《Isekai Zombie》Survivor


After defeating the orcs, Seth was now focused on challenging the dungeon boss.

Well now that I'm a Leader Zombie. I think it will be hard to level up to Zombie King even though I'm halfway through the evolution 'deduced Seth relaxing himself.

Hmm, what could be the dungeon boss of this dungeon 'wondered Seth.

Without taking any rest Seth started preparing for his upcoming challenge to defeat the dungeon boss.

It took him six months to be ready to challenge the dungeon boss.

He then walked down the floors of the dungeon till he reached the lowest floor of dungeon.

Oh, I can feel the chills of a super strong enemy now that I'm on lowest floor 'thought Seth.

Soon he was in front of a large black door with marking on it, it was enterance to the boss room.

With a resolve in his mind he carefully opened the door.

The boss room was filled with miasma and aura of the dungeon boss, his instincts were once again warning him of an immensely strong enemy.

He then carefully move forward, there he saw an enormous black Bird with gigantic black wings and bloody red eyes, it was the dungeon boss, night storm demon.

Who dares do disturb the slumber of Mighty Jaka, the strongest of all night storm demons 'roared Jaka in a terrifying voice.

Damn it, this monster is definitely a bad news and I don't think he can be defeated with my current strength and what the hell is with these 2 HP bars 'mumbled Seth in a worried manner.

You puny monster how dare you enter my room knowing that I reside here, are you tired of living now 'inquired Jaka while oppressing Seth.

No No! great Jaka I'm not here to provide you a good and very long slumber, an infinite one. 'taunted Seth with a smirk on his face.


Hooo! You think you can defeat me 'asked Jaka in a sarcastic way.

Well that's why I came here afterall 'replied Seth while making fun of Jaka.

Well then let's see who will win 'replied both of them in a sync.

With any further effort of talking both of them steadied and got ready for their battle.

It was showdown.

Jaka soon flapped his wings that produced a strong gust.Seth although put on a thick stone shield but he was still blown away to the wall.

That guy is just toying with me 'groaned Seth.

Then Seth using his Earth Magic sent a barrage of stone spears onto Jaka.Jaka deflected them with only a flap of his wing, but there was no sign of Seth.

Now let me give you a home run hit 'exclaimed Seth.

That Skeleton threw those stones to distract me 'thought Jaka while avoiding Seth's attack .

Before Jaka could avoid the attack it hit the mark.

High tier Earth Magic: Lion Rush 'shouted Seth in a hyped voice.

Although Jaka avoided most of the attack but his left wing got injured.

Hehe, finally caught you in my trap 'schemed Seth in his mind.

I have to reduce the use of my left wing till it recover 'thought Jaka.

Just as Jaka was about to set foot on the ground, Seth activated another spell.

Did you thought I will let you heal your wing, High Tier Earth Magic: Hellhole 'commented Seth while activating the spell.

Now you have to use your wings or else you will fall in the mouth of your death 'teased Seth.

Jaka was in difficult situation, he was in a bind whether to land or fly.

Damn it I have to do something about my wing or I'll be at a disadvantage 'thought Jaka worrying about his situation.

Without giving any time time to rest, Seth launched another barrage of rock spears attack, but Jaka swiftly avoided the attack.


Let's see how long you will avoid my attacks, after all I spent these 6 months just to hone my magic skills and increase my mana reserve, I have pretty much fuel to go 'stated Seth with a confident face.

You puny skeleton do you think you can defeat me the mighty Jaka, I will make you pay for this 'yelled Jaka.

Now it's my turn to attack, mid tier wind magic: feather storm, now you try to avoid my attack you pest 'shouted Jaka.

Heh, we will see about that 'replied Seth with a smug face.

He then created a shield of stone and blocked the attack.

Although I blocked the attack but it was still powerful enough to do some damage through my defense, he is the dungeon boss for nothing.'complained Seth to himself.

I should decieve him to land a hit on him 'schemed Seth.

He then launched a barrage of spears again but secretly launched hundreds of stone daggers from above and earth pillars from below.

Huh, you think you can stop me just by using multiple attacks 'taunted Jaka while evading, with his wing, the attacks from above and below and he stopped the daggers using feather Storm.

Hehe, I knew you would evade towards the side which have the unscathed wing, do you think I haven't prepared anything for that 'commented Seth.

Just as Jaka was evading the attacks, a large boulder smashed his head just as it was planned by Seth. The boulder gave a heavy blow to the flying monster.

It was now clear to Jaka that Seth was no ordinary Leader zombie as it was far more superior to him in terms of wits.

Jaka now, dealt with a heavy blow by a weaker monster, felt humiliated.

He was now furious. I admit you are no ordinary monster and I can't kill you untill I take you on seriously 'stated Jaka while showing admiration for Seth.

Fine then from now on I will battle you with all my strength and to put an end to this with my best attack 'announced Jaka while challenging Seth.

Seth now tensed, gathered his all strength to face Jaka's attack.

Here take this!!! High Tier Wind Magic: Stormblast 'roared Jaka while launching the attack.

Fine I will take on your attack, High Tier Earth Magic: Shield of Vajra 'replied Seth while preparing for the attack.

As the attack hit Seth was pushed back by the thrust of it, it was well acknowledged to Seth that he cannot stop the attack at his current level. The attack destroyed his shield and now that it was going to hit him he activated another skill, Devour 'yelled Seth.

He was desperately trying to absorb the attack.

System Notice: due to absorbing a high level magic spell your mana reserve has increased enormously and your magic stat has increased.

You have unlocked another magic element : Wind.

Now you can use wind magic.

You have now enough exp point to evolve.

...... evolving......

Congratulations you have evolved into peak form of skeleton zombie, ZOMBIE KING.

Just as Seth was about to celebrate Jaka launched another attack before Seth could have reacted. It was a critical hit to him.

System Warning: your HP is ZERO.

Haha now you know the results of offending me 'laughed of Jaka on the death of Seth.

It was the second time he DIED. To Jaka's surprise, he was smiling in his final moments.

System Notice : Unique Skill 'SURVIVOR' activated, reviving the host!!!!

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