《Death of Humanity》Chapter 2: Kiria Sif Lia


The races have become unstable, unstable to such a degree I fear a war will break out soon. I have managed to set up a simple warehouse at the top of a lone mountain. A lot of Earths geography warped when the aliens invaded. We have started excavating the mountain. This will be the fore front of combating the Furice.

The gate that started all this mess, ‘crystal window’ at first looked how one would imagine when thinking worm hole or gateway. When the severance act commenced the gate broke down, in its place a flat mirror took its place. Mere molecular size in thickness, the piercing crystal surface made it look extremely beautiful, until the first of the Furice stepped through. The hulking ‘thing’ stood at 3 meters, its body humanoid in general. Two legs, four arms, three eyes and a red Mohawk style hair reaching all the way down its back to their 2 meter long tail.

I intend to re-open another window, the legacy of the dark war research on project crystal window has aided me in my search for the key to controlling the gate… the Djinn, it’s energy has seeped into our world through the gate. Djinn, is the key… Memoirs of General Tyga Chapter 1 versus 2

“I don’t wanna get on some scummy looking boat. I mean just look at it, it’s made from wood…” A young blonde girl, almost a women yelled to a rough looking brunette women. “Enough child, your uncle has been looking forward to this for a very long time already.” The brunette woman holds onto the fiery young women. “hmmm mmmm mmm.” The girl struggles in her iron grip making all sorts of grunting and moaning noises before eventually relenting. “But mom, do I really have to go…” Puppy dog eyes look to her mother, “HM!” the brunette women gives the girl a tough smack over the head. “Don’t even try to pull one over on me,” she stares down at the girl. “Arghhhhh! No fair no fair!!” Kiria really starts to kick and scream.

I look up from the journal, my ragged and tattered clothes still hiding my body and face. “This is her, Kiria Sif daughter of Sefur Que. What a spoilt little brat.” I grumble to myself feeling a massive headache coming on.

“Hmmmmmm, is this the bosses niece my my I didn’t think he had such blood relations.” At that moment Baines walks down from the nearest tavern, ruck sack over his shoulder. A scent of strong liqour on his breath, dark circular shades, hair tied into a samurais knot. Plaid shirt and army scrubbed leggings and a pair of simple army boots. He bows with unexpected politeness, “pleasure to meet you, boss junior. I’m Baines pleased to meet you.” After the interruption by Baines the screaming and yelling cease for a moment, “nice one Baines.” I muse to myself.

“Ahh haha yeah ni-ni-nice to meet you,” Kiria turns red which surprises pretty much everyone except her mother. “Silly girl,” Sefur gives her a slight tap on her back. “Lay off it Baines, you are no more gentleman than I am a man.” Behind Baines Kites walks slowly, a pair of engineering goggles rest on her forehead. Short multi coloured hair, a tight blue jump suit fits to her curvy body with a patch work coat over the top. “Ohh how you wound me my dear Kitten,” Baines responds in false bravado. At that Kites grabs Baines by the jaw and lifts him into the air. “No no, kites I was only joking… yes joking…” It came out in lisps and slight whimpers but everyone could hear the pleading in his tone. “Do not pay any heed to this pile of shit – Kiria, Sefur.”



Baines was sent flying into a nearby group of crates, all obliterated by the rag doll sent flying. “Best gather your things, the Cap’s time lines are precise to the second so we will be leaving shortly with or without you.” Kites give’s a sideways glance to Kiria and nods to Sefur. Kiria has sparkles in her eyes at the raw power of Kites and forgets about her previous misgivings about the boat. “Ah uhm, miss whats your name. I’m Kiria, how-how did you get so strong…” Kiria instantly latches onto Kites and begins bombarding her with questions which Kites actually enjoys. “Nothing too strange there considering her well – tastes…” I think to myself. It seems everyone has boarded.

I think back to after my late night conversation with Sefur. “I will be playing cabin boy, don’t wait for me. I will leave all final decision making to Kites, and don’t forget you will find the guide at the devils tongue.”

Boarding the boat I go to the crew’s cabin and clean up and dress like a true cabin boy. I tie my hair into a basic pony tail, rough and frayed shorts with a sleeveless plain unbuttoned shirt. And to top it off, some flip flops. “Alright, perfect.” I glance down and look my trademark pocket watch, 6:59 in the morning. “3 seconds, 2 seocnds, 1…” on the dot the boats horn thunders and lurches forward. I race to the main deck. I join the rest of the crew and set the sails all the while watching my home leave into the horizon.

It’s been 4 hours and we have another 9 hours to go till Oster coast. “You there boy,” A hard old man with a sailors hat thrusts a mop and bucket into my hands. “Scrub the deck! I want to see my beautiful face staring back at me by the time we get to Oster.” He laughs and smokes from his pipe while walking away. “Yes sir,” I bow and shout back at him with such enthusiasm. “how pathetic,” I hear off to the main section of the deck, looking over I see Kiria and she has a repulsed and stuck up attitude written over her entire face and body. Our eyes connect for a moment.


“Oww-ow-ow” Kiria grasps her head.

“Pay attention, or I won’t teach you,” Kites sternly reprimands the girl.

“a-a-aye Kites, sorry I just hate seeing people like them.”

“Like them?” Kites looks at my direction and sees the mop and bucket in my hands.

“They just do whatever they are told, they take no control over their life and let everyone walk over them….makes me sick…”


“OWW, ouch Kites that really hurt…” her trade mark puppy dog eyes come back. But instead of sympathy a hint of a primal desire seeps into her eyes. I had just started walking away when I feel her lust and in an instant a faint shimmer radiates from me. Almost like a spear of pure death. A shiver of fear runs through Kites body and her lust disappears like a wisp in the wind.

“People like them, you shouldn’t look down on them for simply trying to live in such a world.” Kiria shows a rare passionate side and rests her hand on Kites head. “Now back to training. Stay like this for the remainder of the journey and do no move an inch.” Kites walks steadily away from Kiria. She reaches below deck, her heart racing, cold sweat starts to drop down her body. “Mmmmm, the captain’s aura is so – cold… It just drives me so wild…” The same intense primal desire surfaces for a moment. A perverted grin spreads onto her face and saliva begins to seep out her mouth. She grabs one of the leg straps and pulls it so tight it inflicts great pain and her minds clears.


I head to the back of the boat, and begin mopping the boat, the memory of releasing such aura on Kites already vanishing from my memory. She may have her problems but she is a precious ally. “And that damn brat, such rotten behaviour.” I grumble to myself. For the remainder of the ships journey I mop. I shoot a glance to Kiria every so often, studying her intense desire for strength. Not once did she flinch and to her word she remained in the stance of the horse. One did not need to be a master to see her shaking and sweat pool below her feet to realise her will was strong, monstrously strong. Baines remained the helmsmen the entire time not even speaking a word. His bruised and battered face left him slightly traumatised for the moment no doubt he will be back to his nefarious ways in no time. Kites would come along every so often to give Kiria a small lecture and like that the voyage sailed smoothly. Oster was just on the horizon.

The end of light had just dawned, the harbour of Oster never slept and the cheering could already be heard, illegal gambling dens, markets, food. It was all happening on the Oster coast. Everything could be found here, you just had to have the right know how, connections and of course money. “Alright, I want all the cargo unloaded on the double no one gets paid until I see that cargo leaving the port. Is that understood.” The captain screams over the deck. “And you, cabin boy!! hmmmm not to shabby but you too. No slacking or I’ll break your balls” He roars in laughter and went back into his cabin. “Yes Sir!!” Everyone shouts back in unison.

*6 hours later*



“Ahhh, that was the last one, well done boys.” We lift the final crate on the row of convoy trucks. All the cargo is safely aboard. “The time is almost midnight, tomorrow at noon we set out for Lint, Baines and Kites should have taken Kiria with them to look for the guide.” As part of the Parhya guard Baines and Kites did not have normal cabin duties and were able to leave the boat as soon as it docked giving them the time to get all affairs in order.

*6 hours earlier*

“Kiria! You are coming with us we have some business in town.” Kites shouts to the sweat drenched 15 year old girl, muscles spasm at every movement. “J-j-just a sec,” she collapses to the ground and breaths in deep heaves. “Drink this, it’ll help,” Baines leans down offering her a hip flask, a playful smile worms onto his lips. But before he could give it a cold shiver runs through him, looking over he can see Kites with a dark aura surrounding her. “Just a joke – haha just a game haha,” he takes the flask away and backs away. “Okay I’m good,” Kiria stands up in a superman pose and trying to fake a full recovery but it seems to be enough for Baines and Kites.

“The devils tongue was it, you know where it is?” Kites ask.

“Ohhh, the mighty Kites asking dear old me for directions.” A sideways glance to kites shuts his mouth for speaking any further nonsense.

“Follow me, I know the way.” Baines always had an extra sensory perception to death threats, at least when it was with Kites.

“Hey Kites, um I know I never really brought it up or anything. But when do you think I will see him… My uncle I mean, I thought he was coming with us and mom said well she never said anything about an uncle until just a few days ago when we had to leave Liandrew.” A sad wistful look fell upon her face. The group pausing for a moment, Baines also had a slight frown on his face. “He’s here. Actually you have already seen him you just weren’t paying enough attention to realise.” Kiria just looks at her trying to discern her statement, but with nothing more to go on just stares in befuddlement. “Don’t think so hard Boss Junior, he”


But before Baines could mutter a single extra word Kites is already walking forward, “so you know the way then,” Baines pushes his luck slightly. “Get the fuck in front…” Baines having reached the limit he could tease Kites, walked to the front leading them to the devils tongue.


In the near shadows a presence lay. Feline like eyes peer at the trio from the dark “Is that my prey, kuku this is going to be fun…”


Oster city, home to all, sometime after the nestling of the three races it quickly began to become a trading hub for lesser races. Seaerians and the Furice ruled their worlds and had many races under their subjugation. In time they became the collective lesser races. These races ranged from Werebeasts a result of genetic mutation, Finx a djinn imbued race loved by nature, Mermillia’s a fish hybrid similar to the mermaids of myth, Gunk’s the giants and lastly the Shadowed. They all managed to integrate in society and live a life of the lower tier, basically working alongside humans in order to survive. Codex Entry 13~6: The Race Origins

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