《Isekai Zombie》Always Alone


Seth who was an advanced zombie now, started searching for goblins colony, because he new that at this level he can handle goblins rater than the orcs.

After travelling further down in the dungeon Seth found a colony of around 1000 goblins.

Well then let's begin 'thought Seth with a confident smile.

He used earth Magic to use the same tricks to trap the goblins in pits, and the he used the special bombs he created from slime fluid .

He bombarded the complete area.

Look at these fireworks, aren't they beautiful 'stated Seth proudly.

Whole area was flattened and the remaining goblins were barely alive.

It was a feast for Seth who annihilated the goblins with such ease.And he then shot down the remaining alive goblins with his sharpened rocks.

Well that was easy , now system give me my upgrades 'demanded Seth.

System Notice: you have killed 992 goblins.

Congratulations you can now evolve into Leader Zombie

..... evolving......

Congratulations you are a leader zombie now.

Unique Skill : 'Agility' and 'Strategiest' are unlocked now, Stamina and Intelligence are now 20 times the original stats.

Good now I have covered my weakness of speed and mana in a single evolution.

With all the upgrades higher-middle class monster which was obviously stronger than an orc.

Now his eyes were on the orc colony which was his final trial to challenge the dungeon boss.

After all his preperation for about a month Seth move onto target the orcs.

Unlike the goblins, orc were more civilized and had a sense of unity among them.

So they even mourned their dead ones.

After a long time when the leader class orc didn't returned, he was considered dead by his peers .

I feel sorry for Bak's death 'sympathized Pina while patting head of Bak's wife, Dent.

No, my husband was a brave person and he knew that if want to challenge the dungeon boss he will face his demise 'replied Dent.


Mama, daddy won't be playing with Keth anymore 'inquired Bak's daughter with watery eyes.

Don't worry child your dad has went to serve our great goddess Echidna, so that we can live a good life 'assured Dent.

Just as the funeral was going on a sudden explosion went off in the outskirts of their colony.

Everybody on alert, we have a strong enemy to face 'notified the gatekeeper.

Every single orc was assembled at the centre.

Who is our enemy 'inquired Dent.

It's only a single Advanced Zombie 'told the gatekeeper .

What only a single zombie dare to mess my husband's funeral 'yelled Dent angrily.

My people let's destroy that zombie who dare to disturb our peace 'proclaimed Dent.

Everybody gathered all their weapons to face the zombie.

My my! all the pigs gathered at one place just as I planned 'commented Seth.

High tier Earth Magic : Hellhole activate 'enchanted Seth targeting the orcs.

Before the orcs could react a large pit was opened below the orcs and all the orcs were pierced by razor sharp spears present in the pit. Many of the orcs died on the spot.

That's High tier spell for ya! 'snickered Seth.

Who are you 'roared Dent who was able to save herself and her daughter from the spell.

Oh! Some of you evaded my attack huh, well I already accounted for that ' commented Seth.

We never interfered into your territory so why did you attack us out of nowhere 'questioned Dent.

Because you guys are my exp treasure so all of you have to die 'answered Seth with an arrogant face.

So you killed my people just because you wanted exp 'replied Dent , How dare you treat us like your playthings, I will destroy you 'yelled Dent.

Dent's rage was out of bounds she charged towards Seth with unbelievable speed.


Well I accept your challenge Ugly! 'taunted Seth.

While both confronted each other, Dent was overwhelming Seth with sheer power.

Damn it her punches pack some real power, she is more powerful than the leader orc. I have to stop her somehow or else I'll be the one to be flattened on the ground 'thought Seth in his mind.

Seth then came up with an idea. He drew his sword and targeted Dent's heart, just as he was about to land a hit , Dent caught his hand.

Haha got ya , Ugly 'commented Seth with smirk on his face.

He then sticked a ball like thing on near her neck and jumped backwards.

Now for the final touches, Boom 'spoke Seth.

The ball was filled with multiple sharp shards of the rocks and slime fluid.

What have you done to me 'groaned Dent in a breaking voice.

Oh the shards penetrated your respiratory system after the explosion, now even if you regenerate the shards will be stuck in your body, you are completely unable to fight now, you will soon get out of breath 'explained Seth

Dent was rendered so much weak that it was difficult for her to stand.

But Seth without wasting a minute launched barrage of punches on her.

You are selfish monster, but for what u did today you will never be happy and you will die a horrific death with nobody to mourn your death. 'cursed Dent gritting her teeths.

Haha, I have already faced that horrible death you say off 'interrupted Seth.

What are you saying 'questioned Dent.

I was ALWAYS ALONE, all those bastards laughing on my death like I was just a toy for them, my body burned and there wasn't even a shred of soul left of mine, you think your curse will do anything to me Huh!! 'roared Seth with a sinister look on his face.

Dent was opressed by his pressure and every inch of her body was trembling in fear.

I will destroy you all no, this whole world 'stated enraged Seth.

Pls don't do this, atleast spare the children 'begged Dent.

All of you are my exp, make me strong. Now say goodbye you pigs, DEVOUR!!! 'spoke Seth while absorbing weakened Dent till nothing was left of her.

Huh! She was a total nuisance and now let's hunt down the remaining ones. 'thought Seth with an exhausted look.

He then started devouring the remaining orcs without sparing even children.

He then hear some hustling in a cottage, he approached the cottage where he found a child of an orc sobbing in corner.

Hello little child what's your name and why are you crying 'asked Seth in a sweet manner.

Pls don't kill Keth, I won't cry from now on 'urged Keth.

No no I won't hurt you dear, come here 'replied Seth.

Uncle pls take me to my mother I won't tell anyone what happened 'begged Keth with an innocent face.

Ok I will take you to your mother , come here 'asked Seth with a sweet voice.

As Keth approached, Seth hugged her and gave a big smile.

As I promised I will take you to your mother....... DEVOUR!!! 'yelled Seth with a pleasured look on his face.

Seth killed the innocent child in an instant.

This was the moment when Seth felt that he has not a single shred of humanity left in him now.

He was now a murderer who massacred innocent people.

He was now a complete Monster! .

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