《New World Eden》Chapter 7
"This village is our home! We've worked hard to survive from people like you who've wanted nothing but to destroy everything we have, pleasuring yourself from being scum! Well, we won't have it! We're going to fight!"
Raising the sword and yelling, the other villagers around him doing the same as they all ran into the battle. Mainly to the ones close to the village.
These were the same villagers that Shun had tried to inspire when he tried to rally the ones in the village that could help him defeat the bandits.
And at first the villagers were deathly afraid of any kind of dangerous situation that was going to present itself infront of them. Ever since seeing first hand the dangers and the destruction of their previous village, the people in this village were almost ready to just give up and allow whatever danger Shun had spoken about to destroy them.
But if it wasn't for the man in front, who had almost knocked out a man who tried suggesting that they give up and just surrender and spoke in efforts to get the ones able, to help Shun fight the Bandits back.
"What is wrong with you fools! After how many months of work! After the hard winters, the harsh rain, the blazing heat! You're just going to let all that work go to waste! You scum who've only seen the lives of your present and not the ones of the future have no right! You have no right to let those who've put blood and tears into keeping this village a home for refugees and survivors! For all that lost their homes to be set a flame and burnt to the ground! Are you just going to let those bastards destroy what we've worked for! Who is outside fighting for our sake right now! A boy. A boy Is fighting for our village! If you're a Man you won't let that go past your conscious or so forsake your God!"
That Man who had glared at every single person who he would have expected to fight and went his way to the shed and grabbed a weapon.
It wasn't just him either. The villagers had also changed. First it was from Shun and now from there very own. A fire had been lit from under them as the people were starting to rally together. All those who had been on the sideline at first showed up and grabbed a weapon
And now there were 15 people holding an assortment of weapons fighting the same Bandits that were going to attack their home. First going to the ones about to kill the Guards.
Shun who stopped killing the bandits looked on with feelings that couldn't compare to anything he's ever felt before.
From seeing those depressed villagers who were once fearful and were deathly afraid from just the thought of a danger to the people in front of him burning with fire and passion attacking the bandits who were once over powering the Guards to now being overpowered.
And the man who Shun was expecting to have strength was just as powerful as Shun thought he would be. Cutting bandits and overpowering them with relative ease, strength that was pushing them back and killing with a single swipe of his sword. That man had become a central of Shuns defenses now, the rest of the village wasn't doing as well but they weren't getting killed and were putting on a fight. And that's all that matters.
Shun killed yet another bandit trying to sneak attack him, as he turned to all the bandits were almost surrounding and looked at them with a hardened glare.
The bandits who were becoming quite nervous since seeing so many of their comrades being killed by this boy who shouldn't be any older than 15 were now scared out of their wits as their knees shoke and cold sweat stained their backs, their faces went blue and they wanted to look anywhere else but Shuns eyes.
Shuns eyes were dominatory, it's dark green color darkened its pupils narrowed and steeled with focus, looking at one person and one person only.
And that person was looking straight back.
Black eyes, devoid of any emotion and fear pushed his will against Shuns.
Both stood in silence, nobody in the battle wishing to go after either.
The bandits did not even want to touch Shun in fear of being cut from his stained red Glaive that hung above his head in wait and the villagers didn't dare look at the Bandit Captains eyes for too long as they felt death cut their neck just from looking at his face too long.
Both Shun and the Bandit Captain were in their own world as they fought their own war. Not just of will but of mental strength, both waiting, tightening their weapons. Shun spinning his Glaive, blade pointed down. While the Bandit Captain drew the sword that was behind his back.
For those that were looking at it, the sword was long, almost half the bandits length, sharp, and was defentaily wide, almost as wide as his arm. It was definitely made of better metal than Shuns Glaive, and Shun was 100% sure he had stolen it from some sort of other party or caraven but that didn't matter.
". . ."
". . ."
Neither gave up, Shuns Green eyes piercing into the Bandit Captains soul while his black eyes devoured any kind pain that was supposed to be felt.
It wasn't until the Bandit Captain felt a sharp sting from his left eye did he lose focus and wince. It was only then did Shun break out into an all out sprint, zooming his way over to the Bandit Captain.
The Captain was still surprised at his own defeat, looked at Shun who was heading towards him with surprise but instantly raised his sword to compete with whatever attack Shun had.
And an attack Shun had spinning his Glaive once more this time going for a pole attack thrusting it towards the Captains stomach.
The captain who had seen this smirked on the inside as he swung his sword instantly heading towards the right side of Shuns, mainly his arm. The exact arm that was holding the end of the pole.
What Shun didn't know was that the Bandit Captain had a metal plate of armor under his shirt that covered the entire of his stomach, chest, and back.
He would wear that metal plate no matter where he went for 24 hours a day, and would be protected from whatever underling that would have the funny idea of backstabbing him.
But now it would protect him from a weakling's stick thrust.
Both attacking, Shun who was just about to hit the Metal plate on the Captains stomach spun his body and twisted his torso in a 360 jump, going to the left. And while spinning to the left he swung his Glaive at the same time effectively moving his body and weapon out of the way of the Bandit Captains attack while switching his original strike to the Bandits open arm.
The bandit Captain seeing this jumped back switching the direction of his blade to oppose Shuns blade.
It was the first time Shuns had to clash with another's blade and his position wasn't the most favorable. Clashing blades Shun whose left foot was the only part that touched the ground was sent rolling as he almost dropped his Glaive. He was able to get back up but his body wasn't in the best condition. The multiple cuts around his body was stinging more painful than ever as dirt touched the wounds, this was especially prominent with his back cut.
'I better have killed that guy!'
Shun who went back into stance readied the attack of the Captain who swung with great power towards Shuns head.
Doing another spin Shun was able to switch the motion of the Bandits attack forcing the butt end of Shuns Glaive towards the Bandits face. It was going to work if it wasn't for the Bandits arm that went to bloke.
Pushing off each other Shun was once again put in the defensive from the Bandits attacks as the bandit who was surprisingly skilled with the sword as he was using strikes and thrusts that he hasn't seen none one of the other bandits use. But it wasn't just that, the Bandit was using both hands for his sword which put Shun at a disadvantage.
Whenever he would block an attack from the right side he would usually move to the left, getting out of the blade's strengthened attack which after having multiple clashes was proven stronger than his. But whenever he moved to the left from a right attack it was a problem when an attack would attack him right after to the left.
When Shun moves to dodge an attack he would put most of his weight in that direction, which, right now is heavier thanks to the Glaive in his hands putting himself in bind as he's seriously off balanced. And receiving an attack from the unbalanced side he's most definitely going to be pushed back.
And that's true for both sides.
Getting pushed back, Shun who for the 3rd time somehow luckily landed on his feet and jumped back a good two times putting distance between the two.
". . .You've really surprised me ya know that?"
Seeing Shun jump back twice the Bandit decided not to go after instead choosing to talk then anything else.
"When I saw you, a thin baby faced brat who stills sucks his moms tits holding a weapon way too big for someone like you to block my way from claiming my property I was pretty amused but pissed."
"And after seeing you basically make play things of my men, I was impressed. . . But that quickly went away as I watched you refuse to use the blade on that thing, I realized that your refusal wasn't because you were incapable, but because you were weak."
Swiping his hands over the field that was covered in dead bodies the man laughed crazed as he looked at Shun with amusement and anger.
"You who I thought were weak and weren't able to see a drip of blood before wetting themselves did all this! Not once but twice did you trick me! For that you deserve a reward!"
Swiping his sword once more the Bandit closed his eyes and placed a hand hovering over his sword. It was then that Shun saw small wisps of purple smog like smoke push out of his body from his arms and start to cover over his sword spreading to the entirety of his sword slowly.
Looking at the Bandit who was now focusing on his sword as if ignoring the opponent infront of him. Shun could start to see the sword start to extend and enlarge in shape as the overall shape of the sword changed and start to become a solid purple.
'I-Isn't that Ki!?'
Shun wasn't expecting to see Ki with someone like that Bandit and the fact that he seemed proficient in something that was supposedly very hard to learn scared Shun a shit ton.
'Wait. . . don't I also have Ki.'
Remembering that a category called 'Ki' was in his character sheet existed along with a skill called 'Ki Mastery', Shun who didn't have anything else to lose as he saw the Bandits sword grow and grow decided to focus on the skill in hopes of finding something that could help him.
So instead of just watching the Bandit increase his Ki, Shun tried to search his memory for any kind of information that could help him locate what was possible Ki inside his body. But Shun, who was limited on time and was drawing a blank on memories, decided to scrape anything that had to do with the past and just go off feeling.
Shun mimicked the Bandit, going into his steady stance and closing his eyes both hands on the Glaive in an attacking posture.
Shun started looking, searching throughout his body trying to find whatever kind of energy that was supposed to be there and use it to beat the Bandit who was starting to grow stronger and stronger by the minute .
But not even a second later of searching, Shun started to feel a slight buzz develop in the pits of his stomach that traveled from the insides, that felt like it was right above his belly button start condensing itself in a sphere like fashion before exploding out and spreading throughout his body as if a warm flood of water washing over his body and innards.
It was warm but was somewhat painful. It was weird but Shun somehow knew what to do as he focused on the energy spreading throughout his body and focused on the energy pushing into his chest, manipulating that energy towards his shoulders to the elbows and making it all the way to his hands.
The pain started increasing as it started to spread, but the warmth he was feeling almost matched that pain as the energy forced its way past his fingers and outside his body going into the air. Almost instantly though it somehow stuck its way onto the Glaive in Shuns hands spreading wisps of Greenish energy that was almost like mist into his weapon. And as it traveled in trails going up the pole and towards the Blade of Shuns Glaive as if sucking up the Green mist, the blade of the Glaive was starting to glow the same as the Bandit but different than the Bandit it didn't grow or change in shape, the only thing it did was condense and become much more compact.
Opening his eyes the Bandit who saw his signature Ki infused blade in his hands, started to feel giddy inside.
'It's been awhile since i've used this!'
The once normal blade that was as wide as his arm had doubled in size and was no longer double edged now sporting only one edge which was now curved in a way that made it more of like a large curved Greatsword than anything else.
This sword allowed him to conquer the small sector of the plains for himself and was quickly growing in power as his numbers increased.This strength, this sensation that was inside his body made him feel him feel unstoppable, as if nobody was his equal!
Looking closer you could his once black eyes had turned a glowing purple as his body shook with fever and energy.
But as soon as he looked up and saw his opponent, who, with his spear glowing a green and in a state of focus. The Bandit instantly felt a genuine fear that he hasn't felt in a while and it enraged him.
Looking at Shun whose blade slowly stopped consuming energy while the rest of the left over energy wrapped its way around the pole in his hand. The Bandit couldn't help but feel jealous as he remembered how young Shun was.
The Bandit was shaking profusely now as he continued staring at Shun. Hands shook and eyes became more and more crazed with breath becoming eradicate.
Shun who slowly opened his eyes that were glowing the same as the Bandits, felt energy that was completely foreign but at the same time familiar to him flow through his body and weapon, it was as if he was connected to his Glaive.
Getting clear headed, Shun looked at his body and his weapon with interest as he waved it around.
Looking at it more indeff, it was an odd experience all around watching the mist follow through with the blades movement.
Never in his life did he expect to see himself do the things he's done so far, and this was all still the introduction to Eden.
Hell, he even feels the slight wounds that were all over his body begin to close up. As the warm feeling in his body pushed up against them
It made him really feel like he was in a fantasy world as he looked at the glow all over his Glaive. But it wasn't just the glow, he felt power in his Glaive, as if it was sturdier, stronger, better than whatever it used to be.
But back to the Bandit. . .
Shun who had inspected his body far enough set his sites back on the Bandit that was still infornt of him and was finally ready to get back in the fight.
Though as soon as he lifted his head and towards the Bandits location, he was only able to see a flash of purple.
But if it was the new power or not, Shun saw it all and readily blocked the attack aiming to his head.
To the onlookers as they watched both of their respected lead fighters drew in strange colored strings from out their body and somehow poor it into their weapons changing it. For the villagers, it shocked them to see these feats that they never knew were possible. But for the Bandits who've seen their Boss do it countless times and had tried multiple times to do the same was more shocked at seeing Shun do it.
But now, all they could only see were flashes of green and purple clashing against another as Shun stood in place and the Bandit Captain right in front of him.
Shun who was surprisingly blocking all of the Bandits attacks hadn't fully realized the strength difference between the two of them. Even with the boost in strength thanks to Ki, it seemed that he was still considerably weaker then the Bandit as he was being pushed back further and further back.
"You really surprised me by being able to use Ki! But don't think that's going to be enough to defeat me!"
The Bandit started to swing even more erratically as he started switching his style of attacks. No longer going for over the head heavy swings, now swinging fast and in different directions going for all different angles.
It was starting to overwhelm Shun, as he couldn't keep up with the quick swings and unpredictable areas of attack.
Jumping back in hopes of putting distance between the two, Shuns hopes were squashed instantly as the Bandit followed him not even allowing him the chance to gather himself.
Clicking his tongue Shun swung his Glaive, thrusting the blade towards the incoming attack.
Coming in contact with the Bandits sword both weapons clashed for the first time since changing. This time the difference was made apparent as Shuns Glaive held up with the Bandits sword.
With no form of bounce back, Shun felt the strength of his Glaive almost push back against the Bandits Sword as it clashed.
Before he would always lose the battle of strength, and though he still is, this time it felt like he was on equal standing with the Bandit. Not because of his strength suddenly increasing, but he felt like the difference was due to his weapon.
Realizing this, Shun tried pushing back against the Bandit as if trying his luck at beating him in the clash, but ultimately gave up as he felt his feet drag against the ground. So instead he chose to jump back and spin his glaive swinging both sides in an attempt to create space or hit him in his moment of stun.
Though there were plenty of holes and opportunities to exploit Shuns moment of weakness in his spinning motion, it seemed the Bandit didn't hadn’t realized that, ultimately letting up some space between the two. And even with the danger of it not working, ultimately his counter worked as the Bandit was not given the chance to chase after Shun opting to dodge both attacks and gather his footing.
Seeing this, Shun who was facing the correct way again, ran out the perimeter of the Bandit putting distance between the two.
"No matter how much you run there's no option for you but to die!"
Seeing this, and not wanting to allow Shun the distance, the Bandit tried chasing after Shun in an attempt to cut off the distance but was met with Shuns blade as he got closer making him raise his sword to block.
Shun who was now at a preferable distance went on the attack. Before he couldn't do anything due to the Bandits constant attacks and never ending pressure. And realistically that was very disproportionate to his weapon which was long and needed space to attack at its full capabilities.
But now with the space he created, he could use his Glaive and go on the attack!
Swinging the blade down, the Bandits sword was pushed back. Shun saw this and instantly twirled the pole and went to strike the Bandits head with the end. It was met with a slight turn of his head dodging the attack, but Shun intispitaed that and twisted his body aiming the blade to the Bandits leg as he spun.
Drawing blood, Shuns Glaive pushed its way into the Bandits leg cutting through the leather as if it wasn't there.
It was going to go further, but the Bandit who was gritting his teeth in pain and was red in the face from anger had punched Shun in the back forcing him back, stopping him from almost cutting off the Bandits leg.
Almost falling onto the ground, Shun who felt the aching pain on his back wasn't going to let this moment pass and went on the attack again.
Thrusting his Glaive once more to the Bandits chest he was met with almost no attempt at a block. Confused as he thrusted the point of his blade to the chest, Shun who expected to feel the Glaive penetrate was met with resistance.
Shun, who wasn't expecting his attack to be stopped, looked closer, and through the gaps of his cut he saw a sheet of brownish silver metal in place of where skin was supposed to be.
Shun couldn't help but feel enraged by the unfairness at that, couldn't get distracted as he saw an enraged sword swing come his way.
The Bandit who was the angriest he's ever been watched as the boy he thought would never be able to even scratch injured him so. Blood was still staining his pants and the injury for sure hurt but all he could see was red as his blade started changing shape with jagged edges appearing over the once smooth curve. Swinging the sword across in a diagonal line, the bandit couldn't wait to see his enemy get cut in half.
'No. I won't kill you. I'll leave you alive just for you to see me burn your village down to the ground, and then cut you down limb by limb!'
Unconsciously weakening the strength of his attack, Shun who was already in motion to block the now deadlier blade felt his body run cold and felt the pain push into his body harder than it has ever been. He almost couldn't move as his body went stiff, pushing further and ignoring the pain he forced his body to move blocking the attack coming. So much so that the Sword was pushed back and the Bandits entire arm was thrown back.
It was such a shock, that both were not even expecting it, more so the Bandit who was wide eyed as his body was thrown back.
Shun on the hand didn't let this opportunity go unattended.
Pushing his body, which was struggling to even move at this point as the glow around his Glaive was slowly disappearing, turning back to its original form as stomach cramped up and it felt like swords were stabbing into his arms.
Gritting his teeth, Shun tried reaching back into his body for more. It was thin but there was some. And some was all he needed!
Drawing the power from the same source as before he forced it out and into his Glaive.
Excruciating Pain covered his entire body. But that same pain occupied a sense of determination that he's never felt before.
Pushing his body to the absolute limit, focused on completing the challenge infront of him. Shun whose only time ever feeling that sense of determination was from completing a game. . . but now here he is about to kill someone.
Seeing the glow return, Shun whose body was actively going against his wishes forced it to end the battle right here and then!
But the Bandit who saw what was happening felt fear for his life.
His sword flashing in and out of its glow, The Bandit who realized that he was losing Ki willed his sword to stay in form. At first he saw an opportunity, seeing that the Brat was having the same problem as him, and went for the sure fire kill. But he saw the spear cover itself in Ki once more, almost stronger than before, and felt danger almost immediately come out by the waves.
His sword was already in motion to cut Shun in half, he had to kill him Now!
But he stopped.
Piercing eyes.
Green, the color of a shining emerald, jagged but sharp, strong and solid. The two glowing eyes pierced into his soul.
He couldn't stop looking, his body frozen, arm and sword still in the air.
Never in his life did he look into someone’s eyes that made him feel so small. He was supposed to be the one that made others feel small, his height, his strength, his power. He was supposed to be above all else!
But that same child who was as small as a woman, towered over him.
That was when he lost his life.
Shun who flicked the blood off his Glaive looked down at the Bandits detached head as its shocked eyes still stared at him with frozen fear.
". . ."
He couldn't put it into words but Shun switched his sight from the head to the body right next to it, the green grass below it turning red.
Going over to it, the entire battlefield watched with different expressions as they watched Shun.
The Bandits were terrified that their leader was defeated. The villagers were surprised and excited at the defeat of the leader that they feared.
Both sides watched the young boy walk over to the dead Bandits body and pry the sword off the Bandit Captains hand and thrust it into the air.
The green glow leaving his Glaive and his eyes returning to normal. Shun whose body once again rushed with pain had just enough strength to do one last thing.
"It's over! Your Leader is dead! If you don't want to die with the rest of your comrades and Leader, leave now! Drop your weapons and never return!"
Shun whose breath became haggard and his body a bit shaky pushed his lungs to the max and yelled at all Bandits that were scattered all around.
Every Bandit that were still looking at Shun flinched at his yell as they looked at each other with indecision.
". . ."
Slowly but surely each Bandit dropped their weapons and ran away in different directions.
It wasn't long until the rest of the living Bandits took off after dropping their weapons. Now with all of the Bandits gone, it was only the Villagers who were heavily injured and bloody. They looked at each other and bursted out in cries and yells as they cried and hugged each other.
Looking at all of them, Shun who was hurting from all directions felt happy.
Smiling, Shun was met with a box that shocked him.
Congratulations! You are the 12,045th person out of 100,126 people to complete the Adventurers Spirit Quest!
{System Notification}- Terra Atlas, for completing the Adventurers Spirit Quest with the Accomplishments of;
-Earning weapon Mastery!
-Earning Ki Mastery!
-Inspiring the Village and its people to fight alongside you!
-Earning the trust of the villagers!
-Saving the entire village, ending with a death total of. . . 0!
-Defeating a total of. . . 27 enemies!
-Complete use of Ki in battle!
-Defeating the Bandit Captain!
You have earned for completion of Quest: 15 Silver coins, Starting Adventurer equipment, 100 experience points, 50 Reputation points, Silver Grade Weapon or armor, and random Silver Grade item bag.
The Gods have looked at your completion of their quest given to you and based on your Accomplishments and battle performance have deemed you worthy of having. . . a Gold Adventurer Soul!
It was then that Shuns felt a sudden boost of strength.
All of his injuries were being healed, his muscles tightening and his body temperature increasing, Shun couldn't explain it but it felt as if his body was going through some sort of development as his body cooked from the inside out.
And a development he was in fact going through.
Inside his body, the little white droplet that was from the life creation room was still in his body and was right next to his heart, if one were able to look at the droplet you would be able to see it’s milk white color start to turn gold.
It was then that the droplet started growing, spreading, covering his heart and slowly spread throughout his entire body covering his bones, going through his organs, his blood, everything.
1,000 experience points earned! Level Up! x8!
1,000 Reputation points Earned!
+4 BT
+3 Ability
+2 Luck
+3 CP
+1 VIT
+2 Charm
+4 TH
Talent Generated! Gold Soul earned!
Titles Earned! "Glaive Warrior" Earned! "Gifted by the Gods" Earned! "Diligence is a Virtue" Earned!
It was hard to read all of the Panels that were flashing in and out of Shuns face as but before he was even able to read half of them another panel replaced all of them.
Quest completion realized. Do you wish to enter Eden?
". . .Yes"
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