《Carefree Demon》"Stages of Evolution" [ List of stages and other information ]


Stages of 'Path' evolution is given below [I would add more as the story progresses]

I. Metamorphosis stage[ 9 rings ]

II.Recrudescence [ ? ]

III. Unity [ ? ]

Martial artists realms [ same level as the common realms but sometimes different names ]

I. Martial artist [ 9 rings ]

II. Emergence [ ? ]

III. Unity [ ? ]

System of Power:

* Every organism in this universe evolved from its primal state and became a greater being after following the 'path'.

* Every being is born with a path mark hidden inside of their mind-space. Only those who can successfully awaken it have the potential to embark on the path.

* Moreover in many different world's there are many who follow a definite path like 'martial arts' path. It is extremely smooth sailing as it has a definite route.

* But your evolution would stop at the maximum limit achievable by a certain path.

* Unlike that those people who carve their own path have unlimited potential but they don't have a specific direction to head to.

*There were 4 major things required in the advancement in the great path.

One was the need for path energy, the second was the advancement of the elements chosen, the third was the comprehension of profundities while the final one was the need for a powerful body to contain this.

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