《the hero, the villain,and the profiteer》cha10


[yami]well, i have been quite devil may care with the spending,...im kinda broke now.

[tink]well thats why we have traps and monsters

[yami]yeah, ones with the libido of chimpanzees.

[tink]isn't that a plus?

[yami]not when they try to fuck ME. one tried to hump my leg after i summoned them.

[tink]well,...thats one of the reasons dungeon masters usualy hole up in one room

[yami]...im gonna shiow them who's boss,..and give them a hoby!.....can i farm them by the way?

[tink]farm?.....like cattle,...there meat isn't pleasent.

[yami]no like, get points from killing there offspring.

[tink]thats moraly desgusting,....but..feasable....just not that lucrative..5 points in 5 points out.

[yami]..lets see, the gestation takes week to 2 weeks and maturaty after another.the standard load is one at a time..so..yeah, thats like 50 every 2 weeks...i see you point....better to just let them breed with each other for now.....but i digress, how would you think they'ed react to?..well, one of them being impaled on a pole like a fucking corndog, as an example.

[tink] an example for me,or them?


depend on how much authoraty you emit...like:..show that you're their god, or somthing.

[yami].....my mind go's a mile a second somtimes;....(looks up there stats).....good,..

(teleports to the goblins)


(he's in the center of what kinda looks like an a small semi-permanint encampment, surounded by little green-snagletoothed people)

[yami]...why are you sexy?..sorry,..why are you lot not disgustiong looking?..you look like.. short green people...i was expecting slobering little apes.

(the most dercorated one comes up to him and says somthing)!?ereh emoc uoy did yhw dna ,uoy eta ohw ,yenolab fo ecils a htiw rehtom ruoy knaps I

[yami]...(southern acsent) don't you sass me, boy.


[the chief] ?UOY ,ERA OHW ,noitseuq ym rewsna t'nseod taht

[yami](southern acsent) I AM YOUR LOReD!(makes it look like the cosmos is swerling around his hands in the air with illusion)now make me a sandwitch OUT OF BABIES!

[goblin leader]!gnizama si ti ,taht gniod uoy woh ?lleh eht

[one of the females to him].rood eht dnoyeb sevil taht eno eht s'eh kniht I (they bow alittle) [yami]good,...now..STOP HAVING SOO MUCH SEX, I CAN HEAR EVERYTHING WHEN YOU DO IT! [chief]pu srebmun ruo gnirb ot deen fo dnik ew ,seibab ruo gnitae sflow eht dna ,oga syad wefa emac taht snamuh owt eht neewteb ,ssenlufhtols ruoy ,tub [yami]...SPEAK ENGLISH! (they clamor) (one of them).ihih...xes etisoppo eht htiw no ti tog reven eh ssug I (yami tosses a scaple so hard it inbeds in the one who said that's skull) i can detect back-sass, regardless, of language! [the chief]...we...need...many...fight. [yami]..well...do it quieter..here(places his hand on the chieff's forehead)[bestow: medical knoledge] [chief](to his people).oot gnisselb sih teg uoy tseggus I....meht miam tub ,meht llik ot ton dna ..,tsekciuq eht meht llik ot namuh a ta ekirts ot erehw dna....selamef "etanimesni yllaicifitra" ot woh wonk I won..,llew...!… [chief].gnorw gniod neeb ev'ew tahw wonk osla I ,reteiuq ti od ot su stnaw tsuj nam yzarc eht ,yako s'ti [yami](hand him a long thick syring made of glass, and iron) this is or you guys. [chief] nopew gnibats taerg a ekam lliw siht ,skaht hu ho (they gather around him in seeming revilation)

[yami]yes, gather round your god...yeeesss.

[aquired: mind magic]

[yami]...sweeaaat, 2 levels becouse of a group....(he stops the effect)...now to begin the making of my 'temp' worker!

[bestow skill: medical knoledge: all within 5-feet]

......(pullls the scapel out out the one's eye and slashes there throat at the larynx)


(he poofs in)

[yami]im baaaaack!

(she was sipping one of the wine bottles)


[yami]next level baby!

[tink].....(run-flys away)

haha, lets see

mind magic [lv1 panic(single) ,lv3 memory rewrite, lv4 knolege bestow,panic (group)lv6, lv7 memory bestow, lv9 mind rewrite ]

....she dousn't seem to have a phisical heart, so im gonna use somthing i know douse(makes rabbit)....panic.

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