《Death of Humanity》Chapter 3: A Strange Fox


The Djinn, it is ambient in nature, even in here it exists but remains separate to us. I have viewed various recordings of the Furice and Seaerians, a small number of them can draw upon this power to come about a destructive might I have never witnessed before. Some could punch right through a tank reinforced to withstand artillery shells, the Furice tear through it like paper. I have been observing and it seems there are slight variances, or categories of abilities in them.

Enhancement – The body can reinforce itself to a degree many times stronger than our strongest steels.

Manipulation – It is rare, but I have summed it under an ability to take possession of a type of molecular structure, Metal or sand for example.

Conjurer – It seemed like magic, but based on science I have uncovered its secret. Every living thing bless by the Djinn can access a spatial rift within themselves, some can access more space than others, and in some cases enough space to store and imbued a weapon with their own ‘aura’.

Personal Note: I have yet to understand ‘aura’, is it innate or some kind of trained ability. Whatever it is, only a very small number of the races tend to use this ability. More and more cases of Djinn seem to be popping up, I even hypothesize humans may start to develop this ability, but sadly we are very late to the starting line in mastering this ability. Maybe, just maybe we can simulate the Djinn and synthesize a way to give the humans an edge – a natural bane to the Djinn, a Djinns’ Devil? Memoirs of General Tyga, Chapter 1 versus 3

“You weren’t wrong, humans did manage to gain the Djinn. But the Devils Djinn, to think I would find out something only ever murmured about from the cursed” I reply almost like I am talking with the journal. I smoke a cigarette lying near the convoy trucks, closing the journal I look at the time, 10 more minutes.

The cursed ones, their minds completely shattered from the red Djinn, a berserk power that corrodes the mind. Codex Entry 66~9

*Sometime in the night before*

“I’m getting tired of this shit Baines, do you know where this place is or not,” Kites starts to grind her teeth in aggravation. “Trust me, this is the way. Not everyone can simply reach the demon bar of the red light.” Baines replies back.

“Demon what of the red..?” Kiria stutters, she is only 15 and from the cyber city Liandrew. Liandrew Prime lives in a completely different world to the rest, run under the Seaerian King Hon Bon Prime, a power hungry Tyrant. The rich live in luxury, slavery of not only humans was common but the slavery of the weak in their own society would sweat blood just for the niceties the rich enjoy.

“Don’t worry you are with yours truly,” false bravado oozes from him.


“Alright alright, geez we are here anyway.” The trio stop outside an empty bar, the overhead sign half hanging down. The sign reads, Sin City. “What a crusty sign, ew we aren’t going in there right.” The little blonde women states with clear disgust. “It’s just a front ladies. Follow me. And follow close. This is the dark side of society, what you see down here – well just don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Kites and Kiria fall in behind Baines, they walk to the counter where a very out of place man stands. He is dressed in a very sharp black butler uniform, a conical rests over his left eye, his features pale and sharp. “What may I serve you today Master,” the man polishes a glass while he talks. “Hmmmm, if I remember right it goes something like this… Three hail marys, extra bloody with two hints of pepper.” Baines half mumbles and then finishes cleanly, quite sure of himself. “Oh my, sirs are you sure that’s what you want?” The butler leans over looking closely at his guests. “So be it, take the booth over there far to the right, I will bring your drinks shortly.”


A few minutes later the butler walks to the booth, 3 blood red drinks on the tray. He places them on the table, “May the blessing of red light watch over you.” The man walks away from the table and begins polishing his glass once again and it’s at this time Kiria notices the lack of shadow produced by the man. “Hey th- mmmm mmmm” in a fraction of a second Baines had covered her mouth shut and whispers to her, “never under any circumstances reveal their shadows…” Leaning back he shoves the drinks at the two girls. “Well, bottoms up,” and gulps it back in a single go. Kites follows suit and also gulps it back, Kiria however just stares at it scrutinizing its colour, and smell. She pinches her nose and closes her eyes, and with one swing drinks it down. She winces at first, expecting a foul tasting substance only to find it is sweet, sweet as the sweetest candy.

Opening her eyes she is completely dumbfounded, the run down bar is gone and in its place a stylish gothic bar appears. Music thumps in the background, “what the fuuuck, how, when did we get here?” a small cascade of questions leave her mouth. “This is Sin City, the gateway to the red light. Right next door should be the devils tongue.” The man stands and quickly grabs the two women and heads for the exit. “We have to hurry, the hail mary grants us passage but it also has a very powerful aphrodisiac. 20 minutes tops and you will be on fire,” a red heat streams across his face at the thought. “Bastard, if I guessed correctly there is more than one drink that grants us passage,” Kites grinds her teeth in fury but at the same time her primal urges start to show.

“Hey simmer down my kitten, what’s that saying. While in Rome…something something,” he laughs and leads them to the tongue. Kites can barely contain her rage. But the heat from below stops her and her lustful desires start to take over. “Aw no without the captain I can’t keep myself in check I better get out of here – quick.” Her thoughts stammer to herself. She looks to Kiria, her eyes betraying her. She devours her body with her eyes. “Shit.” Kiria doesn’t notice as she too is struggling internally, the fire is starting to rage out of control. She constantly squirms. They enter below a red neon devils tongue, smoke and music drift out.

“The beautiful people, the beautiful people” A song age old booms in the background. It’s heavy but the crowd jump and scream. That tight latex, leather, makeup, piercings and tattoos fill the room. It truly felt like they had entered in through the devils mouth and fell in amidst demons. That wasn’t all, Seaerians and Furice a like occupied VIP booths, down here race didn’t matter.

Kiria struggles, sweat soaks her body and the want, the need for release drives her to the brink of insanity. The others fade into the crowd but Kiria can’t control herself anymore.


“Found you,” suddenly two sharp hands grab her around the waste. A ginger haired woman with feline eyes grabs her. She leans in close and licks from her neck up to her check. Kiria feels the limit break, total and complete pleasure explodes, sound waves send mini orgasms through her body, deep down a burning desire ignites.

“Mmmmm, how I waaant yooou.” The light in the little girl’s eyes dim and she loses consciousness. “But I don’t have a death wish either. The captain might actually kill me.” Walking to the bar with an unconscious little Kiria the feline women yells to the almost naked barman. “No need to ask Cait, your rooms upstairs baby,” the queerness in his voice plain as day. After she takes the blonde girl to her room, she leaves again looking for the other two.

Kiria wakes up some unknown time later, the lingering smell of all sorts of sweet scents the feeling of silk sheets make her feel so comfortable. A feeling of never wanting to leave hits her hard. A small amount of fire still sits underneath but not enough to cloud her rationality. “Ahh you’re awake my little cutie,” A fox like women stands looming over her, stark naked under her loose robe. An entirely naked body enters her view. Horror explodes through her as she remembers her last moment. “No-no-no last night we didn’t… did we… noooo my first time…” Kiria changes into complete hysteria. Her face heats up in embarrassment and confusion.

Cait stands there stumped for words, “damn maybe I should have just taken her, a reaction like that isn’t normal. Well I guess everyone around the captain isn’t normal.”

“Whoa, whoa slow down.” Cait lends over the bed and crawls on all fours towards her until she is face to face with Kiria. “Relax, we didn’t do anything. Dear old captain goody good forbade me from laying a finger on you.” She licks her lips and bits them gently. “But I’ll be damned if I don’t get a taste,” cait leans in. Kiria feels her warm breath and feels a small smouldering flame begin to fire up slipping into a sexual haze.


“I suppose I’ll have to let the captain know about this. Cait Fox, number 6 the shape shifting enchantress.” Kites seemingly appears off to the side, no emotion what so ever evident on her face. “Oh no-no kitty please. I’ll do anything.” Kites face twitches at the mention of kitty.

“Aw oh, now you’ve done it.” That symbolic top knot walks through the door.

“Ah ha – ha did I say kitty I mean sweet Kites my bestie, I’ll do anything just please don’t tell the captain. Baiiny boy, you can help me can’t you my strong man.” Cait bats her eyes at him. “Why you, fuck I’ll tell the captain if you keep this up.” Baines for once doesn’t play around. “Awwwh, poor Baiiny.” Cait talks in a sweet baby voice. “Alright I won’t mention it, and neither will he,” Kites shoots a death stare at him. “Fuck you both, whatever. I’ll be out front, outside the red light that is.” He stomps off.

“What’s wrong with Bainy bum, he usually loves flirting with me. Have you been bullying him too much while I’ve been away?” Cait sulks a little. “No,” is all Kites replies.

“She didn’t try to rape you right,” she turns towards Kiria who is still in the silk sheets beet red. “Eww, no way. She – she saved me actually,” the girls turns towards the fox women. “Thank you – Cait,” she says seriously. Whether nothing happened or not Kiria actually felt quite shaken, reduced to such a state with no strength to save herself.

A soft look appears on the felines face, she looks at the girl and deep down she begins to really like this little blonde vixen. “Hehe, Kiria mind if I stay with you for a while,” before she can respond a fox the size of a large cat had already jumped into her, and crawls up on her neck and shoulders settling there like a small cloak collar.

“Hmmmmm, Cait Fox doesn’t just let herself settle on just anyone. Maybe she really is related to the Captain,” Kites actually frowns talking internally. “We better go meet the envoy, it’s almost noon.” The patch worked women heads for the door. “What about the captain?” Cait yawns on her shoulders.

“He’s been with it the entire time.”

The red light, Sin City was once the site of an experiment gone wrong. An unexpected red light enveloped the entire area, it had the feel of djinn but it was recorded to feel inexplicably blood thirsty. One day it simply vanished, or so it was believed. Practitioners of the djinn discovered shimmers and tears in space. Stepping through the rift, a district formed from the red mist and thus became later known simply as – the red light. Codex Entry 66~3: The Devils Djinn

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