《An Otherworldly Tale: The Apocalypse/A School Saga》Chapter 21: Stasis Tech


Chapter 20: Stasis Tech

“Have there been any issues? Shields? Hospitals?” Evan asked

“The hospitals are all up and working properly. The shields have been tested as well. No issues with most of the shields. Some broke and don’t have any of the materials we need. The stuff you originally used to make the shields, and the mana adjusted ones.” Said Phil

“Unacceptable. I’ll fix this myself. Wait. No. Get a team. I want 5 people to come with me. Make sure they understand this very clearly. We will not be under shelter. We will be outside of the shields. We are to look at the surrounding area and scout potential places we can keep the people, after the initial bombardment, as well as retrieve what’s left of the material we need. We will bring portable shield talismans with us, but it’s almost the same as a suicide mission, regardless, if it takes too long to find.” Said Evan

“That’s reckless! What if you get killed!” Phil said

“Yeah!” The janes echoed.

“Oh. Right. Bring enough shields for only 5 people. I don’t need one.” Evan said

“No. If you insist on going, then I insist on you at least taking protective gear. I order you.” Phil said

“You do realize I have a higher position than you, correct?” Evan said

“Regardless….fine, at least take a shield. The good one.” Said Phil

“What? You want me to bring that thing? What use would that be to me? If it activates randomly and I get stuck, you guys will be without a leader. The morale will go down for everybody.” Said Evan

“Urgh. Fine. I’ll have one of the others bring it with them. I do know that you are immortal, but you can still get blown to bits. If you get stuck in place, you won’t stop thinking, ever. Even if you made yours with abilities from that Hydra, the microorganism thing, it’s not pleasant.” Said Phil


“Fine. Go and find the five that I asked for. You are all dismissed.” Said Evan, ending the meeting.

“Phil. Really? You know what I made that shield for, right? I understand the idea you have, but it isn’t necessary. This is a mission to scout the surroundings and retrieve things from the lab.” Said Evan

“Yeah, but you were going to use this weren’t you. And don’t lie about your reason for leaving. You aren’t the best at acting. Like Kane.” Said Phil, holding up a piece of portable stasis tech

“You-! When did-? How do you know about that? How do you have it?! I left it at the lab!!” Asked Evan

“Well, after we abandoned the facility, I was going around looking for anything that had been left. I saw research notes, gadgets and schematics on your desk. This little thingy here is one of them. Heavily modified. There was another schem that was called the human generator project. Kinda figured it out from that.” Said Phil tossing around the tech in his hands

“Phil! Don’t!” Evan said

“Here. Just go. I know you can’t die, but that was a show for the executives. The janes are fine, but the other guys are kinda hard to read.” Said Phil, handing the stasis tech back to Evan.

“Yeah. Fine…. Fine. I’ll be heading off now, I should be returning in a few hours.” Said Evan, sighing

“Sure you will.” Said Phil

“....” Evan said nothing

“Argh, just go already, I’ll take care of everything after you leave okay? I already got something planned out. Just give me the calculations you made for the next few years, or however long you expect it will take.” Said Phil

“Fine, here.” Said Evan, handing him a usb flash drive


“This looks rather small. But what’s this number on here? Oh dear god. How much do I have to read through! How long are you actually planning on being gone?!” Phil said

“Good luck.” Evan said, leaving the room.

“....” for a minute Phil sat quietly

“Argh! Damnit, you idiot kid! Up and leaving! Jesus Christ! It’s like your family was designed to produce eccentrics! Specifically your sister!! I still have to deal with her, kid!!” He shouted


“Just... don’t get hurt. Stay safe, ok? What am I even saying now, he can’t hear me. Ugh. I'm seriously going to scream at your parents when I get to heaven. Or.... I would if I could. What I have to do from now on will make me go to hell, surely.” Said Phil

“Ugh, what am I doing here, I have to go check on my kids. I wonder if they are compatible or not. I hope they are. I seriously, truly wish they are.” Phil almost wavered, his spirit weakened for a mere moment

“No. Regardless, I have to do this. Even more so if they aren’t compatible. I’ve faced worse than this, life! Remember when you threw a ton a shit at me? Well, this old man is gonna get his revenge, you ain’t going to break me yet!” Phil yelled. He had completely forgotten his villain facade. This was too important to get caught up on that, though. He realized that.

“Kid… is it really worth 30 year, at the very least? Those plans…. I know you’ll be fine, but it takes a lot of energy. Well, I guess that’s why he wanted the stasis tech. It wasn’t just because it’s an easy way to convert mana to energy, was it. It should make it feel like a short dream. The cores, too. Wait, I think I had one of those executives pick it up, right? Shit. I think I left the plans at the 5th lab. I can deal with it later….. If it’s 30 years, what will he look like when he’s back? Considering it’s stasis tech, he shouldn’t age all that much, right? Yeah, he’ll probably look…a few months older? It stops him at 19 in his case, Right? I’ll see it later, I guess.” Phil said, sighing

Phil didn’t truly know what Evans' goal for this was, but he had an idea of it. The flash drive had lots of information on it. That helped him understand a little bit more. He only realized what happened after Evan had already finished, and he had read what Evan had written for him. He understood Evan had chosen to leave the rest of the work to him, but that’s about all he knew. Evan had a very different mindset from everyone else he knew, and Phil didn’t know the future, so he didn't know what Evan was thinking, or what he was planning. It was time for Phil to lead. He would do as best as he could in the time he needed to. The time Evan would be gone.

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