《To be a Demon》Chapter 2: Let’s make me a King.


The murderous glare in Dante's eyes disappeared. It was replaced by teary eyes, he looked at his mom's corpse while crying. His aspect returned to his previous naiveness, and it was as if the battle-hardened person from before had disappeared.

"Mommy! Why don't you answer me?! Why are you on the ground?! It's dirty! Mommy!" Dante screamed these words over and over, he was putting up a really believable act, and it was easier because he cared about his mother more than anything, so he really wanted to cry.

One of the guards, the head guard of his entourage Avilio, came near him visibly worried. He was the only one in his entourage that actually cared about him. He was a man of sacrifice, raised only to obey and protect Dante, nothing else mattered to him.

"Young master! Young master, are you alright?! What happened here, can you tell me?! You mongrels! Stop just standing there and go look for any more assassins! Get the physician!" He said as he checked Dante's body for wounds. He had basic medicinal knowledge as an elite soldier, he knew how to check for most venoms and recognize some internal wounds.

"No, big brother Avilio... I am fine..."Dante looked at Avilio, even though he was watching the rest of his entourage going away. After they were gone, he got up and swiped the dust from his white robes. His naive look had disappeared, a stoic expression appeared on his face.

Avilio was flabbergasted, as he never saw such look on his master's face. It was as if someone completely foreign was standing in front of him. Dante ignored his doubts and started speaking hastily, as they didn't have much time.

"Avilio. The time has come for you to be of use. I can't explain the details right now, I will only fill you in the essentials. My brother, the crown prince, tried to murder me. I still don't know the reason, but I will investigate soon and I will need your cooperation. The story that you have to know, is that a man in green robes saved me after someone from the Hellfire's Gauntlet tried to kill me. My mother died in battle, and you were unable to enter the room in time. Don't tell anyone of this conversation, don't trust anyone but me... Thank you big bro Avilio... I am alright now... but tell me when Mommy wakes up from 'death' I was worried for a second there, hahaha!" The time Dante changed the topic of the conversation, was the time when the guards were back with the physician. He had his naive aspect again, and he started laughing as if he didn't know what death was.


The physician came and analyzed Dante, as Avilio answered the guards that were half-heartedly asking what happened, they definitely had a part in this assassination. Even if Avilio was trained to never lose his composure, he was only mechanically answering the questions by instinct, as his master had ordered. He was too stunned by the conversation he had with his master, and he only processed his orders slowly, his talents were there for the show. He told the guards that a spy from the kingdom of Plantae Ultima was guarding the Young Master secretly, what made sense since his mother was a princess of that kingdom, that was exactly what Dante expected of him.

Dante feigned ignorance as the physician checked him, he looked naive, but was aware of any attempt of poisoning, even though such thing was unlikely. He couldn't be sure of what to expect, as his twenty years old plan had failed miserably, and he still didn't know why. It made no sense, as he was no threat to his brother.

He talked to the voices on his head, asking for guidance.

Do you guys have any idea why my brother would aim for me? You all are gods as you've told me so you should know what he wanted.

The voices in his head went silent for a moment, and finally one of them answered. The one that names itself: Rock.

(We can't help you much. All that we can do is to debate with you, but we can't give you an answer. And we can't offer you any information that you don't know about. This is your 'boon', that we call Elder's council.)

Dante was stunned, as that was a new information for him. They had given him lots of knowledge from out of this world since he was born. It made no sense that they couldn't tell him what he didn't know... Unless!


{Indeed. We gave you general knowledge from our worlds that also applied to this one. But we can't tell you things that are true in this world but aren't true in our own. Like Scarlet, that knows many fighting skills, but your world has no mana, that means you can't use the same skills as him. We can't tell you the secret skills of Metalurgia's metal craft, as it is different from that of our worlds.}

The one that said this was the voice that calls itself: GM. What he said made sense, but it wouldn't help him much. Having Gods from other worlds debate with him is still better than nothing though. Dante then retrieved his attention to the real world. The voices went quiet suddenly.

He looked at the physician and said.

"Mister Ignacio. I want to go to my room now. I feel tired. Big brother Avilio, please come with me."Dante said as he walked away. The physician didn't stop him, as there was nothing wrong with his body.

Dante entered through a door at the backside of his courtyard, it led directly to his room, that was gigantic. Even if he was just the son of the last concubine, he was still the son of the king. He had the right to a great room, and his quarters were bigger than most nobles houses.

He went to the furthest corner of his room and lied on his bed. He rubbed his temples as his head hurt because of the sudden developments. In a single day, his whole life was overturned.

He looked at Avilio, that was kneeling with his head bent. He did not dare to be disrespectful towards his lord before, and now that he had become like this? He could just bow in awe.

"Avilio. As you must have noticed, I was never retarded. Though I am only saying this to make sure you know it." Dante said as he looked at Avilio through the corner of his eyes. He didn't have enough energy to move now. That sudden outburst of adrenaline had taken a toll on his body.

"I understand Master!"Avilio nodded and changed the way he addressed Dante. He was not a young master anymore.

He sighed and looked at the ceiling, many things were going through his head. He could only sigh to get some relief. He then said something that would be the start of a storm that would change the balance of the world.

"Hey... Let's make me a king..."

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