tug me to the jewelry merchant. "Good morning, what beautiful jewelry you have here. May I look through them."
"Of course customers are always welcomed!" The merchant was pleasantly plump with brown hair and blue eyes. She had no visible faults in her face even it was cheeky. Oh look at that with her smile I think i see dimples. If this was a village i think she be fighting the boys off her with a stick. Gives off an aura of perkiness its even effecting me.
"Well hello my name is Taotuz. My friends call me Tao and it would do my heart a great pleasure if you would also." I give her a big smile. She gives me a lopsided smile. I think she knows what i am up too. I wasnt trying to hide it. "My love here has a great interest in jewelry it seems for the next month we might be swinging by here more often."
"Of course its clear she has great taste in all things but... man", She smiles and looks away. This merchant is fun to talk to! "You dont seem to be all that interested in my jewelry do you think your worthy of gold and diamonds."
"Actually I'm not a big fan of accessories. I know i will have to wear them later but for now i will keep my fingers only tangled with my loves hand." That got the merchant smiling.
"The name is Elizabeth," She offers her hand. I go to shake then bend down and kiss the top of her hand.
Potential Partners see you in a better light
'Good that worked' I lift my head back up to a woman appearing not to happy at my gentlemanness (3).
"Well while my dear is looking you wouldnt have a map of the city or know where one is?" She puts a hand under the table.
'Please dont pull a knife... Please dont pull a knife... Please dont pull a knife.'
She hands me a pamphlet.
'That was a close one.'
I open the pamphlet and inside is a map of the whole city with markings of taverns, smiths and other big stores.
You map has been updated
To look at your map call out options.
"Darling look at this map quickly," She looks up from the accessories and grabs the pamphlet.
"I don't know why your giving me this i suck at reading maps." She looks at it and her eyes open a bit wider for a second, "Well that explains why you did it now."
She hands it back to me and i open once again and place it on the sales table and turn it towards Elizabeth. "Could you mark your store for future reference."
Nodding she puts her hand under the sales table.
'Please dont be a knife.... Please dont be a knife.... ITS A KNIFE!'
Pulling a knife she pokes at an intersection. Placing the knife back under the table.
Map updated
"Thank you but you can keep the pamphlet in case of other Souls needing it. Melody have you found any jewelry you like?"
"Is all of them a correct answer"
"Yes" Smiles Elizabeth.
"No" Says I ,"What are the prices of the jewelry here anyway?"
"Read the sign lazy. It says right here 50 and here it is 89 and this one is 69." points out Melody.
"Is that in copper or silver Elizabeth?”
“Silver if you really like it but for you i will do with copper.” Elizabeth gives me a huge smile.
‘Dimples so cute’
‘Inventory. Please no rye bread. Please no rye bread.’
Inventory Opening
10x Slime Jerky
1x Water Flask
20x copper
‘Slime Jerky!?!’
“Melody lets go make a bit more money before we make a purchase” She turns around and starts pouting and.... So is Elizabeth!?! “Fine if there is anything worth 40c go ahead.”
“Yeah!” her eyes are going from left and right. Then she finds one its a wooden ring with a strange design circling around it. “This one!”
“That will be 40c.” Elizabeth giving me a smile. I place my 20c on the table and as does Melody.
“What are those symbols on there?” I ask Elizabeth.
“Don’t know they came to me while i was drinkin.... sleeping and a god came to me and showed me the symbols. Now off with you and continue your journey.”
“Alright Melody lets go.” She places the ring on her finger and starts humming a tune. Waving goodbye to the merchant “Good day Elizabeth.”
“Dont you want to know what the symbols mean before you bought them Melody?” I am slightly worried maybe its cursed.
“They are music symbols, idiot. Look see that is a G clef, a C clef, and a half note. Come on your always singing and even use cheesy pick up lines with songs and you dont know musical notes.” Rolling her eyes she walks on ahead.
“People can make music without notes.” I state the point. There was even a movie where a kid could play without ever reading a sheet.
“Fine but be a bit more informative.” She gets all high and mighty. Time to trip the horse.
“Melody you just past the fountain.” She stops and turns around starts going the right way. The fountain was no joke it was about 20 feet in diameter with the Saga in the middle at the height of 12 feet with the water falling from a jug she was holding. Other man and woman were much smaller ranging from 4-5 feet all holding cups that were all mini waterfalls. I walk up and hail a villager who was picking up some lumber that was on the ground. “Excuse me sir may i fill my flask here?”
“Yes you can but please pay your respect the divine are fickle beings.” Not even turning around he is trying to pick up the last piece but looking like he is having trouble. I pick it up and place it on his shoulder. “Thank you kind sir.”
“No problem its what i would wish would happen to me in the same case.” He turns around and looks at me and his face darkens for half a second.
“Forgive me friend this city is still trying to get their heads around beastman.” he frowns and thanks me again and walks away.
‘Nice man at least he knows it is wrong to see beastman as a bad thing. But honestly i dont know beastman from this realm maybe its well placed.’
“Look at you being all kind and helpful. By chance could you give me a piggy back ride while we get closer to the fountain i feel tired. Sooooo tired.” faking fatigue. I dash around her and pick her up princess style. She lets out a squeal and gives me the death stare. “So rude. Hmph.”
I walk her to the fountain. What can I honestly say its huge but the water is fresh and feels pretty good on my skin. I take out my flask and fill it in the water.
Flask Filling 1/10 2/10 3/10.... as the flask is filling i see a plaque on the fountain.
“The fountain of Saga stands to remind all citizens that knowledge and new beginnings can make for happier endings.”
“Who do you think that woman is to get to be that large. Must be a hero.” Melody commented.
“A goddess named Saga, Goddess of Wisdom and Beginnings.” Melody seemed shocked at the knowledge.
“How do you know about that?”
“She helped me with my character creation.” Melody didnt seem surprised at that info. “Who did yours?”
“Notch.” I give her a questioning face. “He is the God of Love and Music.”
“So what are you the God of Loves Model?” She seemed shocked at how i knew. Oh dirty little secret. I am hurt. Just kidding I trust her completely.
“He made me do things.” She looks away. Ok never mind i was kidding. Seems like i will have to become a god slayer. Then she laughs at my serious expression. “I am kidding honey. He was the creator of the elf race and since i am elf and clearly beautiful. It just made sense and HA i just got my first skill! Beat that.”
“Was it the passive skill Egotistical? I earned that before we met at the entrance of the temple.” She frowns then blows out air.
“Cheater. Reporting to admins right now.” I sit down on the bench and wrap my arms around her. She snuggles closer to me and we just breath in the fountain spray and the clean air. After a couple of moment she looks up at me. “i think we can waste the first day just being right?”
“Through battle, travel, or just relaxation if you’re here I am up for anything.” I place my chin on her hair and kiss the top of her head. She rubs her face into my chest and just lays back into it.
1 Song by Snap Rhythm is a dancer.
2 Song by Michael Montgomery Sold
3 It is a word now!
Third Call is the CharmTaotuz's Melody
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