《New World Eden》Chapter 8
Congratulations Warrior "Athen" for obtaining a Gold Adventurer Soul! Eden World “Adventurer” placement #1
Congratulations Warrior "Crazed Fawn" for obtaining a Gold Adventurer Soul! Eden World “Adventurer” placement #2
Congratulations Warrior "Oda" for obtaining a Gold Adventurer Soul! Eden World “Adventurer” placement #3
Congratulations Warrior "Mother Minerva" for obtaining a Gold Adventurer Soul! Eden World “Adventurer” placement #4
Congratulations Warrior "The Great Merlin" for obtaining a Gold Adventurer Soul! Eden World “Adventurer” Placement " #5
Congratulations Warrior "Barak Crow" for obtaining a Gold Adventurer Soul! Eden World “Adventurer” Placement " #6
Congratulations Warrior. . .
An annoying scratching sensation was the first thing that Shun was greeted with as he woke up, immediately he recognized that he was in a rather familiar position, laying on the ground.
Opening his eyes, seeing if the blinding light that had most likely been the cause of his sudden moment of transportation was still there, Shun who carefully opened his eyes was relieved to see that it was gone.
Opening his eyes fully, Shun was met with the beautiful sky.
Although he's said it multiple times, he was truly amazed by how real it was.
From the sky, to the feeling of the grass, to even the breeze that he felt smack against his face and went through his hair.
Looking in closer detail he found nothing wrong with the clouds or color of anything around, everything was as it should be. . . well everything except the unnaturally large trees opun trees that towered upwards into the sky.
Sitting up and looking around, Shun quickly quickly noticed how he was no longer in the field of grass and dirt that made up the outside of the village which he had protected and defended from Bandits not moments ago.
But without warning or second thought, multiple windows popped up in his face. Filling his vision with notifications and messages.
Looking at them all, most of them seemed to be unimportant things like "Welcome to Eden" and more story and introductions into Eden which he wasn't that interested in.
What caught his attention though was the final window that showed "World Placements''.
Reading through the introduction, he found out that although this was still a real world there were still things that made it game like, such as a direct messaging system and friend system which was called "Companion list" that proved how game like it really was. It was no wonder how his Aunt was so sure that she would be able to contact him, but he was really curious how she knew?
'Whatever, now about this "World Placements". . .'
Looking at the next Notification Window, what he saw was essentially a huge page filled with a lot of blank categories that looked like they needed to be filled with the only ones currently having a name and were colored blue were in the upper left, with the words "Adventurer" and "Scholar".
To be the very best! That is what it means to be in the Eden World Placement! There are many ways to earn your place among the stars and cement your name in history. Build up your strength! Increase your skills! Use your knowledge! How you do it is not for those to decide! What it means to you is for the people of Eden to decide and nobody can tell you otherwise if you have the power!
Shun read the introduction that came with the List, and was surprised that it came with a note.
Apparently for 24 hours and 24 hours only, the "Adventurers” placement would only pertain to those who had a Gold Adventurer soul. After that time it would reset and be completely blank with there being a year long wait until the next came out.
Apparently until then Only; accomplishments, rank, and reputation would push you into a top ranking spot.
Looking at the list, he was surprised to only see about 800 or so people on the list. He didn't know what gave someone the right to have a Gold Adventurers soul but Shun had expected to see more as there had to have been more than 10 thousand Gold Capsule holders in the previous world, he himself was surprisingly at the 285th spot even though he only had a silver capsule.
Looking at the list and the names in close detail, he nevertheless drew himself back up to the top 10.
He wondered how the top 10 were able to get that placement. Was it because they were faster? Did they defeat some sort of extra boss that he didn't know about? There were all sorts of questions that he wanted to know but didn't ponder too much about it, guessing that it had to do with the amount of accomplishments or time of completion.
Looking through the Scholar list which had higher competitors than the Adventurer list at about a thousand or so people and was made up of those with the most points in the merit test, and would also only be up for 24 hours. He wasn't as interested in the Scholar list but he still spent time looking at the names, just in case there would be a chance he would have some use of it.
Finally having enough, Shun finally closed all the panels and decided to go on with his Adventurer after a good few minutes of looking at both lists. His first task was trying to figure out where he was.
Again looking around for any kind of path or direction he could go, Shun with no idea of what was around him tried looking past the trees, looking for any kind of path he could take. But again, he was only able to see past a few meters with what looked to be another layer of trees.
Seeing nothing that could help him, Sun decided that he would start his journey!
Going a step forward taking his first real step into the world, Shun instantly regretted his decisions as he forgot a clear issue in his rush for Adventure. And it showed as pain exploded off the soul of his foot.
Cursing out loud as he held his foot in pain, hopping around from where he stood. Shun had forgotten that he didn't have any kind of shoe or footwear that could protect his feet from the rocks and potential insects that would come as he continued. Looking down at the ground with anger, what he was met with was a sharp and painful small rock.
Glaring down at the rock once more, Shun who was about to start his journey had not even been in this world for a good 5 minutes and he already injured himself.
Grumbling out loud for no one to hear, Shun was about to continue his journey once more, this time much more careful. But as he was about to start moving he stopped, he remembered that one of the rewards he was given included a set of clothes.
Actually. . . Shun forgot about all the wounds and pains that were supposed to be on his body.
Stopping himself from doing anything, memories of all the battle pain and power came back.
It was strange, all the pain that he should feel and fatigue that surely should have made him drop on the ground was gone. All that seemed to be left were holes and tears that spread all around his clothes and leather chest plate. Even the large gash that was supposed to be on his back was gone leaving clean flesh that didn't seem any different.
It wasn't only his clothes that were damaged it seemed.
Looking around, Shun who was searching for anything else that could have been transported with him, also found his Glaive that was in rather poor condition on the ground right next to him.
The top was Bent out of shape, there were multiple large chips and knicks in multiple places around the blade, and cracks ran all around the wooden pole.
Shun who was looking at his very first weapon in hopes of use sighed out loud.
He knew it was of poor quality but it was all he had, and from the condition that it was in now there was a slim chance he would be able to use it properly.
'Actually. . .'
On the ground next to the Glaive was a medium sized bag that was more like a sack than anything, he hadn't noticed it until just then when he remembered all of the rewards. And the thought that he was just about to leave it here made him look a bit dumb.
Opening the bag he was surprised but not really that it acted more like a storage than anything.
Which was quickly confirmed when a notification popped infront of him telling him it was a “Silver Grade storage Sack”. It was basically just a storage space that was about a cubic square in size and could hold about anything.
It wasn't hard Digging through the bag as he could see everything that was inside, and the fact that he just needed to focus on what he wanted for quicker access was handy too.
Going through everything, all Shun found was a set of clothes, a pair of sandals that he so desperately needed, a small pouch that held the 15 silver colored metal pieces, and a weird see through glowing crystal orb.
Putting all the stuff on the ground Shun put his focus on the clothes.
The clothes were green in color, and were very sizable closely mimicking the clothes he was wearing now but were of better quality and of much better fitting as it seemed more his size while giving more room for his arms at the robe like shirt and brown Cotton pants.
Taking off the clothes he gained in the village, now in his original grey ones, he put on the new set and instantly felt the difference. It was very comfortable and snug into his body as if it was tailor fitted just for him, there was even a strange feeling of protection as he moved around seeing if anything feltnc.
Feeling very satisfied with the new clothes he had on, as he put his old clothes in the sack, Shun who laid his eyes on the leather chest piece felt torn. He was split between putting on the leather chest piece and putting it in the sack along with his old clothes as there were many tears and cut marks scattered across the piece. He was sure that he could get a better set of leather later on, but in the end Shun put it on as there was no reason not to. Better with it for now then without it.
Putting the coin bag back in the sack as well seeing as he had no reason to use it now, Shun went ahead to the most interesting of the stuff he's earned, the glowing orb.
Picking it up and being given a notification on the orb and its uses, Shun who had finished reading the description, realized how precious it was.
Apparently the orb was a reward only Gold Adventurers earned and it was supposed to be some random Silver grade weapon or armor piece that would help him for whatever that meant, seeing as he wasn't sure of the exact weapon class system, Shun wasn't sure if it being a Silver Grade was good or not.
Grabbing the orb which filled his entire hand, he really had no idea what to do next so he decided to squeeze it in hopes of it doing something.
And something it did.
As if he crushed it, the orb that had glowed in a greyish white light from the inside as it cracked and dissipated from its orb-like state and started to change form. Shooting out from its place in his hand the once circular orb turned long, and very heavy.
Looking at what used to be an orb in his hands Shun couldn't help but feel really happy.
In his left hand was a Glaive.
A Glaive that was very much better than the broken and over used one that he threw to the ground.
The Glaive only a little longer than his old one, with an all black wooden pole and a blade much larger but less curved than his last, but as if compensating; the very point of the blade was much wider than his last and had a very sharp edge. The blade was made of very clean metal with there being no nicks or dents, and as he held it in his hand the weight was very much apparent. He could even tell that it was at least a few pounds heavier then his old one.
Hell, at first Shun had struggled a bit to hold it in his right hand. But as he continued to hold it, inspecting it for any kind inconsistency he was able to bear the complete weight of it in the end.
Looking at the Glaive, he was still confused as to how he had such knowledge and why he was so serious in its details. But he chalked it up to his skill and job influencing him.
The thought wasn't very appealing but he welcomed it. If this was the change that he needed to have in order to raise his status and compete in a world that will no doubt be brutal then he welcomed it.
Taking out the old shirt and tearing it apart, he wrapped the now scraps of cloth around the blade and pushed it to his back tieing the pole of the Glaive to his back with the reminder of the scraps of cloth. Standing up and seeing if there were any problems with the weight and position, he was happy to feel nothing wrong with it.
Finally with his new set of clothes, new weapon, something to protect his feat, and a new world to explore. Shun was finally ready to set off and explore.
Taking his 2nd attempt at a first step in a new world and not feeling any different he took another.
Shun didn't feel the need to stop there and took another, and another, and another, he didn't stop.
Finally those steps turned into a walk, walking his way through the forest.
Observing all that he could, everything that he could as if a child in a toy store looking at everything with amazement.
Shun Marveled at the different colored plants, at the weird animals that were very much fantastical with different colored squirrels, weird looking birds, he even glimpsed at a pure red colored deer!
And the more he looked the more excited he got.
But it wasn't the time for that, he still hadn't found a town or village that he could hole up in.
It was still broad daylight, but there was no sign of an ending to the forest either.
The confusement Shun felt towards the developers was real as he jumped over a log.
What was the reason for not putting him in some starter village or city so that he could do some sort of starting mission and learn the social system of a kingdom or something. At least met up with other humans. What was the purpose of putting him in some annoying forest that had no end in sight.
And that annoyance was quickly turning into frustration rather quickly.
It wasn't enough that they made the wind and flesh life like, they had to make flies and mosquitoes real as well.
For the past 10 minutes of walking, Shun had to swat away a lot of annoying flies and stupid misquitos that felt the need to ‘bug’ him as he walked. It was very annoying, but there was nothing he could do to stop them either.
But it wasn't just the flies and stupid Misquitos and annoyance, just walking with no destination scared Shun. There was nothing he could do to somehow put himself in the right position so he just kept on moving, hoping to be led to a correct path.
Though his fear of getting lost would have to wait.
". . ."
Coming to a stop, Shun who had started creeping with extreme caution, slowly walking one step at a time crouching down making sure not to step on any sort of branch or dry leaves watched with extreme focus as a rather large wolf almost half his size appeared in front of him as he quickly went behind a large bush.
Looking from his position at the grey and black fur that was dirty with dirt and grass all over it, with its red eyes it seemed almost keen on something, smelling the ground wagging its tail in the air as it did so.
Shuns heart raced as he carefully took off the Glaive from behind him and unraveled wraps that binded it.
He made sure to keep direct contact with it, making sure to never let his eyes leave its form, even when it walked a bit still sniffing the ground.
This was going to be his first time actually hunting a magical creature! Shun wasn't sure why he was so excited but even with already being in battle there was something about the idea of playing the game.
Finally dropping the final piece of cloth to the ground and holding his Glaive, Shun who was still a tad bit nervous at what he was going to do as he continued to stay crouched down observing the wolf's actions.
Looking into it now, what he was doing wasn't the smartest thing to do. He didn't know what the wolf could do nor did he know his own capabilities to a real extent.
'T-This is a bad idea.'
It was as if he had two conflicting thoughts right now, although his body wanted to attack the wolf and experience what he's been excited for over a month now, but his mind was telling him no as he could potentially die and respawn in some completely random area with absolutely nothing.
Something he made sure not to do as another thing the game was almost criticized for was when you die not only do you lose 5 levels, you lose a random number of points in all stats, you lose a level of mastery in all skills, and as if to wrap it all up in a bow after death you lose all of your armor and half of what you have in your storage.
A true restart, especially if you're high level.
And Shun really didn't want to die and lose the new clothes and Glaive that he just earned.
So he really was in a crossroad, from fighting or not fighting,
But for the second he took to deliberate what he was to do, the growl that vibrated through the air was the indicator he needed to realize that he had taken his eyes off the wolf.
Eyes wide, he focused back on the wolf that was facing the exact direction Shun was in, crouching down with its mouth open growling openly at him. From even here Shun was able to see its large fangs and razor sharp teeth.
Although his mind was going a million times an hour, his heart was racing as he clenched his Glaive with enthusiasm.
'I can't run. . . so I might as well fight!'
Resolve burning in his eyes, Shun got out of his crouch and stood straight up. There was no point trying to hide, the wolf basically knew he was there and there was no chance it was going to let him run.
Facing the wolf with Glaive in tow he didn't waste anytime or wait for it to attack him, jumping straight over the bush, Shun ran at the wolf and swung his Glaive.
Of course the wolf had dodged it, but Shun wasn't letting it have any moments to attack him following the wolf with his swing, twirling the Glaive around his body Shun followed that attack with another as he thrust the Glaive pointing at the wolf with the tip. Shun wasn't sure if it was his eyes or if Ki was in place as the wolf suddenly started having dark tendrils shout out its paws as it jumped up and away from his blade.
Landing farther away from Shun, the wolf although weary of Shun growled and even barked at Shun prowling away from where he stood and started trying to circle him.
Shun, although surprised at what the wolf did, didn't want it to find whatever weak spot it was looking for and again quickly attacked it once more.
This time going for another stab aiming straight for its head, and as he was expecting it dodged using the same move as before. This time Shun who had anticipated the dodge continued his run, following where the Wolf was landing and swung at it from the air.
The wolf cried out as its body was torn and a large gash found its way onto its stomach as blood poured out and fell to the ground with a thud. Some of the blood even managed to get on his brand new clothes but Shun didn't really care that much as he walked over to the dying wolf, blood flowing out of its stomach where he had cut.
Although he felt a little bad and a tad of nausea seeing the blood poor out of the animal, he stabbed his glaive right into its neck, although with shaky hands. And killed the wolf as it let out one final cry.
For a few seconds Shun sat in silence thinking at the ease of the kill and the kill itself.
You have killed a Night Wolf!
-A Night Wolf is a commonly recognized species of wolf that as its name suggests is mostly seen in the night time and has the power of 'Shadows'. With that power it gains enhanced speed during night, with common skills being 'Shadow leap' or 'Dark claw'. One being used as a way of evasion and another in deadly assisination. Unlike most wolf species they tend to be alone and refuse to stay in large packs.
You have earned 10 Experience points!
Looking at the Notification that had a base description of the creature that was apparently named a 'Night Wolf', although he was expecting to see its level he wasn't disappointed when he didn't receive one. Instead being more fascinated at the description.
'So that thing it did was called a 'Shadow leap', explains that weird darkness.'
He felt that he knew something like it but couldn't put his finger on it. Not pushing himself further to think about it, Shun went back to the dead wolf and was now given the question of what to do with it?
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