《God's Death》Chapter 12 - Creating a Universe


Time itself was already frozen, but the movement of both Gaia and Owtz slowed. It was as if they were trying to move in tar, eventually, Owtz's extraction was halted along with Gaia's struggle.

Immediately after there was no longer any movement, a thick white fog descended the area completely engulfing everything in existence. Chuckling could be heard in the distance as a man wearing what appeared to be a suit, whose countenance was shrouded in fog, slowly stepped out. He was walking on space, with the help of a cane...

"Those old fools aren't going to like this one bit!"

Despite the negative meaning of what he had said, he had said it with a voice that was full of glee. Even with his actions shrouded in fog, you could still see a smile on his face that almost looked like a mask.

He circled Gaia while muttering a few words, his interest increasing further.

"This is the second time, isn't it?"

He pulls out a pocket watch and glanced at it.

Shaking his head he says

"This could be troublesome"

He watches as everything in existence begins to disappear, including both Gaia and Owtz. Space is still illuminated from all of the erased stars whose light has yet to update.

Gaia remains transparent, not completely erased.

"He's building up a resistance... or has he joined us?"

Huge white hands suddenly appear and try to grab the mysterious man, but he laughs and quickly says

"That's my cue to leave!"

He promptly disappears along with all of the fog. The transparency of Gaia also returns back to its usual level... everything is restored, but slightly rolled back.

Gaia's POV:


Owtz's mouth curves into a smile as my soul is completely extracted. But I watch the whole scene completely detached from the situation, this is exactly like what happened before I formed focus.

But I feel in control, my temperament mildly shocks me as I look on. I see my other self shrivel up and begin to fade away... it moves as if it is sped up. I then see both myself and Owtz get further and further away, I feel an urge to jump into myself.

I stop myself from trying to catch up with them and watch another me fly towards them, from my current position smashing into my body.

I begin to feel incredibly sick

maybe I should have not resisted?






I hear Echo say something, but his voice becomes so quiet that I am unable to hear it. I hear hundreds of people muttering 'Spoce' and 'Ocejbt'.


I grab my head and close my eyes


Nothing happens

BUT!!!! I feel as if I am being watched! I look around with my eyes closed and see four people millions of times bigger than me glare at me, they feel so far away... yet so close at the same time.

Opening my eyes, my vision is obstructed by fog. I have an urge to do nothing, to rest. A feeling of relief I have known since the first time I erased something.

I fight it!

I witness the fog disappear and see my soul extracted repeatedly, the scene replaying itself over and over. Until it completely freezes. My vision is again obstructed.


My head hurts more and more

var SOURCE = {

Existence: sys....fetch(....), ....

Focus: function(){



this.Existence.UI.stream(this.Existence.UI.width/2, this.Existence.UI.height/2, this.Existence.source);

This.Existence.timePerception =-....1;





Something I've never seen before happens, it is updating as I am watching it. I see new information appear at an incredible speed. the end product is only slightly different than it was before...

var SOURCE = {

Existence: fetch(6),

Avatar: function(soul){



this.Existence.setSenses(this.Existence.getTmpBody(),soul.x+15, soul.y+6, soul.z-15);

this.Existence.avatar =true;


this.Existence.setSenses(this.Existence.id, this.Existence.x, this.Existence.y+6, this.Existence.z);



Observe: function(information){


this.Existence.setDualSenses(this.Existence.id, information.getX+15, information.getY+6, information.getZ+15, this.Existence.x, this.Existence.y, this.Existence.z);



this.Existence.clearDualSenses(); this.Existence.setSenses(this.Existence.id, this.Existence.x, this.Existence.y+6);



Create: function(existence, soul, genome){


var item = new system.add(Math.random()*6.25e30, existence.x, existence.y, existence.z, existence.soul, existence.dna, existence.rna, existence.TE, existence.mind, existence.state, existence.source);


//no condition set


Erase: function(existence){



Focus: function(){


this.Existence.UI.stream(this.Existence.UI.width/2, this.Existence.UI.height/2, this.Existence.source);

This.Existence.timePerception =6570;


Inspect: function(existence){


this.Existence.UI.print(existence.x, existence.y+existence.height, existence.z, system.fetch(existence.id).name);

this.Existence.UI.arc(existence.soul.x, existence.soul.y, existence.soul.z, existence.soul.strength, 0, 2*Math.PI);



//no condition set


Search: function(existence){






Waypoint: function(name, find){


this.Existence.mind+=name+' '+This.Existence.x+' '+this.Existence.y+' '+this.Existence.z;

var waypoint = this.Existence.mind.split(' ');

for(var i=0; iif(waypoint[i]==name){





this.Existence.index[this.Existence.index.length] = {

id: this.Existence.index.length,

name: this.Existence.memory(waypoint[i]),

x: this.Existence.memory(waypoint[i+1]),

y: this.Existence.memory(waypoint[i+2]),

z: this.Existence.memory(waypoint[i+3])


this.Existence.indexOf[this.Existence.indexOf.length] =name;


}else if(!this.Existence.waypoint){

for(var i=0; iif(find==this.Existence.indexOf.length[i]){


this.Existence.UI.fillStyle ="white";

this.Existence.UI.print(this.Existence.index[i].x, this.Existence.index[i].y+this.Existence.height, this.Existence.index[i].z, this.Existence.index[i].name);

this.Existence.UI.fillRect(this.Existence.index[i].x, this.Existence.index[i].y, this.Existence.index[i].z, 1, 1);

this.Existence.UI.fillStyle ="black";

}, 1000/60);





blackout: function(){

for(var i=0; isystem.fetch(i).clear();



I don't recognize any changes besides the change from 777 to 6 immediately. While I am stuck in my thoughts, I hear Echo once again.


...What is it?

He's behind you!

It would seem I am back inside of my body? I look around, quite confused.

"You're acting a bit paranoid, it's-"

I turn around and look at Owtz, he is looking around.... seemingly confused as well.

"Your soul vanished?"

I smile while scratching my cheek with my finger, then I respond back with



I feel as if I am falling and I snap back into my body.

Gaia??? What's going on?

How weird

I ignore Echo's question as I look around, I seem to be in some type of room. It looks very illusionary, everything is either transparent or grey. There are five chairs surrounding a fairly small table, four are to the side... with one at the head. The table is like a mounted monolith, leaving another space open.


I walk towards the table and see some carvings, that stray from the pattern the room follows.

In the center of the table is a black flat circle... with other circles in orbit around it. One circle is red, another white, one silver, and another gold. The last two circles are grey and green.

I lean in and look closely, there are extremely tiny lines on all of the circles with small dots surrounding it. I see that the green circle has a white dot and a red dot connected to it. It also feels very inviting.

The black circle in the center makes me feel extreme pain when I look at it, while the other circles just give me a headache. The green one seems to be the odd one out of these all, with it just having a measly two dots connected... I noticed something I almost missed. The red dot has an even smaller dot connected to it... with a very thin line separating the two. The white dot has nothing connected to it at all... it begins to glow as I focus in on it.


I see endless stairs leading to a pearly gate. I also see my throne behind the gate with the clock far down, and a huge hourglass rotating about far above it.


Extreme excitement begins to fill every fiber of my being, as I begin to put the puzzle pieces together.

I am very confused Gaia, very, very confused!

Shhh! I'll explain it later, let me concentrate!

I half-ass visualizing some of my memories of flying through the checkered patterns back when Gorgo was teaching me, and remember the pain I felt when I tried to comprehend his universe. the carved space around the white circle, that I know IS the Otz room begins to light up.


I imagine a universe much like Gorgo's which is made up of amalgamations from the pieces I had briefly seen while exploring it.

My universe... has been created!

The circle stops glowing, and I feel a sudden urge to touch it.

I expected the creation of my universe to be really draining... but I don't feel affected at all.

I don't feel like checking my universe right now... also... it still has no life

I ignore the urge to touch the newly formed dot connected to the white dot and instead touch the white dot.



I look around and am currently sitting at my throne, facing the gate.

Hmm... I should be able to go back to that space if I use blackout again.

No!!! That place is scary! That pressure, you are mad! Mad!!!!

Scary? Describe your experience to me.

I thought I was a goner, it felt like my consciousness itself was destroyed... I almost feel like I am not even the same person anymore... well fragment I guess, either way...

That ability is too dangerous! I'm not sure what all of that was, but it is nothing like anything I have ever seen before...

Well, I need to use it to get back to tha-

A pink portal opens up and out steps Gorgo, he runs up to me and hugs me saying:

"Gaia!!! I thought you were gone! ... I know I was a little mad at you somehow moving your existence into my universe, but I didn't expect you to try to kill yourself! Show some restra-"

"Your soul! I can't feel your presence at all... it is like you do not exist..."


I look around... and try to feel for it, but my soul... I can not find it anywhere!

Scary! Scary! How am I even alive?

Looking at Gorgo's soul


I reappear right next to Gorgo (floating a little bit) and look at myself.

I wasn't in an avatar? where is my soul?


I snap back into myself and begin to theorize where my soul has gone.

Echo? Do you have any knowledge relating to this?



My pride can only take so much!

Gorgo's eyes widen

"Gaia!!!! You've... You- You've created a universe!"

His voice is full of joy, but doubt and confusion are clearly mixed in as well.

"Yes! It is all thanks to your teachings!"

"What made things click? Tell me your process, I didn't expect just letting you browse my universe to give you such insights..."

As I am arranging what I want to tell him in my mind, and about to start from the beginning. Echo sees my intent and decides to bestow upon me some of his advice.

I wouldn't do that!

Why not?

I can no longer look at your memories... but this man, didn't he kill your father? Didn't he try to kill you as well, all for power?

Yes... but that is in the past. He has taught me everything I know! How could I not trust him?

Without him, I would have been alone and insane!

So what? How do you know he is not acting?

Pffff... Without him, you would be doing the same thing you were doing before, staying a subordinate to your creator, to your Father.

You have a very childish view of this Gaia!

I... he-

You are far too trusting! You even let me, someone, you had just met fuse with your consciousness!

I am incredibly grateful, but I do not wish to see you hurt yourself...

From what I can tell... you are billions of years old, you need to act your age a bit more...you need more experience

Looking concerned Gorgo asks me seriously

"Is everything alright Gaia? We will fix this, I'll try to restore your soul, do not worry!"

What do I do Echo?

Pretend to be sick, you just created a universe... surely that is a draining activity, we need to fabricate a story to tell Gorgo.

I am incredibly sorry for not being able to trust you Gorgo

I stand up from my chair and say

"I am fine, and-"

I then 'collapse' down to the barrier and begin to cough.

Gorgo helps me up and says

"This must be the backlash from creating your universe! ... is this the cause of your missing soul, this is a very odd circumstance...I will try to find a solution, you can put your trust in me, Gaia!"

Nod your head, and come up with the best explanation, do not tell him about your source... or that weird room, conceal it. Your mind seems to be guarded now, even I can only gaze at the surface level of your thoughts!

Nodding my head at Gorgo I stand up, and sit back down on my throne... my face pale.

"I remembered you teaching me how to program..."

I pause and take a deep breath, telling Gorgo 'everything' that I know.

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