《To be a Demon》Chapter 3: Choosing a plan!


Avilio was stunned at Dante's sudden declaration. But kept quiet as he could not interfere with a decision of his master, even if it was something like destroying the kingdom. A man of sacrifice only had one task in their life: To obey.

"Our kingdom is based on the premise that judges three aspects of the heirs to the throne. Their support, their individual skills, and their own faction. I have no support, people think I am a retard and not to mention soldiers, I don't even have a sword. I am not planning on revealing my abilities anytime soon and no one on their right mind would support me. Do you know a good way to start a faction? People that are good but lust for money and power are mostly taken, so do you know any that were not recruited by ordinary methods?"Dante asked as he will need to have a standing in the race to the throne if he wants a shot at killing his brother. But now, he doesn't only want to kill his brother. He wants that bastard to suffer, and outrunning him in the throne race is the best way to do it.

"My lord... I know of no individuals that act as such."Said Avilio. People in Ignis Gloria are greedy and don't know such thing as honor or duty, the men of sacrifice are not included though. That is why it would be hardly achievable to get such people here.

Dante then went into deep thought, and in such state, the 'Elder Council' appeared spontaneously.

{You are having a hard time aren't you? if you had started gathering power earlier, it would have been better. But telling you that divination was just a gamble, and you lost, unfortunately.}

I know, I am at fault here, but now we have to discuss our next steps. How do I make a faction? There are no vegetarians here for me to make use of through ideologic brainwashing, that would be the best option. Any other ideas?


[Assassinate one of your brothers and then take his faction for yourself. That would require extreme situational control. The possibility of success is of 68.90%. Possible mistakes would be: Your brother taking the faction -Ignorable repercussions to self-; You being plotted against by the said faction -Extreme repercussions to self-; Your real abilities being revealed-Mild repercussions to self-; 1% out-of-project exogen factors.]

Dante thought about such course of action, but that 'possibility' of success is a difficult factor to analyze, as he has no idea on how the conversion of 'possibilities' into 'numeric data' worked, it may only represent the possibilities that would result in success, but not show the feasibility of such possibilities. And that rate is not high enough for him to use anyway.

(Manipulating one of your brothers, and use his faction for yourself. That would require extreme knowledge of human management and control. The possibility of success is of 46.85%. Possible mistakes would be: Said brother not being manipulated and the plan backfiring -Extreme repercussions to self-; Your real abilities being revealed-Mild repercussions to self-; *beep* ?????? -Unknown repercussions to self-; 1% out-of-project exogen factors.)

That was an even riskier plan, it could not even be considered a plan actually. But what is that weird sound I just heard? What do unknown repercussions mean?

(It means that it involves something that you know nothing about. Which means we can't analyze it. looks like one of your brothers has a secret, and it is a troublesome one.)

Such thing worries me. I need to do some in-depth recon on my brothers' powers. Now, only GM still hasn't given his opinion. Do you have something good?

Dante was starting to be worried. He only had so many plans to build a faction, but none of them are good or probable enough. He needed something that could be more feasible. But GM's answer surprised him.

{That is all we have. You haven't got a clue on what to do, so we can only give you that. Try to get a better overview on the situation, it's not as if we are over-the-top omniscient beings.}


Dante was stumped, he could only look at the ceiling with a weird look on his face. This 'boon' is even worse than he thought it was! It doesn't help at all! He could only rub his temples while wondering what to do. He stayed in that position for a few minutes, before getting up from the bed and stretching his legs a little.

"Avilio, let's take a walk. I need some time to think about the next course of action."He said as he stopped in front of the door while waiting for Avilio, who is supposed to open the door for him.

Avilio got up and proceeded to open the door with a bow. They then got out of the room and proceeded to take a walk around the caste. The front door of his courtyard led directly to the main square of the castle.

This castle is more of a small town than just a castle. Because it housed the higher nobles, the princes, the royal barracks, the high-status workers like the royal chef and many others. Just by getting outside he could already see the bustling vision of fully armored soldiers marching and pompous nobles coming to and fro.

He didn't have his serious face anymore and had returned to his previous naive face. He looked around while swaying his arms and chuckling at every scene he thought was funny. And as he strolled around the square in circles, he was stopped when he saw someone.

"Look who's here! The giant kid is out for a stroll! I heard your whore mom died today instead of you, fate favors the kids and the dumb indeed."The one that said this was the son of the fifth concubine, the tenth prince Agamemnon. He is the son of a princess of Metalurgia and is in the top ten favorites for the throne.

"Hello, big brother Agamememnoi! What are you doing? Is it something fun?"Said Dante with a big warm smile as he jumped at Agamemnon and hugged him.

Agamemnon was angered at this imbecile, not only because he never says his name correctly but also because he hates the way he likes to hug his brothers. But he got used to it, and it costs nothing to let Dante hug him, and mistreating him now would probably buy him a fight with Plantae Ultima. Him being protected by a spy is a hot topic right now, even though it just happened.

"I am going to an execution, a prisoner is going to be executed by hanging in the third square, and I was invited to watch. He was a great warrior before, I will try to recruit him as a slave."He said as he shrugged Dante off him.

Dante looked at him and tilted his head to the side.

"Egecution? I don't know what that is, but I hope you have fun! I have to go now! Bye!" He said as he stormed towards his courtyard and waved at Agamemnon, who was left floored.

As he entered his courtyard he darted towards his room and looked at Avilio seriously again.

"Close the door, stay in alert!" He said while sitting on the bed again and entering a relaxing position.

Avilio bowed and stayed by the locked door. He was immobile while he stood his watch, and his eyes were as alert as an eagle’s.

Dante concentrated again and asked the voices on his head.

Show me the options again!

The voices appeared again, and the same two options were presented, but then...

He heard the third option.

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