《God's Death》Chapter 11 - Gaia VS. Owtz Eerth




Status Report!

Oh! Um... Let's see

Vitals.... no idea

Mental health.... fucked

Report: You're fucked

Dammit Echoooooo!!!! That report is useless!


After I had blown up, I felt like something within me had shattered...

Luckily this body is just my avatar...


yea.... that wasn't really my body

There's still hope?


Don't you dare underestimate the power of a god Owtz!

Yea....don't do it owtz... hehe....

After I had exploded it had felt like my consciousness was split into fragments thrown around the area, but the whole thing felt very distant... such an issue for some reason didn't feel very critical to me.


I snap back into my original body


I observe Owtz


I reappear beside him, holding out my hands, I say:

"Wait!!!! Me and Moltzrar were just pranking you!"

I really need to develop some combat abilities... but how will I ever fight a monster like Owtz?

It makes me feel better, knowing that even God will lose to good old abomination Owtz

Correction, my avatar just lost!!

Yea, sure... you keep telling yourself that.

...it was just my avatar....yea...


"It was only a prank?"

Owtz holds his chin with his hand, deliberating over whether or not I'm telling the truth.

"I think you are contaminated, I'll remove his presence from you..."

Oh shit...

I feel a cool wind blow over me, it feels like Owtz is gazing through all my secrets.

"What is the source? Also, I'm not able to detect any traces of him on you...."

"The source? Just god things... don't worry about it"

"No traces...? Alright"

"Your mind is an incredibly confusing place...even I could not comprehend that section of it... you're also quite ancient it seems.... very, very, very, very old"

Listen here you whippersnapper, It is bad enough that I am becoming a student to somebody that is only a few moments old essentially, so don't call me old! I'm still a young and healthy god, definitely not old! You have developed not an ounce of perspective for time yet....

Of course, I wouldn't say this out loud, that would be courting death! (I am quite scared of Owtz, especially after seeing how he handled that nightmare.... wait a second... what if he copies my soul like that?)

How long does a God live Gaia?

I think I live forever?

Interesting...I live forever now?

"You... are also talking to yourself? Also... you are still ancient, I'm surprised you haven't turned into dust by now."

Is... is... is he reading my mind? Who the hell gave him permission to do that!?


"You just left yourself completely unguarded, also it's not good to keep secrets from your teacher!"


"Don't worry... it's just surface-level stuff... yes... surface level"

I look at Owtz oddly, he then makes a gesture while coughing. The coolness I felt fades completely and he sighs and tells me his plan.

"We will head to your body, I'll then teach you how to close off your mind... although, it really won't matter too much, since I'm the only one that's going to be reading it. Fly up that hole, it'll teleport us to the surface of a planet in the origin galaxy.... we should be within reasonable range of your body there"

I'm not sure I even want you to get to my body... you might try to do a weird experiment on me.

"I'll also help you get a mana pool to use... but first, I would like for us to do an experiment"

Mm-mmm... saw that coming...


Shuddering Echo gives some life advice

Run away Gaia, Don't look back!!!

Why do you sound so serious!!!

"Oh yea Owtz... on second thought... I..."


Snapping back into my body, I do what any god would do in my position.

Gotta get out of here!!!! That Owtz is scary!

You never know what he'll do in an experiment....

You are not helping ease my worries!


Alright, Gorgo said that I had brought my existence inside of his universe, which would make it hard for him to kick me out. I need to figure out how to bring myself back to the Otz room an-


How do I bring my existence out of his universe though?


What is it Echo?

He's behind you!

Stop trying to pull a prank on me, I would of felt his presen-

"You're acting a bit paranoid, It's just that I have been using my soul in situations instead of my mana... so I was thinking of experimenting without you getting a mana pool, I'm not going to do anything crazy... like take over your body... or overwrite your mind, or hypnotize you... or something like that"

Uhhh... your soul is an exact copy of my soul now...

I would advise running, I may be a demon... but that man is unfathomable, get the hell out of here!

"Huh, How interesting... I wonder if I could amplify this effect if I extracted some of your soul"


I slowly float away, not feeling at ease at all... my mind is fully dedicated to trying to get out of this universe.



Research a way out of this universe!


Oh yea, Just let me use my infinite knowledge to do a few calculations...


Alright, here's what you want to do...

As I am being chased around with time frozen by Owtz, with his promises to give me an even better mana crystal for part of my soul, I listen closely to Echo... so I can find a way out of here.

After taking into account the information I got from fragments of things leaked from the source

In conjunction with pieces of your memory, and my own insights... I have found the solution!

You need to say "Is the best"

Why would I need to say that?

Fine then, get your soul extracted by Owtz....

Alright, Alright!

"Is the best"

Owtz stops chasing me, showing an expression of confusion and concern...

Holy shit! Is this actually working?

I told you man, infinite knowledge... now repeat after me.

"Knows his limits not"

"Knows his limits not"

"Moltzrar gets last laugh HAHA!"

"Moltzrar gets last laugh HAH- wait a second..."

Yea... That's for giving me an unreasonable request....


Hahahahaah.... Why would I be able to do that in the first place?

Owtz had begun to pick back up where he left off, with a show of pity... it almost made me feel ashamed to be running for some reason.

I don't know! You were born in this universe, I was not!... so you should be able to bre-

Actually... yea, that was a bit dumb...

With the pressure exerted from Owtz, I begin to figure out my way back... at lightning speeds.

I know that before I set up my throne, some weird shit happened...

This was during a time where I was really worried about my perception of time

Also... potentially my subconscious was already at work on the source...

The cause of that weird phenomenon, must of been a sort of error. I probably was not meant to see the source, or my first attempt at viewing or due to the rules for my focus... simply lead to the source causing a...a....a crash!

Echo! We need to cause a crash! and slip through the cracks of the universe when the system is compiling the new function!

I have no idea what you are talking about...

Really Helpful Echo, keep helping me so much in these situations!

I'll do my best!

Sure you will....

Let's see, I'll call this 'blackout'

Let's hope this causes a blind spot in the system.... having to do this means, that there is a higher authority somewhere else though.

Blackout: Cause the system to go down


var SOURCE = {

Existence: system.fetch(777),

Avatar: function(soul){



this.Existence.setSenses(this.Existence.getTmpBody(),soul.x+15, soul.y+6, soul.z-15);

this.Existence.avatar =true;


this.Existence.setSenses(this.Existence.id, this.Existence.x, this.Existence.y+6, this.Existence.z);



Observe: function(information){


this.Existence.setDualSenses(this.Existence.id, information.getX+15, information.getY+6, information.getZ+15, this.Existence.x, this.Existence.y, this.Existence.z);



this.Existence.clearDualSenses(); this.Existence.setSenses(this.Existence.id, this.Existence.x, this.Existence.y+6);



Create: function(existence, soul, genome){


var item = new system.add(Math.random()*6.25e30, existence.x, existence.y, existence.z, existence.soul, existence.dna, existence.rna, existence.TE, existence.mind, existence.state, existence.source);


//no condition set


Erase: function(existence){



Focus: function(){


this.Existence.UI.print(this.Existence.UI.width/2, this.Existence.UI.height/2, this.Existence.source);

This.Existence.timePerception =6570;


Inspect: function(existence){


this.Existence.UI.print(existence.x, existence.y+existence.height, existence.z, system.fetch(existence.id).name);

this.Existence.UI.arc(existence.soul.x, existence.soul.y, existence.soul.z, existence.soul.strength, 0, 2*Math.PI);



//no condition set


Search: function(existence){






Waypoint: function(name, find){


this.Existence.mind+=name+' '+This.Existence.x+' '+this.Existence.y+' '+this.Existence.z;

var waypoint = this.Existence.mind.split(' ');

for(var i=0; iif(waypoint[i]==name){





this.Existence.index[this.Existence.index.length] = {

id: this.Existence.index.length,

name: this.Existence.memory(waypoint[i]),

x: this.Existence.memory(waypoint[i+1]),

y: this.Existence.memory(waypoint[i+2]),

z: this.Existence.memory(waypoint[i+3])


this.Existence.indexOf[this.Existence.indexOf.length] =name;


}else if(!this.Existence.waypoint){

for(var i=0; iif(find==this.Existence.indexOf.length[i]){


this.Existence.UI.fillStyle ="white";

this.Existence.UI.print(this.Existence.index[i].x, this.Existence.index[i].y+this.Existence.height, this.Existence.index[i].z, this.Existence.index[i].name);

this.Existence.UI.fillRect(this.Existence.index[i].x, this.Existence.index[i].y, this.Existence.index[i].z, 1, 1);

this.Existence.UI.fillStyle ="black";

}, 1000/60);





blackout: function(){

for(var i=0; isystem.fetch(i).clear();



That looks fine.... I think?

It doesn't matter what the consequences are, Owtz has gone mad in his pursuit of power! I am trapped now, and am growing weaker... he is trying to take the power directly from my soul... This has left me with no choice!


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