《Fox Squadron》Chapter 14-Tali


The mission, which was supposed to be little more than a simple escort run from the edge of the system to Taurus Station, had turned into a complete and total disaster. The Mopalen delegation in a show of complete and utter lack of empathetic consideration had, in all their great wisdom and logic, hired Wolgren mercenaries to escort them. This was something that should have been unthinkable to do when attending a summit where the Frayin where the invitees. Tali would have loved to inform them of just how stupid the were but for the moment she was by far too busy dodging the bolts of plasma aimed at her fighter.

Her coms were ablaze with call outs from Orin and Amara, her acting wingmates for the mission. From what she could see in between evasive maneuvers, the two of them had managed to stick together. When she finally managed to get a good look, she could see that there were eight of the Wolgren's spherical shaped fighters chasing them. Each of the small craft had a pair of claw shaped wings that were filled with light plasma cannons that could freely rotate around the sphere, allowing the entire ship to suddenly change direction. Four of these were keeping themselves in between her and the others, in an attempt to prevent her from diving in and disabling a fighter, like she had done the last six times the opportunity presented itself.That only left the six fighters that were chasing her. A quick burst of plasma from said fighters was a good reminder that she shouldn't fly straight for very long.

A hard turn and a burst of speed was more than enough to break the target lock. Not that it was doing them much good. Her overpowered shields were recharging almost as fast as they were taking damage. However, that would only last as long as the capacitors held a charge. So she was forced to continue to dodge and weave out of the way of enemy fire in some attempt to keep the charge up. It did seem that the Wolgren were finally getting tired of this game Fox and Wolf.


This was overwhelmingly evident when Amara's voice cracked over the comms in a near panic. "That picket ship launching a corvette!" It was a testament to their training at the Academy that none of them froze at the appearance of the dedicated anti fighter ship. Tali hadn't even hesitated to turn her ship towards the threat as she dumped everything from her auxiliary capacitor into the plasma coil of her nose mounted cannon and threw full power into the engines. If she could get there soon enough she might be able to disable it before it's guns came online.

Two fighters had already moved to intercept her. "Spirits I don't have time for this." She cursed the Spirits more for this luck but she truly didn't have time. Instead she flipped the arming switch for her weapons and put a pair of phaser beams into the first fighter. The bright beams of energy cut through the ship's shields and armor like a blade would through a dead leaf. Raking across it as she turned to the second.

She didn't wait for the phasers to recharge, instead she pressed the secondary fire, unleashing the quad linked plasma cannons on the wings. The second fighters shields flashed before the entire ship was blown to dust that splash harmlessly against her shields. There was nothing left to stop her as she pushed the engines to the breaking point. The power core whirled behind behind her threatening to tear itself apart as pushed everything to the absolute limits.

It was all for naught though. She hadn’t made it half the distance before the large top canon of the long rectangular ship turned her way. Then with a bright blue flash a web of ionized energy reached out from the canon. Her shields flash and her vision was filled with the brilliant light of an aurora, as the energy crashed against the magnetic field that protected her fighter. White hot pain ran throughout her body as the web ionized the air inside the cockpit. In an instant the shield capacitors fused, permanently disabling the shields. Her entire world threatened to fade into darkness. Yet she somehow managed to reach forward and manipulate the controls, throwing all the power that had been going to the shields over into the absurdly powerful magnetic field.


The pain from the ionized energy vanished almost instantly as the power of the field increased. Alarm blared warning her that the long range scanner, shields and primary live support had all been disabled. She didn't stop there though. She continued to dive, trying to get under the corvette's shields. Trying to do some small bit of damage to keep it from going after the other.

The corvette immediately started to pepper her with hundreds of small balls of plasmas from its rapid fire cannons along its side. The vast majority of the bolts were deflected or dissipated in bright flashing of light by the magnetic field. Every so often one would find a portion of the field that had been momentarily weakened by the volume of fire. These would crash into the heavy armor plates leaving behind a scorch mark and a small amount of molten metal that would instantly cool and harden. It was too little too late.

She passed under the corvettes shields and pulled the trigger. There was only a momentary delay before the heavy cannon unleashed a hell storm of oversized plasma into the outer hall of the ship. Each blast sent out a wave of heat, light and radiation as they impacted along the top spine of the ship. One smashed into the large cannon as Tali passed it, sending waves of ionic energy across the ship. Yet still she kept firing, landing three more hits before the last caused a gout of flame to explode out of the back of the doomed corvette.

Warning once again blared throughout Talis cockpit. The heavy cannon had burned itself out after firing fifteen shots in as many seconds and the large picket ship and fighters , which had finally managed to catch up were now locking onto her. She almost lost hope of making it out of there when a strong voice speaking in Tarran common, addressing her directly over the comms. "Fox two redirect to 1,5,2 mark 2,1 mark 3,4,7. NOW!"

Despite one of the primary thrusters being destroyed and a second only working at fifty percent, the fighter easily changed direction. It made her really grateful for the Tarran's habit of having multiple backups for key systems. This meant that when the bright streak of the MAG round flew over her, the magnetic wave it created only pushed her harmlessly into space and not into the cripled corvette.

The round itself exploded just before it cleared the length of the Wolgren picket ship, sending shrapnel in all directions. Followed by the voice of a gruff man over the comms. "This is Commander Vorchek of the TSF Tuscany. I am ordering all vessels to cease fire on Fox Squadron immediately or the next round will split your ship from bow to stern!" By the Great Sprites she was saved.

"I am" was all the Wolgren command to growl out before the channel was flooded with static. A second later it was replaced by the smooth clear monotone voice of the Mopalen Ambassador. "Both we AND our escort will follow your commands."

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