《Syria Girl》The end


I ended up being sentenced to twelve months in jail – proper jail thanks to the fact I’d turned eighteen somewhere along our journey.

The judge who sentenced me said I got six months for my initial sentence, a further five months for evading the police, and an extra month for (accidentally) knocking Gus the court security guard unconscious when I jumped over the stand to try to hug Ayamin.

Gus was fine with it though – he even came and visited me in prison – I said I owed him a beer or two when I got out.

Still. Prison must’ve had some effect on me. Last week I went before the parole board. They told me I was being let go three months early – good behaviour apparently.

One of my wardens said I was a ‘model prisoner’ and put my success down to their new prisoner training regime

I told the parole board the real reason I’d acted so well – I couldn’t put up with seeing Ayamin only once a week any longer.

I’m writing this on my first day out of prison while I catch the number two bus to the East Angles Polytechnic where Ayamin is studying.

They’ve given her a special course where she can train to be a nurse and finish high school at the same time. It’s much harder than a normal course – but she’s Ayamin – what more do I need to say?

While I was in prison, I organised a job for myself – stacking shelves at a supermarket. I start work on Friday, and next week Ayamin and I are going to look at a flat together.

It’s not that flash, or in the most scenic location, but it has a yellow door and it comes with a second-hand Vespa scooter. I hope we get it.


My bus is pulling into the polytechnic now. I can already see Ayamin waiting. God she’s beautiful.

Tonight, we’re going to have fish and chips by the ocean to celebrate. We talked about going to a flash restaurant – but the ocean’s more our style. Plus, it means we’re saving a little more for our summer road trip through Europe.

The bus has stopped. Ayamin’s waving at me. I don’t think I’ll ever get over her smile.

It’s funny, all the papers said our story had a happy ending – in some ways I guess they’re right – but at the same time, I feel like our story is just beginning.

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