《Carefree Demon》"Snow"


He hasn't heard much about his birth only that it was snowing that particular day. It was also something that rarely happened in the place he lived.

For others, the snow is something freezing and something that sends chills to their spine. But for him, perhaps snow was the only thing in his life that he could relate to right now...

"Blerghhhh. " He grew dizzy all of a sudden and spurt out some blood dying the snow red, before collapsing down to the chilling snow under him as his legs grew weak.

Leif could not believe what was happening to him. He was just a regular village boy who lived in his home peacefully with his mother and his two younger siblings. He suddenly remembered what happened today and what all had caused his perfect life to shatter, crumbling into dust and forever changing his destiny.

Village of Tonetrask, a house near the silent lake of Hornaven [ 20 hours before]

"Hey, I am going out!"

An energetic voice sounded out and we could see a teenage boy of 13-14 years running out of a simple wood cabin surrounded by lush vegetation and countless vines.

Translucent curtains are running throughout the house and the entire house is painted in a light cream tint bringing in the required brightness and airiness.

Some neighbors living nearby could see him running out and waved at him.

This is Leif a bright and curious young man who lives in a house on the edge of the lake Hornaven. According to the neighbors and his mother, their family arrived here during a very bad storm with an infant Leif and his mother who was pregnant at that time.

It was incredibly hard to settle in the village but ever since he could remember, his mother was an able and strong-willed woman who could solve each problem with ease.


So according to him only in one's youth can one be dependent on someone else and eventually he would grow up and be responsible, wouldn't he?

For now, he was lazy to make his own decisions and only spent his free time running around exploring the places near his home.

His dream was to travel outside of his village into the cities and buy a big manor in the city and live comfortably ever after.

He was also someone with a mentality of a hard worker who did all the chores and menial works he was asked to do but had a weak decision-making ability.

But he was not concerned about this as this would only after he grows up and becomes a big adult or a clever and able person like his mom.

As for his dad, he never talked about this to his mom even though he was curious as he once saw the melancholy in her eyes once this was mentioned by his little brother once.

Even though he was generally unable to read between the lines he knew something was wrong but his mother always avoided the subject so he didn't press further.

He was quite bothered and curious at the subject of his father but after such a long time he had completely got over it.

He was perfectly content with his current life!

On his way, he saw other villagers going about doing their day-to-day routines and also saw a group of children crowding near an old and rusty house.

One among the children shouted at him in an excited tone, "Hey Leif, are you going to play with us right now?"

Leif shouted back as he continued running," No chance I am going to the woods right now, see you later Matip!"


Near the lake, a group of women was talking and there stood a green-robed woman with an average appearance and a face quite similar to Leif talking to another lady at her right but if you look carefully there was a tint of arrogance in her voice and a faint look of incomparable majesty in her face.

Suddenly she turned and looked in the direction Leif ran before gradually shifting back to her conversation.

The sun was shining today and there was a cool breeze, birds were singing and dried leaves were falling gracefully.

A green-clothed young man was running in a carefree manner while humming a tune. He was moderately tall and had above-average looks.

"Hu Hu Hu", panting he rushed down to the valley by the hill.

"Ha Ha Ha, who would have thought I am this fast at running. I am probably the fastest in the entire village but nothing is more fulfilling than playing in this stream. Ahh-ayy too cold!!!"

He picked up a stone from the stream and started skipping the stone in the stream.

As he reached out to grab another stone he saw a rather peculiar stone.

It was fully black and had patterns of red.

"It must be a rare stone, he muttered as he picked it up when the stone suddenly disappeared.

Lief was confused but did not think more about that and he thought his eyes were playing tricks.

After washing himself in the stream he picked up various fruits and walked over to his usual spot under the tree in the shade where he lay down and spent his time leisurely.

After a couple of hours, he suddenly opened his eyes as a shockwave swept through him with a tinge of cold.

"It is coming from the direction of the village, what is going on?"

Although alarmed he could only swallow the dread and fear and rush back to his village as his family and many of his valuable friends were there.

As he grew closer to the village, he could sense something both hot and cold mixed within.


Suddenly a massive wind consisting of both cold and hot air hit him directly blasting him backward tumbling to the ground.

He was bleeding from all orifices as he mustered some strength before getting up and seeing the beautiful yet horrific sight in front of him.

The entire lake was frozen with thick ice and the houses surrounding him were burning in fire but were gradually getting put out by the freezing ice.

The snow danced as it fell and for the first time in his life, he felt despair along with shock as he felt his legs went soft.

His bones were shaking as he muttered under his breath,

"Why do I feel this snow is not beautiful anymore?" as tears ran down his cheeks.

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