《Taotuz's Melody》Neon Bubbles = Neon Troubles


Sabrina opened her eyes seeing darkness but with large neon blue bubbles floating slowly upwards into a endless black sky. She found herself sitting on an even larger bubble moving slower then the other bubbles. A flicker of wings came from behind her. Leaning her head backwards to see whom the sound came from.

"Well hello there soul! I am Notch the God of Love and Music. " He twirled at his introduction. Then looking a bit closer at his surroundings, "What an interesting yet depressing soul's home you have here."

"Soul's home? Depressing?"

"Oh asking boring questions. Lets start with how you should look like got to have all the boys slobbering around you!" he says with a menacing grin. Then he faces goes blank," What was your name again?"

"Melody," Sabrina, I meant Melody said," Are there elves in this realm?'

"Oh a girl after my own heart." He spreads his arms, "You must have noticed that the elves were carved from my godly form."

"Of course I mean how could I not." faking flattery.

"Well lets beginning what type of elf would you like to become? There is ...." Droning on for several minutes he names many sub species of elf till he pauses," I got it you will be a moon elf."

"Can I at least see what this moon elf looks like before we put it in stone." she states. Notch nods at and forms the body from dust that came from everywhere. Standing there was a beautiful elf with eyes that shone silver, skin was pale as the moon, hair as dark as a new moon but in the eyes held an emptiness. That emptiness truly frighten Sabrina. "I am sorry Notch I can see this would bring me all the men to their knees. I do think I might want to tone it down how about a sun elf."


He gives the elf one last look and nods at her statement. Moving his hand into circular motions the dust changes into a taller elf with skin of bronze with bleach blonde hair and green eyes. "how does that look Melody?"

"Notch you could say this elf gives off a light of its own." smiling at her pun. "Is there any racial abilities I need to know before I select this race?"

"They get 3x more regen during the day and 1/2x per the night. Since the base health and mana regen per min is 1% for elves you will have 3% during the day and .5% during the night. Then the natural bonus for being an elf which is a starting stats in wisdom, intelligence and agility. Also luck will automatically be unlocked from the beginning. You can change only one color of either the eyes or hair. Natural hair dye will last only 2 hours in daylight."

She starts stroking her hair and shocked to see her natural brown hair color. She remembers fondly how Anthony enjoys her purple hair color and even helps when she wants to re-dye her hair. "Notch I will pick the Sun elf and change the color to purple. Alright a bit darker. Also can you length it to my hips."

"Well Melody this elf is unique but still beautiful." as Notch is saying this his blonde hair is darken. He actually changing into the color purple.

"I can see that your hair agrees." Melody holds back a giggle. Notch looks at his hair and is shocked. The hair changes back to blonde.

"Where in this world are you starting Melody?" His usual perkiness seems to calm down in to more of a relaxed mood. He starts to lean back and floating around Melody.


"Ridge Wood I am meeting my man there to become the strongest couple ever." This actually makes Notch free fall from his floating state.

"Oh you not even telling me the best details." He starts to lay stomach down on a bubble and drawing circle on one of the bubbles. Looking down he squints in to the bubble. "He seems like a good man. Are those really 12 dozen roses pretty cliché don't you think."

"Yes they were he actually snuck them into my room while I was cooking dinner. Best Valentine Gift ever" She starts to remember how happy she was that day. Then starts choking on air. " How... How... How did you know about that!"

"This soul's home carries your most precious memories all of these bubbles are memories you cherish so much that they are the very definition of your soul. This darkness though is what you think life truly is. No end in sight or worth looking for." He sounded dejected after that statement.

"I don't think that my life is a happy one!"

"Then why did you run from your reality to this one?"

"To spend more time with my beloved this realm gives me 4 hours for ever hour in my world. More time means more happy memories."

"I can tell you that's one of the best reasons I have or will probably hear from your people. Sadly its not the full truth remember Melody I can see your very soul and know that you are also running away from something." He gives me a sad smile. Then points down towards a river that wasn't there before. "That there is the river of souls. Xeraoth will collect you now have a safe journey Melody this world is scary but your own demons will most likely be what destroys you."

Notch flies off into the darkness. I look over my bubble and then jump into the river. I didn't fall I just floated down slowly. A minute before I touch the river a boat comes over with a hooded figure and grabs my hand. Helping me into his boat I trip a bit and look into his hood and see two hollow sockets for eyes and... A smile? Must be the light.

"Somebody very special is waiting for you Melody. Close your eyes I shall deliver you to the world above."


You have earned an unremoveable title: Notch's Model

Not only founding out elves creation you have been friended by their creator.

10% Water Affinity

10% Fire Affinity

50+ Charm

You can't be charmed by spells below intermediate skill

You will be flirted with both genders and even some neutral beings

I have a long day already I feel my eyes shutting already.

1066 words and less explanation and more plot woohoo. Or I think Plot @[email protected]

Third Call is the CharmTaotuz's Melody

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