《To be a Demon》Chapter 1: To awake as a demon.


In the world of Amberge, there are five kingdoms. The kingdom of Ars Maxima, the place where artisans are abundant, artists are like weeds and life is easy. The kingdom of Terra Nova, where medicine is extremely advanced because of myriads of mysterious herbs that are raised there. The kingdom of Plantae Ultima, where the people never starve and there are wide plots of land to be cultivated. The kingdom of Metalurgia, that impresses the others with their weaponry, even though they were never able to discover gunpowder. And the most powerful nation...

Ignis Gloria... They occupy the most territory in the world, they have raided the other countries countless times, and used their resources to power themselves. They are a war-monger country, they have strife, deceiving and Evil running through their veins.

In this kingdom, there is a boy called Dante Reinhardt Belchiore, Son of the twenty-first concubine of the king. He is mentally challenged, but still aware enough to live on. Fortunately, he has the right to live by being the son of the king, otherwise, he would have died already.

He has twenty-five brothers, twenty of them from concubines and five of them are from the wives of the king. The crown prince is his eldest brother, and has more than thirty years already, while he is barely twenty.

His brother is an elitist and also manipulates the underworld secretly, but Dante couldn't care less, he just lives on his courtyard with his mother, the only person he loves. His brother wouldn't be bothered with him, as he is just an idiot son of the last concubine.

Or so he thought.


Inside a courtyard. A man was chasing a butterfly, in the middle of a beautiful natural scenario. He was jumping around, and even though his movements were nimble, he never caught the butterfly.

He had white hair and fire-red eyes. A symbol of the Belchiore Family, that has ruled this kingdom since its founding. That man had white glossy skin, he was tall and had a fit physique. In the background there was a woman, she had a warm smile on her face and a sorrowful aspect. She looked at him fixedly and laughed every now and then.


The man then executed a swift swipe with his hand and caught the butterfly on it lightly. He looked at it and smiled. He then freed it and headed towards the woman. She was close to a bush, under the shadow of a tree.

He got close and hugged her. He had a naive smile on his face, he beamed as he embraced that woman.

"Mommy! Can we go eat now? Today the chefs made barbecue! I love barbecue mommy!" He said so in a childish voice, that did not fit his manly and handsome build.

The woman nodded, and let him go.

"Okay darling, we will go eat now." She said while carrying him to the dining room, she was strong enough to carry him, even though he was an adult man.

As she traveled across the courtyard, a shadow suddenly somersaulted from a bush. It was a man in black that had a sharp dagger coated in poison in his hands. He aimed it at the man's chest and stabbed towards it.

The man was shocked for a minute before he saw his vision dropping, and his body falling to the ground. He then saw the dagger stabbing at his mother's heart, she screamed 'Guards!', as the light faded from her eyes. black blood dripped on the man's face.

The assassin took the dagger from her heart and looked at the boy. He sneered before stabbing towards him. The dagger was even faster than before, and it would hit the man anytime.

The time stopped for the man at that moment, he could only hear voices in his head, the same voices he has heard his entire life.

{The day arrived Dante, unfortunately, you didn't hear our warnings...}

His eyes squinted, as they glinted with a murderous light. His muscles contracted and he grits his teeth in anger.


[At least you received our teachings... you potential was already there, and now you have the knowledge and physique to boot.]

He moved his hand fast and gripped the hand of the assassin. The assassin smirked for a moment before gasping. The man's grasp was too strong, his arm wouldn't move!

(The path of revenge is a sorrowful one, we can't say anything bad about it, as we trod this path once...)

He crushed the man's wrist and grabbed the dagger with his other hand. He used the downwards momentum to throw the assassin overhead. He then threw the dagger at the airborne assassin's throat, that died by having an important artery hit.

He then walked towards his mother and put his hands on her throat to feel her pulse. He knew it was useless. That dagger hit her heart, and the poison in it could corrode living tissue.

He was huffing in anger... the guards did not come. That means its an insider's work. The only one that would dare attempt to kill another member of the royal family was...

"Damn you, Alexander! I'll make you suffer a fate worse than death!" He screamed in a loud and deep voice, that was different from his childish voice.

Amidst his overflowing emotions, he could hear the voices in his head.

{You brother's title is the 'ruthless demon prince' isn't it? You will have a hard time getting revenge. At least you are still rational, usually, people would go crazy when they lose the one they love.}

[What do you plan on doing?]

The man gritted his teeth.

"I... I don't know!"He had not planned for such things! He feigned his mental disease from a young age because those voices on his head foresaw that he would be a thorn in his brother's side. But he had no intention of getting him and his mother into trouble.

Who would have thought it would still happen in the end?

[You could fight fire with fire... Become a demon, and seek your revenge!]

(I am not supportive of such idea... But he is already hooked by it.)

{I will have fun either way. So it's fine.}

The man was indeed intrigued by the suggestion of the voices, the one that names itself: Scarlet. Becoming a demon is a good way to get his revenge. But how to do such thing?

{It is actually pretty simple! There are some simple laws to follow as a demon, as well as requirements. You already fit the requirements, you are cunning, intelligent and have nothing holding you.}

[The laws are simple actually. An eye calls for an eye.]

(Blood calls for blood.)

{The requirements are already there.}

[To lose love and retrieve suffering.]

(To gain hate and forsake humanity.)

The guards entered the room and saw the scene, for a moment, they saw a murderous glare on the face of their dumb young master. His eyes were devouring as if they could suck their souls out of their bodies.

The voices in the man’s head then said, all at the same time.

([{Go there and show them what it really means...}])

([{To be a Demon!}])

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