《An Otherworldly Tale: The Apocalypse/A School Saga》Chapter 20: The War. / The Speech


Chapter 20: The War. / The Speech

“Well, let's get started.” Said Evan.

Evan put the gadget containing the mana core into the machine. He took one of the valves and hooked it up with some tubes, connecting it to the mana core containment. He put a small device on the end of the tube, letting it heat up.

“Hey, Evan. How long have you known about this? How long have you been preparing?” Kane asked

“Years.” Said Evan

“But you always seemed to be slacking off, I never saw you doing the work piled on your desk. Why didn't you tell me anything?” Said Kane

“I was working on uniting the world and gathering supplies behind the scenes. If we had let any of this slip it would cause a mass panic. I can’t just tell anyone. I’ve been leading the world behind the scenes for years. I became the leader publicly with a perfect reputation, so people can have a central figure to look at for hope. Someone they know they can follow. It should calm quite a lot of the chaos. The program should be sent out soon. It will be sending a holographic screen in front of everybody, letting them know what’s going on. I’ll be addressing everybody after that. This was the best way I could come up with to organize everybody. People who are dedicated to keeping peace will be keeping the disorderly in check. I’ve got people in crowds and camps that I’ve hired as well. Also, this might hurt.” Said Evan

“Arghhh!!!” Kane yelled. Evan had pressed something against his skin, it was steaming when he pulled it away.

“What the heck was that!?” Kane asked

“One of our saving graces. You will learn how to use it instinctively over the course of maybe a year. I’m pretty sure you will understand why I did all this at that point.” Said Evan

“I feel like you still aren’t telling me everything.” Said Kane

“I’m not. I’m saying what needs to be said to keep things headed in the right direction. Even if some of the stuff I said was a lie, I would stand by it this time.” Said Evan


“You seem different. Less bright and cheerful. You don’t have that aura of fun around you anymore.” Said Kane

“This is war. I enjoyed the time I spent with you the last few years. No, the entire time I’ve known you... Well, take care of Anne for me. Phil is in charge now. If he says anything, you listen to him. If Phil falls, the janes are in charge. Again, listen to them. But should they fall, leadership passes to Anne. At that point, you are to abandon this world forever. There is no going back. As for leading the people that are left here, I have stuff in place for that already. Well, I guess that’s all for now, I have to go to the office.” Evan said

“Mhm.” Replied Kane

Evan had left the workshop, and was standing in the middle of the limetech central command control room.

“Evan! Everything is ready, and we are standing by! I don’t need to tell you this, but lead us well. Everyone has already gotten and declined the holographic messages in advance. We are currently removing the options for accepting or declining transfer...…done. It's automatic now.” Said a voice on screen, showing a large team of people in a lab. A girl with a lollipop in her mouth was speaking, A delinquent in a school uniform, and a blonde woman wearing a military uniform beside her. A lot of the people behind them were still rushing around.

“Got it. Let everyone know. We start in 6 hours.” Evan said

“Remember this above all else! Protect the innocent! Protect everyone who was unable to be saved. Thankfully, the Second World Project is a success. The amount of people that would have been able to successfully transfer would be less than 6%, if it wasn’t for all of the people out there, right now, listening to my voice. With your help, we brought it up to TEN TIMES THAT! This is a minor victory, however. While I’m proud of you, and you deserve praise even more than I just gave, we still have jobs to do. Send the hologram out. Let the world know.” Evan said


“YES SIR!” The soldiers shouted

“Well then, this is going smoothly so far.” Phil said, walking into the room.

“Are you sure you want to stay here with us, Evan? You’re compatible with the other side, right?” Said Phil

“And what about you? You are too. You could go and help in the other world.” Evan said

“Shut it. You already set everything up, didn’t you?” Phil said.

“Yeah. Well, I guess it’s my turn.” Evan said

“Good luck!” Phil said

Evan had dressed himself up. He stood straight and tall.

He was no longer slouching, his eyes no longer distant. His aura was no longer whimsical and carefree.

His eyes looked sharp, they showed the depths of his understanding about their current predicament. “This is truly going to be hell.” his eyes said.

He addressed everbody in a very clear, strong, and compelling voice. It sounded almost hypnotizing.

“Hello, everyone. I apologize for this, but you should already understand the situation we are in, to a certain extent. To those of you unable to cross over. The people who are incompatible with the world meant to save us. I truly apologize. It was my incompetence that has caused you to have to suffer with us. For those that cannot cross, we promise to watch over and protect you. Keeping that in mind, however, please stay inside the clear glass bubbles that are now surrounding you. While I hate to say it, I’ll admit this right now. In around 48 hours from this minute a war will be coming. One that we cannot help but get caught up in. It is going to come like a storm, species of all different kinds will be trying to fight us, and fight each other. This is known as the Endless War. But, while it won’t end, we can still hold out until they have left our solar system. Like with any great disaster, it will stop. There will be lasting damage. A lot of it. But we have supplies stockpiled to the point that you really have nothing to worry about. If you are curious about anything, have any questions or complaints, please direct the bad ones at me, and the real ones to your camp or area leader. Again. I apologize for not letting you know about this sooner, however, it would have been hard to properly stockpile supplies and set everything up if, for any reason, this information caused mass hysteria. There will be one more event in around three hours. You should see a holographic screen detailing information about multiple things. For children the parents or guardian may check for them. For those with disabilities or who speak another language, this message will automatically accommodate for you, or translate itself. If it shows a green compatibility mark, you are going to be crossing over. To those of you who have a red incompatibility mark, please register with your name at one of the checkpoints, and say your farewells. This transfer is no longer optional. This is required for the survival of our people. Should we somehow fall, as the guardians of the people, we have made sure that the world in which your friends and family have joined is completely inaccessible from this side. You will be safe from anything there. When you arrive in the second world, you will have everything explained to you. I want to thank each and every one of you here, who has chosen to stay behind as a soldier for the people. To those who could have been safe, and chose to stay and help others, I commend you. For those who received a red incompatibility, I’m proud that you have chosen to accept this and carry on. To all of you uninvolved with this operation. I apologize... I truly am so, so, sorry. To those who have been helping prepare for the coming storm, and contributed greatly to this operation, from a single person, to an entire organization. I thank you. You have been truly brave. I wish you all luck. Anything else after this message will be handled on site. Goodbye, everyone.”

Evan said.

He smiled at the end. A smile that showed his pride in the worlds he had helped develop.

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