《Isekai Zombie》His Name Is Creed


Just as the kingdom learned about Lord Creed's death all of them trembled in fear.

The humans started fleeing from the kingdom for their lives.

But I wanted to protect the kingdom as this was the last promise my king asked me of.

I was standing in front of all people,

Our king who wanted to unite all the races as one kingdom passed away, even in the end he was true to his belief, and look at you cowards you are fleeing from the enemy who backstabbed our Lord, how can I forgive those bastards. You people have your hearts turned to stone, you are running with your tails between your legs.

Are you gonna live as cowards afraid to be hunted down or die with honour for our Lord, Choose!! I somehow managed to boost the morale of the people.

We gathere an army to battle the combined force of the Demon Empire.

The battle started me and my clan were charging from the sky and overwhelming the enemy, but the enemy force was too large, we planned to retreat and launch a surprise attack on the enemy. But we weren't aware that there was enemy among us, some humans launched shells of explosives onto us which were filled with holy water, which is extremely poisonous for us demons, it corrodes the soul of a demon.

After the betrayel we were unable to recover from the damage dealt to us, our complete army was wiped out within 2 day.

Those bastards slaughtered my whole clan only I was spared and held captive by them.

Then Biju, 1st Demon Lord, approached me, Jaka you are one of the most strongest demons, you can even go toe to toe with some of the Demon Lords.

I would like to spare you and make you the 13th Demon Lord if you join us and tell us whereabouts of Creed.

What Lord Creed is alive!!! I excalimed with joy, my happiness knew no bound that time.

Oh, bird don't you know your Dear Lord ran for his life even after he was poisoned by the most pure holy water 'told Aura, 5th Demon Lord.


You cowards! You call yourselves Demon Lord even when you poison someone who was there to meet you, I would never join people like you.

You damn bird do you know who are standing before you.

Just as Aura was beating Jaka, Biju interrupted them.

Wait Aura, .....Jaka do you know why was Creed not able to survive but also fought with us?

Creed was a Half Demon and Half Human. He was a Hybrid.

**Hybrids have a body and looks just like a demon but they have strength of that of a human. Mostly hybrids die before they are born but if some of them managed to be alive at their birth, they either die of weak body or are killed by humans or demons. Hybrids were outcasts who were left to die**

Now let me tell you how Lord Creed became a Demon Lord.

100 yrs ago lord Creed's kingdom was only a small village at the borders of human civilization, monsters used to attack there and looted their food and women.

The villagers then hired a female adventurer, Silvy, she was beautiful and kind to the villagers and was very strong, every time the village was attacked by the monsters she would save them and fend off the monsters but she never killed them, Although the villagers were against to let the monsters live, but she avoided these provocations because to her monsters were also a living beings who should be given another chance to live.

Then one day when the monsters arrived they were accompanied by a humanoid monster with horns, he was a high class demon, Naka. The monsters were following his orders all along.

So you are the woman challenging my servants 'arrongantly asked Naka.

Yes it's me and I demand you to leave these villagers and the monsters alone and return to where you came from or else... 'challenged Silvy.

Or else what? Do you think you can defeat me human, HAHAHA..'laughed Naka.

Silvy who was angry over the deeds of Naka, attacked him first, Naka who was confident of his strength was completely shocked by Silvy's skills, he was overwhelmed by her wind magic.


Damn it, she's is much stronger than I thought, I can't defeat her in a head on battle, guess I have to use my trump card.

Oi woman stop right there, if you don't then all these hostages are gonna be headless soon.

To Silvy's shock there were several kids held hostage by Naka.

To save them Silvy quickly surrendered herself.

Now I like it, you are quite a strong woman, breaking you will be quite fun.

Silvy was dragged to Naka's lair, where she was prisoned by him, she was tortured by him regularly not only that she was also raped by him regularly, but Silvy remained bold till the end.

After 9 months she gave birth to a female child, she was disgusted at the fact that she was impregnated by a demon. She became very weak after giving birth , then one day Naka brought her child in front of her and killed her child in front her. She grew furious due to this act of his and in her rage she slashed his throat and then smashed his head with his own weapon till there was no sign of life left in him.

Soon after she fainted, when she woke up she found herself in sleeping in a warm bed and one of the monster was healing her.

Ahh you are awakened Miss, thank goodness you are alright.

Silvy was surprised and pleased to see those whom she spared were taking care of her.

Thank you Miss for sparing us lizardmen that day, now we are free from the clutches of that wicked demon.

Oh no need to thank me, you all need to live freely too, by the way what happened to me.

Oh Miss you are expecting a child.

Silvy was devastated to hear about pregnancy.

Miss if you ask me you should abort this wicked hybrid child of that scum Demon Naka.

Silvy who cherished every life didn't wanted the innocent child to die.

Miss even if you want him to live a hybrid cannot survive the outside world, he will be a still birth.

But I want him to live, 'cried Silvy.

The lizardmen then suggested her to ask humans to help her for safe parturition because they have better chance at it.

She then went onto her village to look for help, she was excited to meet all the villagers after so much days, and how happy would the villagers be to see her.

But it was all in her dreams just soon as she arrived all the villagers were disgusted to see her, she was confused why she was outcastes by them.

What happened why are you all acting like this.

You had a sex with that demon and now you are bringing that disgusting result of your sex in our village, get out here and take this curse with you.

Without having any support or chance to prove herself, in the end she was rejected by the same people whom she protected with her life on line.

But she was determined to give birth to an alive child.

She then returned to lizardmen again.

Miss if you keep going like this your life will also be in danger.

I don't care as long as my child lives, listen my child I will make sure that you live no matter what even it cost my life.

After few months Silvy gave birth to healthy boy, although it was too late for Silvy, she was on her last breath.

Miss your son is healthy and alive please give a name to him.

My son become a great and strong person, love every single life in this world so that everyone will feel safe around, You are going to unify every race in this world.

For that HIS NAME IS "CREED". Live on my son.

With that Silvy breathed her last breath.

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