《Death of Humanity》Chapter 1: Paryha City


If you are reading this, then that means I am dead. I don’t need to be a master strategist to know my future is sealed in blood. My name is Megan, that’s right you haven’t read incorrectly. I am General Megan Tyga, self-proclaimed god of war. Alas I have failed my mission, the Aliens have won. The fools of Earths military fail to see that peace won’t last so in secret I moved military caches all over the world. All under the disguise of showing trust to the three races and releasing our military might in order to prove our commitment to peace. It seems you have found my true haven, I don’t know how long it will be until this thing will be found but let me tell you a story and I hope you will pay very close attention. Because every word, every letter has an un–precedence meaning… don’t forget. Memoirs of General Tyga, Chapter 1 versus 1

My dark royal blue eyes scan the first page of the journal. “Tyga was a women…” A kind of pronounce profound feeling covers my body. My medium black hair and long black jacket flutter in the wind. I am standing at the bow of the ship, sailing like a bird through the sky. Looking up from the book, an island approaches in the horizon. “Paryha city, it’s been too long.” All the crew members strewn across the deck, smiles plastered on their faces. A strong scent of liquor wafts the entire ship. “Everyone is happy we are heading home, their families are waiting huh…” I take a moment to light a cigarette. “Aye Ca,” I cut him off quickly. “It’s just us Finks, no need for titles amongst friends.” A rare smile etches onto my face. “Aye, but in my eyes you will always be my Captain.” I stare at him and another rarity occurs. “Haha!” I break into a roaring laughter and so does Finks. “Fine, Jinn. Captain Jinn Paryha.” He pulls out two mugs of ale. “Then cheers to another successful haul huh,” knowing too well I don’t drink and in the wink of an eye he downs them both. A goofy grin sitting on those rock hard features, he salutes and stumbles back to some of the crew still awake, planning to join a round of wagering with there new found wealth. Turning back to the approaching island, it’s been hard on them, 3 years we have been plundering and taking, all the while on the run from the Seaerian Empire. Taking a long breath of smoke I talk aloud “Paryha City – one of the last remaining free cities of man, impossible to find except for those who know where to find it.” I smoke to myself, “My city.” A glint as if the grandest jewel were in front of me.

A few hours later and Odin sits resting like a colossal beast above Jinn Palace, the entire city of Paryha stands on ceremony. Cheers of celebration thunder through the island. Every street, every foot path are lined with people stamping their feet. “The jubilee is reaching its climax as the crew of Odin begin to come down from the ship, bringing with them supplies in not only food, but building materials, tailoring, riches of gold and silver. At the centre of Jinn cathedral a podium stands, where I stand. I raise my hands to quite the thunder. “Parhya City! We have returned and with it the wealth of our city grows again. With enough wealth we Paryha can sit and manage in this cruel harsh world. With this wealth we stand tall, with this wealth we become an independent nation!!!!!” I speak a few words and towards the end start to shout as if shouting to the heavens. Then silence follows, and I wait for the cities reply.


“Long live Paryha! Long live Jinn Paryha! Long live Parhya! Long live Jinn Parhya!”

Shouts and cheers greet my statement after a slight pause. Man, women and child all have faces of happiness and repeat my name and city as if it is a mantra of safety. After hours and hours of celebration, the quaking of feet stamping finally die down and the city begins to sleep, sleep in the cocoon of safety and happiness.

“Baines, Kites. Our journey is not yet finished.” I state flatly. “We have a limited window, the Lint underground auction will commence in one month. I have already convened with some of the others and they will make their way there.” Looking down at the small group below I carry on, “Finks, Victor you will stay in Paryha with Elijah, the management of the city will stay with him but he is going to need a hand with all the new exports and imports.” As if my word is law they bow their heads, even Victor voices no complaints and only Kites speaks out. “The City of Lint, will we make it. It’s in the middle of the Lint desert.” She trails off a bit absent minded. “Do not worry, I have organised a guide from Oster.” I nod to Kites, “Boss – will you know… she be coming…?” Baines hesitantly asks. A small smirk worms onto my face, “who knows…” I reply mysteriously. “We leave in three days, take all the ‘other goods’ from the ship and load it onto the Nethus. You have three days to get all affairs in order.”

Finishing the brief meeting I walk to the cathedral of Jinn, the bare plaza brings me a sense of calmness, and an odd reminiscence. A small flash triggers in my mind, when all land on this island was dirt. “Imagine it bro, imagine this place being our home, a city of happy people, run by its own people. Not by corrupt governments or constrained by the other three races. Something completely on its own, imagine it Jinn.” I light a cigarette. “Well – Jinxx…” My sad gaze looks to the lonely moon, “Not yet, it’s not enough…” I whisper to myself. At this moment, a lonesome women approaches, dressed in rags almost like she just got out of slavery. “Misure Jinn, please may I speak with you.” Her brunette hair hangs to her sides, her skin a pigment of malnourishment. Looking to the lonely figure approaching, a spark of blue arcs through my azure eyes for a brief second. But long enough for the women to notice, “Found me out did you, guess you aren’t an emperor for nothing.” Her skin and clothes immediately change form and a Seaerian takes the women’s place.

The Seaerians are a light blue race, slightly reptilian and quite tall on average. Specialists when it comes to the mind. Be wary of their whimsical persona for they are as cunning as they are beautiful. Codex Entry 13~2: The Race Origins


A small passage from the book of Solomon echoes through my mind, a strange codex that appeared with the knowledge of ‘Aliens’ when the initial contact with the Furice was made, forever updating and forever expanding.

“Seaerian, while it is a surprise to see you here it isn’t uncommon for outcasts to find their way to Paryha.” A small seductive smile crawls onto her face, “you are indeed quite a rare specimen of your race. Face to face with a Seaerian and you do not lose your composure at all.” The tall reptilian stands at about 6 foot 12 inches, which for a women is very tall but for their race is quite average. Hair as silver as the moon, clothes styled like that of the ancient roman empire in history. Robes and etiquette are there values. “I suppose introductions are in order, I am Queen Sefur Que Lia.” The woman makes a dignified bow.

At the same time my eyes narrow almost to slits like that of the reptiles. “I see I have your attention.” A playful smile flickers on her lips. “As proof of my royal heritage, well you should already have it. One of the Seaerians cannot reveal a false name or title under any circumstance.” A small melodious laugh escapes her. I look at her, really look hard. “Otherwise we will be subject to torturous pain.” She laughs. Seaerian’s can never lie, for if they do they will be forever taken. The codex never mentioned what this was but it never ended well for one of their race to lie. I look to the Seaerian, “What may I address you as, my queen? Sefur? Ms Lia?” I ask almost quite seriously. “My you are quite accustomed to us, how is that I wonder? Hmmmm, well it doesn’t matter, you see I am at your mercy so call me what you will.” She replies, quite simply at that.

“You see,” she begins with an uncomfortable look on her face. “I gave birth – I gave birth to what you Earthlings call a half breed. And well, it was because I lay with a human. He was of course a special human. He did not see the difference of race as an issue. He saw all races as equal. But the Seaerians not only see women as an object of influence but as an object of empowerment… And so, I fell in love with this human man…” This creature in front of me so easily confessed her love I almost couldn’t believe it. “But he died, died by the hands of my husband. King Hon.” A weird sadness enveloped the area. It is said that Seaerians were highly emotional creatures capable of many things due to their behaviours contrary to their deviousness. My eyes soften a little, she isn’t lying. “Then what is it – I can do for you…?” I ask simply.

Deep down I know she has suffered at the hands of her own race. “My daughter, Kiria – I can no longer hide her, she is 15 in your earthen terms and has become… how do I say it. Reckless, I’m afraid she will soon be found out by my husband.” She shifts on her feet uncomfortably. I already know what she is asking but I do not speak a word and simply wait for her to continue. “Can you, will you take her with you. She has the blood of adventure and wishes to see the world. Everyone in Liandrew has heard the rumours of the captain who sails the skies.” I feel an almost praiseworthy feeling coming from this woman. “Please I implore you, take her with you.” By the end of her speech she is kneeling, completely at my mercy and destroying the strong presence of the Seaerian. Taken aback I just stare at her for a moment. “I will take her,” that was all I could say.

The next two days I decided to wonder the streets, dressed in rags. Exploring every nook and cranny I could find. The only time I enjoyed myself was when I would take off my mantle and be but just a beggar and live off what I could find. I as the ruler had banned slavery. I had implemented a simple law system with no currency but that of trade. What one man needed and what one man had could mutually benefit them both from exchange. Even if you have nothing, you do have the strength of your arm, in no circumstance could you not exchange labour for food or lodging. I look up to the blue sky “I guess it’s time to head out.” I murmur to myself and begin heading to the dock of Paryha.

Paryha City, developed in the New World Era. Year 7366, Ruler Jinn Paryha ascended from slavery to establish his own city, a safe haven for those who had nowhere. Codex Entry 4~32: New Earth’s Continents

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