《the hero, the villain,and the profiteer》ch11a


(when killing the 5th rabit, through cousing a heart atack, the ground rumbles).....what the bitch?

(tink flys to him in a hurry) WE'VE GOTTA PROBLEM!




(as there talking a group of people flood the dungeon, like wall to wall in the first few rooms)

[yami](panics)tits, titstits,tits,tits!..(stops to think).....okay...i have 20 rooms....whitch i should of used the mana on more monsters!AAARRGE!

[tink]20 is the limit for the 1st floor by the way.

[yami](leers at her)......can i direct my forces?

[tink]forces?!..hmhnHN, ...yes,....indirectly..if we survive this, you'll get to see people's sins..

[yami]OH, LOVELY!,....what?

[tink].it's a thing that dms get soon after they begin life.

[yami]....neat........but that dousn't help right now!...(calms)..okay....okay.........wit will win the day.....so,..how do i give orders?

well, it'll take mana, but only per second.

[yami]....great, like a phone company.

tink]..it differs from dm to dm, and how manny recipiants,...it will manefest as a ghostly object, just, think of wanting to talk to somone away, and it will apear.

[yami]..okay....(a ghostly megaphone apears in his hand)...cool.

[COMAND recipiant: goblins/ wolves: HIDE! if enemy is less than you: ambush, else: run, lead to traps]

[illusion: all: concept: adventurer/ trustworthy]

(he teleports to outside the entrance)....(blends in the crowd)

[abilaty steal: holy magic, staff proiciency:35%, keen eye, bow proficiency15%, axe proficiency 27%, music proficiency[violin] 57% enamy locate](and touches many of them)

[yami]..{stooges...these are all weaklings, compaired to that guy given the wide birth, he will be the main obsical, probibly was sent to be my slave warden..well, the tables might be turned quite soon}

(a non-discript adventurer ushes to the leader's sie, to stop him falling into a hole, grabing his shoulder)


[abilaty snatch: tough skin[toggle],intimidation[toggle], crossbow proficiency36%, mace proficiency87% ]

[man]"the hell, you fucking philistine!"(shoves the disguised yami to the floor) this suit is mean to intimidate, your hand might smuge it, compromising the effect on the new resourse.

[yami] {..dude's job is listed as "Oprichnik"...weird name,..whatever it means; sounds like it would of been bad for me...good thing he's gonna be maimed soon soon; that wasn't mud i sat on}

[COMAND {adendum} recipiant: goblins/ wolves: maim big guy, no kill.]

[5 dead, 137mana aquired,..and it's cheating, but im gonna alow you to summon monsters in unihabided rooms right now, becouse franklly,..they're already cheating as is, and im sick and tired of them DOING THIS AND OMYGODISITANOYINGAGRAGRAGLE....they pulled this at the last 50 new ones before you, SINGLE LEVEL ONES....NOW SLAVES,....sorry,..im just...so upset...about this.]

[yami]...wow....{bonus for me,..but...damb,...}

(he slips out of the crowd and filled the rooms leading to his room, with 5 "mad art"s a room, tries to set up traps, but can't right now becouse of an error measage involving max capasity exceeding, disrupting fine mana structures, so he put down a bophomet at the end, draining a whole 70 mana alone)

(the croud splits into 3 groups of 70 when the reach the center on the comand of the big guy)

{...they're all level 1 to 3,...exept him, so the gain from them is neglagible, i got soo much from the theives becouse there levels were higher,....and older, some are children.}

[37 dead 137 mana]

[yami]corection, WAS children.

[COMAND: adendum: to goblins: if your size, capture alive, there useless as-is.]

[yami].....OH GOD,....im an idiot!

(the big guy knotices him)

[man]HEY!,...who are you!? identify yourself!


[yami]...(turns slowly to face him)..your worst nightmare,..a DM with power besides dungeons!

(activates illusion on him, making him see and feel snakes under his skin)

[yami]..ahhh your screams are music to me.

(pulls the man's mace out of it's holster)

NOW SHUT UP!(clonks him, knocking him out)

(some "adveturers" hear the comotion and return to see a lanky tall figure standing over the colapsed form of there leader, holding a bloodied mace)

......(he turns his head towards them, his eyes almost glowing white).......

[illusion:all: concept: horror ]


(the 1/5 that returned, run out of the place screaming)

..........[set: trap: overgrowth trap](a magic circle apears at tthe area specified, it it fades alittle to the point it's hard tto see)

...(sticks his "new freind's" legs over it, and the leg flesh gains growths to the point of dibilitating levels, resembling elephantiasis)

[yami]excelent....now to deal with the others still in here.

(teleports to his room and drops the man)

prep the subject for the interogation, i'lle be back.

(teleports to the center)

[yami]..lets have some fun.

(grins a devilish grin, and holds up a mace)

(begins brutaly maiming the uncaptured and scaired level 1-3 group while singing "boom boom pow"..all 5.)

(at the end)


......i love my job.

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