《God's Death》Chapter 10 - Moltzrar's Legacy


I'm not sure why he would want me to drink the lava. I'm assuming it's what he has set up to allow us to teleport out of here. Something feels a little off about it... I also don't like the idea of putting my hand in something that looks hot.

I walk towards the fountain while doing a small jump to help get across a pool blocking the way.

The one I happen to go over is a beautiful mix of red and silver. I wonder what that could be?

I'll need to come back to this place later

I should figure out how to go to places I have been...

As I am right now, I need a sort of anchor to use my avatar (or I have to fake travel the distance by using observe).

With this current system, even if I can teleport later.... what would even be the point?

A pretty clever idea comes to my mind at that moment, I decide to focus in on that feeling I would get when I use search... but focus on storing information instead of finding it.

Because Owtz says my body is too far away for him to be able to teleport to it (and because this is the first time I have seen such a creature). I will be naming this waypoint "nightmare".

Waypoint: Save the coordinates of a soul and store it away within your mind.

I focus on the soul of a book stored in a podium by itself (it's a green book with a yellow triangle on the cover). This specific lectern happens to have a very thin frame, as well as a barbed top (which is why I can see the triangle on the cover of the book). Its base material looks like a combination of gold and iron... painted on it is a tar-like coating (that has mostly fallen off).

Waypoint 'nightmare'

I do feel a bit more intelligent now, after coming up with such an ingenious design. But I am curious about how this would look in the source.


The information pops up

var SOURCE = {

Existence: system.fetch(777),

Avatar: function(soul){



this.Existence.setSenses(this.Existence.getTmpBody(),soul.x+15, soul.y+6, soul.z-15);

this.Existence.avatar =true;


this.Existence.setSenses(this.Existence.id, this.Existence.x, this.Existence.y+6, this.Existence.z);



Observe: function(information){


this.Existence.setDualSenses(this.Existence.id, information.getX+15, information.getY+6, information.getZ+15, this.Existence.x, this.Existence.y, this.Existence.z);



this.Existence.clearDualSenses(); this.Existence.setSenses(this.Existence.id, this.Existence.x, this.Existence.y+6);



Create: function(existence, soul, genome){


var item = new system.add(Math.random()*6.25e30, existence.x, existence.y, existence.z, existence.soul, existence.dna, existence.rna, existence.TE, existence.mind, existence.state, existence.source);


//no condition set


Erase: function(existence){



Focus: function(){


this.Existence.UI.print(this.Existence.UI.width/2, this.Existence.UI.height/2, this.Existence.source);

This.Existence.timePerception =6570;


Inspect: function(existence){


this.Existence.UI.print(existence.x, existence.y+existence.height, existence.z, system.fetch(existence.id).name);


this.Existence.UI.arc(existence.soul.x, existence.soul.y, existence.soul.z, existence.soul.strength, 0, 2*Math.PI);



//no condition set


Search: function(existence){






Waypoint: function(soul, name){

this.Existence.mind+=name+' '+soul.x+' '+soul.y+' '+soul.z;

var waypoint = this.Existence.mind.split(' ');

for(var i=0; iif(waypoint[i]==name){





this.Existence.index[this.Existence.index.length] = {

id: this.Existence.index.length,

name: this.Existence.memory(waypoint[i]),

x: this.Existence.memory(waypoint[i+1]),

y: this.Existence.memory(waypoint[i+2]),

z: this.Existence.memory(waypoint[i+3])


this.Existence.indexOf[this.Existence.indexOf.length] = name;




I do not like how that looks at all... I look over my Search function and see that there is x, y, and z within an existence... and that the information being stored in my memories for waypoint seems to be... the soul coordinates?

All of this just seems a bit stupid to me honestly...if I'm able to... I would rather it purely be set to my location (that just seems more useful to me)

Upon realizing this I delete Waypoint... and reimagine it.

I still cannot edit the source directly, but this time I try to visualize the x, y, and z of my existence instead of it being focused on a soul (I think this way will be better than using souls).

Before I can finish thinking up my new waypoint, I am tapped on the shoulder by Owtz

"What are you doing?"

He says to me, with his eyes squinted...

I respond back.

"I was lost in thought, let me mentally prepare myself for leaving"

I say in hopes that he won't be annoyed with me staying a bit longer, I really just want to be able to set a waypoint here.

But he interrupts me again with a slight tremor in his voice.

"You know about it? It's fine... I did it myself a long time ago"

What is he even talking about?

"While I can see your con-"

Tuning him out I focus on setting up the waypoint while visualizing it being my 'existence' location versus it being a soul I will have to focus on... so I can use it anywhere.

This time... I think I would also like to have it be displayed as well (so I don't need to rely on some weird gut feeling). As I visualize I combine it in conjunction with what I have in the inspect function.

Waypoint: Store your location in your memory, and display its location.

I want to see what's changed so I check the source again


var SOURCE = {

Existence: system.fetch(777),

Avatar: function(soul){



this.Existence.setSenses(this.Existence.getTmpBody(),soul.x+15, soul.y+6, soul.z-15);

this.Existence.avatar =true;


this.Existence.setSenses(this.Existence.id, this.Existence.x, this.Existence.y+6, this.Existence.z);



Observe: function(information){


this.Existence.setDualSenses(this.Existence.id, information.getX+15, information.getY+6, information.getZ+15, this.Existence.x, this.Existence.y, this.Existence.z);




this.Existence.clearDualSenses(); this.Existence.setSenses(this.Existence.id, this.Existence.x, this.Existence.y+6);



Create: function(existence, soul, genome){


var item = new system.add(Math.random()*6.25e30, existence.x, existence.y, existence.z, existence.soul, existence.dna, existence.rna, existence.TE, existence.mind, existence.state, existence.source);


//no condition set


Erase: function(existence){



Focus: function(){


this.Existence.UI.print(this.Existence.UI.width/2, this.Existence.UI.height/2, this.Existence.source);

This.Existence.timePerception =6570;


Inspect: function(existence){


this.Existence.UI.print(existence.x, existence.y+existence.height, existence.z, system.fetch(existence.id).name);

this.Existence.UI.arc(existence.soul.x, existence.soul.y, existence.soul.z, existence.soul.strength, 0, 2*Math.PI);



//no condition set


Search: function(existence){






Waypoint: function(name, find){


this.Existence.mind+=name+' '+This.Existence.x+' '+this.Existence.y+' '+this.Existence.z;

var waypoint = this.Existence.mind.split(' ');

for(var i=0; iif(waypoint[i]==name){





this.Existence.index[this.Existence.index.length] = {

id: this.Existence.index.length,

name: this.Existence.memory(waypoint[i]),

x: this.Existence.memory(waypoint[i+1]),

y: this.Existence.memory(waypoint[i+2]),

z: this.Existence.memory(waypoint[i+3])


this.Existence.indexOf[this.Existence.indexOf.length] =name;


}else if(!this.Existence.waypoint){

for(var i=0; iif(find==this.Existence.indexOf.length[i]){


this.Existence.UI.fillStyle ="white";

this.Existence.UI.print(this.Existence.index[i].x, this.Existence.index[i].y+this.Existence.height, this.Existence.index[i].z, this.Existence.index[i].name);

this.Existence.UI.fillRect(this.Existence.index[i].x, this.Existence.index[i].y, this.Existence.index[i].z, 1, 1);

this.Existence.UI.fillStyle ="black";

}, 1000/60);





It did all that!??!

It barely took me any effort at all...

I need to make better decisions when it comes to this...

If I don't set up my keywords correctly... the functions are going to suck...

I wonder if I can improve it fur-

I had become so lost in my own thoughts that I just now realized I had taken a huge gulp of lava.

It wasn't as painful as I expected. It feels kinda warm and nice actually...


I didn't expect you to use a natal palace technique.

Did I just hear something?

There's no way those are actually your memories...

You made fake memories of yourself staring at a void to stop things from controlling you?

Hello? Who is this?

Is Owtz pranking me again? All because of that one time...

Just my luck, that Owtz fucks with me at every opportunity.

You're a friend of Owtz?

I wouldn't call us friends, but I do respect the man

Fuck it

I give up...

since you have passed my trial you'll be able to go through the rift.


That's what this lava thing is all about?

Well I'll excuse myself... I would normally try to hold onto my existence

But... my will has been broken enough...


Wait!!! Don't go!


I'm able to have many thoughts at once, and something about this thing resonated with me... Gorgo also doesn't seem to be giving me advice... so having another opinion on things could be pretty nice.

Did... you just ask me to stay?


How could someone so powerful, be so stupid?


You have no idea...

My name is Gaia!

Also known as God

What's your name?

I'm not really myself anymore....

So I don't really have a name

But I once was a legend by the name of Moltzrar

Ring any bells?

I can't say I've heard of you?

Considering you are God... that's probably not a good sign.


I really like this guy, I'm not too sure what exactly he means by not being himself. But I feel no soul at all... just what type of existence is this? similar to my avatar?

If he insists he has no name...

Do you mind if I give you a name?

Do as you wish

From henceforth you shall be called Echo

Get it? Since you sound like me... and you're within my mind!

Echo huh?

Moltzrar reborn as Echo?

I don't dislike the ring to that.

I declare us as partners then!

I turn my head towards Owtz

He then questions me with a

"You're still Gaia right?"

As I am about to respond Echo gives me some sagely advice

Want to help me prank Owtz?

Hell yea!

That guy threw me through multiple mountains...

Yea, he's quite the asshole!

Alright, do as I tell you.

Make the creepiest smile you can muster

Laugh like a madman

And say

'You fool!'

'You have set me FREE!!!!'

Copying some of the mannerisms of my father, I sway my torso backward.

I have my hands spread out, with my palms up to towards the ceiling (while eight of my fingers rest at a 90-degree angle).

It begins now.


"You fool!"

At this point, I see a look of utter terror on the face of Owtz (this is my first time seeing him like this!)

"You have set me FREE!!!!'


You are a true friend... I will never forget this moment.

You're welcome


All of a sudden I am on another planet, the surface is grey rock that is tinted purple. There are also giant crystals sticking out of the ground (they are partially transparent, but also glossy and purple). Tons of faults and land sticking in and out of the ground (it is not a smooth surface by any means).

Owtz has my hand....

He is also dragging me to the ground at an insane speed.

"Wait it's just a -"

The ground explodes into thousands of different pieces. Even though I am in my avatar form I begin to cough up some golden looking shit (while laying on my back, arms spread out).

"Owtz! It was on-"

He punches me in the stomach and I begin to travel really far into the ground.

I am very sorry for your loss

While I am a little scared... I don't think anything bad will happen to me if my avatar dies...

I also kinda want to impress my new found friend.

Don't worry I got this!

As I think that and try to think of a counterattack (while I am still going deeper and deeper in the ground)

I feel a weird heat at the nape of my neck.

I then explode.....

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