《Syria Girl》Verdict


The court was quiet. Draper was looking much less red, Estelle was staring at me with wide eyes, and Ayamin was smiling.

The judge picked up her glasses, dusted them with a cloth from her pocket and put them back over her eyes.

‘Usually, I’d disappear into the backroom to make my decision, but that would mean Mr Frey would have to be taken back to his confinement and I’m sure he’d appreciate hearing the decision first hand.’

The judge sighed.

‘Ayamin Yacoub, I hope you enjoyed your time in England, because as far as the law is concerned…’ the judge paused, and the entire court leaned forwards. I saw the hope, and then bitter despair that played across Ayamin’s face, all in a second.

‘… Ayamin Yacoub, you can stay as long as you like. We will accept you as a refugee.’

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