《Isekai Zombie》The Greatest King


Seth was revived by his unique Skill, which shocked Jaka.

And now becoming Zombie King gave him 3 benifits.

He can now use 'Kings Ordeal' on other Zombie class monsters,

He was now able to use 'Mana Sync' which help him use aura and link object with his mana.

Finally he unlocked passive skill 'Royal Blessing' which gives king class monster 50 times stats boost.

Finally all the training I did paid of 'relieved Seth with a gentle smile.

3 months ago,

I have increased my magic level to the maximum cap 'thought Seth.

I cannot defeat the dungeon boss in a head on fight even if I train to extreme, I have to use my brain in it. only a skill that can devour even attacks can be my best defense and offence 'deduced Seth.

Then Seth exausted himself by using his Special Skill 'Devour' in the remaining 3 months till the skill reached it's cap.

Present day,

I knew this 'Survivor' skill will be my best trump card and all my stats are restored too 'theorised Seth.

Jaka after launched so much powerful attack was exausted a bit, but before he could rest he was in shock of miraculous revival of mere Zombie monster.

Who...rather What are you, you can't be just a monster in a dungeon. 'questioned Jaka with great curiosity.

You are right bird I'm not just your typical Zombie, I'm a human ....NO! I was a human 'answered Seth.

Hahaha you Skull Face you sure are amusing, your story must be amusing too, why don't you tell me about it 'requested Jaka gently.

Although Seth was here to kill the dungeon boss, but to him, who was never treated kindly and never had any friends in his life, a monster who is showing interest in his story was rather surprising and pleasent.

This caught somewhat him off the guard.


Don't worry I want to listen your story so I won't harm you. 'assured Jaka.

Jaka continuously requested Seth to tell him his story until Seth was convinced of his request.

Fine I will tell you how I became a monster for once I was a human 'replied Seth annoyed of Jaka's continuous demands.

Seth then started his story telling.

He told Jaka how he was mistreated by his class and one day how they all were transported to another world.

He then told him how all his classmates selfishly sacrificed for their benefits on the order of the goddess.

He also told his story of his survival in this dungeon.

As Seth was telling his story he felt a strange pleasent feeling in his heart.

Hmmmm, so you were dragged into this world by those shitty humans 'blamed Jaka.

What do you mean by humans wasn't it the goddess who summoned us 'questioned Seth.

No no, it's the largest kingdom of this continent, Maxim Empire, who prays the goddess and summons the heroes. They are most selfish people who summoned your classmates to overwhelm the Demon kingdom and other races who don't worship goddess Rhea 'explained Jaka.

Seth was surprised by the truth Jaka revealed.

But how do you know all about this 'inquired Seth.

To this question Jaka laughed uncontrollably.

I was also betrayed by those humans whom I once helped in the demons invasions. 'answered Jaka still laughing.

Fine I'll tell you my part of story too since you told me yours.

Jaka started his story.

I was a high class demon not a puny middle class like I'm now.

I was the leader of Night Storm Demon clan. They used to call me 'Wings of Terror' . Whenever we soared in the sky people trembled in fear of our might. I was direct subordinate of 9th and the strongest Demon Lord ,out of 14 Demon Lords, Lord Creed. He was most generous out of all the demons who also allowed humans and monsters to stay peacefully in his kingdom. Be even let them worship in church. Although many demons were against it but Lord Creed wanted harmony and peace in his land. Even I was influenced by his love for humans and I used to give rides to human children, their innocent faces were blessings for me.


Although Lord Creed was gentle but the same was not the case for other Demon Lords. They were after spreading despair and destruction among humans.

So they once called a summit for alliance to form a demon empire to overwhelm other races and enslave all the monsters to become the strongest in all the races.

But Lord Creed who wanted harmony among all races didn't approved of this decision.

All the demon Lords angered by this combined their forces and formed The Demon Empire.

All of us knew that we could be targeted anytime by the Demon Empire, but Lord Creed was our hope and he assured the harmony in his kingdom. People were blessed to have such a King even the humans daily use to brought the best wine and foods to offer to their king.

All over the world where there was war and despair among kingdoms, ours was the only to have such peaceful times and we even welcomed people to enjoy our kingdoms delicacies and enjoy our peaceful land. Our kingdom was a centre of envy to many kingdoms.

But peace and happiness are not eternal, do just as we were all enjoying these peaceful days, bad news arrived for us.

The Demon Empire, which became a lot stronger now than before, announced a war against Creed kingdom.

People were in fear of the upcoming war, but my lord stepped up and announced,

As long as I'm alive I will not let a single person of my kingdom, I assure you on the name of Demon Lord Creed 'proclaimed Creed.

At that time people were seeing a being even more potent than the God before them.

My Lord then decided to have a talk with all the demon Lords.

My Lord you should not go alone there please let me accompany you 'requested Jaka.

Are you doubting my strength Jaka 'asked Creed.

No my Lord I know your strength it's just that I'm worried about you 'confessed Jaka.

Don't worry I will be alright and I want my loyal general to protect my kingdom in my absence 'stated Creed.

Then atleast let two of my best soldiers to accompany you 'requested Jaka.

Fine, you win 'agreed Creed with a smile.

I was still worried a bit after that but my Lord also took some humans with him too. When I asked him about why he was taking them along with him, he gently replied that those humans wanted to help because all this problem was because of them and my Lord was impressed of their loyalty.

Although I wanted to stop them but I didn't wanted to question my lord's decision.

My lord then went for the summit.

They didn't returned even after 10 days, I formed a search party to look for them but then the human who tagged along my lord arrived to palace, his clothes were tattered, one eye was damaged and all of his body was soaked in blood.

What happened to you and where is Lord Creed 'inquired Jaka.

Lord Creed... Lord Creed....., It was all a trap, those Demon kings laid a trap to target Lord Creed, They tricked us.

LORD CREED IS DEAD!! 'exclaimed the human.

THE GREATEST KING, Lord Creed was no more......

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