《Taotuz's Melody》This is character creation?!?


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"Yes i would thank you"

The room starts to become a swirl of colors at high speed then slows down till I'm in a field surrounded by trees. A figure in a cloak leaves the tree line and floats to me. Removing the hood a skull appears from it. "I am The Collector and Deliver of Souls you may call me, Xeraoth. The gods and goddesses of this realm have asked me to deliver them the souls of heroes to help fight the monsters and demons of this realm."

"Well I am glad that you have found me Xeraoth. I be more then glad to help this realm deal with the monsters." I bow and smile at the skull. "I shall be the hero your realm wants"

"Sadly mister you are no hero. We are simply out of "hero" souls so i come in the hope to get the gods off my case by throwing them some souls." He turns away. "By chance soul what is your name?"

Gritting my teeth, "My name is Taotuz, Xeraoth"

"A good name as any," he shrugs and walks away, "follow me Taotuz."

I walk towards him till I am by his side till I see a river with mist running over it. " This is a beautiful scenery you have here Xeraoth."

He looks at me and tilts his head, "This isn't mine this is your Soul's realm and yes it is quite beautiful. You seem to be quite at peace with yourself."

"I see no faults with who i am." I look around at all my Soul contains.

"Then why did you escape from your realm to come here were battle is around every corner." The Collector claims.

"Love my fair skeleton. Love drove me here."

"Killing in the name of your love who has passed is not a way to remember them." Xeraoth is glaring at me.

"Not even close but a good observation. She will be with me once we get done here. We will be meeting in Ridge City." I smile to this greater being.

He nods, "Well then lets be quick with this, yes? The river there is the river of death and rebirth. As the Collector and Deliver of Souls I'm the one who guides souls back here and back to the realm of Slaihan. When you die I shall gather your soul from the battle field and drop it back to the soul's home. For 96 hours in this realm it will take for your soul to gather enough energy to be able to hold a form in Slaihan. Then i will take you on my boat as i pass and place you at my temple. Simple correct?"


"I believe i caught all of that. Is there anything else i need to do or know before we head off Xenaoth?" I ask politely.

Another hooded figured exits the tree line, "Xenaoth what are you doing millions of souls are waiting to enter Slaihan. What is taking so long." The figure takes off the hood. Stood there was a woman of 30 years with white long hair. She gives me a glare. "It better not be your fault you worthless soul."

"The name is Taotuz, and may i ask what your name is?" I stood offended at her attitude.

"My name is Saga, The Goddess of Wisdom and Beginnings." she states proudly.

"Explains why you are here. I am sorry Saga it was my fault for holding back Xeraoth. A new world is a scary thing and going in blind would... well lead me back here for another 96 hours and if i can i wouldn't want that." Bowing politely at her.

"Well there is only one thing left for you to do soul," Xenaoth states matter of factly. I gather knowing a souls name isn't a good thing for a being of his statue to state. Probably because of Saga. "you must now choose the form your soul shall inhabit. The races of this realm are wide-spread but sadly the gods and goddesses have chosen to only give you a choice of a few as to not hamper your way in our realm. Wouldn't want any body picking a slime. The races are Human, Elf, Dwarf, Beastman, Orcs, and Halflings."

"What kind of Beastman can i choose?" I state always interested in new info.

"Enough of this Xeraoth i will take over for this soul. Come back when you are done with the other souls." Saga states. Xeraoth looks at me i think i see a hint of pity in his hollow eyes.

"Of course Mistress i will do that." he lets out a long whistles and a boat comes down the river. "Goodbye Taotuz."

"Did he just say your name soul? You must have made a good impression on him. Very few grabs death attention."

States Sage as she watches the collector leave. "Now time to get down to business. There is as many Beastman as there are animals. Sadly the aren't welcomed in most small villages. Cities on the other hand have the view if you have currency on your person and you don't cause problems then your good as the next person."

"Are dragons considered animals?" She almost seems shocked and then angered.

"Dragons are not animals imbecile. They are a race of this realm that should be given proper respect. Unlike you worthless soul. Now quickly pick before i choose to pick fish and send you to the desert."


"I apologize Goddess. Then how about a tiger?" the goddess just keeps staring into my eyes. With a final humph she lifts her hands half way from the floor with palms down and lifts them up and in front of me is well me but with orange skin with black stripes.

"Now quickly touch the body part you want to change the length and color or you can say the name. If such a imbecile knows any thing about biology." She forms a chair near the form of my tiger and sits down with a book in her hand she starts to read.

"Well first lets make myself a Halfling of Chinchilla albinistic1 and elf." At that the goddess raises her eyebrow at my command at the form. The form changes with my ears being slightly longer but still tiger ears. My muscles start to shrink and i am slightly taller. The fur turns from orange to white.

"Now remove fur and use elf skin. Keep my tail and ears with fur" My fur disappears back into my body but my skin is now pale.

"Darken skin a few shades." Now my skin doesn't reflect every piece of light.

"Change paws to elf hands but keep the retractable claws. Change hair color to white like the goddess hair if you could."

"Flattery doesn't help." she roles her eyes at my hair color change. "Also elves and tiger beast are complete opposites one is high Int Agi and Wisdom while the other is Str and Vit and Leadership."

"I figured that but I am not focusing on starting stats as i can train my ass off for any of them." I do steal a glance at the goddess after she gave me the advice. "But thank you for the info i will take it into consideration."

"Change the height to 6' 1"." My character shrinks just a bit. Then i start touching the stripes and do a couple of adjustments to them. Now all of them are tracing my ribs and are broken where my ribs meet. The stripes on my arm are all tipped and arched at the front of my arms and circle downwards.

"Change my eye color to my natural eye color. Goddess does changing my muscles in this selection cause a change in my stats?"

"I thought you didn't care for such things. Also it does not."

"Wasn't for me it was for any other characters i might have to face."

"Well then i am getting bored i hope you are done Toeszoe."


"What you say?"

"My name is Taotuz. I ask you remember Saga I will do great things even if it is not on the front line of the war against your demons or monsters. I am done here Thank you for watching over my character creation."

"Fine Xenaoth will be at the river for you when he is ready." Saga walks away with a hmph but then turns back and looks me into the eyes. "Its is not my demons you should worry about child it shall be your own that will destroy you much quicker and with more pain."

I walk down the river after that foreshadowing. Xeraoth is just coming to the rivers bank.

"I am surprised you took so short of time Xenaoth with the others souls. I must have taken more time then i should have."

"No Taotuz i am just the one to carry them to the living. Others beings helped the other souls."

"Well then Xeraoth call me Tao all my friends do." He looked at me as i climb into the boat.

"Many fear me, others respect me, some even embrace death, but none would call me friend." He pushes the boat off the shore.

"Death is just another step in our lives that we must take might as well make it a friend so that it goes by smoothly. Plus i am pretty sure you might be seeing me a lot with the dangers of your realm."

"Then i shall accept that token of friendship Tao."


You have earned an unremoveable title: Death's Friend

As being the only being the Death has called friend you have earned several bonus.

+10% Dark Affinity

+10% Light Affinity

You only lose 1 level on death.

You have a greater chance of losing a common and uncommon over a rare or higher item when you die.

Also gain another 24 hours in your soul's home when you die to talk with death. Death Toll is now 120 hours igt before you respawn.

You must at least attempt to spend at least 24 igt hours with death of your respawn timer.

I flinch. Son of a bitch oh well the bonuses are much better then the extra 6 hours of lost gaming time.

"Well Tao its now to go join your beloved in Ridge City" I think i see him smiling just a little. Probably the light.

1 This is just the name of white Bengal tiger and yes i do know the name as I love white tigers and elementary school had a lot of animal books.

1793 words! Woot.

Comments please.

Third Call is the CharmTaotuz's Melody

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